• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 136 Views, 0 Comments

A Ghost And A Commander - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Terra Spark watches as her commander brings hope to the people and others

  • ...

Never Forget

It's been few days since the Changelings invaded the planet. We're currently on the battlecruiser, Loyalty, as we're finally pulling out of the planet orbit and leaving this solar system. I'm sitting in the hallway with my men, it wasn't a easy battle and we did lost few good men and women. I looked at the object in my hands, but suddenly I could feel her near like always. I look around and spot Terra, alone and in a corner, as she watches me.

"You alright?"

She looks away from me and disappears into the shadows. Just like a ghost. I stand up and order my men to head to the bar, they earn it.

"Commander! Where are you going?"

"Just on a ghost hunt."

They laugh at that, but I ignore it and head to the elevator, I think I see her entering it. I enter the elevator and head to the floor below. I get out and head towards the observation deck, where the large windows show the space beyond, the stars, the planets and the empty void of space. I think I see her in the reflection, so I turn around but nothing.


I look around, but nothing. I head over to the windows, where I look at the vastness of space. It's beautiful and peaceful, it's also terrifying, because you know how vast it really is, and you know that you're all alone in this universe, with no one to help you, except for those that you trust.

"You okay, darling? Speak to me."

I think I hear her voice behind me, but when I turn around, she's not there.


I feel her presence again, I look at the reflection and see her again, but once more, she's not there, and yet I feel her, so she has to be close.

"Terra...please speak to me. Are you okay?"

I sigh, knowing that she doesn't want to talk.

"Okay. If you need me, then come find me, okay? You can always come and speak to me, about anything. Alright?"

I hear her whisper a word, "follow" which makes me smile, knowing that she's close, and that she'll talk to me, when she's ready. I head down the hall as I follow her footsteps and enter the barrack area of the ship. The troops are celebrating their victory, while mourning the loss of their fallen brothers and sisters. They'll be missed, but their deaths won't be in vain, as we're getting more and more people to safety, and keeping them safe.


I see Delta platoon commanding officer, as she salute me, soon the others follow suit, and I salute them back.


"Delta platoon, how's everyone doing?"

"We're all doing fine, sir. Glad to have made it through this one."

"Me too. Your men and women did great out there. I'm proud of you all."

"Thank you, sir."

"You earned a rest, so relax."

"Thank you, sir. What about you?"

"Well, I'm got to be somewhere right now."

"Good, and good luck with Terra."

They all laugh, but I smile and nod.

"Take care."

I leave them to celebrate, as I followed the footsteps of a ghost.

"Terra. Where are you taking me?"

I walk down the halls for hours, until I reach the sick bay.

"Terra? What are we doing here?"

I soon hear someone call me.

"Commander Rainbow!"

I turn to see Medic core units of our army, as they're bringing in sick people who we saved, to soldiers who are badly hurt, and are being tended to by them. One of the medic, still wearing her white power armor, walked over to me.


"How can we help, sir?"

"You've done enough, as always. You did great out there. Good job, and tell the others I'm proud of them. They're doing good work."

"Thank you, sir. Will do."

Soon, I could see some of the hurt troops, as they try to stand and salute me. I quickly ordered them to stay in their beds, as they're hurt.

"Please, just lay down. Don't strain yourselves."

"Thank you, sir. We're proud to serve."

"I know you are. And you should be, you've earned your rest."

"Thank you, sir. We won't let you down again!"

"You never let me down, you did good out there, so please, rest. I don't want to lose anymore good soldiers, as you're all worth saving. So, rest up, and get better."

They start to cry, which makes me smile, as they're happy. I'm glad that I'm able to keep hope alive.

"Thank you, Commander!"

"You're welcome."

"I'm glad that I'm still alive, to have seen you."

"It's a pleasure. But you have to rest."

"Sorry, sir. We'll do better next time."

"You've always did your best, and that's all I can ask for."

They nod, as I wave goodbye and walk away but the people we saved, hurry over to me and hug me. I hug them back, before telling them to go to the mess hall and get some food after they get check out from our medics.

"We're grateful, Commander."

"You don't have to thank me, I'm just doing what's right."

"Thank you, anyways."

"Your welcome. Now go eat, you'll need your strength."

"Yes, sir."

I watch as they go over to the hurt soldiers and thank them too. I smile, as we did good today, and will continue to do good. I head down the hallway and see the shadow again.

"Where to next, darling?"

I follow the footsteps, and enter the cargo bay, where our ships and tanks are being stored, before being put in their proper place. The cargo bay is huge, and I'm impressed. I can see the ships and vehicles are all being tended to, and the techs are working hard.


"Supreme technician."

"What are you doing down here, sir?"

"I'm following the footsteps of a ghost."

"Ah, yes. The ghost is here, right? Can't you see her?"

"No. I can't. I know she's here, but I can't see her."

"She's a smart one, sir. Smart and quiet. Like the others."

He points to a huge empty area in the corner, where the ghost unit are, they're cloaked, and the only thing you can see, are cans of water and some food.

"Thank you, Supreme Technician. And thank you for your service, the techs and the soldiers did well today."

"Thank you, sir. Good job, everyone! Our Commander is proud of us!"

"You did great! Thanks, boss!"

"We got a lot of work to do! Let's not stop now! Thank you, sir."

"Your welcome. Keep up the good work."

I walked away and headed to the empty spot in the corner and could see the cans being drop or push over, so I can hear whispers from the Ghost squad unit. Terra commander this unit but going by their whispers, she not here with them.

"Hello, is Terra around?"

Soon, fourteen soldiers, wearing light armor sneaking suits, appeared for before me. Their bodies are covered with a grey and white camo suit, while their faces are hidden by their face mask. Some have different colors on their arm and shoulders. I know they're female, as I can hear their voices, and their armor are shaped for their gender. One, with long purple hair, lower her face mask, revealing her white skin. She had a horn like the others, even like Terra. It's how they can use their psychic powers at all.

"She's not here, sweetie."

"Where is she, Rare?"

"She's with her favorite person."

The ghost unit laugh, as they know about my relationship with Terra.

"I know you're not trying to tease her."

"Nope. It's just the truth. She's been a bit happier lately, thanks to you. What did you tell her back on the planet? Did you pop the question?"

"What question?"

"You know...that question."

"Oh, the 'will you marry me' question?"

"Yeah, that one. So, did you?"


Rare and the others sigh when they heard my answer, as I look at her confused.

"You should ask her, when the time is right. You'll know when, I believe in you."


"No problem sweetie."

We all suddenly felt Terra's presence, but it was anger and could see Rare trying to talk her way out of running 100 laps around the ship. She failed, as her and rest of the unit started to run but Rare turned to me and thank me. Thank me for treating them like normal people. Ghost are seen as unholy human beings and treated badly.

"Thank you for not being a monster, and not treating us like trash. Thank you for treating her like a person, and not a freak. She's very lucky to have found a good soul, like yours."

I watched her run, as her words are stuck in my head, "A good soul. That's a new one. Guess I'm not a complete monster."

"You're not a monster."

I turn around and for a split second, I see her entering the elevator before she disappears again. I follow and enter it. The button is press by her, as I'm taken to the finally place she wants me to be. The area I hate seeing. The door open and I can feel her grabbing my hand and pulling me. We enter a long dark hall, as I could hear whispers coming from her.

"You can do this."

I keep walking down the hall. My heart is beating fast, as I fear the worst. I enter a very long and huge room. Many people are lay on the floor, with white blankets covering them. The dead. Their family, friends, brother in arms and loved ones, are surrounding their bodies, and crying. I'm not surprise, as we lost many in the fight, and even more during the escape. I could feel Terra's presence again, as I could see her standing near a body. A small body. It's a child, a little girl. I watch, as she kneel down and softly rubs the girl's head. She's crying, as she's sorry.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

She kept saying those words, but her heart is broken. I kneel down next to her and realize something was in my hand this whole time. A teddy bear. I remember now, the little girl was being dragged away by a Changeling, I tried to save her, but I was too late. She was stabbed in the chest. I killed the fucker and held the poor girl in my arms. Why do I keep seeing good lives wasted!?

"It's my fault."

"No. It's not."

"But it is. I could have saved her, but I failed. If I didn't fail, then maybe, she would still be here."

"Don't do this to yourself. You tried to save her, but the Changelings stopped you."

"And I failed."

"No. You did everything you could."

"I should have been stronger. I should have done more."

"You did. You are stronger! That's why I lead you through the ship. Remind you what you created. What you made. This army, they're here because of you. Without you, they'll be nothing. You are strong. Strong enough to lead, to win, and to protect."


"No buts. You're stronger than anyone. You're not alone in this, remember. I'm here, always and forever. I love you, and I will stand by you, until the end. We all will."
I looked up and could see everyone saluting or praying at me.

"Don't forget, we're here for you. Always. Because we're a family. Remember that. You're our father, our big brother, our hero, our saviour, and our leader. And most importantly, our friend. So, we'll stand by you, no matter what."

"I'll remember."

"Good. Because, the road ahead will be long and difficult, and we'll all be tested, but I know we'll make it, because we're a family."

"We're a family."

"That's right."

I slowly put the teddy bear on the little girl, and cover her up. I pray and say my goodbye. I look at the other families and friends, as I could hear their cries. I couldn't hold it, as tears start to fall from my eyes.


Everyone ran to me and hug me, as they're all crying.

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

"You did everything you could."

"You saved us."

"You gave us a chance."

"You made us a family."

"And we're with you, no matter what."

I could hear those words, as they're all hugging me. I looked at Terra, who smiled at me. That's when I remembered, the reason I keep pushing forward, to keep beating the odds, and why I don't give up. For her, and for the others.

"Thank you, Terra."

I smiled and everyone let me go as Terra walked over to me and I hugged her, she kissed my cheek and held my hand.

"Never lose it again."

I nodded.

"I'm never losing it again. Thank you for reminding me of my strength. I love you."

"I love you too."

I held her hand, and she held mine. As long as we have each other, then we can get through anything.


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