• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 1,662 Views, 11 Comments

A Hypothetical Question - Netap

Defeated and Trapped, Chrysalis asks Tirek a hypothetical question

  • ...

If you had a tiny clone of Sombra?

Several weeks have passed since their defeat, and no escape or path to freedom was seen.

Even Tirek, Was starting to lose hope in this new prison of his.

"If you had a tiny little, Six Inches, Teeny tiny clone of Sombra, would you feel bad about torturing it?"

Tirek would have blinked if he would have been able to, as Queen Chrysalis asked a question so out of pocket it made even him surprised.

"No, 'cause he didn't do anything," Cozy Glow, her body unmoving, answered the Queen's question, surprising Tirek that an actual discussion was happening.

"No he-" Chrysalis wanted to speak but Cozy Glow cut her off.

"Sombra's actions were learned, they were not genetically in him," Cozy explained her train of thought, an image of a clueless and innocent King Sombra floating in her over-imaginative young head.

"No, It's a clone of his brain after he did it," Chrysalis kept talking, ignoring Cozy Glow's answer to the question and trying to get her to see her way of thinking.

"..." Cozy Glow would have looked at Chrysalis with confusion if she could, "But this Sombra didn't do anything,"

"Yes but-" Chrysalis continued the hypothetical.

Tirek kept his mouth shut, content to listen to the two villains talk between themselves.

A Few Moments Later

"IF YOU HAD A CLONE OF SOMBRA! WOULD YOU TORTURE IT?!" Chrysalis yelled at the filly, the volume of her silent voice causing a nearby group of birds to fly away from her statue.

Tirek sighed tiredly as the discussion kept going, "No..."

"Why not just say what if you had a tiny little Sombra?" Cozy Glow asked Chrysalis loudly, Her voice raised in anger at the Changeling Queen.

"Because I-" Chrysalis tried to speak.

"NO! Listen if it's a clone I wouldn't because that pony didn't commit the actions, it's a genetic clone!" Cozy Glow yelled at Chrysalis.

Tirek held his metaphorical head in his metaphorical hands and sighed tiredly "...Oh my Lord..."

"HE DID! HE DID!" Chrysalis quickly returned fire against the filly, her metaphorical horn glowing with metaphorical green magic as she aimed to fire at the young pony.

"IF IT'S A CLONE HE DIDN'T FRICKING DO ANYTHING!" Cozy yelled, Using her Metaphorical Alicorn powers to fight back against Chrysalis, the imaginary battlefield already covered in ash and dust.

Tirek sat down on the nonexistent ground and let the two continue.

"HE DID DO IT!" Chrysalis screamed.

"No, Because he's an identical clone! He didn't do shit! The actual Sombra did it, Chrysalis!" Tirek covered his nonexistent ears with nonexistent hands as Cozy Glow yelled nonexistent words.

"Sombra actually did it, but this Sombra did it in his thought and in his mind," Chrysalis yelled back, cannonballs flying out from the castle she was hiding in, all aiming at the tower of Cozy Glow.

"THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Cozy Glow screamed in exasperation as a shield of magic covered her Tower and deflected the cannonballs back toward Chrysalis, "THE CLONE DIDN'T DO ANY OF IT!"

"He's Still a bastard!" Chrysalis yelled, Pillars of Flame appeared and swallowed the Cannonballs, leaving her castle unharmed. A life-sized doll of King Sombra sat beside her, holes and tears covered it as fluffy white filling dropped out of the plushie. "HE'S STILL A BASTARD AND HE THINKS HE DID IT!" She yelled, her hooves punching another hole into the Sombra plush.

Tirek picked up a stick from the ground and started doodling on the ash.

"CHRYSALIS! YOUR NEIGHBOR COULD BE THINKING THESE THINGS TOO!" Cozy Glow yelled from high up on her tower, a bolt of lightning shooting out towards Chrysalis and her castle down below.

"He's the exact same-" Chrysalis said with a casual chuckle as the bolt of lightning dissipated into the air before it could even hit her castle.

"WHY?!" Cozy Glow was pulling at her hair at this point, "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A CLONE?"

"Because-" Chrysalis bashfully looked away as Cozy Glow kept screaming at her.

"IT'S A HYPOTHETICAL! YOU CAN GIVE US THE REAL ONE!" Cozy Glow despaired at the idea of what could be going on in Queen Chrysalis's head that could even cause her to ask such a question, "IF YOU WANT THE REAL SOMBRA, GIVE ME THE REAL SOMBRA! IT'S A HYPOTHETICAL! YOU DON'T NEED A CLONE!"

"I'm telling you-" Chrysalis tried to explain but Cozy Glow shot a snake made of fire from her tower, heading directly to the gates of Chrysalis's castle.

"A CLONE IS AN INNOCENT. IT DIDN'T DO ANYTHING JUST BECAUSE IT HAS THESE THOUGHTS!" Cozy screamed at Chrysalis as a giant crocodile jumped from the moat surrounding the castle and extinguished her snake of flames.

"You are not listening..." Chrysalis ground her teeth as she glared at the Pegasus Filly.

Tirek felt his brow twitch before he jumped to his hooves and pointed the stick he was holding at Chrysalis and her nonexistent castle.
"I was listening! You're not making sense!" He roared, already tired of Chrysalis and her stupid games, "You're not making logical sense!"

"PERFECT MEANS PERFECT!" Cozy Screamed at Chrysalis with renewed Vigor once she saw Tirek join the argument.

"You two don't have an imagination at all!" Chrysalis yelled in frustration as a giant black hoof emerged from below her castle, slowly joined by three others as her castle stood up on giant legs, giving the her a height advantage of Cozy Glow's unmoving tower.

"I do, It's- It just doesn't make sense though..." Tirek defended himself weakly as he looked up at Chrysalis's moving castle.

"IT DOES MAKE SENSE!" A beam of green magic fired from the castle and pushed Tirek away, throwing his body through the endless nothingness of this imaginary realm the three villains were holding their discussion in.

"You're making up the meaning of words!" Cozy Glow screamed, her tower shook as it emerged out of the ground and flew high into the nonexistent sky like a rocket ship, flying out of Chrysalis's reach, "Perfect Copy means he's a Perfect copy! Not that he's six inches tall!" A beam of magic flew from her imaginary Alicorn horn toward the castle.

"If I said 'What if you were in Daring Do World' You would have eaten it up! You would have accepted it!" Chrysalis screeched as her castle stood on its hind legs, the front legs growing claws from the hooves as it swiped at the incoming attack from Cozy Glow's Rocket Tower.

"If you said to somebody 'Oh, It's a perfect copy of Daring Do' They wouldn't be six inches tall would they?!" Cozy yelled, more and more beams and missiles of magic shooting in the direction of the castle as it extended a claw trying to reach her rocket.

"I FUCKING SAID FROM THE FUCKING BEGINNING!" Chrysalis screamed in anger and futility as Cozy Glow's magic impacted the walls of her living castle, blasting holes in the interior and sending bricks and rubble flying, "THAT HE WAS FUCKING SMALL!"

Out in the distance, pulling his body out of the ash and ground, an injured and bloodied Tirek snicked at Chrysalis.
"But he's not a perf-" Tirek couldn't finish his sentence as a beam of magic struck him and he disappeared.
Reappearing inside a futuristic-looking space shuttle, the large window on the wall points at Casa De La Chrissy.

From the roof of the space shuttle, He could hear Cozy Glow continue her fight against Chrysalis.

"But he's not a perfect copy!" Cozy Glow shouted with glee as a massive beam of magic shot at Chrysalis.

"He is!!! He just got shrunk down after he was perfectly copied!! AAARRRGH!!!!!" Chrysalis screamed as her castle was disintegrated by Cozy Glow, the plush of Sombra she was stabbing repeatedly narrowly shielding her from the blast of magic as it saved her life.

Looking at the statue of three of the biggest threats Equestria has ever fought, Twilight Sparkle asked one of her best friends a question she probably should have asked him long ago.

"Spike, Should I move this statue somewhere else?"

"I Dunno, You're the Princess,"

"Hmmm. I think the basement would fit them great."

If any of them had taken a closer look at the statue, they would have seen a singular teardrop rolling down Tirek's face.

Author's Note:

Happy Haloween!!! :)

Comments ( 11 )

this is so freeking funny.

I can totally believe that these three would spend the time in their eternal prison arguing about the idle thoughts that pop into their heads.

HA, this reference takes me back. I didn't expect it coming from an MLP story but I love it. Happy Halloween!

i hope twilight lets cozy glow out one day and reforms her and won't just leave a filly in stone forever because then twilight will be more evil then a hero should be if you know i mean because you better then this twilight

Idk how to feel

It's fxxxing amazing.

Such a shame they will never get access to the Tomar Emeralds.

I fuckin' love just reading the Oney Plays Wiki (Sucks that it's Fandom but Uh)

It's so stupid.

The second the fucking second I saw the title of the chapter, a big dumb grin came to my face and a headache. 10/10 simply a piece of art. God damn it Oney.

Needs color

"...Oh my Lord..."

F awesome. Best fic I read in a long time

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