• Published 23rd Dec 2023
  • 1,165 Views, 27 Comments

'Cause You're Not Alone - KingdaKa

A peaceful holiday date night amidst the wintry city. The first true sparks between them begin to find the means of coming to life.

  • ...

Miles Between Lovers

Deep down, she wondered if it was bad luck to wear these earrings. They’d been a gift that she’d been allowed to keep even after the break-up had turned truly sour, a pair of Yuletide trees decorated in baubles of red and green, tinsel all across the evergreen and shining in the light. They were pretty, she’d loved being given them… and now she was going to wear them for the first time. For an entirely different person.

Sunset Shimmer found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror more than perhaps she should, trying to find her gaze matching where she looked and to see if she could find the true feelings within. Were they kind? Condemning? Excited? She wasn’t quite sure she knew what to think of herself right now, considering this was the first holiday season she’d experienced with someone else in years. The first Christmas date she’d gone with anyone else for three years, the first tried-and-true date she’d had in three years, the first serious rela…

It had been a while. And now Sunset Shimmer looked at herself in the mirror and at last found the strength of her own eyes, wondering if what she was doing now was something her conscience could stand. Or even should. It wasn’t as if what she was getting dressed for was normal. Well, it was, but the circumstances surrounding it were all so strange, and that was more because of prior experiences. And her date’s prior experiences, and, well, who had been their prior connection. Try as she might, having any sort of reasonable grasp on it all was beginning to feel impossible. Maybe it was life’s way of telling her that she shouldn’t try to have any prerequisite thought on the matter at all.

“It’s just a date, that’s all,” Sunset said to herself as she saw the tiny bond of metal rung through her ear, clasped in place by a small piece of plastic. “It doesn’t need to be anything crazy or what-not. Yes, she wants to go to someplace nice there and we dress up a little, but still- that’s not something to be scared about. It’s probably weirder for her.” That didn’t stop her trembling, but it did help allow for some perspective that she hadn’t thought of before.

Velvet. Gods above, what was this like for Velvet? She’d actually been married, raised two kids to adulthood, now look at how her life had turned out! What sort of juvenile thoughts Sunset possessed were nothing in comparison to that monstrosity of a raw deal; heaven knew how Velvet had even managed to emotionally and mentally survive such a catastrophe! Sunset and Twilight had enjoyed a serious relationship for quite a while, that was true, but what were a few years of puppy love in the face of being severed from one who’d sworn “on death till we part?” The turmoil that must have come from such a thing had to be monumental. And then there was the fact that her daughter had chosen to seek out her own future somewhere far away from home, right in the midst of her lowest moment-

Well, that might be sort of your fault there, Sunset admitted, applying a smidge of makeup across her cheeks. It was as if Velvet had been given a cascade of failures all at once to make her life miserable, push her to the limit and make her wonder if life was even worth living. Velvet hadn’t known a good hand in years. When she might have yearned for the comfort of her daughter most, a sour severing had seen that her daughter could no longer call home “home” until somehow her soul had healed. It hadn’t been intentional, hadn’t been Sunset’s idea, but still it had come.

Sunset finished with her powder and stared back at herself; eyes baleful, searching for anything that would incriminate her forever. She wanted a reason to feel terrible, she knew her mind well enough to decipher that. But truth be told…

“If she wanted a reason to hate me, she’d have one already,” Sunset muttered. At first quietly, then repeated again for good measure just to make sure she couldn’t escape the fact of it. If Velvet wanted to blame Sunset for the current misery of her life, she at least had reason in the form of her daughter’s departure- but she had looked at the measure and seen nothing that would put Sunset to blame. She and Twilight had been in young love, fallen out of it, and had gone their separate ways; what other ends were high school relationships really ever to find? It was the norm. And Night Light’s behavior had had nothing to do with her own. The comfort they’d given one another, especially early on, had been invaluable. Sunset even cherished it. It had how they’d come to look at one another in a different light and see that perhaps their solitude didn’t have to remain as such any longer. The hurt didn’t have to linger, the wound could be closed-

There might even be something good to find behind it all.

Sunset stood from her place before the mirror and examined herself, looking for something to critique; this was a somewhat serious date, after all. But what vanity she possessed, even when pushed aside, found something she admired: it was a lovely little dress, falling to just above her knees with a romper style just below the lining of the skirt. A cream-colored thing with trimmings of gold in the form of buttons that lined the chest. Snowflakes were patterned in strings of silvery-blue across the dress that were flattering even if it wasn’t very revealing. It was a bit of a unique ensemble considering the current weather, but Sunset had never minded the cold much; besides, when else was she to get to wear this? It was a winter dress, made for the season, and the season currently called for her to be merry and dressed accordingly. This would certainly do.

Now it was just a matter of meeting up with her date. She hoped it wouldn’t be too crowded at the Christmas village downtown. Or too cold, she thought, eyes falling upon bare legs that trimmed down to simple cream heels that currently adorned her feet. Maybe I should wear leggings just in case.

Sunset considered the form of her physique, the shape of her legs and the linework that controlled them. They were shapely, well cared for, something elegant in their soft whiteness that still held the tinge of summer within their skin. They were, just like the rest of her, a complimentary contrast to the fire of her hair, a softness in comparison to the brightness of her eyes. And if she did not wear gloves, why would she wear leggings? It would be a shame to hide herself.

She thanked God for the event being indoors. The outside world was freezing! Sunset tried not to allow the shivers to run through her bones and be revealed to the world, lest she gain mockery and be condemned for the fool she was. The short walk from her car to the venue had been more than enough of a lesson for her to remember.

The realm in which she now roamed was a one-time mall now owned by the city, a modern strip of land better used for events and timely mercantiles than the constant commerce that had seen it crafted, two floors of stalls and attractions now there for her eyes to soak in. a large, gregarious man was settled in a large chair about the center of the venue, a line of families with children keen on meeting the bearded idol who would so obviously tend to their deepest wishes for the season. Across from him were the beginning of tables, a local restaurant contracted to fill the space with a themed pop-up to suit the holiday. All about them, above and below, were a menagerie of different vendors and people and faces the likes of which Sunset couldn’t imagine, ranging from the elegant crafting of jewelry and finery to the simplicity of daily life and toil. She could smell colors, feel sound, see scents wafting towards her from every direction. It was infectious, a Christmas village truly come to life in all the glory the season could hope to offer.

“And I feel overdressed,” Sunset remarked drily. The only one around her in a skirt, she couldn’t help but notice her more stately appearance when in comparison to her current neighbors. Velvet had made it seem that they would be eating somewhere rather nice; had it been a teasing thing rather than reality? Surely she hadn’t felt so familiar just yet as to dare such a thing. The first heavy date didn’t feel like the appropriate time to perform such a measure. Or maybe she’s just leading you on, Sunset wondered. And she’s just trying to let you finally get the hint. Gods, I hope that’s not the case, I really like her-

“Oh my goodness, would you look at yourself!” The softer, lighter voice with a gentle lilt carried through the air above the noise of the holiday crowd and found her ears, cutting through the nervous fretting so as to set her blood afire. A small thrill of the heart, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach- and the joy that came with it! Sunset was delighted to be set aflame by such emotions once more, turning about to find Twilight Velvet striding towards her and happily bearing a smile on her face. “Sunset, you look like something right out of a Christmas card! It’s such a sweet look for you!”

“And what about you?” Sunset asked, a thorough examination prompting feelings of awe and breathless attraction. “You’re certainly not subtle.”

A mild summation of the elder woman’s current attire, one that made Velvet give a small blush and turn away even as she rejoiced in the compliment. But what she wore deserved such things: a fine velvet dress in the form of a mermaid with the shining colors of a deep, dusty blue, falling down across her sandaled feet and only allowing the sound of their clatter to reach the ear. The gown fell off the shoulder, a sleeveless thing with only small armholes to keep it attached to her side. The fabric befitted her rather shapely bust, an aging thing yes- but still lovely and desirous as her features aged with the finery of wine, Velvet’s motherly figure bearing succulent hips that were now given great prominence by the outline of her attire. Her neck adorned with a bright necklace of rhinestones, her eyes brushed with the slightest coloring of midnight lights and her lips coated a deep tan, she appeared to glow beneath the lights of the venue and all the more when brought to the bright contrast of her evening companion.

“I thought- it’s been a bit of a while since I wore anything like this, really,” Velvet said, humility keeping the excitement from her voice lest she sound like an over-eager schoolgirl. “I know it’s not really the most fitting thing for tonight, but I thought… maybe it’d be fun to get into the spirit of things. And sort of be gaudy.” The lovely woman gave a half-smirk at her own foolishness. “But you look absolutely wonderful, you know!” She declared, taking in Sunset’s creamy appearance with delight. “I hope you’re not cold, it’s freezing out there!”

“Only cold when I walked in,” Sunset admitted, allowing her foolishness to spur laughter now that it had come to pass; there would be time to mock her poor decision later. “I’ll be fine. I smell cocoa somewhere around here. Maybe that’ll warm us up and we can start from there.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Velvet said, beginning to stride forward before coming to a halt after the first step, a finger to her straight hair and twirling it about her finger. “Umm. So I was wondering…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing- nothing, I promise,” Velvet said, eyes tilted towards earth and away from her companion. “But- would you- if you’d like to stay close to me as we walk, I wouldn’t mind.”

Sunset gave a wide-eyed look. She wasn’t quite sure what to say. They’d remained in this awkward phase of deciding what their relationship was for two months now, strange and unable to move from one stage to the next. How should they even greet one another when their dates began? A hug seemed to casual and friendly rather than something intimate; a kiss was too much just yet. Neither seemed really able to make a step that would close the gap between the two, much less solidify where their strange relationship currently stood.

“It’s just a thought, of course,” Velvet admitted quickly, taking note of the hesitation. “You don’t have to, and we can just go on our way. I know it’s a bit silly that we come to a holiday village all dressed up and-”

“Will you hold my hand, then?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t expect you t- I’m sorry?” Velvet said.

Sunset smiled and came right to Velvet’s side, her arm interlocked with that of her date and fingers exactly the same as she settled in. The combined warmth of human feeling blotted out the cold that poured in from the doors far behind, strengthening both smile and heart as they faced one another, able to smile even if bashfully. It was a step towards something different that neither had been keen on taking alone.

“Hot chocolate first?” Sunset asked.

“That sounds lovely,” Velvet replied. And so began their evening together.

It was a good time to be walking about, even if they were by far the most fashionably dressed folk about, the occasional bout of staring from their fellow merrymakers not enough to cease their good cheer. The holiday village within the great mall was warm and brightly lit by the colors of soft bulb and candlelight, each stall dressed as a gingerbread house or something borne by the imaginations of Charles Dickens. There were plenty of things worth buying, more than a few of them able to tickle Sunset’s more youthful fancy; even after plenty of self-deliberation against any sort of expenditure, she still found herself walking away with a small bag of scented candles that were sure to brighten up her apartment’s atmosphere.

“You should try to light the pine one first,” Velvet suggested as they strode through the menagerie. “It’ll help get rid of any unwanted smells around your place first, so the next candle will smell even better because of it.”

“Really? I never knew that,” Sunset remarked. “That’s kind of useful. I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“Just something I learned over time, really. Pine smells nice to the senses, and it’s a strong smell,” Velvet said. “And it’s sort of calming, I think. So I like it a lot, for a lot of reasons.”

“Maybe I should’ve bought you one or two, then,” Sunset laughed, a gentle sound devoid of any real mirth and instead replaced with sweetness. “Hell, I probably could’ve used a few myself back then.”

Oh DAMN you! She hadn’t meant to mention any such a thing at all! Twilight’s departure for college had been a permanent measure, the means by which she’d broken up with Sunset and left her mother behind. Of course Velvet would feel such an action more deeply, it had been another severing of her heart from her chest in the midst of a time when her whole world had been falling apart. Why bring it up at all?”

“Here. Let’s have a sniff,” Velvet said, deftly avoiding the palpable awkwardness and instead reaching into Sunset’s paper bag so as to bring out the dark-green candle. “Come on, it’s fine. Breathe it in, it feels good. Way down inside.”

Sunset followed her lead after the sight had left her, a burdened sound that soon filtered away when the pungent scent of spruce and needles met her nostrils. Oh, how it wafted into her heart and found a way to bring about the warmth of good memory! She recalled youthful days, of heat in the midst of winter, of laughter even in the face of sadness and pain; there, just a few inches across from Velvet’s serene features, the young woman of fire and sorrow looked on and marveled at how kindly this woman had managed to quell her shame.

“It smells great,” Sunset murmured.

“Told you,” Velvet remarked happily, putting the candle back in its place in the bag. “Now, I don’t mind still looking around, but I do feel rather hungry. Would you mind if we went over to The Café? I’d love something to eat.”

“Oh, sure! I wasn’t keeping you, was I?” Sunset felt appaled; God forbid she’d been so poor a date as to not notice this wondrous woman’s desires for something better with her time!

“No! Honestly, it’s fine, I’ve enjoyed it,” Velvet said, and the smile on her tanned lips was so sincere that she was impossible to believe. “I just keep feeling my stomach growling and I’m about to go crazy. Do you mind if we go back to that body wash stall once we’re done? I need some help in deciding on a few, I just need something to eat even more.”

“I’d be happy to,” Sunset said, all smiles even as she felt it wasn’t enough. She was sure that Velvet was trying to distract her from some measure of grief, even if perhaps it was part of her own. But should she simply assume? Make a guess? It didn’t seem enough. “Umm, Velvet?”

“What’s up?”

It was the boldest thing she’d done in years, but Sunset leaned in and placed a kiss on Velvet’s gently powdered cheek, a soft, sweet thing that was allowed to linger and breath be placed upon skin. The act had been so spontaneous that the both of them were found rather shocked by the boldness of it, Velvet’s wide-eyed stare meeting with that of her youthful paramour.

Until they both giggled like schoolgirls, bright redness coming to their cheeks instead. “Come on,” Sunset said, again falling arm-in-arm with her date as they carried on from their place of standing. “Let’s get something to eat.”

Much of the holiday village had dedicated its space to a restaurant made to seat what seemed like a great throng, dozens of tables strewn across floors of polished cement and decorated with thin lines of tinsel and false pine, gold-flecked glasses in the center and containing a solitary candle to add to the festive appeal. When Sunset and Velvet approached where staff called for them to find a seat, their eyes traced through the crowd to see the numerous folk already in the midst of their cheery meal; families and people of all kinds, the old and young all together, longtime loves and burgeoning flames that had only just found their sparks. And with a few minutes of wait before they could be led to a clean table, they had all the time in the world to soak them all in.

More than a few of those about their little world took note of their arrival, the finery of their attire something of note in comparison to the simplicity of winter clothing that so many were adorned in. Sunset, youthful emotions seeing her keener to feel the burning eyes of others, couldn’t help but wilt a little as she came under scrutiny. She knew it was a bit strange that she and Velvet were something so fancily dressed, she herself the greatest oddball when her dress was better suited for warmer months than now. Had it been a bad idea? She couldn’t help but worry that a few of these stares were that of mockery.

“Ooh, they’ve got their eye on you,” Velvet teased, taking note of her date’s unease and whispering into her ear. “I bet at least one person here asks for your number. Maybe I need to give you a kiss so they’ll get the message.”

Sunset gave a gasp, wide-eyed at the remark and spurring Velvet to laughter. The very idea that she was gaining that sort of attention instead-! “Oh come on, be real. They’re just wondering how I didn’t freeze to death before I walked in.”

“You say that,” Velvet drawled on, “but you look way more festive than I do. Like you walked right off the set of The Nutcracker, all that gold. And besides, you are the pretty one of the relationship.”

“Oh yeah? I’m pretty sure moms are what’s trendy nowadays,” Sunset said, unable to resist the smirk that grew upon her features as she took in the sight of Velvet once more: oh so succulent, so magnificent in the softness that made her body, gentle contours of physical form where age had refined her loveliest features. “You sure they aren’t gonna be looking at you instead?”

“They’ll just think we came from a wedding or something fancy, that’s all,” Velvet said, brushing away the compliment but wearing a smile all the same. “Ooh, I bet that’s our table there in the corner.”

Indeed it was, and a few minutes later the mismatched pair were nestled in the back corner of the restaurant in a comfortable booth, the two women glad for a reprieve from being on their feet, Sunset especially after a lengthy walk upon her heels- a style she enjoyed wearing, though had never quite fully mastered.

“You could just wear sandals, you know. I did,” Velvet offered. “I know some really cute ones that would fit with that dress perfectly.”

“I know. But I think these fit with this dress so well,” Sunset said, giving her heels a quick clack. “And besides, I wanted to look- pretty… for you.”

“For me?” Velvet was left wide-eyed this time around, quicker to recompose herself and not be left slack-jawed, but could not stop the flush that turned her cheeks pink. “That was- that was sweet of you. Thank you, Sunset.”

She smiled at her, and Velvet smiled back; eyes held each other’s gaze and found no cause to turn away, lingering upon fair face and taking the time to admire the beauty they found there. A multitude of steps were being taken today, even if small in the grand scheme of things. Their relationship had begun so strangely, such an awkwardness to it, only the most simple of attractions that had seen them come together. The best description for their early dates would have simply been spending time in the same place rather than something romantic, shared presence instead of intimacy. But tonight? Fine clothes so as to woo the other, compliments and gestures that had not been said before- even a solitary, lingering press of lips upon cheek. The tension in their strange world was not fully melted away, but had begun to give now that romantic pressure had entered the fray. Something was changing.

Their intimate moment came to an end when the distraction of another came to their attention, a bright-faced woman a few years older than Sunset came to their table, her shock of bright-blue hair a keen means of grabbing attention. “Hi, welcome to The Café, my name is Iris and I’ll be your server today!”

“A lovely name!” Velvet declared.

“Like the flower?” Sunset inquired.

“You guessed it,” Iris said cheerfully, whipping out a notepad and pen the moment after she’d set down a pair of waters for them to sip upon. “Now, anything else I can get you besides water? We have a bunch of really good cocktails on menu right now…”

“Hmm…” Velvet considered the list that sat on the table and awaited their perusement, a quick glance over at her companion. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“In that case,” Velvet said, “two glasses of Eagle Rare, on the rocks.”

“Ooh, good choice, we just got it on menu,” Iris remarked. “So what brings you in today? Mom and daughter’s night out?”

Oof! Sunset and Velvet couldn’t escape the awkwardness that came after, reality now made a much more difficult thing to confess to than it would have been just moments before. “I, umm-” Velvet was struggling to get herself together, far more likely to be held in contempt than her younger paramour. “Not- not exactly…”

“Date night,” Sunset said at last, a simple explanation all that she could manage.

The reaction was predictable; Iris glanced from one woman to the other, each flicker seeing her eyebrows raised all the more as she took in the differences between them. “Oh- oh! Alright, then, my bad!” The bright woman said, shock seeing her professionalism temporarily vanish before regaining her demeanor. “Well, glad you chose to join us tonight, I’ll be right back with your drinks!”

“Watch,” Velvet said after their server had left, voice held low and quiet. “She’s going to look back at us one more time before going to the bar. I unnerved her.”

“You? But why?” Sunset asked, a shard of ice forming in her stomach.

“Because she thinks I’m taking advantage of you.”

Her prediction came true just a moment later, the blue-haired woman turning about to give a surreptitious glance towards the couple, perhaps not quite able to believe her ears and instead trying to allow other senses to find a more plausible explanation. And then a shrug, she moving on and accepting the evening’s strangeness as just another night in the midst of a lively holiday. So not much to worry about-

“Hold on.” Sunset’s mind registered what she had just heard and realized their meaning, turning from the open air of the restaurant to take in the sight of Velvet bearing a grimace. “What do you mean, ‘taking advantage of me?’ You’re not.”

“Because I’m older than you. Considerably older,” Velvet said, and her voice dulled with each syllable that passed. “So everyone is going to look at you and see a naïve little girl, and they’re going to look at me and see- well. A monster of some kind, I guess.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense. I’m not a child or anything, I’m in college.”

Velvet gave a strained look. “They won’t care. They’re not going to think of you like that because their first thought is to be worried that something’s wrong, because I’m so old. Like I groomed you.”

“That still doesn’t make any sense. That’s nuts!” Sunset said, just as confused as to the logic and indignant that so many outsiders would refuse to recognize her agency in the matter. “As if you’re even that old, anyway. The nerve.”

Velvet’s offered a crooked smile and a cock-eyed glance. “And how much older than you am I, again? I think you know the answer.”

“It never bothered me,” Sunset said proudly, not willing to let the answer be brought to the open air and discomfort their world further. “It- wait, it doesn’t bother you, does it?”

The dark-haired woman shuffled in her seat, looking out into the throng of merrymakers for a time. “A little. Probably not in the way it bothers anyone else,” she admitted. “I’m just worried sometimes. You’d probably be better off with someone who was a little closer to your age than I am.”

“Isn’t that my decision to make?” Sunset protested, now her turn to give an inquiring look. “I don’t think you asked me out for coffee.”

“I know. I just want- you should be happy-”

“You didn’t mind going, did you?” A part of her heart was beginning to turn cold, worried that her desire that day had offered an excess of pressure too much for the lonely divorcee to resist. She thought she’d asked so casually!

“What? No, I didn’t mind at all,” Velvet answered swiftly. “I just…” She gave a sigh and gave a slow blink, grimacing once more. “I just needed to ask. Just in case. Because I’m old, and if I end up being alone from here on out then… it’s fine. I can do that, and nobody really minds. But you, you’re young. Young and beautiful, and you’ve got so much of your life ahead of you. I don’t want you to feel like you’re chained to me or anything silly like that. You should be with who makes you happy.”

“I already am,” Sunset said simply. “I really hope you believe that. I really like you, Velvet. It’s- it’s nice to spend time with you.”

“As friends?”

“I prefer being more than that,” Sunset remarked, and in her words did she offer a teasing sound along with a smile. “There just might be someone here who likes older women, you know.”

Velvet gave a snort, a short sound of mirth that lasted only a heartbeat’s length. But then came the cracking of a real smile, further laughter coming to life until her sadness was erased by the affection that fell upon her and bringing back to life her warmth. “Might this person be someone I know?”

“She just might.” Their laughter was a shared experience this time, the comfortable sound erasing the awkwardness of tension that had come to grow between them, allowing the two to lean in closer and speak more intimately. “You know, I don’t know if I ever got to tell you this before, but.... have I ever said what made me notice you?”

“I don’t think I’ve heard the story,” Velvet said. “Mind letting me in the know?”

“Well,” Sunset said, bearing a sheepish grin, “I remember being at your house one time. You and I were going through all those donations we were going to take to the homeless shelter. All those new socks and clothes and such.”

It had been an unremarkable moment, early on before she and Sunset had even gone out together for coffee; the elder beauty hardly recalled the day’s events at all. “OK…”

“I remember you’d run into your room real quick to change your pants because you’d accidentally spilled your coffee,” Sunset continued, “And I started to walk down to use the bathroom down the hall when I noticed your door hadn’t closed all the way.”

A start, confused mind coming to life with the shock. This was beginning to take a turn.

“And- oh my gosh.” Sunset was being swept up by the embarrassment of her indecency, the strength of memory- perhaps both! “And I caught a glimpse of you changing and I just found myself thinking, ‘She has the best ass I’ve ever seen in my life!’”

Velvet could hardly believe what she’d heard, laughing aloud at the gall with such a confession. How absolutely unlikely a thing to hear! “You utter sneak!” She breathed, struggling to regain her composure. “I never would’ve guessed it of you!”

“I didn’t mean to. At least the first time,” Sunset admitted. “But then I kept looking, and I kept thinking how good you looked. And from then on… I kept noticing things about you. Like how sexy you look, how resilient you are, and- and even after everything, you’re still… gentle. Not like how Fluttershy is, but a sort of serene. Like you really do control your own tempo, even when you’re pressed with something miserable. I admire that. And I wanted to be around it more.”

The woman in blue gave a sheepish smile and turned away for a time, eventually returning to meet Sunset’s warmth with stars in her eyes. “I wish I could say something as sweet,” she said softly, “I just… realized that I thought you were pretty. And so graceful with others, all the time. You know how to lift others up better than anyone I’ve met. And you’re already beautiful, so all that kindness with others, how you’re always willing to help someone out… it just makes you all the lovelier. I know that sounds silly.”

“It sounds wonderful. And don’t you doubt it.” The fiery-haired woman was melting from within, her heart full to bursting and delighted from the gift she’d been given. She wanted so desperately to urge it on, be turned to mush by Velvet’s sweet praise just as dearly as she wished to return the gesture. Oh, she could go on about Velvet for so long now, a sonnet’s worth of glory to revel in. And goodness, how lovely she looked! She felt an ache within her rise and come to life, something so different from the bite of sorrow and loneliness she’d known for so many months. But was it an ache? Not quite; a longing, a yearning.

Hunger. Sunset gave Velvet a smile and was offered one in reply, the two women so close together now, hands coming together atop the table as though it were the most natural thing in the world. The warmth they shared was heating up, and Sunset didn’t mind in the slightest.

Bourbon came, and they drank. Food was served and was soon consumed, chipper voices covering over the entirety of it as they enjoyed their moment in happiness. What tension, what space that had once been to keep them apart had faded when exposed to the light of real feelings. How could one truly look at another and not be enticed, now that their fears had been waylaid? The old matter of things had been cast aside in the favor of this new, swiftly blossoming thing. Whatever attractions they had confessed to before seemed mediocre in comparison to the reality of the now.

“Sorry for being so long with the bill. Here y’all go!” Iris appeared after a time with a tray containing a singular ream of paper within it, still all smiles even as the evening waned on and turned to the deep darkness of the night. “Thanks for coming in, I hope you had a good time.”

“We did! Thanks so much for the recommendation, by the way,” said Sunset, looking at the remnants that lay upon her plate and marveling that she’d been able to eat it all. “That chicken parmesan was amazing.”

“I know, right?” Iris remarked as she took the empty plates. “I can’t get it anywhere else now, it honestly just can’t be beat, for me.”

“And here’s my card for everything,” Velvet added, placing her credit card down atop the receipt. “You’ve been wonderful, Miss Iris. Thanks so much for putting up with us.”

“Oh, don’t worry, y’all have been the sweetest table I’ve had all night,” the lively woman remarked. “Honestly? Christmas season is always such a disaster, but you’ve been so easy.”

“Well, we’re appreciative just the same,” the elegant beauty replied.

Iris smiled, and then seemed to consider something in her mind. “I hope it’s not bad for me to ask,” she said slowly, “but how long have y’all been together? I love the dresses, by the way.”

“Thank you!” Sunset felt relief, hot as a wave of sunshine, pour across her form. “Honestly, not long, just a couple of months. This was really the first, well, more serious date we’ve had.”

“Well, glad we got to have you!” Iris said. “I’ll be back with your card in just a bit, OK? You lovebirds have a good Christmas!”

The wish was offered in return tenfold, not one ounce of it brusquely given but rather in all sincere tidings. Sunlight and starlight soon found themselves moving away from their comfortable place of temporary residency that had housed them for the last hour or so and back out into the clutches of cold and ice that had dared to intrude upon their world. But could it harm them? Sunset felt a heat in her chest and doubted anything could bite deep into her heart now. Velvet’s hand was in hers, fingers deeply intertwined and so comfortably fitted there now that she doubted an intrusion or remark upon it would see them unbound. This entanglement was swiftly becoming a life all its own, bound not to old memories and feelings or a seeking of comfort from prior pains, but rather a longing for something good and new. Sunset and Velvet would steal looks of the other and find something new to be attracted to- and laugh when such investigations were caught out. As if they had reason to be shamed.

“It’s snowing!” Sunset stretched out a hand to catch the first flakes she saw as they walked out from the holiday village, out into the midst of the cold and wintry world that had indeed become home to a flurry. Thousands of small pieces of crystal fell all about them, tinted by light of the world they had just left behind and the pale sheen of headlights that passed by on the nearby street to illuminate them in a world of ice and color.

“And it got colder, too,” Velvet said, hugging herself tightly to protect against the bite of winter. Never had she been much of a winter person, especially more as time had gone on. “Ooh, I can’t wait to be home and out of this. A mug of tea in my hand, my robe on…”

“Ooh, that sounds perfect. Mind if I join?” Sunset’s reply was so quick that it couldn’t be seen as anything but natural, swift enough to make Velvet start before giving a spurt of laughter. And still they held to one another.

“Honestly, I wish you hadn’t even asked,” Velvet said, finally able to regain control of herself, wiping a tear away that had been born of mirth. “I might just be feeling weak at the moment.”

Sunset took pause. “If you asked… I don’t think I’d say no,” the crimson woman offered.

“I wish. But… truth be told, we’ve only just started really liking each other,” Velvet said, almost wistfully. “I’d like to enjoy this for a little while. Without a rush.”

“It’s not a rush if we both want to,” Sunset countered, “but I get what you mean. We- well. We haven’t even kissed yet, have we?”

The silence that fell between them was a palpable, painful thing, unexpected and unwitting truth showing its colors before them so brightly that neither could ignore the reality of it. For something so simple, so common, an act they had not once taken in all of their two months together. If it were not for Sunset’s momentary spate of bravery earlier this evening, not a single peck on the cheek had even been considered.

But now the secret was out.

Sunset and Velvet stood close, hands held fast together so they might share their warmth. Dark hair of red and gold fell gently against the pale colors of twilight and starlight, momentary glances and awkward shuffling seeing them tither this way and that. The spell could be so easily broken if they only knew how, had the courage to see it done. But could they? Should they?

Then they did. As if a singular moment had told them to see the act done, both Sunset and Velvet leaned in together to see their painted lips meet in a kiss, hands still held fast and eyes closed as this simple meeting of lips saw them united. A simple, momentary thing as Velvet’s tan pair were embraced by the softness of Sunset’s gleaming own, plump sweetness and warmth amidst the wintry night, a passion to their world that had only just now come to life.

They’d both wanted it, expected the moment to come now that they had spoken of its absence. But the sweetness of it, how they relished this intimacy? Unfathomable. The ache Sunset had felt before came to life in a way she’d not known it could, the relief Velvet offered her very soul something so satisfying that she needed more than just this moment. Ooh, why not get another kiss- and then another? Their liplock came to end only so that another might take its place, only for more to continue on as they continued to kiss amidst the cold of the wintry night.

Sunset had thought she’d known desire, known longing. But this was something else entirely. After knowing the feeling so intimately, so powerfully that its departure had ruined her world, it’s return in the form of the beautiful, mature goddess she craved was something beyond the descriptions of heaven! Into Velvet did she lean and see their lips held together the more fiercely, desperate for further contact, further kisses-

And how Velvet answered! Those succulent, tan lips were delighted to find hers over and over again, the first rustlings of further life coming as hands broke apart and the elder beauty began to caress her beloved. To touch her face, know the contours and lines and strands of her hair that came further to life with each kiss, lips desperate and hungry for more! Sunset was at first left starstruck by the affection- but not for long, able to rise to the challenge and see Velvet properly attended to by the work of her hands. Was it youthful indulgence that saw those marvelous breasts massaged? She cared not; this wondrous cougar was desperate to see her be prey, and she did not mind in the least.

Kisses came and carried on, fiercer and faster than each one before, the deepening of each one seeing physical form come closer and the spirit of the two women rise further to life. A touch there, just across the edge of the dress; a hand drifting down across the back to where bottom begged for a caress. There was form and life and love to be explored, begging for more than just a union of lips that was oh so delicious and yet not enough to satisfy the simplest quivering of desire in the slightest~!

Another press of lips upon lips, a flowing hand reaching down just beyond the edge of the fiery woman's skirt and giving her butt a good pinch, enough to make Sunset squeak, jump in Velvet's grasp. But did she pull away, relinquish her unity with her beau? Not in the slightest, the young woman instead giving a muffled giggle as she delved further into this loving stream of kisses, her grasp about Velvet's form tightening, a desperation to feel more of this embrace. Was a nibble of Velvet's lower lip enough to satisfy? Close, but still lacking. A tug, a deepened pull of that beautiful mouth was the only suitable option.

Velvet's beautiful eyes turned to slits, a purr in her throat coming to life as she gave Sunset's bottom another gift, this one a full grasp from the hand as she forced there to be no space between them. She hadn't hungered for an embrace like this since her world had still been young, desperately needing the feeling of another. With all her heart she had to have more of Sunset's glossy lips, more of this woman upon her! To smell her hair with each meeting, to hear the breath escape her lungs, to feel the ferocity of each crafted union, but still she needed more! She was kissing this beautiful angel of fire with all her might, how could it not be enough?!

Finally! Oh, to open one’s mouth and let slither in that exquisiteness of tonguework, Velvet’s plump morsel there to meet its mate, Sunset giving a sigh of relief as she felt that salivating caress. Into her woman’s arms did she truly fall now, melting into the grasp of that beautiful, magnificent being who encompassed her fully now, eager to dance and play and frolic as pink wetness lathered together. About Velvet’s beautiful head did her hands come, caressing that sweet face while the other dug deep into her hair; the hand that had toyed with her flesh now fell about the small of her back, another beneath the weight of her leg and hiking her up so that they might be closer. And still did their tongues wriggle together, their lips suckling upon the delightful latherings that were overflowing from each new tangle. To feel like this again after so long! Oh, she craved Velvet with the ferocity of all human longing and desperation. She needed to feel these clothes be pulled away, to have naked flesh upon her own, to fall so passionately in love that the whole of the night couldn't possibly contain all the delight and pleasure and sound~!

It felt like such a crime to drift apart, to let the wetness spatter upon their lips and not be drunk so deeply they never recovered. But their hands did not fall even if their tongues parted ways and put the dance to rest for a time. Youth and maturity had been bound together, woven so tightly that the spray marked them and saw lipstick made messy. Their faces were flush, red not from the cold but from the heat of their union, their breaths coming in hot puffs as they struggled to slow the rush of their energized forms.

“That’s… that’s the best kiss I’ve had in years,” Sunset admitted, left more than a little enthralled. There was so much of Velvet to take in that she hadn’t truly appreciated before, so much to desire and long for and need to admire; how had she committed such a crime for so long?

“That’s the best kiss I’ve had- ever,” Velvet admitted, so delighted in their eruption of passion that she leaned back in for one slow gift of another kiss, the two beauties letting their delighted sighs filter out into the frosty night. “You… so, are you doing anything tonight?”

“And here I thought you were all prim and proper,” Sunset teased, still not leaving the grasp of her mature beloved, delighted to rest exactly where she was. “So much for wanting to take things slow. What changed your mind?”

“A convincing argument,” and again the two laughed together. “Sunset, I know- it makes me look bad, but- goodness, if you kiss that good, I think I need more than just that.”

“And you’re sure?” Pressed the young beauty, a droplet of seriousness in her yearning gaze. “That’s not just the bourbon talking, the heat of the moment.”

“I don’t think so,” Velvet purred, and upon the sun-kissed woman’s neck did she leave a single mark of lipstick. “Make a girl feel young again. It’ll be fun.”

“Only if you insist,” said she, hardly willing to offer the slightest ounce of resistance in the face of something so good. Was it foolish? Immature action of her own? Sunset cared not, and she doubted she would wake to regret it. This was a moment worth chasing after. “I guess that means I need you to take me home.”

“Yours or mine?”

“Oh, I’ve seen your bed before…”

Author's Note:

I don't know how it turned out, but I kinda liked writing this. It felt sweet.
Which probably means it sucks ass, but hey, I tried.

Merry Christmas, y'all. We'll be back to usual programming soon.

Comments ( 27 )

I'm not even going to question the idea of this story here, considering the main image....

But, when I give it a read, I'm certain it'll be "interesting" to say the least.

Interesting dynamic between the two, reminds me a lot of “Electric Swing” series that just wrapped up. Good work as per usual.

Just when I thought I had seen every ship...

Also Ngl, I thought that was Rarity until I started reading it

I possess no desire to be conventional. Every major ship has been done to death.

Carry on, you magnificent bastard!

Absolutely wonderful! Gods, it's nice to see people trying some new ships!

Mannnn, this was delightful. They’re so damn cute together, wouldn’t mind seeing a continuation of this ship. Whether it be in the bedroom or another date entirely

i like their cute dynamic the best, their wardrobe second.
Keep it up!

I'll be honest with you, when I first saw this story, the Age gap really weirded me out, but you addressed it in a great manner. I can get how these two could fall for each other, and the romance was very well written. I had thought that maybe they had just been using each other as rebound relationships, but I can see where this romance could easily develop into something more. Very well done!

Also, that cover art is fly AF

As always, a shout-out to those who follow me just to downvote. That's dedication.

I possess no desire to be conventional.

You can usually recognize a master of their craft by the attitude they carry with themselves and that right there? That's the attitude of someone who knows damn well they're a master of their craft.

Why so many downvotes? This was a good story and I'd like to see more tbh.

They are known for doing lesbian love stories with unconventional pairings. Two things that tend to piss people off, especially in this fandom, for stupid obvious reasons. Something that they are aware of and embraces. Hence way the in the summary they shout out the people that follow them just to mass downvote their work.

See also

I like women

There are dedicated subsections that purposefully clock-down explicit or nasty material. Nasty in this case being a ship that flies in the face of a few sensibilities for some sensitive bunches.

That or they just don’t like the writing prose. Could be both, could be neither, could be either. But here we are.

“And you’re sure?” Pressed the young beauty, a droplet of seriousness in her yearning gaze. “That’s not just the bourbon talking, the heat of the moment.”

“I don’t think so,” Velvet purred, and upon the sun-kissed woman’s neck did she leave a single mark of lipstick. “Make a girl feel young again. It’ll be fun.”

“Only if you insist,” said she, hardly willing to offer the slightest ounce of resistance in the face of something so good. Was it foolish? Immature action of her own? Sunset cared not, and she doubted she would wake to regret it. This was a moment worth chasing after. “I guess that means I need you to take me home.”

“Yours or mine?”

“Oh, I’ve seen your bed before…”


*slams my hand down onto the table* WRITER! MORE! I NEED MORE OF THIS SHIP!
I never thought of this ship until now... and now I crave more...

Well, you can't just end it there!

Comment posted by assbutt2 deleted Dec 25th, 2023

Great story and beautifully written. Sunset and Twilight Velvet are so cute together and they clearly care about one another very much! I truly hope you decide to write a sequel eventually. :twilightblush:

Remember when people used to dislike stuff simply because they didn’t like it and not because it didn’t fit into the narrow box of what they find acceptable? I miss that

Comment posted by Norwegian boy deleted Dec 26th, 2023

Sunset's been with another mature babe before. More interest in following up on that.

Comment posted by Norwegian boy deleted Dec 26th, 2023

Very cute.

God, I loved this. :D

Never seen a more detailed kissing scene before, this was a wonderful read. Thank you for the uncommon and beautiful executed idea. Bravo.

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