• Published 3rd Jan 2024
  • 667 Views, 46 Comments

Observations - BaeroRemedy

You hold in your hooves an ancient journal. Its green cloth cover has a single word written in eloquent cursive: 'Observations'

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First Contact

Spring, Second Day of the Third Moon, Year of Peace

My travels have taken me to the eastern shores of the continent, far beyond the borders of Unicornia and all other lands inhabited by ponies. King Bullion has entrusted me with finding new and powerful magicks to use against his enemies. It must be stated that I do not agree with His Majesty’s goals, but I am a servant of the crown.

I stood at the edge of the known world and gazed across the sea. One must wonder what lays beyond the water. What manner of creatures inhabit distant lands? What magic do they hold? I will not find out anytime soon, but perhaps one day.

For now I will make camp here at the edge of the world and begin my search. To preserve the limited amount of journals I have brought, I will only update when necessary.


Spring, Tenth Day of the Third Moon, Year of Peace

I have indeed found one of the leylines. With a divining rod and a natural cave formation, I have found a source of mana. If this one is connected to the same source as the one that runs through Unicornia, then all we would need is one more outlet and we should be able to track it back to its source.

If all leylines are connected to one central source, then this presents a vulnerability for all unicorn-kind. Though there is a certain safety in knowing that we are the only ones that can detect the substance.

This must be reported back to the King.



I was resting in my tent when I heard a noise. It sounded like voices. Feminine. Young. I did not see them but when I went outside I heard a scream and they yelled something. I heard the word but I must’ve misheard. It seemed as if they called me an ‘eagle’.

Spring, Twelfth Day of the Third Moon, Year of Peace

There is another sentient creature out here, or multiple of them. I know of at least two. They have been skulking around my camp at night and have left tracks. If I did not know better, I would say they are ponies such as myself. The tracks are small and round, like a foals, with no distinct digits protruding from them. The depth of the tracks also lends credence to the idea they are either young or generally small.

Whatever they are, they have a curiosity not unlike my own. Though I do not wish to scare them off and they have not shown any aggression towards me, so I will let them snoop. I have moved all of my food to inside of my tent to be safe, though.



I was woken up in the middle of the night once more by the little creatures. This time they spoke! Or at least one of them did. Whatever language they speak, it is not Ponish nor does it branch from any of the root languages I know of. From now on, if I have communications with whatever they are, I will write what I hear phonetically and try to divine meaning from the context in which it was said.

Ehp-eel say-loo-sas-tees-een-ah!” - Yelled at my tent in the middle of the night. A greeting? It was aggressive. A challenge perhaps?

Spring, Thirteenth Day of the Third Moon, Year of Peace

I saw them! Well, I am currently seeing them! I was taking soil samples when I spotted them on a nearby hill! They are equines, but to call them ponies would be premature. There are two of them and both look to have horns and a pair of wings!


Descriptions: One of them is white with a tricolor mane of pink, blue, and green. The other is dark blue with a lighter blue mane. Both look female in nature.

They are speaking again.

“Ehp-eel say-loo-sas-tees-een-ah!” -White

“Ehp-eel say-loo-lay-oo-nel-nen!” - Blue

They did not wave nor make any gesture towards me. I attempted to wave at them and said ‘Hello’ but they disappeared over the hill as soon as I did so.

It must be a greeting of some kind. Both of them said the same first word.

“Ehp-eel” - Said by both Blue and White as the first word in a greeting. Was not aggressive this time. Hello? Perhaps a declarative meant to define intent? Challenge less likely given the stature of the creatures.

“Say-loo” - As of right now it is impossible for me to say what the second word from each of them might mean. They both did contain the same root word, though. There is structure and it is not just gibberish. The divergence past that root offers a challenge. Need more information.

They are curious creatures who obviously have an interest in what I am as much as I am interested in what they are. I must use this to my advantage. They have been sniffing around my camp every night, so tonight I will endeavor to stay awake and greet them.



I have kept my fire going through the night and I have removed my cap and cloak as to appear smaller and less intimidating. I have also retrieved some of the sweet rolls from my supplies and deactivated the preservation spell in hopes that the smell might draw them in.

I have begun to worry that they are ponies, and if they are then what are they doing out here? This is far beyond any pony settlement, even the fringe ones where the tribes live freely together. Is the presence of both horn and wing the reason for their apparent isolation? A mutation? Consequence of a pegasus and unicorn breeding?

They did not appear.

Spring, Fourteenth Day of the Third Moon, Year of Peace

I left the sweet rolls out last night as a gift to them. When I awoke they were gone. It is impossible to say whether the little creatures, the ponies, took them or if some other critter got to them first. I choose to believe that my little curious friends took them.

I’m afraid that these two are taking up much of my time and thoughts. I cannot help myself! There is a mystery before me and I must solve it! It is the nature of the universe! As surely as the water flows down the nearby stream, I must research and resolve any problem set before me.

I will try my sweet roll gambit once more tonight.




As soon as I got two more sweet rolls they seemed to appear from behind my tent! I was so caught off guard that I did not hear what it was that they said, but I have been around enough foals to know they were begging for treats!

They are so remarkably similar to ponies that they must be directly related. Are they a lost tribe? Their horns look no different than any other unicorn and their wings look to be structured almost identically to any pegasus’ I have ever studied.

It is my conclusion that they are ponies. Their origin is no clearer, though. Once they are finished I shall attempt conversation. For this, I will record what I will say, say it, then record their responses:

“Hello. I am Starswirl the Bearded.” - Spoken slowly while gesturing to myself and tugging at my beard when said.

“Ehp-eel say-loo-sas-tees-een-ah.” -White

“Ehp-eel say-loo-lay-oo-nel-nen.” - Blue

Both said with a positive tone. Not a challenge. Definitely a greeting. Most likely names.

Blue spoke and waved a hoof up at the night sky. Mimicking me tugging at my beard? Does her name have to do with the night sky?

White looked disappointed while Blue smiled at the moon.

“Feh-tram leg-eel keh?” - No input from myself. Said by Blue while gesturing at me. Question, but no sounds or words I recognize. Asking about my appearance? Perhaps about where my cloak and hat are?

White whispered something to Blue while tapping her on the leg. Admonishment. Blue’s ears folded down.

“Feh-tram?” - Asked while getting my cloak from my tent.

The only way to learn more is by learning more the direct way, call and response. I will present something and ask what it is called and record their responses.

“Yeh-tan. Feh-trah” -White. First word said while shaking her head and second said as she spread one of her wings.

Yeh-tan: No/incorrect/wrong.

Feh-tram/ah: Wing. First syllable ‘feh’ sounds exactly like ‘feather’. Indicative of possible similar root language? Would have to be ancient to diverge this much. Uncontacted tribe? Second syllable changes depending on possession?

If it is on somepony else: am
If it is on you: ah

Blue had been asking why I didn’t have wings, then. Do they believe all ponies look like them? Surely not.

In regards to their wings: they function, or at least they unfold and have a full field of motion. If this is a mutation or birth defect, then I would think some physical abnormalities (more than just the apparent one, I mean loss of use or limited mobility) would present itself. I need to see them use magic or fly.

If they can do one, they are healthy. If they are able to do both, then they are miracles.

No sooner than they finished did they dart off with a quick word. Once more, I did not catch what was said as they spoke too fast and I was taking notes. They ran off to the south, towards the ocean.

I hope that wherever they go, that they are safe. I am not one for foals, but I have a soft spot for curiosities.
