• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 270 Views, 2 Comments

EqG Tales: DC Super Hero Girls Edition - Brian Sheil

6 girls got their prides shot. 6 young heroes help them get back their groove.

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7. Twilight Sparkle and Wonder Woman

Author's Note:

A young intellect like Twilight Sparkle can have a fighting spirit. It is displayed as she helps another Superhero Girl.

Outside in her backyard, Twilight Sparkle sits cross legged with her eyes closed. She wore a black T shirt and purple 3/4 tights. Soon, a timer went off on her phone. Twilight slowly opened her eyes and checked her phone.

"Hmm." Twilight said to herself. "Seven minutes. I must be getting better. Next time, I'll go for eight."

Soon, her mother, Twilight Velvet came out to check on her. "Everything okay, dear?"

"I guess so, mom." Twilight replied. "If I'm not ready for Karate class, there's no turning back."

"Well, don't forget why me and your father signed you up for Karate two months ago. This way, you can stand up for yourself and not be afraid of anything,"

"You're right, mom." Twilight then puts on her sneakers. "I'm going to walk around the neighborhood."

"Okay, dear."

As Twilight roams the neighborhood, she flashes back to when she and her friends got removed from the play by Svengallop. That made her feel very upset. Just then, a female voice greets her. "Hello, young intellect."

Startled, Twilight looked around. She soon spots a black haired maiden with a golden tiara. She wore a red top decorated with a golden eagle, a blue bottom with white stars, and red boots.

"I don't believe it!" Twilight said with shock in her voice. "Wonder Woman!"

"Correct, Twilight Sparkle." Wonder Woman replied as she approaches Twilight. "It's an honor to meet you."

"An honor? To meet me?"

"Certainly. You're a very interesting person."

Twilight should be honored. But, she's started to tear up. Wonder Woman sees this and is very concerned. "What is troubling you, my friend?"

"Oh, nothing." Twilight replied, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Nothing for you to be concerned about."

"You're wrong! I am very concerned about you. And, there's one way to learn of your sadness."

Grabbing her golden lasso, Wonder Woman started to tie up Twilight.

"Anybody bound by my magic lasso, is compelled to tell the truth." Wonder Woman explained. "Now, what is it that upsets you?"

Under the influence of the lasso, Twilight explains her situation. "Me and five of my friends were part of a play at our school. But, during rehearsal, a critic named Svengallop barged in, and yanked the six of us out."

"I heard of this Svengallop person." Wonder Woman said. "This man can be harsh to any performance or player."

"I know. The six of us were very upset that day."

The Amazonian maiden soon removed her lasso and gave Twilight some comfort. "Don't worry, Twilight. I'm sure your principal will do something about that act."

"You know Principal Celestia, Wonder Woman?" Twilight wondered.

"Not personally. But, I did some research about your school. This nightmare you and your friends went through won't last."

This made Twilight feel better. Suddenly, they heard the sound of glass breaking. They saw a woman in a gray body suit robbing a jewelry store. When Twilight sees that this woman has on a cat shaped hood and is welding a vicious whip, she recognized the crook.

"It's Catwoman!" Twilight gasped. "What's she doing here?"

"This feline predator has an eye for shiny stuff." Wonder Woman replied. She then gets out her shield and sword. "Time for battle!"

The Amazon heads out to fight this mean cat. Twilight followed her. Finding a secluded area, Catwoman looks over her loot.

"Meow." Catwoman purred. "These will look good in my collection."

"Stop right there, Catwoman!" Said a demanding female voice.

Catwoman turned and saw Wonder Woman ready for battle.

"Good to see you again, Wonder Woman." Catwoman greeted. "And, I see you brought that smart girl, Twilight Sparkle, with you."

Wonder Woman saw Twilight by her side. "Stay back, Twilight."

"I'm here to lend support, Wonder Woman." Twilight replied as she turns to their opponent. "I'm surprised you aren't joined by Joker or Penguin. Or, even the Riddler."

"I don't need those criminal big shots." Catwoman said. "I can take care of myself."

Wonder Woman then took a battle stance. "Then, prepare for battle!"

The hero charged into Catwoman. The two women battle each other. Catwoman has her claws and Wonder Woman has her sword and shield. Twilight watched with interest. Just then, Catwoman used a sweeping kick to knock Wonder Woman down.

"If only the Cheetah can see me now." Catwoman gloated as she bared her claws. "Time for you to be my scratching post."

Wonder Woman was ready to defend herself. Suddenly, Twilight rushed in and gave that crafty kitty a kick to the chest, knocking her down. Everyone was shocked at this moment.

"How did you do that?" Catwoman demanded.

"My parents signed me up for Karate class." Twilight explained. "In fact, I'm getting ready for my Yellow Belt later today."

Wonder Woman recovered and praised her partner. "Well done, Twilight. I felt there was a warrior spirit within you."

Catwoman was looking around for her bag of stolen jewels. Twilight got her attention. "Looking for this, Catwoman?" Twilight soon held up the bag. "While you were recovering, I grabbed your bag of jewels."

Realizing she's outmatched, Catwoman pulled out her whip. Time for me to pussyfoot out of here.

Using her whip, Catwoman got away. Minutes later, the two girls returned to jewels to the store owner.

"Thank you, Wonder Woman." The store owner said. "You and Twilight Sparkle worked well together."

This made the two ladies smile. As they leave, a thought came to Twilight's mind.

"You know, Catwoman mentioned your sworn enemy: the Cheetah." Twilight said. "I'm surprised she didn't show up."

"I wondered that myself." Wonder Woman replied. "Perhaps the Cheetah is preparing for a future encounter."

Little they know is that the Cheetah, in her everyday guise as Barbara Minerva, watched the two heroes from a distance.

"Never underestimate a brainiac like Twilight Sparkle." Barbara said to herself. "She just might surprise you. She sure shocked the Catwoman."

With that, Barbara Minerva left the scene. Later that day, Diana Prince watched the sun sets as she talks on her smartphone.

"Did you enjoy the footage of Twilight's belt ceremony, Sunset?" Diana asked.

"I did." Sunset replied. "I'm impressed that you know how to work that phone of yours."

"Like I said, I'm learning little by little. So, when will you be heading back to town?"

"I'll be heading back tomorrow. Thanks for your help."

"You're welcome, Sunset. Bye."

In her hotel room, Sunset unrolls her mat and sits cross legged for meditation before bed. In the morning, she heads back home.