• Published 4th Oct 2012
  • 6,031 Views, 222 Comments

The Griffon War: A Soldier's Memoirs - Dusk Quill

The journal of a front line soldier in the Royal Guard.

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Princess Celestia closed the cover on the weathered journal, each page delicately falling back into place as it shut with a soft sound. She took a deep breath and let it slowly pass out over her lips. She hadn’t been prepared for the emotional ride this simple book had taken her on. The rain outside had all but slowed to a stop, the soft pitter-patter of water against glass soothing to the nerves. A quick glance at the longcase clock up against the wall showed just how early in the morning it was. She had been up all night, and tomorrow was an important day.

Turning back to the cluttered desk, Celestia rested a gentle hoof on the fragile book. Her horn lit up to gather up the papers, maps, and books on the table together, lifting the journal up last and carrying it with her out of the library. The dark corridors of the castle were silent and empty. It added to the somber mood her studies had left her with. It was so hard to believe the war had only ended a little over two weeks ago. Even though it had been a decisive victory for Equestria, many ponies had lost their lives and loved ones across the sea. Each one lost was devastating to the princess. She was just thankful the war was finally over.

Celestia stepped into her bedchambers. Even a few hours of sleep would do her good. She had been restless for too long over the conflict with Alaric, and though the war itself had come to a close, the fallout was still a lingering issue. The protestors continued to try to demonize her for the conflict, but their cries fell on deaf ears, and the soldiers were recovering with their families. Everypony was happy to have their loved ones home, and to be able to reconcile and move on. She had protected Equestria, after all. Now harmony could be restored.

Slipping under the covers, Celestia set the journal on a nightstand and let her eyes close. A feeling of peaceful relaxation took her, a sensation she was more than grateful to have back again. She needed her rest. Tomorrow was a very important day.

Birds chirped outside the open windows while Celestia strolled down the hallways of Canterlot Castle. Her horn glowed with golden light, levitating the journal alongside her as she walked a brisk pace through the morning light. Though all the doors and halls looked identical, memory and practice taught her hooves where to go, and she knew where she was headed. Rounding a corner, she came to stop and knocked on a door.

A full minute passed before she heard the latch on the other side open and the door swung inward. The pony she had been looking for stood in the doorway, staring in surprise at the alicorn. His flaxen mane was tousled and unkempt from sleep. Fleethoof clearly hadn’t been expecting her.

“Your majesty!” Fleethoof greeted in surprised exclamation, running a hasty hoof through his messy mane in an attempt to recompose himself. “I wasn’t expecting you to seek me out.”

“I just wanted to bring your journal back to you, Fleethoof, and let you know that Captain Cuirass has been dishonorably discharged from the Royal Guard, pending his trial at Geneighva for his crimes,” Celestia said, placing the journal in his hooves. “Your report and the testimonies from your fellow soldiers was all the evidence we needed of his atrocities.”

“I’m glad I could bring some justice to the griffons,” Fleethoof said with sadness weighing his voice down low. “Enemies or not, they didn’t deserve that. I’m ashamed of what he did.”

“Humility for others’ faults isn’t very becoming of you, Sergeant,” teased Celestia, a soft smile touching her lips. “We’ve also had to remove a number of soldiers from service. We received reports of one particular unit killing civilians without discrimination during raids on towns and settlements.”

Fleethoof’s stomach churned. Civilians killed on purpose. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth.

“Good…” he muttered mostly to himself. "I heard about what has been going on in the Griffon Kingdom."

Celestia's eyes lowered for a brief moment. "Yes, I was afraid the griffons would revolt against their new leader."

"The government has been all but dissolved, your majesty. The griffons have fallen apart. There's no hope for their recovery now unless they can unify."

"I understand that." Her response was simple and straightforward. It was the answer of somepony who had known such an eventuality before.

Fleethoof hesitated before adding, "I feel I am to blame for this. My actions played a part in bringing a nation down. I helped cause this."

"That is the nature of war, Fleethoof. Nopony could have foreseen the extents the war would go," said Celestia in a comforting voice. "Do not blame yourself for matters out of your hooves."

He didn't reply, choosing instead to nod and acknowledge he had heard her. “Thank you for returning my journal, your majesty. I suppose I’ll see you in an a few hours then.”

“Fleethoof,” the princess interjected as he began to disappear back into his room again. He lingered, looking back at her as she spoke. “I was hoping I could ask a… favor of you. If it’s not too much to ask, could I hold on to your journal? I’d like to archive it in the Canterlot Royal Library for future generations to read.”

He stopped and stared for a moment, shock painting his face. “Anypony to read? Forever?”


Fleethoof was silent. He fumbled with the journal in his hooves for a moment. His eyes glanced down at the tattered, sentimental little book. His heart and soul had been poured into those pages. It had helped him get through the war. Cadance had used it as his medicine. It had helped him… but maybe now it could help somepony else in the future. The war was over—it was time to let go.

“All right,” he said with a small smile, then said, “just give me one minute.”

He turned on his hooves and rushed over to the desk in his room, setting the book down and flipping open to the last blank page. He grabbed the quill from the inkwell and began to fill the final page with words. His mind raced as he wrote, the corners of his mouth curling upward in a satisfied grin. Celestia watched from the door as he completed his journal, finishing the last entry with a quick, practiced flourish—his signature.

“Here, keep it safe,” Fleethoof said with a rueful smile and handed the book back to Celestia. “Maybe it can give somepony the same guidance and solace it gave me.”

Princess Celestia was gentle as she took the book in her magic, bowing her head in thanks to the stallion.

“Thank you, Fleethoof. I’ll see you at the ceremony then.”

“See you soon, Princess.” Fleethoof shut the door and leaned back against the wooden frame.

It was done. The past had just walked right out his door in the form of one little book. He felt released, like the last string tethering him to the past had finally broken. With a deep, relaxed sigh, the pony smiled, and wept, and laughed.

Trumpets sounded as a gathering of ponies stood around the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The three princesses sat at the far end, surveying the cordial decoration that stood to the ceremony. Flower garlands hung overhead, and guards stood at attention of either side of the long, red carpet running the length of the room. All the ponies that had shown up were dressed to the nines, fitted to honor their heroes.

Celestia glanced to her sister at her side, Luna returning her look with a happy smile. She felt the same pride she had shown as she looked back to the doors across the expanse. Beside her, Princess Cadance held a small wooden case lined with velvet. Three medals and three insignias lay inside.

The trumpets sounded again, and from outside the room, Fleethoof shifted on his hooves, fidgeting out of nervousness. He tried to straighten the collar on his dress uniform, struggling against the suit. He felt the stiff collar move on its own, glancing down and seeing a veil of magenta magic surrounding it, setting it back into place for him. He glanced over at Shining Armor with a knowing smirk on his face.


Both ponies stood just outside the doors, dressed in their dark green suits. Sashes bearing their cutie marks had been custom made for the occasion. Fleethoof took a deep breath to steady himself and shifted his weight back and forth on his hooves. Shining Armor looked over at him again.

“Nervous much?” he joked.

“I don’t see how you’re not,” Fleethoof said with a roll of his eyes. “This is the biggest moment of my life.”

“Yeah… Meeting the princesses, getting honored and decorated, facing ponies from all across Equestria applauding us, I don’t know how I’ll survive,” Shining Armor remarked sarcastically, still smiling from ear to ear. “Do you think they’ll put us in charge of the Guard now?”

“I sure hope not…” Fleethoof shivered at the thought.

Shining gave his friend an intrigued look. “Don’t like being in command?”

“Not of a lot of ponies. Too much responsibility.”

“I had to deal with it when we fought at Asgard. My squad took the city,” said Shining, shrugging a little in his pressed suit. “It isn’t so bad when you get used to it.”

“I’ll take a small team of excellent ponies over an army any day.”

There was silence between the two again for a moment. Celestia’s opening speech began in the adjacent room. Fleethoof took another deep breath, feeling the anxiety and nervous energy building up in him.

“I’m glad you’re the one here with me, Shining,” Fleethoof said after a moment, catching the unicorn’s attention. “I read the reports. You really deserve this.”

“I’m glad you’re here too, Fleet. There's nopony I'd rather have at my side than my best friend.” Shining said in return.

The trumpets began to play again, and then the guards began to open the doors with their magic.

“Here we go.” Shining Armor smiled at his friend beside him. “Got my back?”

Fleethoof smirked back at his friend and brother in arms. “Always.”

In unison, the two ponies started their trek down the red carpet. Ponies on either side of the room turned to look at them, all smiles and bright eyes. The applause came gradually, building the further into the room they got. Guards on either side of the carpet saluted the ponies as they walked by. Ahead of them, Celestia and Luna beamed with pride. Cadance’s eyes lit up. Shining Armor’s smile grew wider when he saw her at the pulpit.

Both ponies stepped up to the princesses and stood at attention. Celestia looked between the two for a moment before addressing the audience.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” she began. “Today we honor two very brave heroes. Everypony who served in the Griffon War showed true courage, but these two ponies before us showed exceptional honor, duty, and valor.”

Celestia turned to Fleethoof first. “Fleethoof, for putting the greater needs of Equestria, and of your fellow soldiers, above yourself, and for acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty, I hereby promote you to the rank of captain. And for risking your life to return Princess Cadance home to the safety of Equestria, I present you with the Equestrian Medal of Honor.”

The alicorn’s horn lit up as she lifted one of the shimmering silver medals from the case Cadance was holding. She draped the ribbon around Fleethoof’s neck and pinned an insignia to his lapel. He glanced down at the medal resting on his chest, admiring how it gleamed in the light. Caught in a state of disbelief, he saluted the princess on reflex, dropping it at her nod.

“Shining Armor,” she continued, turning to him next. “For your upstanding dedication to your soldiers, and for your valiant actions in Asgard and in the field, I hereby promote you to the rank of captain, and bestow the Equestrian Medal of Honor to you.”

Fleethoof watched as a second silver medal and insignia levitated out of the case, finding its home around Shining Armor’s neck. Everypony behind them showered them with applause. The two newly promoted officers exchanged a quick smile, excitement shining in their eyes.

“Shining Armor, without your efforts at Asgard, Alaric would still pose a grave threat to Equestria, and the war would not have ended as it did. You took command of your soldiers when no other officer was present and you led the army to a swift and decisive victory. It was your unit that captured the griffon capital and headed the assault and evacuation. For your courage and talent, with your consent, I would like to appoint you Captain of the Guard.”

Shining Armor’s eyes turned to the size of dinner plates. His mouth hung agape in a way that made Cadance titter and Fleethoof look away, lest he dissolve into laughter as well. But to himself, Fleethoof breathed a silent sigh of relief, thankful he wouldn’t be put in such a position of command, and proud of his friend beyond words.

“I... Guh... Y-Yes, of course, your majesty! I gratefully accept,” Shining replied, his stammered words reflecting his enthusiasm.

“Congratulations, Shining Armor, Captain of the Guard!” said Celestia in proud declaration. She levitated a gold medal from the case and draped it around the unicorn’s neck with the other, then placed the last insignia pin on the lapel of his uniform.

Applause nearly shook the hall as both ponies turned around, presenting themselves to the crowd. Shining Armor was still looking down at his commendations in disbelief. Fleethoof smirked and nudged him, getting him to look up as photographers snapped photos of the two new officers. Fleethoof smiled and waved, spotting his family amidst the crowd and giving an exaggerated wave.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, I am very proud to present Captain Fleethoof and Captain of the Guard Shining Armor.”

The ceremony coming to a close, Shining Armor and Fleethoof embraced one another, saying more in the simple action than either could ever speak. The two separated, joining their respective families as reporters clambered around to try and get interviews. From the elevated thrones, Luna leaned closer to her sister.

“I want him, sister,” she said in a hushed tone. “You claimed Shining Armor for your Captain of the Guard.”

“Luna, we discussed this,” Celestia sighed in a tired tone.

“It will be beneficial to everypony, sister. We could prevent so much more future disaster.”

“We don’t even know if there will be any future crisis we need the military for.”

“You didn’t anticipate a war with the griffons either. Was this not eye-opening enough?” Luna's argument left a stinging sensation in Celestia's heart. “’Tis better to be safe than sorry, sister. I will take full authority for this. It is my plan, after all.”

Celestia didn’t say anything for a long moment, her eyes dark while she pondered the matter.

“Very well, Luna—if this is what you wish, you may run your experiment,” she agreed with much reluctance. “Just be careful. These are ponies’ lives. You are not playing a game.”

“Trust me, dear sister,” said Luna, and then stepped down to the floor.

Celestia watched as Cadance stepped down as well, rushing over and embracing Shining Armor. Fleethoof and his family had already made their way for the door, Luna following close behind. Only once they were out in the corridor did she finally catch up.

“Excuse me, sir Captain,” Luna called out, catching Fleethoof’s attention. “A moment of your time?”

Fleethoof excused himself and approached the princess.

“Yes, your majesty?”

“Firstly, permit me to congratulate you on your promotion,” she said with a smile. “Do you have any plans to continue your service with the Royal Guard?”

“Not particularly…” Fleethoof said after a long pause, eyes cast downward as if he had just confessed to some crime. “I love serving and protecting Equestria, but… I saw so many horrible things in the army. I don’t think I could lead a company of ponies, knowing so many lives were my responsibility. I can’t handle that. I feel bad when one pony gets hurt in my squad, but… I can’t imagine that on a large scale.”

Unbeknownst to her, Luna’s smile began to grow wider with each word he said. He was playing right into her plan.

“And does the position in my personal bodyguard still hold no interest to you?” she asked.

Fleethoof chuckled beneath his breath. “Not quite enough service for my taste, sorry... Your majesty, you just said ‘my’ and ‘you’.”

“Yes, it seems you were correct about my dialect. My sister has been most informative. I may speak normally to my soldiers,” she replied, obviously less interested in her own speaking habits.

“I think you can speak that way to anypony, your majesty.”

“Please, do not attempt to further confuse us… I mean, me,” Luna interjected, and then continued, “besides, Captain, I have another offer for you.”

Fleethoof's head cocked to one side. “What sort of offer?”

“You have demonstrated immense military and tactical prowess and talent. You have rightly earned your rank, and you wish to serve, but not as a soldier, nor an officer commanding an army,” Luna surmised, the captain’s eyebrow lifting as she summed him up. “I have been putting together a unit specialized for special operations not meant for an army. Only a few ponies strong, but made of the best in Equestria.”

“And you want me to be a part of this team?” Fleethoof guessed.

“No, Captain Fleethoof. I want you to lead it.”

“You want what?” he asked. “You want me to lead a team of only a few ponies on special missions… doing what, exactly?”

“Anything—anything that can prevent another war like this from erupting. I believe if a few ponies can keep a cataclysm at bay by unconventional methods, it is better to utilize them than prepare the army for war.”

“Princess, with all due respect, what you’re asking of me is highly irregular.”

“Captain, everything these past few months have been highly irregular. The only way to fight strange is with strange. We must adapt in order to ensure our survival, even if it means breaking from tradition. I prefer to have a few ponies I know can accomplish a task with speed and efficiency than risk the lives of hundreds.”

Fleethoof was silent. He chuckled again. That was definitely something he could relate to. He shook his head with a slow motion. “How many ponies in the team?”

“No more than six to start. Expansion may be a possibility in the future, but for now, a small squad, like you’ve used before, as I’ve read. You could be in command of an elite force. You can be an officer without acting as an officer. That is what you enjoy, is it not?”

“How would the rest of the military know about this?” he continued, lowering his tone so as not to attract any attention.

“They won’t know specifics, but they will be notified and recognize the unit as something special. Everything this team does will be confidential and classified, only available to my sister and I. You’ll receive your orders directly from us. You’ll be given your own unique equipment tailored to your sets of missions and your own rules of engagement. You’d be fighting a war before a war begins.”

“Princess Luna, this doesn’t sound like something your sister would approve of.”

“My sister has put me in charge of military oversight,” said Luna with a pleased smile. “I had a lot of time to study on the subject, and she doesn’t enjoy getting her hooves deeply involved in these matters. I planned this down to the finest detail. I decided this would be beneficial for Equestria, and I know I want you to be a part of it, Captain.”

Another long moment of silence fell over Fleethoof. He stared at the wall for a while, mulling the proposal over in his head. He laughed softly and shook his head, turning and beginning to walk back to his family.

“You could spare hundreds of ponies from fighting needlessly,” Luna called out to him, hoping to stop his retreat before he could resolve himself. “You could save their lives right now. Spare the living the trauma you endured. Cadance opened your eyes to this, did she not?”

Fleethoof froze in mid-stride. The princess’s words had hit a nerve. His feathers bristled. He turned back around, locking gazes with her as he made his way back.

“How many positions are filled?” he asked.

“Three, four if you accept.”

Fleethoof paused.

“I want to make one thing very clear first. I am not doing this to be idolized, or to be better than anypony, or play hero, or to abandon the ponies in the Guard and Army. I’m doing this to help them, and to defend Equestria.” His rough voice conveyed severity with each syllable. “And I want to pick the last two members of the team.”

Luna nodded. “Very well, Captain. I can agree to those terms, provided the ponies pass the entry evaluation.”

Fleethoof nodded. Satisfied with the terms and how amicable Luna was being, he lingered. So far, there didn't seem to be a downside. “What is the name of this team?”

“I named it after the first true special operations mission Equestria has ever ordered, and the location it occurred in,” the princess answered. “Skyfall Team.”

The name sent chills down Fleethoof’s spine. For whatever reason, he loved it. It fit perfectly. It was also his debut battle. His induction into proper warfare. He managed a slow nod, looking Luna in the eye again.

“All right, Princess Luna. I accept your offer.”

Luna's smile widened exponentially. “Most glorious decision! Go, be with your family. Come see me within the week and we will discuss everything in greater detail. Tell me, do you have an idea of who you want in the outfit?”

“I do, your majesty,” Fleethoof replied. “And I’d like them both promoted for their excellent service.”

“It shall be done, Captain Fleethoof. Congratulations again.”

Princess Luna turned and left, leaving Fleethoof to his family. A slight smile broke across his lips, a comfort and pride settling over him. He was going to be much more in his element now he was commanding a small, specialized team instead of a massive force. Walking out of Canterlot Castle with his family gushing over his achievements and safe return, Fleethoof began to feel normalcy return to his life. He'd be able to return to the ordinary, the everyday humdrum of life: alarm clocks going off too early for his liking, coffee at some local café, daily mail and news, and catching up with old friends.

Looking out across the city of Canterlot and to the rolling hills and fields of Equestria beyond that, he drew in a deep breath.

He was home.

Later that evening, Princess Celestia stepped into the stillness of the empty library. The entire building had been silent as the grave since Twilight had left. Nostalgia touched the alicorn as she trotted over to the Military History and Warfare section of the library annex. In her magic’s hold, she held Fleethoof’s journal. At the end of each bookshelf sat a glass case reserved for special or archaic books of related subject. The Warfare case was expectedly empty.

Lifting the lid, Celestia settled the book into its eternal home. Just as she was about to close the case, she paused—and then opened the book to the last page. Her experienced eyes read Fleethoof’s last entry, a smile forming on her lips and her heart warming. She set the book down again and shut the lid, closing the final door on the war and making her way back out of the library. Darkness took the room over again as the large doors shut tight, the last light closing over the journal of the Griffon War.

To my dear reader,

If you have reached this entry, it can mean one of two things: you are greatly into military history, or you are a soldier—troubled or new—looking for something to relate to. You found the journal of a former warrior and hoped this would hold the answers you sought. I hope to the Great Alicorn that it did.

There is nothing I can tell you that will ever make anything you will endure or have endured any easier. War is a terrible ordeal. War reveals the greatest and the worst of ourselves. I have watched many of my friends die, and I have taken the lives of countless others. Nopony is meant to bear witness to the horrors combat unfolds to your eyes. As soldiers, it is a great burden on our minds and souls. We suffer so greatly, often for reasons we don’t even understand.

So why do we do it? For the longest time, I didn’t know the answer. Now I do.

We do it because we love something. We love our countries. We love the ponies we fight for. We love our brothers and sisters in arms at our sides. Those things are worth protecting—they are worth fighting and dying for. We fall, broken, so others won’t. It is a sacrifice we make to save others. Something will always want to take what is ours, and it is our job to stop them at any cost. It will never be easy, but it is not impossible.

You’ll be scared, more scared than you’ve ever been before. You’ll feel like you’ve been left alone in the world, and that nopony understands. I've felt this way before. Always know that somepony in the world cares for you. You are never alone, not with your brothers and sisters looking out for you. A wise pony once told me that your fellow soldiers are the only ones looking out for you. They are your greatest support and lifeline. Rely on them and let them rely on you, and you will never be alone—and you will never fall.

If you ever feel lost and broken with nowhere left to turn to, sometimes all you need is a kind word from somepony who cares. Friends are the greatest weapon against fear that you can ever have.

I pray that with my efforts, and the efforts of every soldier in Equestria, that you will never have to go to war, reader. I pray that you will never have to endure the fear, the pain, and the sorrow. I pray that you know the value of life, and live each day to its fullest. You are more loved and far luckier than you know.

Good luck, reader, in all your endeavors. Never lose yourself.

— Fleethoof