• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 6,979 Views, 454 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

14 - Chaotic Touches, Part Three

"Now, I am willing to admit when I'm wrong." Discord stroked his magnificent beard meaningfully. "And I was! I do like being surprised, really, so thank you both." He paused to pat Tempo and Blueblood on the head each. "Such lovely playthings. Your love is true, near as I can tell."

He leaned in close to Blueblood. "Even If I don't understand it. Really, playing with your toys? I thought grown stallions matured out of that stage."

Blueblood swatted at him to little effect. "She is not a 'toy'. She is a living creature, and one that has blessed me with the chance to spend time with her."

Tempo pushed to get between them. "Stop taunting him. It's me you want."

"Hmm, you're not wrong." He prodded Tempo on the end of her snout. "He's just attached, for reasons only he understands. Now, if I had such a delightful little condstruct, the things I'd do."

Tempo shivered from her hooves top her eartips at the disqueting thoughts that came from that. "I would rather not know. What do you actually want?"

"Actually, nothing." He floated back with an easy smile. "I have a town to torment, and you've been fun enough for now. Why don't you go ahead and polish yourself up for me when I get back." With a sharp snap, he was gone, replaced with an entire supply of waxing materials.

Tempo kicked a sealed bucket away with a frustrated cry. "Monster. Every ill word they ever spoke of him was accurate to a letter." She whirled on Blueblood. "Are you entirely alright?"

"Entirely." He reached for her and they hugged gently. "But I do wonder what 'town' he's gone to haunt? I feel a bit poorly for whichever ponies those happen to be, though, am I a terrible pony for thinking it a blessing that it isn't us?"

Tempo considered that with slow taps of her hoof on the ground. "I understand it. I do not think either of us are wrong for feeling that. But we are better ponies." She gently propped him up. "We should do what we can, for others. Let's forget the images and phantoms and turn our eyes to real ponies."

Blueblood's ears pinned back remorsefully beneath Tempo's stern but caring look. "You shame me to the quick, beloved...and justly so," he admitted.

Her compassion piercing through his self-absorbed funk kindled inspiration in turn. "Wherever that rogue spirit has wandered off to spread more chaos, you speak true - real ponies face that storm helpless."

He planted his hooves with fresh determination. "What's our comfort weighed 'gainst such strife? We who weathered and found our bond strengthened must now guide others to safe harbor..."

Tempo smiled as he rallied, tail giving an almost hopeful wag.

Blueblood lifted his head high, feeling Tempo's virtues rubbing their salutary shine off on even weathered old dogs like himself, or so he imagined in that instant. "Your wisdom humbles me yet again, my dear. Ever tempting to stew in our private thoughts - but fie on hiding behind walls whilst a whole town falls prey!"

He flourished his cape with an elegant snap, grinning. "Well spoken, Princess - these hooves may lack wings but I swear they'll not be found wanting speed to the aid of your noble charge!"

Fear and uncertainty yet clung to the castle's worried denizens...but Tempo's stalwart poise banished the tang of defeatism, naming their true priority. Together they raced to rally others who might share salvation if fortune favored..

He smiled sheepishly over at her. "I promise to spend less breath hearing myself spout pretty words - and more lifting others your peerless example guides true!"

Tempo rubbed against him gently. "Then, perhaps, today was worth having. Let's try to make some good, hm?" They found things in need with troubled ponies right there in the castle.

Charging out of their chambers, they ran into distressed maids, butlers, and other nobility with confusion in their eyes and a shake in their legs. Blueblood frowned at the sight. "Servants, I require you!" His booming call had quite a number hurrying over to him.

Tempo blinked at the sharp call. "Why--"

Blueblood held up a hoof for quiet. "Good. Now, I demand you all take a breath, slowly now." He began leading them through exercises, calming down the crowd step by step. "It's alright, he's gone, hopefully forever. You've all done quite well, proven by the fact that you stand before me." He inclined his head. "Others are not so fortunate, or strong. Help them."

So it was that he sent his recovered servants off to find less-able ones to coach back into mobility, to then go and begin assisting nobility and dignitaries. Tempo watched it all with wonder. "Dear, this is amazing. You have such leadership when it comes to it."

"Of course." He slapped a hoof to his chest. "I am royalty, am I not? Leadership is my job." He leaned against Tempo gently. "Thank you for reminding me of that."

Tempo nestled against her suddenly commanding prince, pride and affection kindling brightly. In truth, she'd hoped at best to guide a few frightened castle residents back to sense herself while this brash Blueblood raced off after adventure.

Yet witnessing him marshal shaken servants into regiments of level-headed authority with such ease left Tempo awed. For all his foppish flaws, in crisis noblesse oblige took hold - this prince transformed to dignified general, issuing directives for the good of all.

Had she underestimated his royal mettle so? "Blueblood, I...I must apologize for ever doubting your capabilities thus hidden," Tempo murmured, kissing his cheek impulsively.

"In calmer tides, one scarcely predicts the stalwart captain who emerges to steer ships steady..." She watched him dispatch another newly steadied pair off to relay his recovery instructions, gratitude and wonderingly regard warming her voice.

"But revealed now, I find your regal composure blinding..." Tempo's eyes shone as she turned to fully embrace him. "Command me too, dear Prince! How may I amplify efforts to console this shaken flock until discord's damage mends?"

He threw an arm over her, hugging her close. "My dear, you're already helping. I am trembling, on the inside. Were it not for your steadying presence, I'd be worse off than many of them." He rubbed and leaned on her as if to show that. "Remain right at my side, and we'll steer things right, together, my dear."

Tempo returned the lean, keeping him upright. "You are doing wonderfully. Where is Princess Celestia, and my sister? Are they both safe?"

Blueblood hummed at the thought. "You." He waved a maid closer. "See if you can locate auntie, and bring her here if she isn't otherwise occupied." The maid bowed and rushed off. "Hopefully we'll see her in a moment."

The entire castle was unwinding, step by step. The ripple effects of the attending servants saw more and more ponies shaking free of the troubling times Discord had visited them. Celestia arrived, walking down a hallway with guards before her. "Blueblood, Tempo." She nodded at either. "I don't want to assume. How are you feeling?"

Tempo flashed a bright smile. "Aunt, lovely to see you, but I was hoping to ask the same question first. Are you alright?"

"No." Celestia frowned delicately. "That monster is on the loose, troubling my ponies. I will not be 'alright' until that is settled. The bearers, Twilight included, remain locked in that battle."

Tempo's smile faltered at Celestia's brusque reply before fresh determination flooded in. Of course her aunt would not rest easy until their people were safe and that infuriating chaos demon brought to heel once more.

"We understand, Aunt," she ventured gently. "Prince Blueblood has already begun commendable work rallying the servants here and giving directives to steady nerves. But of course greater strife remains beyond our walls."

"Have they assisted, Auntie?" Blueblood smiled brightly, looking ready to be praised by the one he saw as highest. "Were they they the ones that found you?"

Tempo moved closer, seeking to bolster Celestia's obvious weary spirit however she could. "What further preparations can we make to receive those who battled Discord upon their return?" she asked. "Surely Twilight and her stalwart friends will prevail - but they may need succor themselves afterwards."

Blueblood stepped up beside Tempo supportively. "We stand ready to aid local recovery efforts as well, Princess. Just say the word - my family yet keeps estates across Equestria. Our regional managers could be directing resources and relief in short order."

He swept a courtly bow. "Levy our wealth and contacts so your good work may continue, my Liege..."

Tempo smiled proudly at her prince's generosity. Together perhaps they could smooth some lingering fear from Celestia's timeless brow if deeds matched ready words.

Celestia spread her wings, just to fold them against her back. "Two such lovely ponies stand before me. I am put mildly at peace to hear your eager cries to assist. Blueblood, I'm told you were the one that got the castle back on its hooves. Put that talent to work for the city." She pointed past a stained window. "There are many ponies out there that could use a helping hoof. See that one arrives."

"Ma'am!" He saluted sharply. "Let's be off, Tempo dear. We have a city to save!" He sounded a bit excited about that, eager to show his abilities. "We'll be back, Auntie."

Tempo allowed herself to be guided away. "I hope Twilight does well."

"I have faith." Celestia turned to other ponies. Her work, as ruler, had not even paused for their meeting.

Blueblood maintained a veneer of nobility's measured grace, but alarm quickened his pace as much as eager duty. For just beyond Canterlot's magnificent arched gates, the world had twisted upon itself in ways defying sanity itself...

Levitation spells reversed randomly, once sturdy buildings now dangling upside down precariously. Unicorns yelped, finding all magic turned sporadic folly - fireworks erupting unpredictably or doves exploding from top hats.

Through the madness zigzagged citizens gone giddy with horror - pegasi crashed mid-flight, earth ponies fumbled over their own hooves. And over it all loomed a swirling firmament rippling with ghastly faces...

"Steady on!" Blueblood shouted to a reeling mare, supporting her weight. Where to even begin ameliorating this riotous confusion?

He looked desperately to Tempo even as another detached cottage drifted by. "I fear the castle troubles may have proven but prelude to true bedlam, my dear! However can we impose reason's rule now reality rebels?"

Tempo grimaced, magically deflecting a plummeting potted plant from a foal. "I confess such intense turmoil tests even my adaptive mettle..." Yet the prince depended on her poise - and citizens needed saviors, not fellow victims. Tempo's horn blazed brighter, raw power holding back a cacophony of unmanned carts from stampeding loose. She had been born to protect; whatever mayhem awaited, failing those who needed her most remained unthinkable.

That she would protect was one fact she could always hold as a steady point.

Blueblood applauded her efforts as he caught specific ponies and drew them towards the ground. "You, you, and you." He pointed to three of the least frazzled of the lot. "I need your help, as does the rest of Canterlot!" He began barking orders at them. Despite the troubled times, having a firm voice of authority seemed to stir some vibrance into them as they rushed off to help spread the order he offered.

The two of them worked together, doing their best to anchor the city amid the chaos. The strange energies didn't want to fade, not while their master yet lived, but the ponies forced to live in it were finding some measure of balance with Tempo and Blueblood working dutifully, soon joined by more and more other ponies that put aside their personal problems for the greater good.

The spirit of Equestria wouldn't be smashed so easily, despite Discord's plans to do exactly that.

Author's Note:

I feel like this arc can end here, a safe spot to say things were handled. Thoughts?

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