• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen May 27th


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


Due to Trixie trixing up a spell, she and Autumn Blaze go to 1690s Salem, Massachusetts. Surely the natives will be friendly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

If two witches watch two watches, then which witch watch which watch?

I think you're missing a modal verb or an added verb tense ending there.
Try being more willful, as a witch should.

Yeah, burning a kirin on a pyre is not going to work very well. I liked Autumn's chatterboxiness, too - is that a word? It should be.

Anyway: Sock, why?

Autumn craned her neck to look at Trixie from her pillory. "We're the center of attention. We should 🎶siiiing—🎵"

The tall Puritan hit her over the head with a birch switch. "No singing. It is an affront to God."

LOL! Puritans being mocked and outsmarted by ponies and kirin is a natural point of conflict and comedy.

I can’t say I saw this coming.

Dan #6 · Dec 8th, 2023 · · ·

Shout out to Atun-Shei.
Seriously, someone show this fic to Andrew.

Friggin' English Puritans. Trixie should have opened up the portal a few hundred miles north in Acadia. Those people knew how to greet guests properly!

Okay, yeah, 'Somepuritan' really got me. That was hilarious.

This was amazing and I completely agree with everything that happened. Best thing ever. What a fantastic way to wake up and start my day. :rainbowkiss:

My response to this story:😏(smirk)

And if you'll pardon a bit of :twilightsmile:
Some years ago I had an encyclopedia all about witchcraft and such, in it (or perhaps because of it) I learned that the Real Puritans were not 120% anti everything except praying. That reputation was later painted on by the Victorians so that their collective ego (which makes RD and LD look downright humble) would be appeased. They had barn-raisings, they enjoyed colored cloth, and other such pleasures. Granted by our modern standards they were still a pretty stoic/somber bunch.

That being said, if a unicorn or Quilin walked into town, they probably would be more than a tad suspicious/fearful.

Comment posted by Airwalker deleted Dec 9th, 2023

Quite an adventure. Autumn clearly has some kinks to work out--maybe Trixie can assist.

Also, Puritans didn't burn witches, they instead either hung them, drowned them or crushed them with rocks.

"After I niriked, the ropes and petticoats burned off. I hopped off the pyre and started running around the town like a naked border collie herding repressed sheep."


Good thing the Puritans did not try to use a branding iron on Autumn Blaze!

I knew that, but what fun would hanging dragonFireChatterboxHorse be?

Glad you enjoyed! I figured it would be up your alley.

The no-singing is anathema to Autumn Blaze though.

Oh no doubt, but like I said they sometimes had barn raisings and other celebrations so I imagine that even if they weren't quite up to Autumn's standards for nearly 24/7 musical theater they might be okay with the occasional song/dance in the right place/time/context.



A musical version of The Crucible would be right up the Kirin Community Theater's alley.

edit. It already exists.

"The natives will be friendly"
3 seconds into the new time



Puritans: What sorcery has created these sounds?! You shall burn at the stake, heathen!

music is magic that i protect!
Heck i once made my own song!
Music is a form of harmony magic!


If Belos hated the Boiling Isles, what would he think of Equestria with its magic ponies and spontaneous choreography?


I ask because Belos was all but stated to be a hardcore religious Puritan.

Honestly I don’t know what I was expecting when I decided to read this story. But I can tell you whatever it was. It sure as heck was not this!

Overall I had a fun time with this little story. It was short, sweet and entertaining.

And this is why you don't mess with the floof.

Great story!

I mean, Autumn wrote musicals. Of course she's a bard. Just throw vicious mockery around until no one expects the fireball.

Wonderful bit of silliness. Thank you for it.

Hahahahaha, yup.

It's been years decades since I played D&D, but that must have been deep in my subconscious with Genko Pose, the trapper keeper I had in grade school, and the lyrics to Fry and Bender's Fishy Joe's song...

"...to cover your shame..."

"Shame, hell!! Terramar loves my shame! Do you have any idea what it takes to keep your shame cooled down enough when everything makes you hotter than an Abyssinian on catnip???"
"HE does!!!"

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