• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 312 Views, 0 Comments

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Heroes from the Stars - Chrome Masquerade

When gigantic monsters begin attacking Equestria, the Cutie Mark Crusaders (and others) meet some unexpected allies.

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Apple Bloom was sitting at the usual table in Sugarcube Corner. The bakery was still run by the Cakes and Pinkie Pie, but also aiding the three of them were Pound and Pumpkin Cake, helping where they could.

As she waited, Apple Bloom ordered their usual drinks, in the Large size. To be precise: Milkshakes, Prench Vanilla (for Sweetie Belle), Strawberry (for Apple Bloom herself) and Double Chocolate (for Scootaloo). She also was inclined to wait until her friends arrived before receiving hers. Fortunately, years of working on the farm had taught her a modicum of patience. And some of the lessons with Zecora showed her how to meditate, as she was doing while she waited. A green circle was floating in the air around her, encircling her body as she also slightly glowed with a green tint.

Over the past couple of days, Gaia had also been teaching her to use the energy of the earth beneath her in ways that her sister would have been interested in, if not slightly jealous of. It took her some time to get the ideas down, but Gaia was a patient teacher, as one might expect of a being related so closely to nature. It kind of reminded her of something her sister sometimes said.

What Ah do know about is farmin'. Ya see, honesty is everythin' when it comes ta farmin', as the land tells no lies and is always patient. Tryin' ta lie ta the land is like believin' a fox will protect a hen-house; It just won't work.

Upon Apple Bloom telling Gaia this, he had commented that Applejack seemed to be a wise sort of mare.

Anyway, the fact that she was able to commune with the land even more deeply than before was refreshing in more ways than one.

All around her, she could feel whatever was connnecte to the earth in the area. Some ants crawling across the ground, carrying leaves; A few foals playing with a bouncy ball nearby -the ball itself appeared and disappeared to her perception, as it bounced along-. Jackaroo (AKA Winona the 3rd, this one a Germane Shepherd, whereas the first was a Collie) and Opalescence (the 3rd, a Siamese whereas the original was a Purrrsian.) were unexpectedly getting along, alternately chasing and chased by the other in a game of tag. Jackaroo, of course, was getting the lead more easily than the other, but always let her have the next turn eventually.

Then she felt something new thundering toward the town. she could hear wheels screeching in a magically muffled way as the train from Southward came in to the station. Many Ponies disembarked; some got on. She recognized two of the ones coming off of it for sure. The presence of the second made her gasp, then wave to one of the Cake twins (Pumpkin). "Um, Ah'd also like ta order a Jackfruit 'shake. An' another chair. Seems we'll be havin' an extra guest."

Pumpkin blinked twice and cocked an eyebrow. That was all the surprise she showed. When she didn't recieve a responsr, she shrugged and went to place the order, determining that she should get the previously ordered drinks as well.

As expected, a few minutes thereafter, Sweetie Belle and Babs Seed strode into the café, chatting with each other excitedly.

"Did he REALLY say that?" Sweetie Belle asked, with a grin.

"He did! Oh, da look on dat other stylist's face? PRICELESS!"

The two of them laughed, then they notice Apple Bloom waving to them. They went to take two of the seats around the table.

"So, where's our fourth?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Will she be "fashionably late" as usual?" she joked.

"She'll prob'bly be here in three... two.... one...", Apple Bloom replied, counting down.

On cue, Scootaloo alighted near the door to Sugarcube Corner, coming in shortly thereafter. "Hay, everypony! Did I miss anything?"

Apple Bloom grinned. "Ah'm gittin' better at that. Nope. Yer jus' in time, actually. Why so punctual-like?"

Scootaloo said, scratching the back of her head, "Yeah... I had a stiff headwind, and have quite a story to tell you, so I was winging my way here as fast as I could."

The other three chorused, "Funny you should say that-"

They pointed at each other. "JINX! Jinx again!" before laughing merrily.

Scootaloo smiled. Some things were best left unchanged.

Having enjoyed their milkshakes, the four young mares were chatting excitedly about recent events. Babs had asked Apple Bloom how she knew that Jackfruit was her favourite, to which she recieved, "Jus' a hunch, is all."

The four of them could feel that something was definitely... different about the others, but couldn't put a hoof/finger on what or why. It felt foreign and yet... familiar.

Scootaloo, being the boldest of the four, was the first to broach the topic, as she could tell that none of the other three were inclined to start.

She sighed. "I'll just put it this way." so saying, she looked both ways before undoing the first couple of buttons on her outfit, revealing the rounded pentagonal(1) shape in the center.

Apple Bloom sighed as well, before following suit, revealing the triangle shape on hers.

Sweetie Belle was next, revealing the spherical shape on hers.

Babs, of course, went last. She just rolled up her sleeve, revealing a similar crystal.

Apple Bloom said (with a facepalm - a facehoof would have been painful), "So THAT's what's diff'rent about ya girls. An' here Ah thought that mah story'd be u-nique."

They all chuckled at that. A coincidence? Maybe, but maybe not.

The quartet told each other of their experiences with their respective... guests. The others each listened raptly as the explaining friend told their story. While trying to make sure that they kept it between the four of them. Sweetie Belle, for the purpose, had cast a spell that Princess Twilight had taught her; a one-way acoustic barrier. Bascally, sound went in one way, but not out the other. They could hear everything that was going on, but their conversation was kept silent to any listening.

At length, they more or less were caught up with events, when suddenly they heard a chorus of hollow howls from nearby. The three native to Ponyville knew that sound all too well.

"Timberwolves." they said in unison.

The four galloped outside to see what was going on. Sure enough, there were multiple smaller version of the ligneous lupines that they'd learned to know and fear. Suddenly, they unconsciously touched their symbols, being transported to a shared pocket dimension.


The four young mares saw their respective Ultras standing together.

Dyna was the first to speak up. "It is good to know that the three of you are still carrying on."

Tiga nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we can'st catcheth up later. For now, we have opponents to face." To Sweetie Belle, he said, "Alloweth us to taketh control for a bit. This dost useth up power very quickly at this point, so t'will only lasteth about 60 seconds. But that ought to be plenty."

Apple Bloom touched her symbol again. "Go fer it!"

The others were inclined to agree.

Suddenly, four more average-sized versions of the world's newest protectors appeared. Knowing that their time was short, they split up to do what they came to. As there were a few dozen targets, there was plenty for all.

Tiga was able to dispatch her targets with relative ease, the nature of her energy-charged attacks was quite effective against them.

Gaia was doing even better. The wooden wolves were not quite sure what to make of her, and were wary of the positive energy that Gaia seemed to exude, which allowed her extra space to take them out.

Dyna was having slightly more trouble. Her attacks were not quite as effective as Gaia's, as the bark of the wolves was oddly insulated. Still, she was able to hold her own.

Mebius was able to use her blade ability to great effect, swiftly and efficiently chopping the targets into so much kindling.

From the small piles of wood, some phantoms of the previous forms were ejected. They glared at the miniature Ultras before speeding off toward the Everfree, from whence they came.

Finding a safely hidden spot, the four quickly reassumed their previous forms.

Apple Bloom held her head, feeling rather dizzy. "Ugh. Ah hope we don' hafta do THAT too of'n."

"Uh-huh." the other three said in unison.

"Let's just get back to-" Sweetie began, before a much larger howl sounded. MUCH larger than before.

Looking toward the source of the noise...

Apple Bloom facehoofed. "Really?!"

Closer to the center of the town was a rather gigantic version of the Timberwolf, primarily comprised of what looked like ironbark instead of any regular wood.

Sweetie commented, "I'd suggest that we... you know, but... I don't know about you, but I still feel drained."

Scootaloo looked upward, seeing a bank of dark clouds. "I think I can get recharged quickly enough. Any of you have a quick charge method?"

Apple Bloom had her eyes closed, drawing energy from the ground beneath her. She didn't comment, but tilted her head one way, then the other, to give a "kind of." gesture. Tendrils of green energy were snaking their way through her legs, spreading to the rest of her.

Scootaloo nodded. "Two is better than zero. Be rrrrright back!"

So saying, she flew up toward the cloud bank, flying inside of it. Spreading all six limbs wide, she said, "I hope this works like I'm thinking. Aaaand hopefully this doesn't earn me a Darwhinny award. Here goes... {DYNA CHARGE!}"

Sure enough, lightning within the cloud struck all six limbs, but she didn't feel pain. Instead, she felt herself becoming more energized. With the knowledge that she was on the right track, she embraced the bolts of electricity fully.

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom had finished drawing as much power as she could. Several clumps of foliage in the area was wilted and dying now, but it was a sacrifice that had to be made.

"Right. Ah'm goin' fer it! Y'all stand back, you two."

Sweetie and Babs did indeed back up. WAY back, just to be safe.

Hitting her crystal, Apple Bloom exclaimed, "{Ultramare: GAIA!}"

And with a flash, the first of the Ultras had arrived, not quite as large as the other day, but big enough to challenge the giant ligneous lupine. Glaring at it, Gaia Projected, "{And just what are your intentions here?}"

She didn't recieve a worded answer, but the wolf snarled and entered a battle-ready pose.

Gaia tried again. "{If you intend to attack me or the Ponies of this town, I will not hold back. Leave now and you may live to see another sun.}"

The wolf howled loudly in response. It shook a bit before a second Timberwolf emerged, leaving two where one was previously.

Gaia sighed. "{It was worth a try. I suppose we do this the hard way.}" so saying, she entered a battle ready stance herself.

Having been charged with electricity, Scootaloo fairly crackled with the stuff. She'd never felt so... so... ALIVE before! It was like she'd downed an entire case of energy drinks at once... but without the enormous strain on the heart. She was fairly giddy with the feeling, but shook it off. "This isn't the time or place to be silly. There's a monster to face." So saying, she hit her crystal. "{Ultramare: DYNA!}"

And with a flash and a rumble of thunder, the second of the Ultramares was standing before the... two targets?

"{Don't tell me...}"

Gaia nodded. "{Yes. Apparently members of this subspecies multiply asexually We must destroy them forthwith.}"

"{Well, if you go left...}"

"{You'll go right? Not exactly much of a strategy, but it'll work.}"

On that note, the fight began.

Gaia and Dyna attacked first, both scoring clean hits on their targets. Retaliation was swift and Gaia was knocked to the ground with a strong swipe. Fortunately, she was able to roll out of the way of a second attack.

"{Alright, so they're stronger than they look.}"

Dyna was quickly also sent in that direction, crashing down near where Gaia had. Getting to her hooves, she said, "{Yeah. No kidding. Let's try this again.}"

Their next attacks had more effect, hitting solidly in a weaker spot on the wolves' bodies: the nose on one (with a haymaker) and the underside of the other's neck (with an uppercut). While the second was able to counter, the first's balance and senses in general were upset by the damage it received. It howled, but mostly ended up with a strangled (yet fierce sounding!) gargling sound, its muzzle having been broken.

The other wolf looked at its comrade, yipped twice in a deep voice, then turned to the two Ultras and growled. It leapt toward them, claws bared and ready to tear into them. Looking at each other quickly, they ducked down, then thrust upward, each grabbing one of the Timberwolf's forelegs. Lifting simultaneously, they used its forward momentum to slam it into the ground as hard as they could. Lifting again, they did so in another direction. When the wolf rolled to its feet from its position, it was too late. The Ultras had already charged up their next attacks.

{Gaia Punch!}
{Dyna Punch!}

The wolf broke into kindling from the dual impacts.

When they looked back to the other, to finish it off, they noticed it just barely releasing some green energy that it was apparently absorbing as they were distracted. It was now even more durable than before. Glancing at each other, the two knew that they had to finish it quickly, before it multiplied again,

The wolf began charging its no-longer-broken mouth with a sickly green energy, looking somewhere between radioactive and venomous. But more plasma based.

Anyway, the mares charged up, in sync. taking a sturdy stance. They thrust forward, at once. {Photon! [color-e6b91f]STREAM!}

Just then, the wolf unleashed a beam of energy itself. The combined attack briefly struggled against the wolf's before with a shout, they redoubled their effort. Their beam overwhelmed its and the gigantic Timberwolf was blown to smithereens. The explosion wasn't as dramatic as usual, but perhaps that was for the best.

All around them, the two could hear Ponies cheering for them, colebrating the victory. The two nodded in unison and waved to the crowd. Then, looking upward, they leapt and disappeared a few secods thereafter.

Back at Sugarcube Corner, the four young mares were celebrating the expulsion of a not-so-typical Tuesday's problem. Ponies were celebrating throughout the town, and especially in there. The four clicked their milkshake glasses in a toast before having a drink of them, sighing in satisfaction after.

Apple Bloom noticed some ponies watching them. She spoke up. "Well, girls, it's a good thang that those.... uh... Ultramares? That, uh, they showed up. When they did."

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah! They were awesome! Do you think we'll see them again?"

Sweetie Belle caught on next. "In this town? I wouldn't be surprised."

Babs just smiled and nodded. She was looking forward to what the future would bring too. Taking another sip of her drink, she said, "I might just consider moving up here. There seems to be a lot of fun going on here."

Author's Note:

1: If you have a name for that shape, comment below.

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