• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 621 Views, 7 Comments

Domain expansion - milk rain

Twilight and the others have been defeatdeed by Tirek. But luckily for them, Twilight has a back up plan. A fighter from another world.

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3rd degree honey bun burn technique

"Hahaha," a menacing laugh would ring out as Twilight and her friends, all in defeated positions, looked up at the towering monster that had just wiped the floor with them. Its horns were large, an evil smile plastered across its face. Who was this foe? Well, none other than the villain Tirek. He had absorbed a bunch of magic and was now going after the alicorn magic that resided in Twilight Sparkle. Seeing that their situation was getting dire, Twilight decided to use her last resort: a certain human she met while looking for Sunset. She knew he could wipe the floor with Tirek. Twilight stood up, concentrating on her magic, pouring all she had left into one final spell. Her horn glowed brightly as a huge beam shot out from it, going straight for the sky and creating a rift in said sky. Twilight's friends looked in awe and confusion at what Twilight just did, but they all noticed that Twilight was truly out of it now as she collapsed back to the floor with heavy breaths.

"TWILIGHT!" they all shouted. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came to her side, picking her up before she fell.

"What was that, Twilight? What did you do?" Rainbow Dash said with worry in her voice.

Twilight chuckled to herself before responding to Rainbow Dash's question, her voice weak with exhaustion. "All I did, Dash, was give us our victory."

But before Dash or the others could question further, they all looked up at the sky to see that something had come out from the rift, and whatever it was, it was coming towards them at high speeds.

"What is that?" Applejack said.

"That, my friends, would be the cavalry," Twilight responded.

Tirek stared up at the rift with squinting eyes, trying to figure out what sort of trickery the ponies were up to. He looked back at the ponies before shouting, "What sort of spell is this!? What are you ponies trying to do now? And what is that thing falling from the sky!?"

Twilight stared into Tirek's eyes, a smirk coming to her face. "That, Tirek," pointing to the falling object, which was much closer to hitting the ground now. "Will be your demise!" Twilight shouted. Just then, the object crashed down in front of the main six. A huge cloud of dust kicked up into the air and all around as everyone shielded their eyes. As the dust settled, the main six could make out a silhouette of a creature standing a few feet away from them. A voice came from the silhouette from the veil of clouds surrounding it.

"Well, long time no see, Miss Sparkle," it said. As the dust clouds finally settled, the main six could get a good look at the creature now. And they were shocked, as they had never seen anything like it before. Well, except for Twilight. It was a bipedal creature wearing some clothing and had a beanie on its head. The creature was somewhat old by the grey hairs on its beard. The creature walked up to Twilight, bowing in front of her.

"Oh, you don't have to be so formal with me, old man," Twilight said, a smile coming to her face.

"Oh, but Princess, I do. It's only respectful I do so in the presence of royalty."

"Who is this, Twi?" Applejack said.

"A human," Twilight said bluntly.

"A human? You mean this is an actual human, from the human world you went to?" Rarity questioned.

"You would be correct, Rarity," Twilight affirmed. "Now with that out of the way, we could use your help, old man."

The old man tilted his head in confusion, but Twilight gestured with her head, telling the man that the problem was behind him. The old man turned around only to see a huge goat-looking thing staring at him, judging him, and analyzing him. The old man sighed before looking back at Twilight.

"OK, Princess, I will take care of it." An audible yes was heard from Twilight, but the human started finger-wagging in her face, telling Twilight that he would only help if he got payment. Twilight rolled her eyes as she stuck a hoof into Pinkie Pie's mane, searching around for something.

"Haha! That tickles!" Pinkie Pie said. Twilight finally pulled out her hoof out of Pinkie's mane, something else in tow. She gave the item to the old man, a frosted honey bun still in its packaging. The old man licked his lips at the sweet delight before putting it in one of his pockets and turning around.

"This will only take a few minutes, Princess. Just stay here and recover," the old man said, as he quickly darted to Tirek's position.

The old man stared up at Tirek, both of them judging each other. The old man raised an eyebrow as he said.

"Stolen magic? Am I correct?"

Tirek laughed in response to how perceptive the creature was. "Did you figure that out on your own? Or did that alicorn tell you?"

"On my own. In all honesty, you are too easy to read," the old man countered.

"Well enough chit-chat, I don't know what you are but just know that you are not leaving this battle alive," Tirek threatened. The old man remained calm as he said.

"I don't care about who you are either, so let's just get this over with." The old man levitated into the air, coming face to face with Tirek. The first punch was thrown by the old man, sending Tirek flying backward. Tirek recovered from the hit as he took a stance, charging up his magic. The old man floated in the air, letting Tirek charge up his magic. Tirek fired several blasts of magic at the old man, who dodged them all with incredible speed.

As Tirek was firing his blasts, he lost sight of the human, looking around to see where it went. But Tirek felt something land on top of his head. Looking up, Tirek saw the human on his head, waving at him before stomping its foot into his head, sending him headfirst into the ground. Tirek, now starting to get annoyed at the human, sent out a surge of magic out of his body, getting the old man off of him. The old man looked down at Tirek, who was starting to recover. However, he did not want to give Tirek a break, so the old man continued his assault.

"Blue," the old man said. Tirek was pushed by a wall of blue energy, and as it pushed him away, it sent him flying into a nearby forest. Not stopping at just that, the old man created a giant blue ball of energy, sucking everything up like a black hole, including Tirek. He then sent the ball into the air; debris and other things, including Tirek, were sent flying. The old man followed it up by teleporting above Tirek and slamming him back down into the ground. But the old man quickly moved out of the way as beams were shot at him. The old man gained some distance away from Tirek, now watching to see what his next move would be.

Tirek, having enough of the human, charged up his most powerful beam, blasting the human with all his might. The old man rolled his eyes as he made a finger gun and pointed it at the incoming blast.

"Red," a small red ball of energy emerged from his fingertips as the old man shot the beam at Tirek's attack. Both attacks came in contact, with Tirek's attack getting completely blown away. Tirek dodged out of the way of the incoming attack just in the nick of time. But the old man was not done with Tirek as he shot more blasts at him. Tirek dodged every time, but the old man was getting closer and closer to hitting his target. Eventually, he would destroy one of Tirek's horns, causing Tirek to scream in agony. The old man realized that this was his chance to finish the fight, and he would take that opportunity.

"GRAAAHAHHHH!" Tirek screamed. "You little shit! You broke one of my horns—" But Tirek was cut off as the old man caught his intention.

"Domain expansion. Unlimited Void." And with those words, Tirek became as still as a stone statue. He saw many things, too much for him to even comprehend. His mind was being bombarded with too much information to even speak; only the sounds of hyperventilating and small grunts could be heard coming from Tirek. The old man shook his head as he prepared his final attack.

"Red," an orb of red cursed energy appeared in the palm of one of his hands.

"Blue," an orb of blue cursed energy appeared in the other palm. He brought the two orbs together, pressing them into each other with all his strength. They combined, creating a new orb.

"Hollow Purple," the old man said. He snapped his fingers as a huge ball of energy rushed towards Tirek. Even in his final moments, Tirek could not comprehend how he was about to die.

The main six were looking at the battle that was unfolding before their eyes but could not see what was going on anymore due to the human and Tirek both being in some sort of dome.

"Do you think the human won, Twi?" Applejack said.

"I have no doubt in my mind that he did—" Twilight was cut off as the dome caught her attention again, as it started to disappear. The main six looked attentively at the dome, waiting to see neither the human nor Tirek. But when the dome fell, they would see neither of them.

"Where are they?" Rarity asked.

"Right here," all of them would spin around seeing the human standing behind them eating the honey bun Twilight had given him.

"Did you take down Tirek?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Yup, that thing won't be causing trouble for you ponies anytime soon," The old man took another bite, but his attention would be redirected to the sky. He saw that the rift he came from was about to close. Looking at Twilight, he bowed once more and said.

"Till we meet again, Ms. Sparkle." The main six waved the human off as he flew back into the rift. It closed mere moments after he went through. The main six looked back at the land, taking it all in.

"Those two really did a number here," said Rainbow Dash.

"You can say that again," responded Applejack. While they were all standing there in silence, something switched on in Rainbow Dash's brain as she looked at Fluttershy.

"Yo, Flutter's I have not heard you speak like once at all, are you okay?" The rest of the main six looked at Fluttershy with concern, seeing their friend stare off into the distance with an annoyed expression on her face. Fluttershy sighed to herself before saying.

"Rainbow Dash, I am glad you said something because if you did not, the author would have given me zero lines. Like, can you believe how crazy that is? This is my first time speaking." The main six looked at Fluttershy in confusion, except for Pinkie Pie, who bounced over to her friend, wrapping her in a hug and saying.

"Yay, my friend gets a line!" Fluttershy's annoyance would fall as a smile came across her face.

Comments ( 7 )

Hmmm, I wonder how you got that EPIC domain expansion. I sure do hope you didn't take it from the hit 2018 manga called Sukuna Kaisen

Nah i got it from the 1985 hit manga called Taijutsu Kazui 💀

BUT! You forgot one thing. .......... "Secret Technique. Purple."

How could i forgor!

Fluttershy dialogue required.

Also, my poor boy Gojo. I still believe.

Lobotomy Kaisen finally infecting this site

"Wait its all jjk"

"Always has been"

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