• Published 26th Dec 2023
  • 219 Views, 0 Comments

Love in all the Mane Places - EpicGamer10075

High Heel is a renowned thief within Maretropolis, having stolen everything from expensive gemstones to ancient paintings, but but the most priceless thing

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Chapter 2: Flirting With Danger

“I do think this is the exact opposite temperature I’d like to be in with you, dear Mane-iac...”

Mane-iac swiftly jerked her head around at the sudden voice, quickly looking up to glare back at High Heel, who was standing on a catwalk high up in the underground cold storehouse, giving her all-too-common bedroom eyes down at the lovely mare below, hardly caring for all the other henchponies and tied-up workers about (‘Although, those henchponies do look quite fetching in their own rights...’)

“Be quiet, High Heel! I won’t have you disrupting my plans this time!” Mane-iac shouted in indignity, making the other mare pull back a bit in mock-offense.

“Am I really disrupting you that badly?” She asked, though it was hardly a question. “I’m quite flattered, dear, that you’re so taken by my presence...

Rolling her eyes and growling in annoyance, Mane-iac just looked back towards the large cylindrical tank before her and kept rolling it across the wide open stone floor with the tendrils of her mane while using those of her tail to keep herself a short distance above the floor. Heel could easily see, printed on the tank as it kept rolling, a picture of the Moon and large dark blue words saying ‘Sandmare Serum’, which amounted to generally imply that inside was some sort of sleep toxin. And, given the sprinkler systems that were recently added as a safety measure (‘How did that one escape the law for so long?’), Heel certainly had an idea of where that toxin was going to be used.

Regardless, Heel slinked silently along the metal catwalks above the huge shelves full of drums, following the lovely supervillain around to the back of the storehouse, where the pipes hooked up to the sprinklers all connected to a single pipe that dove into the floor. One of Mane-iac’s henchponies held a pair of large branch-clippers in their magical aura above them, and handed them over to the Mane-iac herself, who quickly grabbed them with her dexterous mane and darted them over to the pipe before cutting open with a loud and harsh ‘CRRNK-KRAK!’

With the pipe now open, Mane-iac hastily snatched a large hose from another of her henchponies’ grasp with her mane and quickly locked one end of it around the faucet on the top of the tank, which thankfully prevented any of the fluid inside from escaping, but also let some of the blue fumes pour out from the other end of the hose. As Mane-iac swiftly attached that end over to the pipe she broke earlier, letting one of her Unicorn henchponies wrap some duct-tape around the joining to seal it, the fumes floated all the way up to High Heel above.

F-fwoah...” She sputtered out at the sheer potency of the fumes, making her have to shake her head to try and clear it so she could return her attention to the ponies below, where all of the henchponies and the workers were clearly being affected by the fumes as well, stumbling a little in place or simply falling asleep on the spot. “M-Mane-iac dear, I’m not sure what you’re plan is with... this...

“Hahahaha...” Mane-iac laughed somewhat tamely to herself, then looked back up at Heel. “You’re just a thief, High Heel! Don’t think you can understand the mane-iacal machinations that go on in my mind!”

“Oh, I just meant...” Heel tried in response, swaying a bit more on the railing-less catwalk, “If you plan to use that against the Power Ponies... won’t you fall asleep as well?”

The other mare simply laughed at her, this time far more heartily and for far longer, which certainly let Heel’s mind wander towards how pleasant that voice was to hear in its element. So manic and excitable, with not a single modicum of restraint, all utterly assured in her own plans that it truly made the reasonable part of Heel that was buried deep within quite envious. The rest of her though, all of that was simply quite attracted to beautiful, yet deranged voice that held her drowsy attention so.

Eventually, though, Mane-iac did calm her laughter enough to explain though smaller chuckled, “Ohoh... haven’t you noticed, High Heel? I-hehehe... am IMMUNE!

“Oh...” Heel couldn’t help but dumbly mutter out, still quite taken by the other mare’s lovely laughter, but she had enough attention to look down and recognize that yes, Mane-iac really didn’t seem to be affected by the fumes unlike everypony else. “How interesting...” She mused inattentively, her focus far more taken with the strength and flexibility of Mane-iac’s tail, holding the mare up so effortlessly and moving her around with such grace, letting the crazed grin and multi-toned irises be all the more prominent...

Unfortunately, with her focus drawing her forward and down, her own body soon followed, subtly stepping forward until one hoof-fall didn’t land on the catwalk and she fell off, yelping in fear as she stumbled and tumbled down towards the hard stone floor below.

But with the sudden rush of adrenaline spiking her mind back into full focus, she could see as she twirled gracelessly through the air, that Mane-iac was darting the several paces back over to her, using her tail to swiftly dash over while splaying out her mane above her into a makeshift tarp below Heel herself. It hardly a couple seconds before she thwumped into that silky green mane, and she blinked rapidly while breathing heavily from the sudden spike in terror, but with the lovely feeling all around her, she easily calmed down while sinking into it.

“Ugh, you idiot!” Mane-iac shouted at her from above, drawing Heel’s attention back up to realize she had been lowered down, though still in the comfy mane’s grasp, with her gaze pulled to the supervillain’s pretty eyes with the dismission and disappointment clear in them.

High Heel laughed a bit beside herself, grinning at the other mare and asking of her, “I’m lucky such powerful eye-candy happens to be so charitable.”

Scoffing and turning her head away, Mane-iac just spat back, “I’m evil, High Heel. I know I can make use of you as a distraction.”

“A distraction?” Heel replied, hardly as offended as another may have been in that situation, especially with how she noticed the faintest of blushes on the one Mane-iac’s deep purple cheeks that still faced her. “Oh, I’m flattered you can’t keep your eyes off me~” She added, curling in on herself with a blush staining her own cheeks as she lidded her eyes at the other pony.

“Oh, for the love of—” Mane-iac went to swear, but got cut off when a loud BANG exploded out from the entrance doors to the storeroom, smoke pouring out of the place for just a moment before clearing to reveal...

“Sorry, are we interrupting something?”

The Power Ponies, clad in their hit-or-miss bodysuits while they all struck a team-wide action pose... only for its supposed gravitas to get swatted away when they a slow clapping coming from Mane-iac.

“What an entrance. Too bad you overplayed your hoof, Power Ponies,” She mocked, though spat the name of her rivals out, and had one of the free tendrils of her mane moving over to the Serum tank to—

“If your plan was to ambush us with the sleep toxin via the sprinkler system, you should know that won’t work,” Masked Matter-horn retorted confidently, some of her teammates glancing over at her in lack of understanding. “The new system recently implemented within this storehouse is only activated by a magical fire-detecting trigger, and haven’t added a manual override switch for testing purposes yet. So unless you something to instantly create a fire, which you hardly seem to...”

Mane-iac just sighed in a mix of boredom and annoyance, and deadpanned at the superheroes, “Who said I need the sprinklers?” And in less than a moment, more tendrils of her mane went over and grabbed ahold of the tank and then heaved it up and launched it at the Power Ponies.

Shocked by the haste at which such a heavy tank was propelled at her, Matter-horn wasn’t able to react as quickly as her peers, who dove or flapped out of the way of the tank, and so by the time she could react, the only thing she found possible was to blast the tank with her magic and let its pieces fly around her, which all happened with a loud BOOM! that exploded the tank. However, there was one detail that she didn’t account for, and that was all the fluid inside...

Gah!” Matter-horn yelped out as she pressed herself to the floor and clenched her eyes, covering her maw with her forelegs to keep the massive deluge of deep blue Sandmare Serum from getting into her body as it quickly splashed over her and flooded the floor of the storehouse.

“W-what the heck was that, Matter-horn?” Zapp called out in shock as she flapped her wings up to get above the flood, though still felt the effects of all the fumes pouring out into the room as well. “You.. realize you could’ve just, teleported, right!?”

Y-yeah...” Masked Matter-horn mumbled out while she tried to stand back up and observe the damage, watching as Mane-iac’s henchponies and the tied-up workers succumbed to the Sandmare, with Mane-iac herself pushing herself upward atop her tail-tendrils with High Heel still laying in her mane. “I... I s-should’ve...” She sputtered just before her legs gave out and she splashed down into the thin layer of Serum coating the floor, and fell asleep on the spot.

Zapp watched as her teammates also slowly succumbed the Sandmare, though with all but Humdrum holding off longer than the fully-drenched Matter-horn, with Fili-second having zipped her way up the catwalks high above to keep herself as far out of the way as Zapp herself. “I think this one’s gonna be between just us, Fili!” She called out to the other superhero, but the flaps of her wings were starting to feel heavier by the second.

“Oh, we’ve done worse, haven’t we, Zapp?” Fili-Second replied with blithe confidence, but all that quickly faded as she asked with concern, “It is just me, or are our powers fading away right now?”

“I-it ain’t that...” Mistress Mare-velous forced out from her position hanging onto the side of some of the shelves, her breaths heavier and slower than normal, “You’re p-probably just gettin’ affected worse, ‘c-cuz of your powers...”

“Oh, so we’re probably not going to catch Mane-iac this time, huh?” Fili-Second uttered back, laying down on the catwalk to stop herself from stumbling off, and the energy in her voice was waning by the minute.

Zapp sighed out loudly as she flapped a few times to get up to the catwalks herself and settled on top of them. “No, probably not...” She uttered out in defeat, and decided to look over at the likely gloating of their nemesis...

Except for how Mane-iac herself was somewhat effected by the Serum as well, having settled her legs onto the floor while the habitual swishing and twitching of her namesake now toned down and somewhat sluggish, even if the rest of her didn’t seem all too sleepy, though perhaps that was due to what she was instead focused on.

“Shut your mouth, High Heel!” She shouted at the mare still caught up within her mane, legs spread out and basking in the feeling of those silky-smooth fibers holding up her body so effortlessly, expression a look of complete comfort and bliss with a rosy blush burning her cheeks, not dissimilar to the one colouring Mane-iac’s own.

“Oh, t-this must’ve been your plan... the entire time.. hmm?” High Heel uttered out, her voice slow and bleary, though now infused with more desire than ever before as her lidded eyes stayed locked with the other criminal’s wide-open pair. “Q-quite devious of you, r-really... My suit has never been t-that... warm, so may you please... extend your chari-ty a bit f-further...?”

“I told you before, High Heel, I’m evil!” Mane-iac fumed in retaliation, her face both furious and flustered with what the other mare implied.

However, Heel just laughed lightly in response, her legs wiggling a bit deeper into the supervillain’s perfect mane. “O-oh, please, love...” She muttered dreamily, focus fully taken with the mare glaring so heartily at her, beautifully crazed eyes and enchantingly mad voice only dragging her further in. “You’re not just... evil... you’re a-also a mare... and... such a p-pretty...” She sighed, her eyes closing for a moment as she took in the full vision the mare before her, her utterly unique beauty striking her even harder than it could while she was awake, and tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes as she struggled to open them again and finish, “P-pretty pretty mare s-shouldn’t ever... have to... be forced... to sleep alone...”

Heel’s breathing slowed further, and she sunk even deeper into her love’s mane, utterly enraptured by the feeling of it holding her aloft as it undulated slightly with life, her eyes falling back closed while Mane-iac herself stared back in embarrassed bewilderment, which was only made worse when she registered the utterances of the still-half-awake superheroes.

How precious...” Came weakly from Radiance, as the last thing she spoke before falling on her face next to contemporary, the thankfully-already-incapacitated Saddle Rager.

“Awww!” Erupted sweetly from Fili-Second, her own drowsiness catching up to her as well, and she settled her head down onto the catwalk, eyes still locked on the scene before her.

“Do you all.. really have to do this, r-right now?” Zapp forced out in bemusement, glaring weakly down at the criminals. “I know we aren’t... c..catching you here, but... seriously?

“I-I thought it... was nice...” Mistress Mare-velous trailed off, her grip faltering and forcing her to slide down the pole, then with her hing legs supporting her as she leaned into the shelf, her eyes fell closed.

Mane-iac herself was blushing all the way up to her ears at that point, the free tendrils of her mane covering up her face as she pointed it down, her tail swishing wildly about in many little arcs as she tried to work out all the blistering heat that flooded into her face and warmed her body.

However, with the the remaining superheroes succumbing to the safe fate as their friends, and with Heel’s rapturous gaze upon her finally calming down, there then remained nopony to stop her from simply leaving, so she did just that.

Pushing herself forward across the stone floor with a faintly stumbling gait, Mane-iac made for the exit that had been blown open by the Power Ponies only a couple minutes prior, her mane instinctively pulling the mare still caught up within to her side. As she trotted on, she told herself that she could always find a use for the other criminal, but deep down, she knew the mare would be able to escape from Balkham Asylum (that the Power Ponies still kept putting her away in, despite her being quite sane and a master thief) without any help.

At the very least, it would be nice to talk to somepony that wasn’t a goon and thus served her glory, a civilian and thus ran from her in fear, or a hero and thus wanted to arrest or otherwise fight her. The only issue with this particular pony was just her lust for her, and hopefully that wouldn’t last for long...

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