• Published 5th Jan 2024
  • 357 Views, 3 Comments

Rarity's Sunset - JediWyrm

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The Missing Sunset

Sunset laying on her couch lifts her arm up to feel her face. Her fingers gently trace the slightly crusty lines from having cried out all her tears for the moment. While the back of the couch blocks the kitchen from her view, her thoughts perfectly bring up the image of her cabinets.

The image focuses on a specific cupboard that has a hidden compartment. Filling that secret spot was her special knife. One that had been crudely filed to have serrations, all so that when she used it, it would feel MORE.

Her other hand idly pressed against her side, near where one of the only two spots of her body had retained magic when she came to this world. The image of her cutie mark replaces the knife in her mind. Like nearly all cutie marks, it would always heal quickly and in a way to ensure it wouldn't get marred.

Luckily that thought lead her to think of Equestria and Princess Twilight. Looking over at the book on her table that lets them talk even between words, a flicker of hope gives her the strength to move.

Picking up the book and pen, she writes out, "Princess Twilight, Help." Dearly hoping that whatever affected her friends wasn't able to bridge the gap between realities.

A short time later the book glows with Twilight's response. Quickly calming the prone to panic princess, and writing out how glad she is that the princess remembers her, Sunset pauses to think.

Settling on a decision she sends "The situation is complicated, it would be better to explain in-person, or rather in-pony."

Getting up and packing a bag real quick, the former pony heads to the High School and the inter-dimensional portal hidden in it's statue. Taking a deep breath she steps through it and is returned to her original form on the other side.

A yellow unicorn, oddly standing on her hind legs, with a red and yellow mane and tail steps out of a mirror inside a fancy crystal palace. Before her is a purple alicorn with a two tone purple mane, who appears very glad to see her.

"So glad to see you Sunset." Princess Twilight greets her.

Swaying a little before catching her balance, Sunset replies, "Went to give you a hug." Setting her front hooves down she continues "Do you have any tea? I could use a drink before getting into what's going on."

Twilight nods and leads her friend through the castle to a large map table with various chairs around it. Spike, a young dragon brings them a tray with a kettle and teacups on it. Sunset watches as Twilight drops several sugar cubes into her tea with light shock.

"I hope Celestia doesn't see you do that." She remarks, knowing how their mentor is very much a snob about tea.

After they finish chuckling, Sunset explains, "Some magic affected our friends and erased me from all the memories we've made since the fall formal. Now they only see the bully I used to be. I'm sure it's someone who picked up a magical artifact, but I don't have any means of finding out what it is and how to undo it."

Twilight thinks for a moment before an apologetic look crosses her face. "I'm sorry, but I can't help you, but there is somepony who can. Princess Celestia."

Looking down in acceptance, Sunset replies "I figured as much. It's for my friends so I can face her."

The pair head to Canterlot and Princess Twilight leads them straight to the throne room. The guards having spotted both of them have quickly activated code Bacon, ensuring that Celestia would be on the throne, with Luna (having been woken up by an unfortunate guard with a cup of coffee strong enough to simultaneously raise the dead and give them three heart attacks) is next to her.

Seeing her mentor and mother figure up on the dias raised a variety for emotions inside Sunset. The foremost being that she was just not yet ready to reunite with her mother. Deciding to keep it entirely as subject asking her ruler for help gave her the strength to approach, albeit with Princess Twilight Sparkle in front of her.

When the purple alicorn indicated her and slight sidestepped, Sunset realized she needed to say something.

"Princess Celestia, I know we didn't part on the best of terms. The pony I was when I left is no more. Twilight, and our friends have helped me. A changed pony stands before you, in dire need of guidance." She asks while kneeling.

Seeing the solar diarch approach her in her periphery, Sunset readies herself.

Celestia leans down and states "I forgive you and offer my own apology. I would be more than glad to assist you."

Looking up, Sunset quietly says "I'm not ready to return as anything other than your subject."

As her smile turns to one filled with sadness, her mother responds just as quietly with "WHEN you are ready, I'll be here for you."

Three alicorns and a unicorn make their way over to The Royal Canterlot Library. Sunset and Twilight sharing a joke about Luna and her human alternate as they fill in the diarchs in on the situation.

"I know this library like the back of my hoof." Twilight proudly states before Celestia informs her of the restricted section.

Nearly salivating at the thought of an entire area of the library she's never been, Twilight follows the others as the two larger alicorns use their magic to pull books with their symbols to unlock a hidden staircase. Once they descend, she squees with delight before galloping around the sizeable area to examine books.

"Sadly the catalog system is in disrepair, so you might have to search the old fashioned way. As I can't offer you much more direct help, I'll leave you to it." Celestia remarks.

Sunset gently pulls a level on the catalog before it falls apart, shares a quick laugh with her mentor before saying "Thanks for the assistance Princess Celestia."

The smaller pony turning to some of the books already out and deciding that the best course would be to quickly read the first few dozens pages of each book just to see what it pertains to and narrowing it down from there.

Several hours later found her slogging through the first few pages of a book thicker than her barrel filled with laws that Chancellor Puddingcup put into place. Letting out a really annoyed sigh as she closes the book.

"Did you know that Puddingcup tried to make it so you could only drink carrot juice at every meal. I know that. I wish I didn't know that." She says to Twilight who had been trotting around the upper levels of the section rapidly reading every book and scroll.

With how fast the pages of the books were moving, she guessed the princess was using a speed-reading spell to actually read entire books rather than just skimming. Though as the unicorn looked up, the other mare stopped and flew down carrying a scroll.

"Found something. Clover the Clever once chased a witch who was terrorizing a town with a memory stone. However anytime he got close she would erase his memories." Twilight explain as she unrolled out the scroll.

Looking over it Sunset remarks "Looks like he wrote himself little notes so he would remember what was going on and who he was chasing. Quite clever..." Finishing with a sigh "Oh, right. Clover the Clever."

Not noticing Twilight states, "Looks like he chased her through a portal where he finally beat her."

Shaking her head, the yellow mare questions "Just how many dangerous villains and artifacts did they just toss through a portal to get rid off? Would be nice if they left a list of stuff to look out for."

Spreading out the scroll out a little further they notice the ending had been torn off. The good mood that was building from finding the cause of the spell took a hit.

Twilight nudges Sunset "You know what to look for now. Head back and find it, I'll stay here to find the last part of the scroll. Even if I have to reorganize this entire section, alphabetically AND by subject matter." Ending her statement on an oddly upbeat note.

"Thanks for all your help Twilight. Please let me know the second you find something more." Sunset says before going back to the mirror and the world she now calls home.

Returning to the human world Sunset notes that it's the afternoon. Figuring she spent an entire day in Equestria, she pulls out her phone. Luckily the other girls didn't realize that she was part of the group chat and that they had returned to the beach.

Making her way over there she spots them playing a volleyball game, with Pinkie Pie being weirdly competitive against Rainbow Dash. Taking a moment to enjoy seeing them all having fun, Sunset reinforces her resolve to recover their memories.

Walking up to the group causes them to turn defensive again, so she quickly says "I figured out what happened. Someone used the Memory Stone to erase all your good memories of me."

Sunset pulls out a rough sketch of the artifact and shows it to her friends. She focused mainly on Rainbow and Applejack as a way to avoid looking at the person she was hoping the most to be able to sway. While still cautious, having dealt with several dangerous magics give them cause to listen.

The redhead girl continues as she pulls her phone out, "I have photos of us hanging out, that proves I am your friend."

At this moment a blue girl strolls up and states "Those are likely faked with your editing skills. Don't forget that video showing a certain someone destroying decorations."

Pinkie swoop in and grabbed Sunset's phone to scroll through pics. "Yeah, these are clearly faked. Like I'd ever make a face like this." Turning the phone around to show the cotton candy haired girl making an extremely silly face, only for her to be making the exact same face.

"I'd bet you would just love to make everyone forget your deeds Sunset. Great and Powerful Trixie takes her leave." Trixie exclaims before throwing down a smoke-bomb, but the smoke dissipates before she finishes climbing the stairs.

As the magician stomps away somewhat embarrassed as Sunset leaves before the stares of her friends can hurt her.

The next day at school Trixie is getting stuff out of her locker only for Sunset to appear behind the door as she closes it.

"Tell me where the stone is Trixie." Sunset demands of the other girl.

Startled Trixie responds "I don't know what you're talking about. So back off."

Looking into the other girl's eyes lets Sunset realize that she had nothing to do with the situation. The shock of which makes her fall back against the lockers and slide down to sit on the floor. Lowering her head into her arms as she begins to see that she might have lost her friends forever.

"Wait, did someone actually erase everyone's good memories of you?" Trixie tentatively asks.

Seeing the other girl nod, "So your view of yourself is at odds with the you everyone else sees, huh? I understand that quite well." Beatrice states as she reaches down to pat Sunset's shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, get up. This Memory Stick won't find itself."

Sunset looks up at the other girl, before says "Memory Stone. And are you offering to help me?"

Trixie watches as she stand before saying "Of course."