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Serene Wish

Comments ( 265 )

The last thing I expected to see on Fimfiction was our Russian fanfiction, which I just started reading on a ficbook yesterday. The only thing I can wish the author is good luck in promoting Russian literature abroad and like it automatically

Don't expose me so quickly! We are here on a mission :ajsmug:

Where exactly can I find those... Russian fics?

Is it allowed to post links to other resources here in the comments?
Well, I'll just DM you.

This is a Russian Fanfiction?

Quite interesting fic, looking foward to future chapters.

Yes, I am.
(something gonna happen)

Nice fic. I like that you gave your protagonist a name, most of the time on this site writers choose the name "Anon" and the protagonist tends to degenerate into a comedic character.
Since I'm curious, could you tell me the name of your avatar from your Russian website? I want to broaden my horizons.
One last thing. In my opinion "DeepL Translator" is a better translator than Google and it also has an option for correcting grammatical errors called "DeepL Write".

Кинь ссылку на фанфик, уж очень интересно почитать работу)

Thank you!
Same as here - Serene Wish. I added a link to the fanfic in the description. It seems that this is allowed.
Thanks for the advice. I'll try this translator on the next chapter.
Ты будешь разочарован)
Там ровно столько же глав, сколько и здесь. Я прямо сейчас пишу третью главу. Перевод и форматирование не занимают много времени, иначе я бы уже сотню глав выложил.
Ссылка в описании.

Found it. Man, navigating Russian sites is like trying to find a good Xianxia novel on a Chinese site. There are sinbols and signs everywhere and I don't know what I'm doing.

But sometimes you find a fic that is so good that you feel like you are missing out on half the world's fiction entertainment made up from some genius writer somewhere.

Haha, I know this feeling well.
By the way, you can read The Unwanted One from the Russian author here.
This is great work.
Working on it rn

Не тянет на Mature.

It's a surprise tool that will help us later :twilightsmile:

Ну, желаю успехов. :twilightsmile:

It’s easy to forget that there are a multitude of other stories out there that are only inaccessible because of a language barrier. Glad to be able to take a dive into that sphere!

"The official version is this: there was an explosion in the crystal mine, which, mixed with the magic of the Everfree, produced this effect,”

-'The flash of light you saw in the sky was not a UFO. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.'

You gotta love Sunbuns.

It is not surprising that authors promote their works on foreign sources. Although not all works have become popular. Let's take the same "The Broken Toy" by Dark Knight. Or "Finding Equestria" (org. "Обретенная Эквестрия") by Diogenus. They are popular in the Russian community, but haven't gotten much attention here. However, you won’t really surprise a person who reads hundreds of fanfictions that are published every minute or hour.

There is also Ponyfiction, resurrected from the ashes of the late Stories, where some good work is published. If you have a good eye and a sense of reader, you will find a story that suits your taste.

One thing I agree on, the nameless name (namely Anon), is too annoying. I certainly realize that it's a simple name that plays into the role of a main character for short stories or a long second-person narrative, but the latter is not as common, unlike the former. Of course, there are certain moments when the main character does not want to reveal his name, and takes the first thing that comes to mind until he begins to trust others. But if you add a tag in a search engine, the result will be obvious. Some translators decided to change their name altogether and adapt literature in general to their native language. And it is not surprising that on another continent they use their native name for storytelling. Depending on what country you live in. While it's true that most of Anon's stories tend to veer into comedy, as I love that genre, I prefer "Get Him!" and other interesting works. By the way, cool story. I recommend it.

You have no idea how many there are in the world if you look hard enough.

Seven Wish
Well, let's appreciate your work.

Покажи этим ящерам заморским всю силу славянских фанфиков.

Так и собираюсь сделать.
Всё идёт по плану.

“Your faith is strong, Mother will be pleased with you,” Midnight said with a warm smile and demonstrated an orb glowing with a pale blue light. “Our Lady, possessing infinite wisdom, foresaw such an outcome and left some preparations - an artifact containing part of Her great power.” "With its help we will break the vicious chains of harmony and destroy its conspiracy against our Mother!”

Some parts are glued like this author

I'll look at all chapters again a little later. I'm finishing the third chapter rn.

Good translation! If I knew how to read Russian, I would’ve looked at the original. One you are done the story, will you go back and edit it to smooth out the grammar? (It’s already good, but going from one language to another can leave things feeling a bit weird)

All in all, great first chapter!

While he waited for his body to respond, he examined his equipment again. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt and brown sneakers. A wooden bracelet, received as a gift from one of the drivers, was placed on his left hand. A leather belt adorned his waist, and from it hung a folding knife — his most valuable asset in this situation. In his pockets he had keys, a bank card, a couple of bills and a few coins - all that he had with him when he crossed through the portal.

Why do I have a feeling this guy is Jack Reachers distant cousin or something?

“Night mother” huh?

Either someone is an ES fan or im too much of one.

I wasn't thinking about TES when I wrote this. Just an appropriate title.

>When you finish the story
Oh, man. I have so much to tell in this story. The journey is definitely not going to be short.

>One you are done the story, will you go back and edit it to smooth out the grammar?
Yeah. I'm a little broke right now. As soon as I get my work sorted out, I'll hire someone to fix the grammar.


This journey interests me. I wonder what this world has in store for Alexei.

>I wonder what this world has in store for Alexei.

He didn't hesitate when he rushed towards this mysterious pair.

had to stop reading and gif it

This fic is really interesting, looking foward to future chapters.


This fic is really interesting, u got my follow :D

Thanks again S-W for another awesome chapter. I'm excited to finally see a new well written HIE fanfic on this site. Thus far, the dialog between characters is well done and the world building is slowly getting more interesting, especially with little foreshadowing scenes like with the Discord/Celestia conversation in the previous chapter. That conversation really left me wondering if Celestia will be the antagonist in this story or merely mistrustful of Alexie due to his origin/circumstances in the future when/if they meet. Your action description of the fight with the Hyena was well done and quite entertaining. I wish you the best of luck writing your next chapter, and as always have fun writing.

Looks like ya made it onto the front page

Yeah. For a while, I even held the top spot.

People love the story!


One thing I agree on, the nameless name (namely Anon), is too annoying. I certainly realize that it's a simple name

Regardless of how you imagine him - green faceless person or generic anime dude - Anon is openly cartoonish character. This fact makes him a much easier fit for MLP world rather than Johns and Janes.

You can make other human characters work, but it's more difficult and, in case of short funny stories, unnecessary.

:rainbowlaugh: Шикарно!

I can respect the guys goal, as long as he pursue this intelligently, and not sacrificing others life for it.

the zebra knew English


Тут есть два варианта: либо мы сразу хотим приключений в волшебном мире и по воле творца стираем языковой барьер (его просто нет и никогда не было, и даже не упоминается, что он мог бы быть), либо персонажи учат языки (возможно, за кадром, чтобы не отнимать у истории время).

Откуда в Тридевятом Царстве, в некотором государстве волшебных лошадок Английский и Немецкий? Это параллельный мир, где тоже во все континенты воткнули по Юнион Джеку? Наш герой - не первооткрыватель, и по этим зебрам уже стрелял танк из "Железного Капута"?

Показать на себя и произнести своё имя - это то, для чего не нужен никакой "name".

Зачем так возмущаешься?
Зебры знают английский (точнее это не английский, а общий язык), хотя между собой они говорят на своём языке. Немецкий там вообще был вставлен только во время перебора языков главным героем.

Good chapter. Alexei clearly understands that there is no such thing as a "fair" fight, but I was pretty surprised by how brutal he was. I liked how he pissed everyone off by declaring his dead opponent the winner

>I was pretty surprised by how brutal he was.
Well, I guess the "mature" rating makes sense now.

>I liked how he pissed everyone off by declaring his dead opponent the winner
Hehehe, my favorite part.


I like having my story discussed.


Any spoilers you can share about Zebra's magic, besides the runes? I'm curious about how Alexei can overcome his muggleness.

As mentioned in chapter 3, zebras have Spirit magic (sort of) and a natural talent for Alchemy. Runes/tattoos can be used by anyone.
There are also some types of magic that everyone can use (except Alexei, hahaha)

>I'm curious about how Alexei can overcome his muggleness.

All I can say is that it's going to be wild :ajsmug:

Given the entirely underused use of magical items in the show, I'd say he could go pretty far as a Mechanical Mage (i.e. no magic of his own, getting his powers strictly from magic items).

Alchemy can easily be incorporated into Artifice and science. Perhaps the invention of the first firearm in Equestria?

Who needs magic, when you have a gun?

The next chapter will shatter your dreams, hehehe.
(I'm finishing the last lines, I'll start the translation now.)

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