• Published 7th Jan 2024
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Gathering The Names Across The Multiverse - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Discord and Dr.Amazement(A human version of Trixie) are a quest to gather the heroes that Saved Blitz and Braver, to help save the multiverse once more

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Chapter Blue(2): Queen Eirika Rainbow

Within the multiverse of MLP, magic always exists, even if the characters are humans or different creatures and there are no elements or cutie marks. The world is filled with magical people, animals, and many others. But in others, magical creatures such as demons are real. In one such universe, there's a Chaos Demon Dragon that is a world-ending monster that wants to wipe away all life so dragons can rule the world. This universe is known as the Rainbow Element Emblem.
But he was defeated by this universe Celestia, Helios the Sun Dragon Goddess, with her divine powers, sealed him away and, using her fangs and scales, gave the humans the means to strike him down. The fang is known as the Rainbow Blade, and the scales are known as the Element Rainbow Shield, both of which carry the six elements. The shield carries five, and the sword carries one.

Helios told them that one day a hero would appear, wielding both the sword and shield. And use their power to defeat the Chaos Dragon once and for all. So, the people of that world built a kingdom, known as the Kingdom of Equestria. It's where the royal family is. The Royal family, the House of Rainbow, is made up of the descendants of Helios first chosen hero, who fought by her side, and they've ruled over the people ever since.

The King and Queen, known as Clyde and Mildred, have a single daughter, known as Princess Eirika Rainbow, and her rainbow maned and blue pegasus horse, Aero, both of this universe, Rainbow Dash. Meeting and saving the last divine moon dragon

Kuu, this universe Luna, and then saving a slave girl with great talent for magic and carrying cursed runes on her body, Twila Sparkflow, this universe Twilight Sparkle, from the evil cult of the Chaos Dragon, set off on an adventure to stop the Chaos Dragon and save the world.

Along the way, they met many others, including this universe AJ and the other girls, and other side characters like Big Mac, Derpy, and so on. The four become a traveling army of colorful misfits and heroes. Each member of the army has their own reasons to help and has their story arcs and growth fulfilled, thanks to Eirika and Twila.

Even Eirika has her story arc fulfilled by the deaths of her parents and meeting the knight of Dawn, a title she gave to Layla Dawn, for which both girls made a knight oath pack with each other to save their friends from a sad fate. For Layla, it was saving Nova from the Chaos disease, and for Eirika, it was saving Twila from becoming a walking seal for the Chaos Dragon, being struck down to kill the evil dragon, and saving the world at long last. But some stories don't have happy endings.

On top of Mount Discord, Eirika army has broken through the cult army fortress within the mountain and finally beaten the Chaos Dragon, weakening him enough to seal him away as the underground temple started to fall apart from the fighting, but the problem was...

"There has to be another way!" cried Eirika, stabbing the rainbow sword into the dirt. "There has to be another way to kill the demon dragon without killing you, Twila! There has to be a way," she said, lowering her head as she couldn't bear to look at her friend in the eyes.

Eirika soon felt two warm hands on her cheeks, which made her look up, looking into the beautiful purple eyes of her friend, her love, and the one who gave her the strength and courage to face the Chaos Dragon, as her friend naked body showed the dark runes glowing and pulsing as it started to seal away the demon dragon like a vacuum cleaner sucking up dust.

Twila smiled at her friend, tears falling down her cheeks as she knew that her story would end here, no matter what. She needed to make her friend take that step forward—the dream they had of bringing peace between the dragons and humans. To end the chaos. Even if it meant that she had to die.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," sobbed Eirika as she tried to hold her emotions in. "I made an oath pack with the Knight of Dawn, Layla, promising to save you, but..." she dropped to her knees. "I couldn't... I couldn't find another way to kill this damn dragon, and look at you now! Sealing the monster within you," she could feel her sword glowing and demanding it be used to slay the monster once and for all. "You're going to die. You're going to die because of me."

Twila smiled at her friend. "My friend, Eirika. It's okay; you didn't fail me or that oath. You tried everything in your power to find a way to save me, not just you." They both turned and could see all their friends and allies they had made on their long journey, each giving her a warm, sad smile as they all cried. They all did what they could, even Kuu, who held her tears in as best she could. "Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, Eirika, for saving me on that day! Also, thanks to Rainbow Dashie for saving me from my crazed father when we were teleported into the Fallen City of the Void. Both of you gave me a reason to keep moving forward, to this very point where we are now." She sat on her knees as well and took Eirika's face, turning her head to look her in the eyes once more.

"Don't cry, princess. Don't cry." She smiled and leaned in, giving her a kiss on the lips.

Eirika could only close her eyes and cry as she felt the warm, soft lips against hers. When the two pulled away, she couldn't hold it anymore and hugged her. She never told Twila about her feelings, not wanting them to get in her way. She didn't want her to feel obligated to return her feelings because of their friendship. All those times when Twila flirted with her and made passes at her, Eirika ignored or brushed it off. She didn't want to get hurt.

Now, she couldn't hide it anymore and let it out. "I love you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I should have said it sooner."

Twila could only smile at her and rub her back. "It's okay, Eirika. I understand. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." She smiled and held her tight. "I love you too, Eirika. Thank you."

They pulled away as Twila lowered her head to Eirika, who stood up and pulled the rainbow blade out of the ground, holding it over her. She knew it was time and had to do it. She had to be strong for her love. She looked at her and knew she was smiling at her, showing that she's okay with this.

"There has to be another way...something we couldn't see..." she whimpered as her hands gripped the hilt tightly and she shook.

"There isn't. Just let me go. Let me die. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Don't let the Chaos Dragon break free and cause destruction and death. If this is where my story ends, so be it. I saw enough....saw...seen..."

The blade swung down, and the demon dragon and the girl died that day.

"That's why I hate stories like this. Always so fucking cliche and depressing. In how many stories has a girl died because of some stupid dragon bullshit!? Too many, I tell you." said Discord, playing on his handheld console and beating the last map as he was between the others within the phonebooth.

"I refuse to believe this..."

"Huh?" he looked across and could see Layla crying and trying her best not to break down.

"I refuse to believe that Eirika couldn't save her friend! We made a promise that we would save our dear friends." She could feel Nova's hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "I refuse to believe that story you told us! Eirika must have saved her!".

Discord closed his eyes and handed the handheld to her, showing her the ending of Rainbow Element Emblem: The Sacred Blade. Layla could read the characters ending stories, seeing Eirika becoming queen and ruling over the kingdom of Equestria. Layla unleashed her chaos powers, her hands covered in black crystals, snapping the handheld in two.


"Layla..." whispered Nova, never seeing her friend be like this before.

"I refuse to believe this! YOU'RE LYING! LIAR MONSTER!"

Heat, who was above her, patted the girl's head. "Layla, calm down. You shouldn't release your powers within this small space."

Layla and the others heard knocking from behind her, seeing Nanna looking at her daughter with worry.
"Layla, sweetie. Calm down, and let's see for ourselves, okay? If it's true, then you can beat the shit out of your friend." She smiled, making Layla laugh a bit and finally calm down.

"Thank you, mother, and I'm sorry, everyone. It's just...it's just so unfair for someone like Eirika to be forced to kill her friend like that. I hate it."

Nova patted her shoulder. "I understand, and I'm with you on that. Let's see if Discord is really telling the truth or not. Speaking of which," She faced him. "When are we getting th-" She was cut off as the phonebooth landed within a huge garden of sections of giant castle walls.

Everyone stumbled out and fell onto the grassy ground, groaning and getting their bearing.

Discord lowered his head to Nova, who was face first in the grass. "We're here," he said, smirking as he could hear Nova growling at him, which made him disappeared.

Layla got up and couldn't believe what she was seeing. It's a wonderful and breath-taking sight of the garden. It's filled with many types of trees and flowers. All the flowers she knew from her universe and others that she had never seen before. She could see statues of various knights, wizards, warriors, and other classes, but one caught her eye; even the others took notice.

Bolt and Berry flew towards the large statue and then looked at Layla and back at the statue.
"They captured your good side, Layla," said Bolt, placing her hoof on the statue's crystal sword, while Berry flew on top and sat there.

The statue was a knight wearing a cape and holding her sword to the sky, which was Layla herself. The others walked over to it and started to check it out.

"Hey, is that really you, Layla?" asked Spitflame, turning to her squire. "Because having a statue of oneself is the highest honor a knight can ever achieve in their career." She looked back at the statue, amazed to see it made out of crystals and this world diamonds. "This thing is expensive and huge. Whoever built this is a high-ranking noble."

Grape could see the statue's base and started to read the inscription. "To the Knight of Dawn, known as Layla, who's light shall shine down on the world and bring the dawn to others. May your light and courage always guide us. May your blade cut the path and open the gates. And may the world be yours, Layla the Knight of Dawn." Grape and the others looked at the statue once more, as Layla couldn't believe Eirika made her feel so embarrassed.

Plum hovered around the statue until she noticed someone not too far from them and felt like she had seen this person before. She felt towards the cloaked girl and asked her who she was and why she was here.

"Me? I'm just waiting for someone here. It's the sixth anniversary of the death of the Chaos dragon and the mage that sealed him away, as Queen Eirika has declared a day of celebration and remembering the deaths of those that gave their lives in stopping the demon dragon." The cloaked girl answered, turning to the small chibi Alicorn magical girl.

Layla and the others heard the girl's words and quickly ran over to her. The cloaked girl faced them, asking the group who they were and what they were doing in the royal garden.

"We are...travelers. I'm Nanna, the second-in-command of a group known as Canterlot Island. This is my daughter, Layla." explained Nanna, who placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "You said just that a mage, who sealed the demon dragon away, had died; is that true? Could you tell us the story?"

The cloaked girl wasn't surprised when she heard the name but nodded her head. "If you wish to hear the story, I'll tell you."
Layla could only grip the sides of her cloak and hold her breath, hoping that it would not be the same as the one that Discord had told...

After the story was told, Layla clutched her cloak, filling with so much rage and disappointment in her friend, Eirika, for not only killing her friend but also keeping her title as Queen and never giving up it like she had sworn in their oath pack.

"I can't believe she didn't keep her word to our oath pack! That cowardly bitch!"

The others were shocked by Layla's outburst; they had never seen her act like this, especially her mother and close friends.

"Layla..." whimpered Nova, knowing that her childhood friend was beyond hurt by what she heard.

"She became a coward and a liar! What kind of friend is she!? Going against the pack we made!? Where is she!?" demanded Layla, as her crystal wings appeared. "I want to see her. NOW!" The air around her became heavy and tainted with chaos magic.

The cloaked girl just stared and pointed to the main selection of the castle ahead of them.

"She's in the throne room; she's listening to the citizens, who wish to see, gives thanks, gifts and speak to her as the festival is underway."

Layla growled, feeling disgusted by the thought of people giving thanks and praise to a coward and a liar. She spread her crystal wings and flew to the castle, not caring if the guards and knights would see her.

"Lala!" shouted everyone as they went after her, leaving the cloaked girl alone—well, not really.

As Dr. Amazement was running off, she felt her cape being pulled and fell backwards, landing on her back. She could see Midnight looking at her with her classic cold stare.

"...more training?" asked Amazement, gulping hard.


Amazement sighed, stood up, and faced her. She is drawing her sword and wondering what their lesson will be.

"You might be wondering what's next, since you could finally draw your sword without fear. You still have a lot to learn, and one of them is truly facing your fear."

Amazement lowered her blade in confusion. "What? But I already faced my fears, right?"

Midnight nodded her head. "You did, but you have a long way to go before truly facing your real fear. You need to face the thing that scares you the most—the thing you will face once more in combat. When you return to facing Rainbow Dawn, you must be ready or you will die. Do you understand?"

Amazement was confused at first, but then nodded her head.

"Then get ready."

Amazement watched as Midnight did a few hand signs, and her horn started to glow as she did a last sign, and the world around her started to change and wrap itself together. She soon found herself in a dark place, with the smell of ash and fire. She turned, and she could see a wall of flames closing in, trapping her.

She turned around and could see Midnight was gone and a shadow figure walking towards her. That's when her heart started to race and her body started to shake with fear as the figure walked out of the flames and smiled at her.

"You," whispered Amazement, staring down at Rainbow Dawn, who unleashed her slime monster from her chest and just kept smiling at her.

"Yes, me," she said, licking her lips, and the slime monster did the same. "I hope you put up a better fight than your dear Dr. Wonder did."

Amazement started to sweat as she wanted to run as Dawn walked closer to her, wanting nothing more than to end her.
"Run, run, little girl, run. Run like a coward, just like you did before. Run. Run. Run. RUUUUUN!" laughed Dawn as she took off, almost reaching Amazement within a blink of an eye, her slime monster ready to bite down on the poor mage.

Amazement shut her eyes and waited for the pain—to feel the teeth ripping through her flesh.
Only, nothing happened. She didn't feel anything.

Curious, she opened her eyes and could see that she was surrounded by a bubble shield, and the slime monster was trying to bite through it but couldn't. She soon realized that the bubble came from her; she didn't know if it was on instinct or just by pure luck.


Amazement turned to see Midnight next to her, as the bubble around them was starting to crack and her mana was running out to keep it stable.

"That was the first step. Realizing that deep down, you won't run from the things that scare you. Even if you did, it will come back and haunt you till you face them and overcome them."

Midnight vanished like dust in the wind, but her voice could still be heard.
"Fight, fight, and fight, Dr. Amazement. Fight. FIGHT TIL THERE'S NOTHING TO FEAR OR YOU WILL DIE!"

The bubble shield caved and scattered as the slime monster got through and was going to bite the girl, but with a quick arm movement and magic behind it, Amazement swung her sword, and it shined like the starry night. Coming forth from the blade was the sleeping beast that hid within it, ready to strike down its master foes. It let out a mighty loud roar as it came out of the swing of the blade. It was an Ursa Major, made up of a night sky and star constellation as its main body. The Ursa Major roared and slammed its paw down, slicing the slime monster a bit and making it return to its master as both jumped back and looked at its new foes.

"It won't be like last time! You hear me! I won't let you strike down my great bear!" shouted Amazement, taking a sword stance, as her bear roared and stood next to her.

Rainbow Dawn chuckled. "Then let's dance and see who comes out on top!"

Both women clashed as the bear went for the slime, making the fight two-on-two, but only time will tell if Amazement can truly overcome her fear and be the one standing...

"A magical sensory illusion spell," said the cloaked girl, seeing Amazement is just standing there with her bear by her side, while Midnight is also just standing there with her hand sign still up. She could see Amazement was under the spell, but Midnight wasn't, as she turned to her. "When a great mage or higher power magical user controls the magical flow of a target's cerebral mana system, thereby affecting their five senses, this is frequently used to create false images or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical sensations such as pain. This is a high-level spell, and I only saw it once in my whole life. Who are you?" she asked, making Midnight narrow her eyes at her.

"Better question, who are you?" asked Midnight in return, making the girl stand up and holding a basket filled with colorful objects. Midnight could sense great magical energy coming from her, but there was something wrong with her. Like she was sensing great mana flow within the girl's head. "Please tell me your story. I have time to listen and I will tell you my own story. If that's alright."

The cloaked girl could feel the powerful magical aura around Midnight, which, at first glance, looked evil, but there was so much kindness within it that she felt safe enough to speak to her.

"Very well. I'm the Queen's Great Oracle, the one known as the Sixth Element Seer. I am the one who sees the future of this kingdom and helps the Queen and those close to her make the right choices for the people. Though my magic can't always show the future and I can't out right tell them the future, only give them hints," she walked over, sitting down and continuing her story and where she came from while Midnight just listened.

Meanwhile, everyone was giving chase as Layla entered the castle grounds and soar past confused guards and their commander, as they had seen her before.

"Was that the other worldly knight that our Queen befriended?" asked the guard, looking up at the girl flying over them.

"Probably. Better inform the Queen that her friend has arrived. Hopefully, she'll be able to attend the festival today, and whoa!?" shouted the second guard as Bolt and others passed them by.

"Don't just stand there; inform the Queen now! Also, the Great Diamond Shield!" ordered their commander.

"Yes, sir!" shouted the guards as they took off and left their posts, unknowing that a lone female figure was watching them from afar, hidden by the shadows of the castle pillars.

'...finally, something fun is happening again," told the figure to herself, grinning, and a dim green light came off her armor and from a horn on her head.

As the group were running, Plum and Lunar became tired of running and stopped, seeing their group disappear as they ran a corner.

"I'm getting too old for this," whispered Lunar, catching her breath.

"Yeah, tell me about it," replied Plum, also catching her breath.

Lunar looked at her mini-self and gave her a weird stare, making Plum ask why she was looking at her like that.
"You look young? How old are you? I mean, you look like a pre-teen."

Plum looked away, not really wanting to say her age, as you shouldn't ask a lady her age, even if it's from another universe version of yourself.

"I'm older than you, okay!?"

Lunar looked at the chibi and just shrugged.

"Fair enough."

Plum flew on top of Lunar's head and looked at her with a big smile.

"Hey, let's ditch this little chase; we're not needed for whatever's going to happen. Let's look for dragons!"

Lunar looked back and smiled. "Good idea. I always wanted to meet a dragon from another universe. In my universe, they're a proud warrior race, so I wonder how different they are in this universe."

The two Alicorns started to talk about their universe dragons, but both could sense something coming from a dark hallway near them. Both could feel the great magical energy pouring out of it.

"You sense that too, right?" asked Lunar, looking at Plum.


Both slowly went over and looked into the dark hall, where they could see a large door with a magical seal around it. They could sense great magical energy coming from the door, and even Plum could see the great flow of magical energy in front of them.

"Wow. There's a huge amount of magical power coming from this door," said Plum, flying over to the door.

Lunar watched and could sense the energy coming from the door. She closed her eyes and could see something deep down below. She opened her eyes and was going to tell Plum what she saw, but she could see the little magical girl had somehow opened the door and was now standing behind the magical seal, waving at her.


Plum shrugged as she answered her. "No clue; I just touched it, and nothing happened, so I just opened the door and stepped inside. Maybe it's just for show or something?"

Lunar just nodded her head, not really understanding the magic of this universe. She walked over and went through the magical barrier, joining Plum. They could see a large room and a staircase that leads down, and both could feel the greater magical energy flowing from it.

"Let's check it out!" shouted Plum, flying over, and Lunar followed after her, hoping it was not a trap.

Unknown to them, two glowing green eyes were checking them out and growling a bit as their master joined them. It was Nanna as she walked through the seal and looked down.

"Crescent, go and keep my daughter safe. Even though the group is with her, I don't trust this universe," Nanna told her faithful companion.

The beast growled and nodded its head, fading into the shadows, and its glowing green eyes disappeared, allowing Nanna to go down the stairs, but she stumbled a bit.

"The time limit is a half hour; I should be fine, and this won't take that long to get those idiots." She started to walk down the steps while leaning on the rocky wall. "If only the spell could last longer..."

Layla flew around the castle, and she was a little confused why there were no guards attacking her. Since Eirika and Aero first met her, they thought she was using evil dark magic and attacked her, but all the guards and knights she passed by just saluted her, and the few knights that did something were rushing over to the same area, making her believe that was the throne room is.

"Found you!" shouted Layla, seeing the doors and being able to see the guards and knights guarding them. She landed and was going to rush the guards and kick the door open when she was struck by something huge and sent flying backwards. Right into her friends, as they were close behind her the whole time.

"What the hell!?" shouted Nova, standing up and helping the others get up. "Are you okay, Layla?"

Layla nodded her head and could see a giant white shield made of diamonds hovering in front of the door and the royal knights, who were armed and ready for battle.

"Sorry, darling, but from sensing your dark magical energies, you are a threat to the queen, and I don't care if you are the first knight she knighted. I won't let you hurt our queen!" said a female voice with a hint of nobility and pride, which came from behind the shield as a white knight walked out, as her pearl polish armor glowed with a dim white light.

"Great Diamond Shield," said one of the guards, saluting her.

The woman returned the salute and walked over to the group, as the diamond shield hovered near and her spear was pointing at them.
"Stand down and allow us to arrest you."

Everyone was confused by what the Great Diamond Shield was telling them and even more confused about who the hell she was.

"Arrest? Why? And who are you?" asked Grape, pointing at the armored knight.

"The name's Great Diamond Shield, and I'm the captain of the Royal Knights and the shield of the Queen. And you guys are under arrest for threatening the Queen, so don't resist and come peacefully, or you will be killed."

All the girls were shocked to hear this and were ready to stand down, but Layla and her friends refused.

Spitflame drew her sword, and the light shined brightly around her as she took a stance. "Layla wants to see her old friend and pay for going against their oath pack. You should know this: breaking an oath as a knight is the worst thing a knight can do, and it's punishable by death. So step aside."

Light drew her own glowing red sword and placed it on her shoulder, smirking. "Or don't. Layla told us that Eirika is a strong knight, so it means the same thing with you, right? I want to go at you since you seem strong."

Nova summoned both her flame and ice blades and took a beast-looking stance, her eyes glowing like those of a wild beast. "Your queen hurt my childhood friend by being a coward! She will pay!" The ground shook from her magical chaos energy.

"Is that a dragon from another world? She looks like half human and half dragon—nothing like Kuu can do and that dark magical energy. Whoa," whispered Great Diamond, placing her shield in front of her and getting into her stance. "You're not getting past me! Royal Knights, protect the Queen!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Grape could sense the tension in the air and knew the group was going to fight and didn't want both sides to go at it, so she flew between them and spoke.

"Stop; we don't have to fight. Sometimes battles can be resolved with words, not swords."

"No, there will be a fight here. I won't let anyone threaten my queen," said Great Diamond, making her shield glow and unleashing a ray of magical light, smacking Grape away and into Berry's arms.

"Grape!" shouted Berry, holding her and fearing she'd be badly hurt, but Grape looked at her and was confused about why she wasn't in pain.

Aaira took out her horn cutter. "Warning shot," she simply answered, and everyone else got ready to fight, but suddenly, they could hear a musical harp being played, and all sounds were just gone; only the music could be heard.

"The sound of the Queen's harp and sword, playing a melody," spoke a guard as they all got to their knees.

Before anyone could ask what she meant, everyone suddenly felt a cold chill and couldn't move at all. Not even Flash couldn't move, as she was giving it her all to break free.

"Girls?" called out Layla, as she and her friends weren't affected by whatever was effecting the group, but she and the rest could hear footsteps coming from behind the group.

Bolt and the others could see a female teal knight, her armor looking like emerald, also had one wing and horsetail attached (which Red noticed and followed her and grabbed it but felt disappointed since it was fake and just lay there). Instead of having a helmet, she wears a crown, which had teal crystal horn, with that, makes her look like a human woman with unicorn features.

She just walked past them, and with a gust of wind, she disappeared as she reached Layla and others, but as the gust of wind faded, Layla could see a floating sword passing her with great speed, and she quickly turned around in time to see her friends blocking the floating sword. With each block, the sword let out a magical harp note, and the sword floated to its owner, the emerald knight, and Layla thought she would take a stance, but instead she did...

"...huh?" said all four as the guards took out a chair and placed it behind the knight, who started to sit in different sitting poses, like she was trying to find the most comfortable pose for her buttocks and legs.

"Uh, what the hell are you doing?" asked Light, a little annoyed that her fun fight was interrupted and now confused to see this new knight acting weird.

"Ahhhh, that's the spot," said the knight, finally finding the right pose and feeling so much better. She picked up her sword, just held it in her hands, and looked at Layla and her friends.

"What's up?" asked the teal knight, confusing everyone, but Layla just stood there and was just glaring at her.

"Everyone, be on guard! She's using wind magic! Her crown is giving off a magical aura; it must be that teal crystal horn! And the sword she's holding has a similar magical aura as the crown," told Layla as she summoned her crystal sword as she and the others got ready for a fight.

The emerald knight smirked as she got more comfortable and spoke to them. "What's up? The name is Lyra, the Harp-String Wind Knight," she sighed as the Great Diamond glared at her. "I mean Lyra, the Queen's harp and her sword. Bodyguard to the queen, and blah blah, you get the picture, right? Anyway, you're under arrest or whatever is going on."

"Not until we see Eirika! Tell her Layla and her friends are here to see her!" demanded Spitflame.

Great Diamond slammed her shield into the ground. "No, with someone giving off such rage and dark magic, she's no friend to the Queen! Stand down, or we will make you stand down!"

Lyra could sense the dark magic coming from Layla and her friends. 'Whoa, so many powerful mage knights in one place. If I didn't know any better, this is where all the strong mage knights are gathered. Sweet!" She got up from the chair, and her sword floated in front of her. "PLEASE! Please don't stand down. It's been boring all these past six years since we beat that demon dragon. I'm starting to feel rusty. Let's fight and have some fun, huh?"

Layla looked at the smiling knight and sensed no hostility from her, but from the other, she was ready to attack. "She's just like teacher Light; they're just like two peas in a pod," she thought.

Light lowered herself a bit and smirked. "I like you! Let's have a duel of the ages, and let's go all out."


Lyra just stood there as her sword floated towards Light within a second, much faster than before, but Light deflected it with ease. As both swords clashed, Light could feel the wind blowing hard and the sound of the sword's music.

"You're not bad. But I'm not going all out!" shouted Light as her red sword started to glow and unleashed a flash of red stars, and she was gone.

Lyra smirked as she slightly turned around and could see Light ready to slash her, but she easily dodged each passing slash attack and jumped back as she held her blade and the sword started glow.

"You're really strong; too bad you're not the enemy, since I'm not giving it my all." told Lyra, as her sword floated up and it's body started to glow a light green and the air around started to make a cyclone, Light and others could see the wind around the sword taking the shape of a bird.

"Whoa, what's going on!?" shouted Bolt as the wind cyclone got bigger and the bird started to cry out.

"There was a reason I was called the Wind Knight," she answered, her eyes glowing teal, and she was going to unleash the attack, but she quickly sensed magical flames heading her way as two different blazing streams of flames almost hit her but were blocked in time by the diamond shield.

"Idiot, don't let your guard down, or do you want another repeat from six years ago? Isadora isn't here anymore and I'm not gonna keep saving you like she did..." scolded the Great Diamond as her spear glowed and her shield was releasing diamond dust, forming a cloud around her. Glaring down on Spitfire and Nova.

Lyra flinched and just nodded, and Light could see the sadness in her eyes. "Sorry."

Light was a little confused, just shrugged, and got back to the fight.

Nova roared as she slowly walked around Diamond, while Spitflame did the same thing, until both were on opposite sides of the white knight.

"Ready for round two?" asked Diamond, getting ready to attack with her armor glowing.

"Yeah, I won't let you get in our way!" replied Spitflame, as her sword glowing brightly and she put on her sunglasses.

Nova just growled as she showed her teeth and her dragon tail, whipping the ground, making cracks, and shaking the floor.

"Then die! Diamond Rain!" shouted the Diamond Knight as she slammed her spear into the ground and her shield started to release a storm of diamond dust, and the whole room was filled with diamond clouds.

Layla created a barrier, protected Bolt and the others from the attack, and then used her wings to block the coming diamond dust. She could just hear it hitting her crystal wings, and when the dust stopped, she slightly opened them but quickly covered her mouth as the dust entered her lungs.

"What the hell!?" shouted Spitflame, looking around and seeing her friends coughing, including Light, who was struggling to cover her mouth as she was still fighting Lyra and her wind bird. Spitflame could feel the dust entering her lungs, but she quickly burned it away with the flames within her, saving herself, and she could see Nova doing the same. "Sorry, but that won't stop us! Go, Nova!"

Nova just growled, her eyes glowing a bit, and started to use her fire breath, melting the diamonds as she blew a tornado of flames.

"Not again!" grunted Diamond, using her shield to block the flames, and the flames hit her armor, making her feel hot.

"Now, Spitflame!" shouted Nova, stopping her breath so she could see her comrade dashing towards Diamond, her sword glowing a bright orange.

"Haaa!" shouted Spitflame, her flames engulfing her sword as she slashed and created a massive stream of magical flame.

Diamond quickly looked behind her, seeing the incoming flames. "Wha-noooo!" but she was saved by Lyra, who jumped in and used her magical bird to blow the flames and Spitflame away.

"You okay?" but Lyra couldn't have time to hear the reply as she vanished as Light appeared, trying to slash her but missing. Light disappeared as well, trying to keep up with the wind knight, but it was hard as the wind bird would appear and try to tackle her or the knight herself would attack her.

"Damn, this girl is fast. If I wasn't using my sword, I would never be able to keep up," thought Light, appearing next to Lyra, who was busy blocking a barrage of Spitflame's magic fireballs as Spitflame was trying to aid her friend, but Light was blasted away by a grey light coming from a diamond spear.

As all this was happening, Layla was on the ground, coughing up blood as the diamond dust was still in her lungs. Bolt and the others couldn't move still, thanks to whatever spell Lyra put on them.

"Layla!" cried Lil Moon, trying her best to move but sitting there on the floor like a basketball.

Layla closed her eyes and tried to think of a way to expel the dust from her lungs, but she suddenly felt a cold feeling entering her mouth and into her lungs. Layla could feel the dust being removed, and soon, whatever entered her body, poured out like black water. It quickly reformed and stared at her.

"Crescent? Is my mother near?" She looked around but couldn't see her mother. "Oh, did she send you here?" She could see the shadowy Alicorn nodding. "Then you are here to protect me, right? Good, I need the extra firepower." Layla stood up, and Crescent became her shadow and stood behind her, roaring out loud. "Movement Zero!" shouted Layla as Crescent roared and its yell created darkness, covering everything until it was pitch black.

"Nanna here?" asked Light as she backed off and disappeared into the darkness, making Lyra unsummon her wind bird and grab her sword, looking around and seeing no light at all.

"This isn't good. I can't sense any magical energy at all. Diamond, if you can hear me, be careful!" told Lyra, getting in a stance and looking around.

Diamond heard nothing, as she could see Spitflame and Nova stepping back and vanishing into the darkness. She poured her magic into her spear and shield, making them glow bright white, but even with that, it couldn't pierce the darkness.
"I can't sense anyone! Lyra, I'm heading your way...if I can even find you!" told Diamond, looking around, and her shield glowed brightly, sending the bright light out, but the light faded quickly. "Huh?" She suddenly could see a pair of green eyes within the darkness, and they roared at her. It suddenly charged at her, and even on time in blocking the attack, she could feel the second attack hitting her shield and breaking her balance.

"NOW, DO IT NOVA!" ordered Layla, as Diamond could see her as the shield went up.

Nova jumped over Layla and landed in front of Diamond. With her blue flaming sword, she unleashed a stream of flames at her. With no time to block it, Diamond tanked the flames and screamed out in pain as the flames hit her and her helmet falling off as she fell on the ground.

"Damn, that's a strong flame. She's even stronger than Spitflame now," said Light, looking at her teammate and feeling the heat, making her back away a little as the darkness started to fade back into Crescent.

Layla took this chance and flew towards the door, but she could see Lyra standing there, blocking the doorway. To Layla's surprise, Lyra just smirked and opened the door for her, letting her enter the throne room.

"What?" asked Layla as she passed the Wind Knight, but she just winked at her and thanked her for curing her boredom. Layla turned back in front of her, seeing a long line of people waiting in line to hand their gifts to the Queen. The current first in line is a cross-eyed woman with blonde hair who was doing a dance as she held her bow and tried to shoot an arrow at a target but kept missing. Layla could see 'her' at the throne, just watching the weird dance and bow skills? She noticed that Eirika's sky blue hair was a rainbow color now.

Layla stood in front of the crossed-eyed woman, who stepped away as everyone watched her walk towards the Queen, who just stared at her, not saying a word.

"Eirika! How could you break our oath pack?" She walked up the steps while the guards bowed to her. "You liar! I hate you!" She now stood face-to-face with her, and Eirika's expression never changed. "Maybe I was wrong about..." Layla noticed something and sighed. "...and you're asleep." She could hear Eirika snoring and dispelled the magic around her eyes that Layla was sensing, revealing Eirika's eyes were shut. "...really?"

"Damn it," whimper Amazement, as she created magical water orbs and unleashed jet streams of water at the slime monster, hoping it would melt, but the slime just absorbed it and was bigger, and the monster was laughing at her, like it was mocking her.

While her Ursa Major was punched in the gut and torn in half by Rainbow Dawn, its starry night-shaded body unleashed out like blood, making her gag, and she was forced to watch it as it slowly faded away and back into her sword. It was now back to being one vs. two, and Amazement fears started to grow.

"You can't run, little girl," said Rainbow Dawn, walking towards her and pounding her fist together. "You won't escape this time since no one is here to help you like last time. You will die."

Amazement looked around and could see the wall of flames getting hotter as it got much closer. There was no escaping, no matter where she looked. Amazement could see Rainbow Dawn, and the slime were smiling at her.

Dawn smirk. "No one is coming. This is the end." She then pointed at her, commanding her slime monster to kill her. It just roared out and was charging her, dead set on eating Amazement.

Amazement knew she had to move, but her legs felt like they were glued to the ground. She just watched as the slime monster was coming towards her until she could feel her whole body becoming overwhelmed by her fear of dying.

"No! I won't die here!" screamed out Amazement as she tried to summon a magical...anything with her magic, as it was a last-ditch effort to escape or block the incoming monster and was ready to be swallowed whole, but she soon found herself back in the castle garden, with Midnight standing where Rainbow Dawn stood but breathing hard as the cloaked girl allowed her to lean on her.

"Midnight?" asked Amazement, looking around and then at her body, seeing the damage she took with her battle with Dawn. She could see there was no damage, nothing at all but she did feel so tired and could feel the sweat pouring out of her. "But, how did I get here?"

Midnight looked at her. "You did great, but there was still fear within you after you lost your summon. Next fight, try to fight without it. I think you are stronger than you look." The cloaked girl helped her sit down, allowing her to finally catch her breath and start recovering.

Amazement sat down, realizing what she was in. It must have been some illusionary spell, but a very advanced version of it, since she had never seen a version of it where you could feel pain. She looked at her hands and could see them shaking still. She closed them.

"Even though I fought my hardest and with all my heart, I was still scared. What will happen to me if I don't beat her, my fear?" She thought, not noticing that the cloaked girl was looking at her.

Meanwhile, Plum and Lunar finally reached the bottom of the stairs and found themselves standing in front of a large temple altar, where a single moon-like light shine on it. They got closer and realized what kind of magical energy they were sensing this whole time.

"It's another version of us." whispered Plum, as she flew around the dark blue sleeping dragon child, as she's hugging a sword that's in its scabbard, which has a rainbow orb within its hilt, and laying on top of said sword is a rainbow shield with four different color orbs but one was missing.

Lunar couldn't believe it. "It's us alright, but why is she here? Why is she holding a sword and shield?" She wondered, lowering her head next to the dragon, and could see the small smile on the child's face.

"...she's dreaming. About what, I wonder?" wondered Plum, touching the sleeping child's hand, until she felt the magical energy spike. The two could see the child's dreams, where the child is playing with her friends, Eirika, Twila and the group. The same group that joined her, Eirika and Twila, on their adventure to stop the chaos dragon, which made the sweet dream a nightmare, where the two could see the dragon child crying as some of her friends fell to the evil dragon in the final battle.

"Kuu! Watch out!" shouted a female thief who's holding twin daggers. Rushing her way to the child known as Kuu, pushing her out of the way as a giant black tail came slamming down, killing said thief.

"Vaida!" cried Kuu, seeing her friend's death. "...no."

She looked around the battlefield, seeing more of her friends dying. She could see the large red knight, Big Matthew,

saving his sister from a claw swipe by covering her and being a human shield, but saving his dear sister cost him his life as the claws tore through his armor and body, killing him.

Kuu could only shed tears as she saw AJ

,a small axe fighter, screaming for her brother to move as his lifeless body lay on top of her.

"Big Matt..." whimpered Kuu, looking away, but no matter where she looked, there was death and pain. Even above her, as Lyra was saved from a dark fire breath as a one arm Pegasus knight

pushed her out of the way but burning to ash.

Lunar and Plum were speechless as they watched the dragon child's nightmare. "Such a young child...fighting in a war and fighting such..." Lunar looked up, seeing the black, rocky dragon, as it gave off an evil aura. "...evil."

Plum slowly hovered her way to Kuu, seeing the poor child crying. "Is this what Berry has seen on her adventures with her's and Grape's counterparts? W-what is this?"


Both turned behind them, seeing Nanna limping her way to them but falling on her hands and knees, like she was suddenly weak. Plum and Lunar went to her side and helped her up.

"This is death," repeated Nanna to Plum. "Midnight told me that you and your friends don't have death when you fight on the battlefield." She looked at her. "You only get knocked out if you're defeated. Right?"

Plum nodded, not sure what her counterpart was getting at.

"In my and others universes, this is what we call death. Caused by war or pointless fighting. I saw my fair share of seeing children on the battlefield, dying before they even got to live," she sighed and looked up, seeing the child's nightmare. "She reminds me of Red, who was a byproduct of war as the chaos infection started."

"Byproduct?" repeated Plum.

Nanna nodded. "When I found Red, she was a feral beast child, attacking anything and everyone. Breed to kill the infected by an underground organization, and their leader is only known as 'Grandmother'. Red saw so much death on the battlefield before I took her in, and even though she wanted to aid Canterlot Island in the fighting, I didn't allow her to." She could feel the tears building up. "I don't want any more children to lose their innocence on the battlefield, so I keep them close...but over the years, as they grew older, it stopped being my choice and became their choice. Now, they are fighting their own battles, just like this child."

They watched as Kuu stopped crying and became a full-on dragon.

She looked up and could see Eirika and Twila on Aero as they and the rest of the pegasus knights were fighting the demon dragon. Kuu narrowed her eyes and spoke out loud to no one but herself.

"I won't allow this to stop me! I made a promise to Eir-Eir, Twi-Twi, and the others! I'll be strong and won't allow death to stop me from moving forward and protecting the future my friends died for! I'll win this battle for them!"

The dragon roared out and unleashed a stream of night shade flames at the demon dragon, which didn't do much damage thanks to its tough skin, but Kuu wouldn't allow her friends deaths to stop her, as she was going to fight the demon dragon to the very end.

"No matter how much we want to try to keep them from the pain of war, they'll join it anyway. All we can do is support them and hope they come back alive."

Plum and Lunar watched as Kuu continued her attacks but was starting to struggle against the demon dragon, and the nightmare started to get worse until they were forced out and back on the altar. They could see Kuu moving a bit in her sleep as her nightmare continued.

"And when they do return, they're never the same as before," finished Nanna, who closed her eyes. "We better get back to others. We're not meant to be here—whatever she's meant to be doing. Come."

As Plum and Lunar were going to follow, Plum couldn't take her eyes off the child, whose nightmares continued. "She won't be here forever, right?" She turned around and flew towards Nanna and Lunar as they started to head up the stairs.

After a few seconds, Nanna turned around, looking at the child once more. "Only if she allows herself to be trapped in the past and not move forward. Come."

Nanna led the two to the top and found themselves back in the hallway. Plum and the others could sense the magical energy again, could see it was coming from the garden, and headed there.

"WAKE UP!" shouted Layla, slapping Eirika, hoping she would wake up, but... "Wow, she's a heavy sleeper."

"She always was, even back then. She had a hard time waking up in the mornings," replied a female voice, making Layla look to the window and see Aero just hovering there, dressed in royal armor. "Layla! It's been years!"


Aero landed inside and nuzzled Layla, while the people watched, not sure what was going on.

"So, what's the reason you are here?" asked Aero, stepping back.

"Well, it's the twins, but I need to know something."

Layla started to explain herself, while Bolt and others were free from Lyra's magical hold as she walked up to them.
"Sorry, I just wanted a good fight! It's been forever since I had one!" she explained.

As the group started to talk to her, Nova and her friends helped Diamond up but were shocked to see her face as her helmet fell off from before.

"Holy shit, you two burned her badly, like what the fuck!" shouted Light, seeing the scarred, burned face of Diamond.

Nova and Spitflame tried to defend themselves, as they knew their flame attacks wouldn't have done this kind of damage, but Diamond pushed them off and picked up her helmet and looked at it.

"This wasn't you; I tried protecting my friends from the demon dragon's cursed flames, and I'm forever cursed. My skin always burned; no magic could ever remove it. I don't blame you being scared of my looks." explained Diamond, putting the helmet back on and picking her shield and spear up.

Before they could say anything, Lyra yelled out loud, making them turn to her.

"What's wrong with you, darling?" asked Diamond, seeing Lyra summoning her sword and using it as a hover board and rushing to the throne room but being blown back, as they all saw Layla completely covered in black crystals as the Aero was blown back as well.

Light and her friends knew what this was. "Oh, she's pissed off! Like, really pissed off!" explained Light, as she and everyone watched as she turned to a sleeping Eirika, who finally woke and was shocked to see Layla.

"Layla? Is that...you? Oh sh-" Eirika quickly created a magical sword of light and blocked the crystal sword that almost cut her head off, but the force was so strong that the impact sent her flying out of the throne room and into the sky, while Layla followed right behind her.

"What happened!?" shouted Nova as she and the others entered the throne room.

Aero stood up and could see Berry and the others. "Girls!? Oh, I want to nuzzle you all right now, but Layla! Why did she turn into that form again? I just told her what happened in the final battle with the demon drag-" She was cut off as Lyra passed her and turned to her.

"That's the problem, you stupid horse! You told her the..." She looked at the gathering citizens who came to give gifts to their queen and she nodded towards the derp eye woman from before, who nodded back and started to order them to clear out, and they did, as they seemed to follow her. Lyra returns, facing the group. "You told her the cover-up story! I understand why because you were asked in public, but didn't you tell me about their oath pack?"

Aero was going to speak but realized what she had done and quickly flew out of the window to fix her mistake. While others asked what she meant by 'cover up'. Diamond spoke as she told them to follow her.

"Eirika saved Twila. She didn't kill her, but we had to tell the kingdom that. There are still Chaos dragon followers out there who will do anything to harm or use Twila for killing their god. So we had to report that she died. But this is why Twila asked us to go to the garden when the Knight of Dawn returns. Shit, I was so focused on protecting Eirika that I forgot what Twila told me. Hurry!" She led them back to the garden, while Lyra flew after Aero.

In the sky, Eirika blocked another blow from her enraged friend and was carried further into the sky. Eirika could see the rage and sadness in Layla's raging eyes.

"Layla, what's wrong!? Why are you attacking me, and how are you even here!?"

"YOU BROKE OUR OATH! COWARD!" screamed Layla, who unleashed nonstop blows as Eirika blocked them all.

Eirika realized what must have happened and tried to calm her down, but she couldn't find a time to speak as each blow made her grunt, until Aero blasted between them, allowing her to get on her Pegasus.

Aero spoke to their friend once more, hoping her words would get through, but Layla just unleashed a magical energy swing at them, blasting them far and near Lyra, who helped them recover.

"Eirika, it's no use! She's completely enraged by the cover story!" shouted Lyra.

Eirika got a better grip on Aero and nodded in agreement. "I can see that, but it's like Twila warned us, but in those riddles. The knight will set upon you. Lead her back to dawn... Aero, the garden! Go!" she ordered, kicking her sides, and Aero took off, with Lyra following right behind them.

Eirika could see the pure rage in Layla's eyes as the crystal wings started to grow, and she gave chase, following them back to the garden.

Back in the garden, Midnight and Amazement watched as the cloaked girl returned to her spot and seemed to be waiting for something. That's when Discord reappeared after disappearing like always.

"Oh goodie, everyone is returning."

Amazement wanted to ask what he might mean by that, but Midnight told her to be silent as the cloaked girl told her everything. That's when they could sense magical energy above them, seeing Layla giving chase to two people, and soon, the group came running along with Nanna and the others. Everyone gathered around as Aero landed next to the cloak girl, and Eirika jumped off and waited for Layla as she stopped in front of her. She pointed her crystal sword at her.

"Layla, please listen to me! What you heard was a lie! A lie to protect my dear friend, my love! I didn't kill her!" cried Eirika, wanting her friend to understand.

"LIAR!" shouted Layla, ready to charge at her friend, but she could see a cloaked girl from before as she walked and stood between them.

"She's telling the truth, and let me show you..." The girl rose her hand and took a colorful orb out of the basket, which was this universe element of harmony, and fused it with her magic, and a bright purple flash blinded everyone.

The flash faded, and Layla and the others found themselves in front of past Eirika, ready to kill Twila with the Rainbow sword.

"There has to be another way...something we couldn't see..." whimpered Eirika as her hands gripped the hilt tightly and she was shaking.

"There isn't. Just let me go. Let me die. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Don't let the Chaos Dragon break free and cause destruction and death. If this is where my story ends, so be it. I saw enough....saw...seen..."

Eirika swung down but was stopped as Twila grabbed her hands with all her strength, stopping the death blow.


"There is another way! If the curse markers are a seal...and destroying the Chaos dragon with the Rainbow sword, then maybe if I can move the curse markers to a single poin-ahhh!" she screamed as she could feel the demon dragon trying to break free.

"TWILA!?" Eirika dropped her sword and held her dear friend.

Twila looked at her and smiled as the black curse markers started to glow red, but they were moving to one spot on her body, and that was her eyes.

"Destroy my eyes! I couldn't focus in time and just thought of what you said...see... you can end the dragon and..."

Eirika started to cry as she picked up her sword and finished Twila's sentence. "And save you..." she sat Twila on the ground, raised her sword up again, and gripped the hilt hard again.

She swung, the blade of her sword slicing across Twila's eyes, ending the evil dragon and Twila's sight.

The memory faded, and Layla dropped to her knees, crying for many reasons: her rage taking over, not trusting her friend, Eirika blinding her dear friend, but most importantly, Eirika kept their promise of saving their friends. She watched as the cloaked girl removed her hood, revealing it to be Twila, wearing a bandana over her eyes.

"She kept her word, so don't cry. I also could see you kept your own word as well," replied Twila, looking over to Nova, who rushed over and held Layla and let her cry on her chest.

A hour later, everything was fine, and Layla kept saying sorry to Eirika, who just laughed and brushed it off, but finally asked her and others why they were here, and they told her...

"Understood! I'll join you all again! Those kids should live a peaceful life! Whoever dares to ruin that will answer to me!" smirked Eirika, pointing to herself.

Twila held her hand and smiled. "You mean us? I'm coming with you this time. Plus, I want to see Dashie again."

Eirika was going to tell her no, but Lyra and Diamond step forward, saying they're coming too. She just sighed and turned to the group.

"Scratch that. We're joining you all! But I need to get something from the underground altar. The Rainbow sword is down there. I'll be right back." She was going to head off, but Nanna stopped her as Crescent returned to its master and blocked the Queen's path.

"You have a young dragon child down there! Explain yourself."

Eirika looked at Nanna, Lunar, and Plum and wasn't shocked to see Kuu counterparts. She answered her. "Twila saw into the future, a future where a young girl, going by a title called 'Sunny Knight', needs help from Kuu and needs the holy weapons to fight a future evil. Kuu, on her own choice and no one else, went to sleep and watch over the holy weapons, so when the girl comes to the altar in 400 years, she'll have them and aid the future queen of Equestria.".

Nanna ordered Crescent to let her through, but not before saying one thing. "She's having a nightmare. Hearing your voices will help her sleep peacefully again."

Eirika smiled and hurried past her with Twila in hand.

Discord took out the phone book and looked where their next stop would be, and he could see it was the Element Watchers universe. Wanda universe. He closed it and looked at everyone, speaking and getting to know each other more.

"I hope this peace can last forever, but it won't."

At the altar, Eirika could see that Nanna was speaking the truth, as Kuu was having a bad nightmare, and it was about the Chaos dragon. She knelt down and brushed her hair.

"Shh...shhh...everything will be fine, Kuu. We're here now," whispered Eirika, smiling and letting the young dragon child sleep peacefully, but not before she licked Eirika and Twila's faces and smiled.

"Eir-Eir and Twi-Twi! I love you," whispered the dragon girl as she lost her grip on the sword and shield, allowing Eirika to take them.

Eirika and Twila got on the altar, rested between Kuu, and hugged her.

"We'll be back, Kuu. Keep on having sweet and wonderful dreams for the future. Sunny will wake you up, and you'll meet new friends. Even with us long dead, we'll always be in your heart and memories," whispered Twila, kissing the child's forehead. "Never stop moving forward, no matter how hard it gets," she started to cry while Eirika held her hand. "No matter how hopeless it seems, we'll always be by your side. Now and forever, Kuu."

Kuu finally slept peacefully, making the two get off the altar, even though they didn't want to. They knew Kuu and the next generation were going to be strong and would fight back against whatever future threat lay waiting, even when they were long gone. Eirika held Twila as they watched Kuu for a little longer before heading up the stairs, back to the group, and leaving in the phonebooth.

"Eirika...Twila..." whispered Kuu as she shed tears and flipped over, sleeping peacefully.

End of Chapter Blue 2