• Published 17th Jan 2024
  • 1,871 Views, 83 Comments

Spike's New Adventure - San Dragon

Spike decided that being a servant is not the life worth living, so he decides to chase after a new purpose in life.

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Storm Nation's Travel

The journey from the Crystal Empire to the Storm Nation's island took three hours, considering traveling down south would have taken two days. Spike enjoyed the scenery the world has to offer, the beauty of the landscape, the blue skies with clouds not altered by pegasi weather control, and Spike even caught a glimpse of the parrot's pirate ship traveling in the wild blue yonder. Spike envisioned many possibilities about the inspiration Tempest had mentioned a while ago. Tempest is keeping the inspiration a surprise as Grubber speaks vaguely about it.

On the war blimp, Spike recognizes several Storm Nation soldiers who attended the party and kept him company when everyone left; he thanked them for spending time with him after his friends departed when he finally got to dance on the dance floor, especially during cleanup duty. The soldiers heard about Spike's ascension to become the hero of the Crystal Empire, and Tempest inquired about their assistance in escorting Spike to the Storm Nation's Square District.

Propaganda posters of the Storm King are gone from the buildings, towers, blimps, and walls of the dark and magnificent Storm Island. The citizens live happily without the tyranny of their former sovereign ruler, Storm King. Empress Storm controls the weather of her nation, ruling the kingdom with love, peace, and kindness, unlike her brother, who met his demise over power and dominion.

Empress Storm is a tall, bipedal, fierce-looking creature with a muscular physique and snow-white fur that covers all of her body except for her hoofed feet, her three-fingered hands, and her ape-like face, which are snow-white. Her eyes and tongue are blue and covered in lustrous white armor that covers her torso, bosoms, shoulders, wrists, and shins. She also has large, curving blue horns, an extensive, stuck-out chin, sharp fangs, and a long, white tail with fluffy hair at the end. Empress Storm is close to being a twin to the Storm King, but she was born two years before her elder sibling.

Empress Storm waves from the balcony of her tower after seeing the war blimp returning from the Crystal Empire; she can't wait to greet her friend and the supposed champion of the Crystal Empire. The war blimp descends in front of Empress Storm's tower, allowing everyone to depart and wait for the Empress' arrival.

Spike looks around and notices the dark clouds in the skies snowing, and thanks to his intense training with Tempest when they embarked on the snowy regions near Yak Yakkistan, Spike can tolerate the cold weather.

"Welcome to our island, Spike the Brave and Glorious!" Empress Storm is aware of the folklore spoken by her guards when they discovered the Spike statue by the Crystal Empire when they visited Tempest Shadow. She gasps at Tempest's presence. "Tempy!" Empress Storm calls Tempest by her cute nickname. It's shorter for temperature due to Tempest's rage burst.

Tempest Shadow blushed in embarrassment when Spike and Grubber gigged at the nickname. "Stormy, don't call me that..," It's not often for Tempest to get flustered and caught off guard with a nickname.

Empress Storm laughs; she remembers the days spent with Tempest whenever her brother didn't send her away after failing to understand the wisdom he gained at the town's square. "Sorry, I've forgotten about addressing my friends differently around crowds."

"It's an honor to meet the older responsible sibling of the sovereign Storm family," Spike bows before Empress Storm, demonstrating honor before her.

Empress Storm admires the young dragon for respecting her presence. "No need to bow before me, Spike the Brave and Glorious. I banned the declaration of bowing before a ruler within the island since my brother ran amuck and tainted the family name. Also, I'm the younger one. Did Tempy -" Empress Storm hears the growl from her friend and corrects herself. "Did Tempest explain the reason for your travel today?"

"She told me about finding inspiration here, something to motivate me to achieve my goals of becoming the hero the Crystal Empire deserves and perhaps all of Equus at some point," Spike explains his reason for coming to the Storm Nation's Island, which makes sense for Empress Storm, considering the birthplace of inspiration with many creatures traveling far and wide to obtain the one relic, but failed.

"Follow me," Empress Storm doesn't give Spike the grand tour of her island but escorts him to the birthplace of inspiration, which no other country can claim.

The supposed birthplace of inspiration, the Square District is the only place untouched by technology. The Square District's ground has lavish green pastures and four trees with crystalizing, sparkling, shimmering, and radiancy leaves; the temperature is warm, unlike the rest of the chilling island, and the grass is smooth like a forest for camping. At the center of the Square District is an enormous stone with an ornamented staff in the middle of the rock as white heavenly light shines upon the sacred relic of inspiration. Next to it, a few feet away, is a dentist's chair and some equipment.

"Uuuuh," Spike gets nervous about the dentist's chair. "What's with the dental equipment, Empress Storm?" Spike is confused after feeling he stepped on sacred ground.

"For those to attempt to use their teeth as strength to uphold the weapon from the stone. Ripper loves his job as a dentist," Empress Storm points to Snow Yeti, wearing a black lab coat, goggles, and medical mask.

"I'm ready for my next victim - I mean guest," Ripper hides his chuckles, but it becomes laughter.

"As horrifying as he sounds with his demented tone, Ripper is a nice fellow who is proficient as the best dentist the Storm Nation has to offer," Empress Storm explains her subject's demeanor despite dressing as a mad scientist hellbent on destroying cavities.

"So," Spike wants to direct the focus to the scepter standing still on the rock. "What's with the weapon? How is this the inspiration?"

Empress Storm joyfully laughs, for she enjoys retelling the tale of Equus' birth. "Have a seat, Brave and Glorious," Using her prowess, Empress Storm conjures a white snow cloud for her to sit above the ground.

Spike sits on the ground, feeling immense energy as shimmering lights illuminate him; the sensation makes it feel like he's chosen for greatness by the gods above.

"The scepter resting on the gravel -" Empress Storm points to the sacred relic. "is known as the Legacy of the Peacekeeper. Designed and forged by the Valkyrie Sisters of Harmony."

"The what?!" Spike's eyes widened in shock; he knew nothing about the Valkyries and their involvement with Harmony. "How is this possible, and what are the Valkyries? I thought Harmony was more on Equestria's influence."

"Not everything about ponies is true, Spike. There's much more about Valkyries, Equilibrium, Harmony, and Disharmony. I'll tell you the origins of Equus."