• Published 14th Jan 2024
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Pokemon Turquoise Advanced Generation - foxmaster

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A Maiden's Voyage

The ferry heading for Hoenn left with Turquoise and Espeon standing at the bow of the ship. As soon as the ship made it halfway through kantonian waters the wind picked up and blew past them.

“Feel that Espeon, that is the winds of adventure,” Turquoise said before noticing a sweet aroma coming from behind her. She turned around and was quite surprised to see Sprigatito on the ship. “Sprigatito? You followed us here?” Sprigatito nodded yes to her question. Since they were halfway out at sea and Sprigatito’s pokeball was back at the lab it looked like Turquoise had no choice but to bring her along on the journey. The three of them looked at the horizon eagerly awaiting the adventure to come.

Meanwhile inside a house in Petalburg City a girl with short blonde hair wearing a white lace top with ice blue shorts and brown boots was packing her bag as if she was going somewhere. As soon as she packed the last of her stuff she swung her bag onto her back. Suddenly a voice shouted from downstairs.

“Aqua dear, are you ready to go yet?” The voice asked.

“Coming mom,” Aqua said before going downstairs where a woman with curled blonde hair was waiting.

“Ready to go see Professor Birch and start your journey?” Mom asked.

“Sure am,” Aqua said.

“Good now let's go outside because I have a surprise for you,” mom said before blindfolding aqua. Aqua’s mom guided her outside and when she took the blindfold off aqua was now looking at a new light blue bicycle with built in headlight and two gears.

“You got me a new bike?” Aqua asked.

“Figured it would be faster than walking all the way to Littleroot Town,” Mom said.

“I love it mom thank you thank you thank you,” Aqua said while hugging her.

“You're quite welcome dear now I believe you remember the way,” Mom said.

“I do,” Aqua said before getting on and taking off. Before Aqua’s mom knew it her daughter was off to begin her own journey.

Back with Turquoise the ferry was now entering Hoenn waters and the sea had a different feel to it from Kanto or Johto.

“Feel that ladies, that's the winds of a new land blowing,” Turquoise said. Suddenly a city was coming into view which meant the ship was almost at Little Root Town. Waiting by the port was a big man in a lab coat. This man was none other than professor Birch who was informed by Professor Oak of Turquoise’s arrival and was tasked with helping her by showing him his lab and pointing her in the right direction. A half hour later the ship arrives and Turquoise disembarks.

“By any chance are you Turquoise?” Professor Birch asked.

“I am,” Turquoise said.

“Nice to finally meet you. I’m Professor Birch and Professor Oak asked me to take you to my lab and help get you started on your journey,"Professor Birch said while showing Turquoise to his car. Once turquoise buckled up the two of them hit the road.

Back with Aqua she was pedaling as fast as she could which caused her to jump the hill she was going up. She saw the lab on the horizon and kicked it into high gear. Five minutes later she was now at the lab but when she went inside professor Birch was not there.

“You must be the new trainer,” One of the lab assistants said.

“I am,” Aqua said.

“I’m sorry to say but the professor had to go out for a bit to go pick someone up,” Another assistant said. “But you're more than welcome to wait. He should be back any minute now.

“I will,” Aqua said before taking a seat on the couch.

Back with Professor Birch and Turquoise the two were driving through the countryside while chatting.

“So tell me Turquoise what are your goals for this journey?” Professor Birch said.

“Aside from the Hoenn League and Grand Festival I want to get strong enough to win the champion league back home,” Turquoise said.

“I assume you already won the Indigo league,” professor birch said, making sure Turquoise already filled that criteria.

“I have and Bruno recommended coming here for my next journey,” Turquoise said.

“I’m sure you will discover a lot here in Hoenn,” Professor Birch said. They soon arrived at the lab and as soon as they went inside one of the lab assistants approached the Professor.

“Sir the new trainer is here and waiting,” The Assistant said.

“What good timing, Turquoise, how would you like to see the starters for the Hoenn Region?” Professor Birch asked.

“Sure,” Turquoise said before following the professor to the other room where Aqua was waiting. Once they entered the room Aqua was surprised to see them.

“Are you the new trainer we've been expecting?” Professor Birch asked.

“Sure am. The name is Aqua,” Aqua said.

“Well I'm Professor Birch, the lead researcher here in Hoenn,” Professor Birch said.

“And i’m guessing the girl next to you is a new trainer as well?” Aqua asked.

“I’m Turquoise and I am quite a skilled trainer already,” Turquoise said.

“Moving on, now that I'm here, let's get started by having you choose your first pokemon,” Professor Birch said before pulling out three pokeballs. He threw the first one and out of it came a green gecko with two tails. “First up is the grass-type Treecko. Turquoise decided to try out her new Pokedex with Treecko.

“Treecko, The Wood gecko Pokemon, The small hooks on the soles of its feet latch on to walls and ceilings, so it will never fall even while hanging upside down,” The pokedex said in a female computer voice. The Professor tossed another pokeball and this time an orange chick-like creature came out.

“Next up is the Fire-type Torchic,” professor Birch said before Torchic ran around playfully making it almost hard for Turquoise to get a lock on it. As soon as it stopped running the pokedex was able to lock on to it.

“Torchic, the Chick pokemon, In its belly, it has a sac filled with burning fire, meaning that Torchic feels as warm as a hot-water bottle if you hug it,” the pokedex said before professor birch unleashed the third pokemon which was a blue fish-like creature with orange growths on its cheeks.

“And finally the water-type mudkip,” professor Birch said as Mudkip looked neutral compared to the other two. Turquoise used her Pokedex which would complete her lesson on the starters of Hoenn.

“Mudkip, The mud fish pokemon, When it uses its large tail fin, it picks up speed rapidly in the water. It is strong in spite of its small size,” The pokedex said. Aqua took a couple minutes to think and then made her choice.

“I’ll take Mudkip, “Aqua said to the dismay of the other two who looked rejected but understood since this was Aqua's choice.

“Good choice, now here is mudkip’s pokeball,” professor Birch said while giving aqua said pokeball along with a pokedex and some more Pokeballs.

“Speaking of pokeballs, mind if I call Professor Oak real quick?” Turquoise asked.

“Go right ahead, the phone is in the other room,” Professor Birch said. Turquoise went to the phone and after a minute professor Oak appeared on screen but with a somewhat remorseful look on his face.

“Turquoise we have some bad news, “Professor Oak said before breathing lightly as if he was about to confess to something bad. “Your Sprigatito has gone missing and we can’t find her anywhere.

“Don’t worry I found her on the boat coming here and she is with me right now,” Turquoise said to the professor’s relief. “But this does bring me to the reason I'm calling. Turquoise decided to bring Sprigatito with her on this journey and asked if it was possible to send her pokeball over.

“Of course,” Professor Oak said before doing so. After it arrived through the transporter she used it to recall Sprigatito which now left turquoise with the question of where to go from here. Just then professor Birch came in with Aqua.

“How was your chat with professor oak?” Birch asked.

“It went well,” Turquoise said.

“Good now I have a request to make of you,” Birch said before continuing. “Would you mind traveling with Aqua for a bit? She is new and having an expert to help her get started would be really good.

“Sure I could use a guide since I'm not familiar with the region,” Turquoise said.

“Great, Now the first stop you want to head to is Oldale Town where you register to enter the Hoenn league,” Birch said.

“Oldale town got it,” Turquoise said before realizing she had no idea where it was. “Where is Oldale town?”

“Not far it's on the way to Petalburg City which is where I'm heading since I need to see my mom before we begin our journey,” Aqua said.

“Sure no problem,” Turquoise said. The girls set off and since Turquoise did not own a bike aqua moved at a slow pace while Turquoise followed behind her.

Meanwhile in the forest outside of Oldale Town a certain trio of villains were waiting for Turquoise. These villains were Isabelle, Chris, and Meowth who were more driven then ever to steal Turquoise’s pokemon.

“The Dorkette has to come through here sooner or later,” Isabelle said.

“And when she does she will be in deep trouble,” Meowth said referring to the hole they dug while he and Isabelle laughed.

“Quiet you two I hear movement, “Chris said. And sure enough aqua and Turquoise were passing through. Unfortunately aqua had the misfortune of falling into the hole as indicated by her loud scream. Turquoise recognized this kind of trap and immediately knew who was responsible.

“All right Isabelle and Chris I know this is your handiwork so just come out so we can get this over with,” Turquoise said in an annoyed tone which stung Isabelle and Chris real hard.

“Really Dorkette, are we really that boring to you,” Isabelle said.

“More like, annoying,” Turquoise said.

“Wait, how are you up here when you should be down there?” Chris asked before they checked the trap and saw Aqua inside on top of her now broken bicycle.

“Somebody get me out of here,” Aqua shouted.

“Hang on Aqua, I will get you out once I deal with these annoying creeps,” Turquoise said as she called out Espeon.

“Like you can beat us single handedly, we are new and improved,” Isabelle said as she and Chris called out all of their pokemon.

“So am I,” Turquoise said as she had Espeon use Swift in a massive cluster of star which simulated a meteor shower which was powerful enough to knock most of them out except for Metagross who managed to endure it.

“Nice try Dorkette but my metagross is still standing and now its my turn to attack, metagross use Meteor Mash. metagross came charging at Espeon with one of its front legs ready to strike with a white glow. Turquoise was ready for it.

“Dodge and use Psybeam max power. Espeon leaped high then unleashed psybeam with all she had which resulted in enough power to beat metagross which caused Team Supernova to retreat before Turquoise could send them flying. “Now that they are gone, time to save Aqua. Turquoise had Espeon levitate Aqua out of the pit trap along with her wrecked bike before levitating all the dirt Team Supernova dug up to fill it again.

“Those creeps owe me a new bike,” Aqua said.

“I’ll be sure to let them know the next time we run into them, but for now we must keep going before nightfall,” Turquoise said.

“What should we do about my bike?” Aqua asked, referring to her wrecked ride.

“Bring it, maybe we will find a mechanic in Oldale Town,” Turquoise said. The girls kept going and soon arrived in Oldale Town. while turquoise went to the pokemon center aqua looked around for a bike shop to see about fixing her bike. As soon as turquoise entered nurse Joy greeted her.

“Welcome miss what can I do for you?” Nurse Joy asked.

“I need a room for the night and by any chance is this where registration for the hoenn League is?” Turquoise asked.

“Indeed it is just place your pokedex on the scanner,” Nurse joy said while pointing to the scanner in question. Turquoise placed her pokedex on the scanner and a few seconds later she was all set. “You are all set and here is your badge case. Nurse joy handed Turquoise a small pink case which is where her gym badges would go.

“Thanks nurse joy,” Turquoise said.

With aqua she found a bike shop and asked the worker if they did repairs.

“Indeed we do,” the worker said before Aqua showed her her bike. The worker was quite surprised by the state of it. “Did you ride this in a demolition derby or something?

“I fell down a deep hole and it got banged up upon impact with the bottom of the hole,” Aqua said.

“Well luckily we can bang out these dents but the wheels and headlight will need to be replaced,” The worker said.

“How much will that cost?” Aqua asked.

“Normally about 1000 poke but for you kid i will do it for 500,” The worker said.

“Deal,” Aqua said before paying him. He took her bike and said to come back in about an hour.

Once the repairs were done and Aqua got her bike back it was time to rest for the night. What will the next day hold in store for Turquoise and aqua. Stay tuned as the journey continues.


Author's Note:

Turquoise's team
Espeon ♀ LV: 61 Moves: Psychic/ Swift/ Morning Sun/ Psybeam
Sprigatito♀ LV:10 Moves: scratch/ Hone Claws/Leafage/Bite

Aqua's team
Mudkip ♀ LV:5 Moves: Tackle/ growl/ water gun

Turquoise: Badges:0 Ribbons:0

The first chapter took awhile since i'm starting over. now that i have given people more time to catch up and hopefully enough time for me to think things through this go around will be better.