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Double Shuffle and Featherweight

Life in Allspark Wells

Part 4; Double Shuffle and Featherweight

The sun shone brightly as it rested comfortably in the afternoon sky over the town of Allspark Wells. As everyone continued their day, one place that was giving in to the energy of the afternoon was Iacon Middle school. After all, the school day was almost over, and everyone simply wanted for the final bell to ring so they could either go home or otherwise continue with their day.

One of these many kids who were just waiting to be freed was Double Shuffle.

‘Come on.’ The blue hoofer thought to herself as she stared at the old analog clock on her homeroom wall. ‘Just turn to three thirty already!’ As the dial slowly ticked, Double Shuffle found herself biting her lower lip in anticipation.

Thankfully, the clock eventually struck three thirty, followed swiftly by the loud ringing of the school bell. Pumping her fist in the air, Double Shuffle exclaimed, “Finally!” Scooping up her backpack, the young hoofer began to shuffle her way out of the classroom, only to pause before realizing that the growing crowd of students made her dancing impractical.

As some of the other kids began to turn to her, Double Shuffle meekly apologized, “Heh heh. Sorry.” No one really said anything in return; most simply made their way out of the classroom, with the few who did acknowledge her only nodding in silence. Shrugging to herself, the blue dancer glumly muttered to herself, “Guess I shouldn’t have expected anything else.”

Making her way down the hallways, Double Shuffle walked past the endless swarm that was her fellow sixth graders. Some were gathered in small circles as they caught up with each other, some were in pairs as they chatted (as well as trying to enjoy a brief romantic moment), and some were just taking the opportunity to catch their breath for a few moments. All in all, everyone was just enjoying the moment with their friends.

Everyone except Double Shuffle.

If there was one thing that the young dancer had always struggled with, it was making and keeping friends. As she walked down the hallway, Double Shuffle allowed her memory to recall how she didn’t really have many friends back in Canterlot City before her family moved to Allspark Wells. Even when in tap class, the one place she could truly unwind in, the blue girl was always something of an outcast, almost certainly due to her prodigious skills with her feet.

“At least this year should be different.” The yellow haired girl reassured herself. Indeed, this year her mother had finally decided she could finally be in an advanced class. Allowing herself to let out a confident scoff, Double Shuffle privately boasted, “Took long enough.” Realizing what she’d just said, the young dancer quickly shook her head as she tried to warn herself, “Don’t say that. Mom just wanted you to make more friends your age.”

A few moments later, Double Shuffle reached her locker. After removing the lock, the young girl began to pull out everything she’d need for the night and to last until the next morning. For the most part, it was simply just a few textbooks or binders, but the one thing that Double Shuffle was really excited to see was her dance bag. Hugging the bag tightly, the young girl squealed, “I’ve missed you. Hope you didn’t mind waiting here.”

With her first tap class of the school year starting only an hour and a half after the end of the school day, Double Shuffle’s mother, Soft Shoe, had decided that she would simply pick her daughter up from school and take her straight to Hoofer Step’s studio. Now that she’d gotten her dance bag and everything else she’d need to get her homework done, all that was left for Double Shuffle to do was go outside and wait for her mom to pick her up.

At that moment, something caught the young dancer completely off guard. Somewhere not too far from her, Double Shuffle heard a boy’s voice call out, “Hey! Give that back!” Pausing for a moment, the blue hoofer whispered to herself, “What was that?” Her internal train of thought was derailed when she heard the same voice continue, “I’m serious! This isn’t funny!”

Turning to see what was going on, Double Shuffle found the unpleasant sight of a boy roughly her age with cream skin, short brown hair, and if her eyes weren’t betraying her, slightly crooked teeth being teased by several other boys, all of whom were taller than him. One of these bullies, a large purple boy with red hair, was holding some sort of camera above his head, far too high for his victim to reach.

Jumping in a vain attempt to reach his captive camera, the cream boy begged, “Come on. Give it back!” Unfortunately, the purple bully simply scoffed as he snarled, “You want it? You gotta take it noodle nerd.” As the other bullies laughed at their victim’s misfortune, the brown-haired boy jumped up in a vain attempt to reclaim his stolen camera.

If there was one thing that Double Shuffle hated more than anything, it was a bully. She’d had to deal with her fair share of bullies throughout her life, with the worst being Chasse, a snotty jerk whom she, in turn, secretly referred to as the “bitchy ballerina.” But now that she was face to face with the common cruelty of those who belittled others, Double Shuffle knew exactly what she had to do.

Walking up to the group of bullies, the blue dancer demanded, “Hey! You jerks better give him back his camera right now!” As the group of bullies turned their attention to her, Double Shuffle continued, “You guys better stop this or I’m gonna tell the hall monitor. Or maybe even one of the teachers.” For a few moments, the group of ruffians were caught off guard by her defiance.

Unfortunately, the purple punk and leader of the group turned his attention back to his victim as he cruelly mocked, “Well what do we have here? You getting girls to protect you now Featherweight? That’s pathetic.” The cream boy, Featherweight if Double Shuffle heard correctly, simply demanded, “Oh shut up!” He then once again tried to reclaim his camera, only for his tormentor to continue to dangle his stolen prize just out of his reach.

However, there was one thing the purple punk didn’t count on dealing with on his daily dose of bullying: being in the vicinity of someone as nimble and capable on her legs as a dancer like Double Shuffle. While he was busy focusing on Featherweight, the yellow haired dancer leapt into the air and managed to snag the cream boy’s camera. As the group of bullies found themselves caught off guard, Double Shuffle turned to Featherweight as she warned, “Let’s split! Come on!”

With that, both kids bolted down the hallway, all while the gang of bullies pursued them as their purple leader shouted, “Get back here you pansies!”

Eventually, both Double Shuffle and Featherweight made it outside the school. As they caught their breaths, the blue hoofer remarked, “I think we lost ‘em.” The cream boy let out a sigh of relief as he replied, “Yeah.” At this moment, Double Shuffle remembered she was holding her new acquaintance’s camera in her hands and, handing it back to him, gently remarked, “Oh, I nearly forgot. I believe this is yours.”

Taking his camera back, Featherweight squealed, “Oh thank goodness!” He then began to inspect the instrument as he reassured his prized possession, “Good to see those pricks didn’t damage you. A quick cleaning and you’ll be good as new.” Turning to his savior, he began, “Thanks for standing up for me…. What was your name again?”

“Double Shuffle.” The blue hoofer replied. “The name’s Double Shuffle.” She then extended her hand as she asked, “What’s your name?” For a brief moment, the cream boy hesitated to shake his savior’s hand. Eventually, he took her hand and gave it a firm handshake as introduced himself with a gentle, “I’m Featherweight.”

Before either kid could say anything else, they were distracted by the sound of a car honking. Turning to see who it was, Double Shuffle found that it originated from a dark gray sedan that she’d never seen before. Before she could ponder it further, Featherweight blurted out, “That’s my ride. Gotta go.” As he made his way to the sedan, he turned his head to face his new friend as he added a warm, “Take care Double Shuffle.”

As Featherweight got in his car, Double Shuffle could only wave goodbye as he disappeared into the sedan before disappearing off into the horizon.

Hoofer Steps’s Dance Studio, A Short While Later…

As Double Shuffle approached the dance studio, she could hear her mother, Soft Shoe, call out, “Have fun at class sweetie!” Turning to face her mother, the young dancer called back, “Will do. Thanks mom!” Straightening her dance bag, the blue hoofer made her way towards the studio’s door, shuffling and twirling her feet as she allowed her heart to soar. Once she was at the door, the blue hoofer opened the door and entered the studio.

Making her way into the front area, Double Shuffle was greeted by the pleasant sight of Ravage manning the reception desk. The dark man looked up as he saw the blue girl approach and remarked, “Good to see you little Bolshoi. I trust you are doing well, da?” Nodding, Double Shuffle replied, “You bet Mr. Ravage!” She then reached into her dance bag as she continued, “I can’t wait to make some noise!”

Laughing, Ravage played along with a gentle, “I’m sure you deti are going to set the floor on fire.” He then pointed over to the changing rooms as he continued, “I believe you know where the changing rooms are. You’d better get ready. We don’t want you caught off guard for class, da?” Letting out a small chuckle of her own, Double Shuffle replied, “That would suck.” She then made her way to the changing rooms, hoping to slip into her dance attire.

A few minutes later, Double Shuffle returned to the studio’s commons area, now having slipped into a sleeveless leotard, caramel tights, and a simple pair of black athletic pants. Making her way to the row of chairs, the young girl sat down as she rested her dance bag on her lap and pulled out what were perhaps two of her favorite items in the world; a pair of black oxford tap shoes.

For some people, it can take their entire life to find what their passion is. For others, they find what they want to do with their life much earlier, usually during their teen years or early adulthood. But for Double Shuffle, she knew from the moment she saw her father performing on stage that she wanted to be a tap dancer. ‘Heh. It practically runs in the family’ The blue hoofer thought to herself as she held her beloved tap shoes in her hands.

Of course, her passion for tap had caused a few mishaps. Like with any other great passion, Double Shuffle had traded her increased time at the studio or practicing at home in place of hanging out with friends. Taking a deep breath, the blue girl said to herself, “Then again, it’s not like I really have any friends, right?”

Double Shuffle’s self-reflection was interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice with a cowgirl’s accent calling out, “Well what do we have here?” Lifting her head to see who it was, the blue hoofer found herself greeted by a girl with yellow skin, dyed burgundy hair, a red off the shoulder shirt, a dark green and blue pattern kilt, and black boots. Needless to say, she reacted the only way she knew how.

Running up to her surrogate sister, Double Shuffle wrapped the older girl in a massive hug as she squealed, “Apple Bloom!” Hugging the younger girl back, Apple Bloom warmly replied, “Good to see you too Double Shuffle!” As the two sisters released each other, the former farm girl remarked, “Seems like you got here before us.”

Caught off guard by the older girl’s choice of words, Double Shuffle asked, “What do you mean “Us?”” The blue girl received her answer when a group of teens entered through the studio’s front door. One of them was her older brother Tender Taps, dressed in a purple shirt and black jeans. Another was Sideswipe, clad in a black sleeveless shirt, a red vest and jeans, and black boots. The third and final teen was an entirely unfamiliar face, being a girl with blue skin, short black hair that covered her left eye, a pink dress, a black leather jacket, and black boots.

Walking up to Double Shuffle, the new blue girl asked, “So, you’re the little prodigy Apple Bloom told me about?” The young hoofer was surprised by how surprisingly deep her voice was, almost sounding like her brother’s own voice, but couldn’t help but find it was warm and accepting nonetheless. Feeling comfortable with this new girl, Double Shuffle extended her hand as she replied, “Uh…. Yeah? I’m Double Shuffle.”

Shaking the younger girl’s hand back, the cerulean teen introduced herself, “I’m Pastel Goth.” As the two girls finished their handshake, Double Shuffle asked, “So, this mean we’re in the same class?” Pastel gave a wink as she answered, “If you mean if both of us are in advanced tap, then yes we are.” Hearing this, the younger hoofer gave a cocky smile as she replied, “In that case, I hope you brought you’re a-game.”

At this moment, Sideswipe interrupted with a gentle, “I hate to ruin the moment, but we better start getting ready.” As the group of older teens made their way to the dressing rooms, Pastel turned back to Double Shuffle as she reassured her, “See you in a few, kid.”

A few minutes later, Pastel, Apple Bloom, and the others returned to the commons area. Apple Bloom was clad in a red tank top and black pants, Sideswipe was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with black shorts, Tender Taps was wearing a gray tank top with black pants, and Pastel was clad in a black leotard with pink tights. As the quartet made their way back to the younger girl, Pastel remarked, “So Double Shuffle, your brother says you’re quite the prodigy.” Rubbing her hands together, the younger hoofer replied, “I don’t wanna brag, but I think I’m pretty good.” Apple Bloom spoke up with reassuring, “Don’t kid yourself. You’re amazin’!”

At that moment, the front door opened again, this time revealing a pale white girl with light yellow hair tied up in a bun, and clad in a black crop top, black pants, and a gray sports jacket. As she walked up to the group, the new girl called out, “Hey Tender! Hey Double Shuffle!” Smiling, the young hoofer replied, “Hey Pizzelle!”

As she joined the group, Pizzelle continued, “Good to see you two. What have you been up to?” Tender Taps answered with, “Not much. Just practicing and hanging out.” Apple Bloom then added, “We’ve all kinda had quite the summer.” The moment she said this, Pizzelle stepped back in surprise as she asked, “Apple Bloom? What happened to your tooth?” Scratching the back of her neck, the former farm girl began, “Well, that’s a bit of a long story…”

A Short While Later…

As everyone entered the dance studio, Pizzelle turned to Apple Bloom and declared, “I swear, if your sister shows her face around here, I’ll grind her into hamburger meat!” Smiling, the former farm girl replied, “Thanks. But Ah doubt uncle Ironhide will allow her anywhere me anytime soon.”

While they chatted, Double Shuffle sat down to slip on her tap shoes. As she tied her laces, Pastel pulled out her own pair as she remarked, “Those look like they’re pretty high quality.” Nodding, the younger girl replied, “They sure are. Our mom is one of the best dance shoe cobblers around!” She then took notice of Pastel’s simpler oxfords and added, “If you’re ever in the market for a new pair, I’m sure we could get you fitted for something.” Pastel let out a gentle chuckle as she replied, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

At that moment, the familiar sound of Hoofer Steps’s voice rang out, “All vight now kinder.” Turning to face her teacher, Double Shuffle found the gray woman walking into the studio dressed in a black long-sleeved leotard, a simple skirt, and her black and silver tap shoes. Once she made it to the stereo in the corner, the older woman picked up the clipboard as she began, “Now zen everyvone. Let’s see who is here, Ja?”

Pointing to her pupils with her pencil, Hoofer Steps remarked, “Ve have Doubles Shuffle, Pastel Goth, Pizzelle, Apple Bloom, Tender Taps und…” pausing for a moment, the older woman continued, “Seems ve are missing vone student.” Walking up to her teacher, Double Shuffle asked, “Everything alright?” Hoofer Steps smiled as she replied, “Everysing is alvight. Just looks like ve are missing….”

She was interrupted by the sound of a vaguely familiar voice calling out, “Sorry I’m late. Got held up in traffic.” Double Shuffle found herself frozen for a moment as she thought to herself, ‘Wait a minute. I know that voice.’ As she turned to see who it was, Hoofer Steps replied, “You aren’t late. In fact, you are just in time.”

Double Shuffle, however, found herself caught completely flatfooted. There, looking nervously around him, was a very familiar boy with cream skin, short brown hair, and a surprisingly adorable set of crooked teeth. He was dressed in a pair of black shorts, a black tee shirt, white socks, and a pair of black tap shoes on his feet. ‘No way.’ Double Shuffle thought to herself. ‘It can’t be him.’

Nonetheless, her suspicions were confirmed when Hoofer Steps set her clipboard back on the stereo as she said, “Good to see you Featherveight.”

Letting out a nervous gulp, Featherweight approached the gray teacher as he replied, “Thanks ma’am.” As he said this, Tender Taps shuffled over as he remarked, “Nice to meet you Featherweight. I’m Tender Taps.” Seeing this older boy, the cream boy let out a surprised, “Hello there. I didn’t expect there to be another boy.”

It was at this moment that Featherweight and Double Shuffle locked eyes on each other. Looking at her acquaintance and classmate, the blue girl found herself thinking, ‘No way. Can’t believe that I’m in class with someone from school.’ The realization of this possibility made the younger girl’s heart soar, allowing a small smile to form across her face.

However, instead of showing excitement, Featherweight began to grow visibly nervous. His cream skin began to grow increasingly pale as a few beads of sweat began to drip from his forehead. As she saw this, Double Shuffle thought to herself, ‘What could possibly have him so scared?’

Before either kid could say anything, Hoofer Steps began, “Now zen everyvone. Velcome to our advanced Stepptanz class.” She then made a circle motion with her finger as she continued, “First things first, ve are going to introduce ourselves to each other.” As everyone formed into a small circle (with Double Shuffle placing herself next to her teacher), the gray woman finished with, “I um Hoofer Steps, und I am ze founder of zis dance studio.” She then pointed to Double Shuffle to continue the little game.

Taking a deep breath, the young hoofer introduced herself with, “I’m Double Shuffle, and my dad is one of the Tap Hounds.” The next person to go was Apple Bloom, who continued, “Ah’m Apple Bloom, and this is actually mah first year in a dance class.” After her was Pastel Goth, who added, “I’m Pastel, and I live with my older brother Blaster, the DJ at WARK.” Tender Taps spoke up next with, “I’m Tender Taps and I actually help out with some of the younger classes.” Sideswipe then added, “I’m Sideswipe and I own and ride a motorcycle.” The next was Pizzelle, who added, “I’m Pizzelle, and in my spare time, I like to bake.”

Finally, the only one left was Featherweight. Nervously stepping forward, the cream boy took a deep breath as he introduced himself with, “I’m…. I’m featherweight and….” Visibly struggling to think of something, he finally gave an answer with, “I really like to take pictures.” Hearing this, Double Shuffle thought to herself, ‘That explains his camera.’

Hoofer Steps clapped her hands as she continued, “Alvight now everyvone. Vight now, ve are going to start vith a shuffle exercise to warm us up und to loosen our ankles.” As everyone formed themselves into a line, the gray teacher extended her leg as she called out, “Ve go shuffle, shuffle, double shuffle, double shuffle, flap ball change.” Demonstrating the warmup to her pupils, she called out, “Now zen, can I see you do zat?”

As everyone performed the exercise, Double Shuffle allowed her eyes to drift onto the reflection of everyone in the mirror. She herself was doing the exercise perfectly as was her brother and Apple Bloom, Pastel was having a little trouble keeping her balance was otherwise doing pretty good, Pizzelle and Sideswipe were doing admirable, and to her surprise, Featherweight was surprisingly good on his feet.

Once everyone finished the exercise, Hoofer Steps said, “Very good everyvone. Now zen….”

A Short Hour Later…

“Very good Tender!” Hoofer Steps said as Tender Taps and Pizzelle performed shuffle grab offs across the studio floor. As the two teens approached the center of the studio, the gray teacher called out, “Vemember to stay off your heels Pizelle!” Once they’d made across the floor, Hoofer turned to her next two students, Double Shuffle and Apple Bloom, and said, “You two are next.”

Turning to her older sister, Double Shuffle playfully asked, “You ready Apple Bloom?” Smirking back at her little sister, the former farm girl replied, “You bet.” Hoofer Steps then declared, “Und… NOW!” With this order, both girls shuffled with their right foot before leaping onto it while spanking the ground with their left toe. As they made it across the floor, Hoofer Steps called out, “You’re slurring your sounds together Apple Bloom. I vant to hear each sound.” Once they made it to the opposite wall, the blue girl turned to her older sister as she complimented her, “Nice job.”

Giving her little sister a fist bump, Apple Bloom replied, “Thanks. You were awesome!” Tender Taps then added, “You both did a great job.” As he said this, Double Shuffle focused on the students who were doing the technique now. Specifically, it was now Featherweight sandwiched in between Pastel and Sideswipe. In comparison to the two girls, the cream boy was doing a decent job, even if he seemed to be struggling with his pullbacks.

As he joined the rest of the group, Double Shuffle extended her fist as she complimented, “Nice job.” Rather than respond, however, Featherweight didn’t respond to the young hoofer’s compliment. Confused, she thought to herself, ‘That’s kinda odd. Not to mention rude.’ Double Shuffle immediately shook her head as she chastised herself, ‘Don’t think that. He’s probably just a little worn out, that’s all.” Still, it seemed odd to her that the brown-haired boy was, in comparison to everyone else, far more shy and actively trying to keep to himself.

Before Double Shuffle could continue to ponder the situation, Hoofer Steps called out, “Alvight now, ve are now going to focus on….”

A Short While…

“Und a 5, 6, 7, 8!” Hoofer Steps called out as she and her pupils began performing timesteps. After four single timesteps, the class moved up to double, then triple, and finally quadruple timesteps. As Double Shuffle performed the steps, she made sure to strike her feet on the floor in the exact right place. The young hoofer could swear that she could not only hear the clicks, clacks, and taps whenever she struck the floor, but she could even feel the taps hit the wooden surface.

Allowing her eyes to drift to the others, Double Shuffle noticed that everyone else was doing the timesteps just as well as she was. Even Featherweight was doing it perfectly. Now that she saw a confident smile form on the cream boy’s face, she couldn’t help but think to herself, ‘Why does he look kinda cute?’

Once everyone finished, Hoofer Steps stretched her arms out as she said, “Zat should be all for zis veek kinder. Take care of yourselves, und I shall see you all next veek!” As everyone said farewell to the teacher, Double Shuffle noticed Featherweight was trying to slink away and leave in silence. Before he could make it to the door, Double Shuffle called out, “Hey, where are you going?”

Instead of saying anything, Featherweight dashed straight through the door. Concerned, Double Shuffle chased after him as she called out, “What’s going on!” Once both kids were in the commons area, the cream boy stopped himself as he sighed and grumbled to himself, “Guess there was no putting this off forever.” As the young boy defeatedly trudged over to one of the chairs, Double Shuffle asked, “Putting off what? What’s going on?”

As the blue hoofer sat down next to him, Featherweight sighed as he began, “I guess I…. I kinda….” Struggling to find the right words, the cream boy admitted, “I guess I don’t really like to tell people that I like to dance. It’s like…” unable to find the right way to word just what he was trying to say, Featherweight finished, “It kinda makes me feel like I’m weird.”

Hearing this, Double Shuffle immediately reassured him, “It doesn’t make you weird!” Featherweight immediately countered, “But it does! I tap dance, I like to take pictures, my teeth are crooked, I’m thin enough to look like a skeleton, I’m….” Starting to shake as a single tear escaped from his eye, the cream boy apologized, “Sorry for dumping all this on you Double Shuffle. I’m just…”

He was interrupted from his rant when Double Shuffle pulled him into a tight hug. Though caught off guard, Featherweight quickly relented and hugged his new friend back.

Once the two friends finished their hug, Featherweight apologized, “Sorry for going off like that. Guess I’ve been dealing with this for a while and I kinda just let a lot out.” Smiling, Double Shuffle reassured him, “It’s alright. We all have those moments where we need to vent.” She then complimented, “And for the record, you’re a pretty good tap dancer.” Smiling back, Featherweight replied, “You think my dancing is good, you should see what I can do with a camera.”

At this moment, Featherweight shot up to his feet as he remarked, “Oh! I forgot my things back in the studio!” Standing up, Double Shuffle reassured him, “Don’t worry. I’m sure your stuff is right where you left it. Besides, I forgot my stuff too.” She then extended her hand as she asked, “You coming?” The cream boy couldn’t help but faintly blush as he took her hand as he replied, “Yeah.” When the two kids reentered the dance studio, they were greeted by something neither of them expected.

They found Hoofer Steps comforting Pastel Goth from something. The cerulean goth was hugging the gray teacher as she sniffled her audibly runny nose. As she cried, Hoofer Steps reassured her, “You vill alvays be velcome und safe here herr frauline.” As she released herself, Pastel wiped the tears from her eyes as she replied, “I can’t thank you enough.”

Double Shuffle tried to tiptoe over to her dance bag, only to accidentally lose her balance and fall to the ground. As Featherweight helped her back to her feet, Hoofer Steps turned to the two preteens as she asked, “I take it you are here to collect your possessions?”

Nodding, Double Shuffle nervously answered, “Yeah. We forgot our bags. I hope we weren’t interrupting anything.” Pastel approached the two kids as she reassured them, “It’s alright. We were just talking about something.” Upon hearing this, the young hoofer impulsively asked, “Really? What were you talking about?”

As Hoofer Steps gave a concerned look to her elder pupil, Pastel answered, “Something that, at least for now, I’d like to keep between Miss Hoofer Steps and I.” Hearing this, Double Shuffle immediately thought to herself, ‘Awh man. I hate it when people keep stuff from me.’ Still, she knew that her older classmate did reserve the right to keep the previous conversation between her and their teacher, and decided to reply to her response with a simple, “I understand.”

Once both preteens had their bags, Featherweight asked, “So Double Shuffle, you wanna see some of my pics?” Smiling, the young hoofer happily replied, “You bet.” As the two kids made their way out of the studio, the cream boy asked, “So, does this make us friends?” Feeling her heart soar, the blue hoofer happily replied, “You bet. Friends!” With this, both preteens gave each other a fist bump that, without any planning, morphed into a handshake.

As Featherweight and Double Shuffle exited the studio, Pastel Goth turned to Hoofer Steps and said, “I better be heading home. Thanks for… You know…” The gray hoofer reassured her, “It’s alvight herr frauline. I look forward to seeing you again.” Smiling, the cerulean goth shuffled her way out the door as well.

Now that she was alone, Hoofer Steps let out a sigh of relief as she said to herself, “I so love helping ze kinder come into zemselves.” After all, what was more rewarding than helping kids reach their full potential, both as dancers and as people? But for now, with her not needing to teach for another hour, Hoofer Steps decided to blow off steam and enjoy a little recreational tap dancing of her own.

Author's Note:

Next Time; I'm not exactly sure, but it will involve Rattrap.

Author's Note; I've decided to take the next two weeks off, as I've been both busy at work and am running into some writer's block.

Also, There's a very particular reason Hoofer Steps affectionately calls Pastel "Herr Frauline."