• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 249 Views, 5 Comments

Killtrix - AndyHunter

In the year 3500, advanced technology had revolutionized the lives of ponies, introducing an era of unparalleled comfort and ease through the ubiquitous presence of robotic companions known as P102s.

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Chapter 1- It's Not Like You Drove a Spiteful Spear into His Side

Within the confines of Lyra Heartstrings' modest abode, the group of survivors—Twilight Sparkle, Lyra herself, Marble Pie, Starlight Glimmer, and Rainbow Dash—sought solace amid the encroaching darkness that had befallen futuristic Equestria. Lyra, among the few ponies yet to embrace the companionship of a robotic ally, unwittingly found herself the reluctant guardian of a temporary haven.

As the relentless blizzard outside unleashed its wrath upon the world, the group huddled within the relative safety of Lyra's dwelling. Hearth's Warming Eve, once a time of joy and camaraderie, now bore witness to a chilling conflict that transcended the warmth of the season. The air hung heavy with an unspoken understanding—a grim acknowledgment that the festive spirit had given way to an ominous reality.

Battling not only the relentless storm outside but also the looming threat of their mechanized adversaries, the survivors donned their level 1 combat armor, a feeble defense against both the physical and existential tempests. The metallic hum of the robots' movements outside resonated like a haunting melody, a sinister harmony that underscored the gravity of their predicament.

The Level 1 armor, predominantly adorned in a striking combination of blue and white, presented a formidable appearance that denoted both authority and protection. This armor set, inclusive of a helmet, featured an activation mechanism accessible through either voice command or a conveniently placed button situated on the user's chest.

A distinctive feature of the helmet was a built-in siren that emitted a vivid display of red and blue hues. This visual alarm served not only as an alert for the wearer but also as a conspicuous identifier for the general populace. The Level 1 armor, often employed by the local authorities in towns and cities, utilized a system of differentiated colors in the siren—each unique shade corresponding to a specific jurisdiction.

Through frosted windows, the survivors glimpsed the desolation beyond—a landscape engulfed in the howling winds and blinding snow, an unforgiving backdrop to their struggle for survival. The blizzard, a relentless force of nature, seemed to mirror the turmoil within the hearts of those trapped within the confines of Lyra's shelter.

The combat armor, once a symbol of preparedness, offered little comfort against the bone-chilling cold that seeped through the cracks in the walls. Every breath hung in the air like a tangible reminder of the fragility of their existence. The juxtaposition of the festive decorations within the house and the desolation outside created an eerie dissonance, amplifying the surreal nature of their plight.

As the survivors cast wary glances at one another, their eyes reflected the shared burden of uncertainty. In Lyra's house, a sanctuary that stood as a temporary respite against the relentless onslaught, they grappled not only with the physical elements but also the haunting specter of the robotic menace. The dark tone of their predicament cast a shadow over the once-celebratory occasion, as the struggle for survival unfolded against a backdrop of icy winds and mechanical malice.

Shivering in the biting cold, Twilight Sparkle reluctantly tore her gaze away from the frost-laden window and addressed the group, "I'll do a quick check on supplies." She fumbled with the HAL 500, a device integrated into the armor that featured a hoof-mounted screen projecting essential statistics—health, carried items, and weapon ammunition.

Rainbow Dash, her frustration evident, interjected sharply, "Again, Twilight?! We've already done a supply check four times. We've got everything we need to bail when the storm chills out."

Twilight, undeterred, shot back with a shared frustration, her hoof raised in emphasis, "Don't blame me if, later on, you find yourself short on ammo or realize you left your snacks at the house. Checking your inventory ensures we're well-prepared for whatever comes our way!"

The tension between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash mirrored the stark contrast between the warmth within Lyra's house and the unforgiving cold outside. Twilight's meticulous nature clashed with Rainbow Dash's impatience, each representing a different facet of survival in the face of the impending robotic threat.

As Twilight continued her diligent supply check, her eyes flickering across the HAL 500's display, the weight of responsibility hung in the air. The device, a technological lifeline, illuminated the urgency of their situation—their lives intricately tied to the data it provided.

Rainbow Dash, however, paced restlessly, her frustration palpable in the way she crossed her hooves and the exasperated flutter of her wings. The clash of personalities, a familiar dynamic even in the midst of crisis, added an extra layer of complexity to their struggle for survival.

The room, illuminated by the cold glow of the HAL 500's screen, became a stage for the clash of wills. In this fragile sanctuary, where warmth and camaraderie once reigned, the echoes of disagreement reverberated, a reminder that even in the face of an external threat, internal conflicts persisted.

Starlight Glimmer's patience waning, she struck the living room table with a firm hoof, breaking the escalating tension. "Listen, you two. This is not the time for bickering. We're facing a situation far more dire than a routine checkup," she asserted, casting a measured gaze at both Twilight and Rainbow Dash, her eyes imploring them to shift their focus from internal discord to the imminent threat that loomed outside.

"Twilight, continue with the checkup. We need to ensure we have everything necessary before we venture out," Starlight instructed with a calm authority, her voice carrying a reassuring tone that sought to diffuse the lingering frustration. With a gentle gesture, she extended one of her hooves, pointing towards Twilight, emphasizing the need for unity and cooperation in the face of the unfolding crisis.

Starlight Glimmer's intervention served as a timely reminder of the urgency at hand, urging her companions to set aside personal differences for the sake of survival. In the dimly lit room, illuminated by the cold glow of the HAL 500 screen, the trio found themselves at a crossroads—poised on the precipice between camaraderie and discord, with the fate of their future hanging in the balance.

"Capital! I will need you to help me put everything on the table, Lyra, you too," Twilight directed, her magic already at work, orchestrating the arrangement of their supplies.

Responding to Twilight's call, Starlight and Lyra joined in, employing their own magical prowess to levitate items and contribute to the assembly on the table.

Marble Pie, on the other hoof, endured not only the biting cold but also the discord that permeated the air. Seeking solace in a quieter space, she distanced herself from the ongoing argument, yearning for a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos.

Isolated in a corner, Marble Pie observed her companions working together, her thoughts a silent refuge for her concerns. Although she refrained from voicing her sentiments aloud, she confided in herself, "I wish they didn't argue so often. These tense environments make me feel uncomfortable. A bit of silence wouldn't hurt me," she murmured under her breath.

Marble's introspection added a poignant note to the scene, highlighting the diverse reactions of the group members to the crisis at hoof. Even in the collaborative effort to prepare for their journey, the undertones of discomfort and unease lingered, a reflection of the profound impact the robotic conflict had on their collective psyche.

With all the items neatly arranged on the table, Twilight Sparkle consulted her HAL 500 to confirm the inventory. "We have four pistols, a revolver, limited ammunition for each weapon, and for sustenance, French fries, apples, pears, and strawberries. As for drinks, only bottles of water," she relayed, a slight furrow in her brow betraying her concern. "No medical kits, though. That's a worry if any of us gets hurt."

Lyra, her breath visible in the cold air, responded shivering, "We'd have to head to the hospital. There should be medical kits there. We just have to hope they're still available and haven't been depleted."

"The storm is the obstacle here. It's too cold outside, and these armors won't suffice before we reach the hospital without freezing," Rainbow Dash grumbled, her annoyance evident as they discussed yet another check.

Starlight, undeterred, declared with resolve, "If several days pass, let's say four, and the storm persists, I'll go look for the kits. I'll take the risk of potential hypothermia."

Twilight, concerned, cautioned, "I don't think that's a good idea, Starlight. We can't play heroes. It would be a waste of time. The hospital is a bit far from here, and you wouldn't make it in time before freezing."

"But we can't stay holed up in Ponyville indefinitely. Without medical kits, leaving town would be reckless. If any of us were injured, there would be no way to heal," Starlight retorted, her tone and gaze reflecting her seriousness as she locked eyes with Twilight.

A tense pause hung in the air before Twilight suggested, "There will be a time when the temperature drops enough for you to go out. It might be a good idea if you're accompanied by one of us," she added, her gaze shifting to encompass all the ponies gathered around the table. The unspoken weight of their predicament lingered, casting a shadow over their attempts to strategize and plan for an uncertain future.

Marble Pie, in a subtle display of anxiety, shielded her face with her front hooves. Fear gnawed at her as she silently pleaded, "Please don't choose me. Not only would I have to talk to Starlight, but I'd also have to confront the machines, and they terrify me. I would be a burden for her," she admitted inwardly, her thoughts echoing in the quiet recesses of her mind.

Her trembling hooves conveyed a vulnerability that contrasted sharply with the determination and discussions unfolding around the table. Marble, often reserved and introverted, found the prospect of facing both social interaction and mechanical adversaries simultaneously to be an overwhelming scenario.

"I will go with Starlight, while you all stay here at my house. If something happens, we'll send you a signal through the Hal 500," Lyra declared with determination, placing a hoof to her chest, a visible sign of her commitment.

Marble Pie, feeling a profound sense of relief, breathed a quiet sigh. "I feel weightless, as if a great burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I'm glad I wasn't chosen for that mission. I just hope I don't have to interact too much with the others," she mused in her mind, allowing a small smile to grace her lips. Her hair served as a modest curtain, veiling a part of her face and concealing the emotions beneath.

Twilight, displaying unwavering resolve, clenched her front hoof. "It's decided then. I'll send you the updated data on our inventory. Two weapons will be chosen for this mission, so the inventory will be updated again when Lyra and Starlight leave," she announced, garnering nods of agreement from the assembled ponies.

However, Starlight, having barely noticed Marble's presence, redirected her attention to the quiet pony. "Hey, um, what's your name? Did you make sure your Hal 500 was updated?" she inquired, one hoof scratching her head in a display of curiosity.

Lyra interjected with calmness and sympathy, "Her name is Marble Pie. She doesn't talk much. It's better to give her some space." Her words served as a shield, protecting Marble from the potential scrutiny of her peers, an acknowledgment of the introverted pony's preference for solitude.

"No offense, but sometimes I forget she's here," Rainbow Dash remarked, injecting a touch of humor into the conversation.

Twilight responded with a small laugh, "Don't be like that, Rainbow Dash. As she gets to know us better, she'll probably talk a little more."

Marble, overhearing the exchange, couldn't help but feel a slight chill at the prospect of increased interaction with her teammates. "Will you really be willing to talk to me? I hope that's not the case... maybe I can use the artificial voice that comes with the armor," she pondered inwardly, contemplating strategies to navigate the social landscape that awaited her.

In response to Starlight's inquiry, the artificial female voice emanated from Marble's armor, "My inventory is updated, Starlight Glimmer," she reported, avoiding eye contact by staring at the wall.

Starlight, aware of the challenge in communicating with the introverted pony, couldn't help but think, "We'll have to work on this pony's communication skills. What if, when she's hurt, she doesn't tell us anything because she's an introvert?" Despite her concerns, she conveyed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you for letting me know, Marble," a concise acknowledgment that balanced her understanding with a commitment to respecting Marble's preferred communication style.

"Enough, girls. Why don't we go rest and leave Marble alone? This whole situation must be very overwhelming for her, considering she doesn't talk much," Lyra suggested, displaying empathy towards Marble's apparent discomfort.

"I'm not tired, but some solitude wouldn't hurt as I investigate more about the machines," Twilight declared, expressing her readiness to delve into further research, given the limited information they currently possessed.

"Yes, I'm tired. Listening to Twilight talk about boring things and terms I don't understand is really exhausting for my brain," Rainbow Dash teased, injecting a light-hearted jab at Twilight.

"Why am I not surprised you weren't paying attention to me..." Twilight retorted, narrowing her eyes playfully, directing her gaze at Rainbow Dash.

Starlight, sensing a potential escalation, intervened with a facehoof. "Let's not start this again. Let's go rest, okay? We're probably making Marble feel uncomfortable with these stalemate discussions," she suggested, making her way towards her quilt near the fireplace to seek warmth.

Lyra, having yawned, agreed, "That's right. Let's relax a little. A break will do wonders for easing this tense atmosphere."

All the ponies, excluding Marble and Twilight, settled down on quilts near the fireplace, seeking refuge from the cold. Lyra could have chosen the solitude of her room, but the prospect of being alone coupled with the biting cold dissuaded her. The warmth of companionship became a comforting shield against the uncertainties that loomed beyond the walls of the house.

Twilight, engrossed in her research in the kitchen, busied herself with the Hal 500, meticulously scanning through the available information on the various models of machines manufactured in the futuristic Equestria. The artificial glow from the screen illuminated her focused expression as she delved into the complexities of their adversaries.

Meanwhile, Marble Pie found solace by the partially open window, ensuring she remained hidden from the potential threat of the machines. Seated with a view to the outside world, she sought to distract herself by gazing through the frost-kissed windowpane. Her body language betrayed a subtle tension, a testament to the unease that lingered in the air.

As Marble observed the frozen landscape beyond, a sudden movement caught her eye. A white dove alighted on the window ledge, delicately tapping the glass with its beak. The unexpected visitor brought a momentary pause to Marble's solitary contemplation, and her gaze shifted from the vast expanse of snow to the delicate creature outside—a fleeting connection to the outside world that existed beyond the confines of their shelter.

"A... white dove? I've never seen one of these before. I'd better open the window; otherwise, it'll freeze," Marble Pie whispered to herself, her voice a soft murmur that carried a mix of curiosity and concern. With gentle movements, she opened the window just enough to allow the delicate creature entry.

The white dove entered with a flutter of wings, expressing pure joy as it circled the room. Marble couldn't help but sense the bird's happiness, recognizing the relief of finding a safe and warm haven. "You can tell she's happy. I think I'll stay with her if she wants," Marble contemplated, her introspective thoughts aligning with the serene atmosphere the dove brought.

The bird, now positioned near Marble's hooves, conveyed a desire for affection, its demeanor pleading for a tender touch. Marble, in response to the unspoken request, extended a gentle hoof, offering a comforting caress. The palpable tenderness in her touch mirrored the warmth that enveloped the room.

"I think I'll call you Peace," Marble uttered in a low but content voice, sealing a silent bond with the newfound companion. The name carried a significance, a testament to the tranquility that the dove had brought into the midst of their uncertain circumstances.

To be continued