• Published 27th Jan 2024
  • 832 Views, 148 Comments

My Little Sister is a Dragon: Ester Dracos Arc - AleximusPrime

Nightwatch and Buttercream encounter a young eastern dragon named Lily, leading them on an adventure to the land of Ester Dracos. While Buttercream has some fun, Nightwatch does some important research with the help of Emperor Antirrhinum.

  • ...

10. Epilogue

Buttercream and Nightwatch spent the remainder of the day going around the town, looking for any longs that needed help cleaning up the mess. Thankfully, most of the longs had already managed to clean up, using their magic. In less than an hour, they had already cleared out the ruins of the goods that were taken away. The main concern was the wholesale property damage, but that was taken care of easily. Any wooden buildings or trees that had been split were mended by Shokubutsu with his control over plant-life. Jishin used his earth powers to fix twisted metal, broken pottery and stone and was able to wipe the dirt clear of giant footprints. Mizu and Jishin worked together to clean the beach from the flooding during the battle in the surf. Hono had put out a few fires during the rampage, but he surveyed to check if there were any other fires. The rest of the Guardians helped fix everything else. By the afternoon, the village was back to normal.

Buttercream went to several shops and homes with things that needed cleaning and kindly offered to help pick up. The longs were all very understanding. Some of them didn’t even realize she was the same giant rampaging dragon from earlier that day, but they were grateful to see she wanted to help. They allowed her to help pick things up, sweep floors and clean any food that had splattered in the process. Buttercream was very diligent and apologized to everyone she saw that had been effected by her rage mode. Nightwatch helped pitch in and even made his own apologies for not being prepared with her transformation. After everything was done, they both left for Tigrinum and Azalea’s house, as the longs bid them farewell at the edge of town.

“Thanks again for coming, you two!” called Amaryllis.

“And here’s our address if you ever want to make an order from home,” Hosta said, handing Nightwatch a business card.

“Thanks, Hosta,” Nightwatch replied. “Will you have no problem sending a flower order to Equestria?”

“We should be good now that both our countries have the trade embargo completely lifted. It might take a few weeks to get things worked out with inspections, but flower delivery shouldn’t be too complicated.”

“Thanks, ladies,” Buttercream said, giving each of them a hug.

“You’re welcome, Buttercream!” said Daisy, “We can’t wait to see you again! You’re always welcome in Ester Dracos!”

Myosoti walked in, carrying a box. He knelt down and handed the box to Buttercream.

“Before you leave, Buttercream-san, I would like for you to have this,” he said. “This is one of the Tendonin Entertainment Systems that was taken earlier. The box was damaged, but everything inside survived and still works. What you have done for everyone to make up for your misdeeds has touched all of our hearts. You gave and did not expect anything in return, so here is your reward.”

Buttercream opened the box and saw the console inside with two controllers, adapter plugs, and an instruction manual. She almost wanted to turn down the offer due to the fact that her rampage that morning was fueled by greed, but she understood what Myosoti was talking about and was grateful nonetheless. She closed the box and went in for a hug.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Myosoti. I’ll never forget you guys. Nighty and I will totally come again when we get the chance.”

“Thanks for the console, Myosoti,” Nightwatch said, respectfully. “We’ll take care of it and buy more of the games when they come out in Equestria. All right, Butter. We’d better get ready to head home.”

Nightwatch and Buttercream waved goodbye to the longs. They all waved back and then continued with their busy lives. Buttercream held the box close and jumped in excitement.

“EEEEH! Nighty, we can play Dragon Warriors now!” she squealed before calming herself down and looking a bit worried. “Um…I’m not gonna turn back for getting this, am I?”

“No, you’ll be fine,” Nightwatch said. “The transformation only happens once. After that, a Northern Drake could get really greedy again, but it’s extremely rare for them to enter rage mode a second time. I guess Northerns are pretty good about making sure their young are raised to not be greedy and practice giving over getting just like we were both taught. By the way, Butter, that reminds me.”


Nightwatch paused for a second to get ready to confess to her, but he could not find the strength to tell her everything he knew. Even then, he had to start somewhere. He used his magic to open the flap on his satchel and take out the book Antirrhinum gave him from the archives.

“Well, I actually did find this book yesterday after you left with the others. The archives are vast, and I didn’t have much time to go through it all, but I think this book should be good enough.”


Buttercream put the box down to look at the book. Nightwatch allowed her to leaf through the pages till she got to a section about Northern Drakes. She saw illustrations of baby dragons that resembled her. On the side were small columns of text with facts about them. Next to them were images of the babies progressing in growth till they became fatter in their adult stage. Some of them looked a lot like Grumblebog in the game illustration Myosoti showed.

“Hehe! These dragons are so cute!” she giggled. “They kinda look like Daisy but with shorter tails and no antlers. Still pretty cute!”

“Yeah, another word for Northern Drakes is ‘behemoths’. The fat ones are known as ‘choke-holders’ and ‘huggers’ because of the moves they use to wrangle a baby dragon going through rage mode. Their soft bellies allow them to rest the rage mode dragon on top until they calm down. That way they can land safely on their belly after shrinking. The section about wrangling being part of there culture is something else. There are a lot of interesting facts in there.”

“And look at this right here: it repeats a lot of what Lily said about them, but it also says it’s considered good luck to hug a fat dragon in Ester Dracos. Awww! No wonder Lily said we give great hugs! I can’t wait to grow up!”

She looked on at the other Northerns with different body types in the following pages as Nightwatch spoke.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t see you wrangled the traditional way, but we had no other choice. I really should have read it earlier and been more prepared for when you went through rage mode. That book was all I could find.”

“It’s okay, Nighty. This is good. Plus, look here: it also tells about the Eastern Drakes and even Southern and Western ones in later chapters. We can study up a storm on these guys!”

“And it actually has a lot more information about dragons than the book back at home. I’m not sure it tells everything about Northern Drake culture, but it at least talks about things like rage mode.”

“Well hey, maybe someday we’ll come across a Northern the way we did with Lily. I can’t wait to meet someone from my own race!”

Nightwatch looked nervous as she said this. He was happy that Buttercream was learning so much about her race, but he was still afraid she would learn too much and get too close to the thought of going to Nordo Dracos. He did his best to keep from mentioning King Rubble or letting her ask about the royal family. The book thankfully didn’t have any information on him or the royals of Nordo Dracos. He quickly recollected himself and changed the subject.

“Yeah… well right now let’s just take care of getting home and getting you back in school this fall. Don’t forget this is gonna be your first year of cheerleading with all your friends in Daleshire.”

“That’s right, and you’re going to be taking lessons from Princess Luna too!”

“Yup, and…oh! Speaking of which!”

Nightwatch looked ahead to see a chariot flying in towards them. There were two royal guards pulling the chariot. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna could be seen inside. Celestia appeared very happy while Luna still looked timid and could not bring herself to smile. She was probably still having a rough time getting over recent events, but had found the strength to travel outside of her comfort zone with her sister. Nightwatch immediately grew tense the way he did when he first met Luna. Buttercream put her claws up to her face and squealed through her fingers. Nightwatch quickly put the book back in his satchel and bowed as Celestia walked forward.

“Prin…Princess Celestia! It’s uh…an honor to finally meet you!” he said, trembling.

As Celestia walked toward them, Luna stepped out of the chariot behind her. He straightened himself up and began sweating.

“Nightwatch and Buttercream, my sister has told me a great deal about you both,” Celestia said.

“We heard about the events that transpired here earlier,” Luna said, sounding concerned. “Young Buttercream, do you fare better?”

“I’m okay, Princess. Nighty helped turn me back,” Buttercream said, happily.

“Luna and I were not aware that is a problem for Northern Drakes, but it’s just good to know everything has been taken care of by the look of things,” Celestia continued. “Did you already manage to meet with Emperor Antirrhinum?”

“Yes, Princess,” Nightwatch replied, reaching into his satchel. “In fact, here, I should give you this right now. “This paperwork has some details about the embargo that Luna needs to see.”

As he spoke, the royal sisters noticed a huge red long flying in to meet them. Luna already recognized him as Antirrhinum by his colors, but he had grown far bigger since the last time they met. Celestia had seen Antirrhinum recently, but Antirrhinum was very eager to finally speak to Luna after one entire millennium. Flying in next to him was Tigrinum and his family. They landed and the princesses walked forward to talk with their old friend.

“Antirrhinum?” Luna asked, nervously.

“Luna,” he replied. “I’m glad you could make it. I’ve missed you so much.”

Antirrhinum moved his head down to Luna’s level. With tears in her eyes, she walked up and nuzzled against his snout.

“I’m…I’m so sorry to see that my inequities caused a rift between our societies.”

“No, Luna. I should have understood why Celestia did what she did. I am to blame for the division. Now that we are all here, the time has come to put the past behind us. Equestria and Ester Dracos must reunite.”

As they spoke, Celestia quickly looked over the paperwork. She had already read this document before and had gone over most of it with Luna. The rest could be deliberated later. All that was needed was for Luna to sign the contract Antirrhinum had brought. She smiled and walked in next to Luna.

“I spoke with Luna, and she would be more than happy to sign,”

Antirrhinum smiled and used his magic to bring out the tube with the large scroll he showed Nightwatch yesterday. He then downsized the scroll to Luna’s level. Celestia turned to her sister and held a quill with some ink for her.

“Luna, Antirrhinum and I have already begun to prepare for trade to open. Once you sign this document, we can finally get started.”

“Then I shall do so now," said Luna.

Luna held the quill with her magic and promptly signed her name at the bottom of the paper. She then handed the document back to Antirrhinum.

“It’s done then,” said Antirrhinum. “I will inform all my associates that we can now start up trade. Let today be the day Ester Dracos enters a new venture with our equine allies.”

Lily and Aster began celebrating with their parents, as Nightwatch and Buttercream joined them. While Buttercream was still talking to the others, Nightwatch took a moment to speak with Luna and Celestia.

“You’ve done well, Nightwatch,” Celestia said.

“Thank you, Princess,” Nightwatch replied.

“Luna tells me you managed to defeat a Tambelonian golem last month.”

“Yeah. It was nothing really, but that thing was pretty dangerous.”

“Still, what you did was impressive. I can see why Luna thought to make you her pupil.”

“I apologize for the lack of correspondence and lessons, Nightwatch,” Luna said. “I still require time to settle in to my new life, but I have prepared some notes for you if you wish to look over them.”

Luna gave Nightwatch a small booklet for him to take home. Nightwatch opened it to skim through the pages.

“Thank you, Princess Luna. I’ll take good care of these,” he responded, putting the notes in his satchel.

“Now sister, what of this new form that Buttercream took earlier?” asked Luna. “Should that be looked into?”

“Oh, it’s alright, Princess,” Nightwatch interjected. “I did some research and everything goes back to normal once you turn her back. All I had to do was show her some old pictures of us. She remembered who she was and shrank back down.”

“That is…interesting,” Celestia replied.

“Yeah, but don’t tell anyone about her if you don’t mind. I’m kinda worried she might be taken away from me if the Northern Drakes find out about her.”

“Oh, you have nothing to fear. I haven’t spoken with the Northern Drakes in centuries. Their king wants nothing to do with Equestria.”

“So I’ve heard.”

Buttercream then came in next to Nightwatch as Aster arrived to introduce himself to the princesses.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, my name is Aster, and this is my little sister, Lily,” he said, bowing respectfully.

“It’s so great to meet you both, Your Highnesses!” Lily exclaimed, shaking their hands. “Emperor Antirrhinum chose us to be junior ambassadors, so you might be seeing us frequently.”

“It’s an honor to meet you both,” Celestia added. “Oh, and I believe I’ve met your parents a while ago. Tigrinum and Azalea I take it?”

“That is us. It is good to see you again, Princess Celestia. And Princess Luna, welcome to Ester Dracos,” Tigrinum replied.

“We’re glad you came. The entire countryside has been waiting patiently for this day,” Azalea added.

“We all have,” Celestia said, putting her wing around Luna.

As the princesses got acquainted with the family of longs, Nightwatch took one last chance to say goodbye to Antirrhinum.

“Thank you for everything, Your Highness,” he said.

“The pleasure is all mine,” Antirrhinum replied.

Nightwatch looked back to check to make sure Buttercream couldn’t hear them. He continued speaking at a lower volume.

“And again, I’m sorry about what happened with Butter’s rage mode. I let her know about the book.”

“That is good to hear. Have you said anything about King Rubble?”

“Not yet. I’ll find the right time to do it some other day. Right now, I gotta look out for her. She’s got school coming up this fall.”

“I understand. Take care of her. I hope our paths cross again, Nightwatch. You as well, Buttercream.”

Nightwatch looked to see Buttercream walking in next to him, carrying the box with the TES inside. They both bowed politely to the Emperor and then heard Aster doing his airline pilot voice.

“Is this thing on? Oh. Attention all passengers: we will be departing shortly. Please have your tickets ready.”

“Hehe, we’re coming Aster,” Buttercream giggled before turning to Lily. “Now Lily, did you guys get everything cleaned in your house while I was gone?”

“Oh yeah, don’t worry about it,” Lily replied. “All we had to do was put all our stuff back. Nighty has your gifts with him in his satchel and I can carry the plants back no problem. Well I guess we’re good to go. You ready, Pansy?”

“AUF!” the little wyrm barked before licking Lily’s cheek.

Nightwatch and Buttercream got on Aster’s back as Lily and Pansy went airborne. They looked back one last time to say goodbye to everyone.

“Take care you two!” Azalea called.

“And you’re always welcome to stay at our house!” Tigrinum added.

“Bye, everyone!” Buttercream shouted.

“Fare thee well, children! I promise I shall come to visit Daleshire someday!” Luna called.

Aster took off, meandering through the air as Lily and Pansy followed them. Everyone on the ground continued to wave until they were far away in the sky, on their way back to Equestria. Tigrinum and Azalea stayed behind to speak with Antirrhinum while the princesses kept watching. Finally Luna spoke.

“Sister?” asked Luna.

“Yes?” Celestia replied.

“That unicorn girl you are training, where did she find her dragon companion?”

“Spike? I found him actually. I rescued his egg from a roc that was flying by Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle hatched him with her magic during her entrance exam.”

“I see. Has he experienced any abnormal growth issues?”

“I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t happen to all of them. It never happened to Percy or Penny.”

“One must wonder how two baby Northern Drakes ended up in Equestria like this. Do you think…they are twins?”

“I don’t know, Luna. But based on what I've heard about the king of Nordo Dracos I understand why Nightwatch doesn’t want anyone there finding Buttercream. Twilight is also close to Spike, and I would hate to see him taken away. I actually wanted for Nightwatch and Buttercream to be introduced to them one day, but if Nightwatch wishes too keep his little sister a secret, then we best adhere to his wishes.”

That next morning, Buttercream and Nightwatch gave Dragon Warriors a try on the TES. Aster and Lily had brought them back late the previous night and had already left for Ester Dracos. Midnight and Aurora had been filled in on everything and were happy to see their daughter was back to normal and had learned a good lesson about greed. They watched as their kids used the controllers to make the pixelated characters jump around on the stage and use fighting moves. They were playing on a team against two computer-controlled characters. Nightwatch played as Smelt, while Buttercream played as Grumblebog. The other two characters were old villains that once threatened Equestria: Lavan and Erebus. Grumblebog had already beaten Lavan, and Smelt had just dealt the final blow to Erebus. The dragons made victory poses while the screen showed a message that read “ROUND COMPLETE!”

“Great job, Nighty!” Buttercream said, giving him a high-five.

“Hehe. You kids and your games,” Midnight jested as he read a newspaper.

"Daddy, you should try this game! It's fun!"

"Eh, it's not really my thing, but I'm glad you enjoy it. It was nice of that Myosoti fellow to give you this."

"Yeah, even though I really didn't deserve it. Well it's just a good thing it was all taken care of. That trip might have taken an unexpected turn, but I'm still glad we went."

Nightwatch put the controller down and took a moment to stretch. He looked to see Aurora bringing in a small cardboard box with some letters on top.

“Hey Nightwatch, you’ve got a package,” she said.

“Oh. Thanks, Mom,” Nightwatch replied, going to check the box.

“Go ahead and take a break, Nighty, I’ll play a few rounds by myself,” Buttercream said.

“Alright. When I come back, maybe we’ll try out Adventure Mode.”

Nightwatch walked into the kitchen where Aurora had left his box on the table. He had already ordered the rest of the new parts for his telescope, so he wasn’t sure what this box contained. The address at the top read the following:

Twilight Sparkle

212 Golden Oak Lane

Ponyville, EQ, 72574

“From Ponyville?” he asked himself.

While Buttercream was still playing the game and his parents were both busy, Nightwatch decided to open this box in his room. He walked upstairs while holding it with his magic. Once he got to his room, he used some scissors to cut it open. Inside was the large adjustment knob from his telescope that he lost. It had been left in the Everfree Forest the night they fought the golem and was already replaced, but he was surprised to see it. Even more surprising was his journal underneath. The parts to a telescope were easily replaceable, but his journal had important information about his studies with the stars. It was dirty and looked like it had been through some rain, but it was dry now and the writing on the inside was still legible.

“Aw yes! Someone found my journal! So your name is Twilight Sparkle? Who is this pony?”

He looked around in the box to find a folded piece of parchment underneath the packaging peanuts. He opened it to find a note inside. The note read as follows:

Dear Nightwatch,

I found this telescope knob and journal of yours in the Everfree Forest when I was out with my friends. I recognized that knob from a brand of telescope I once used, and your journal looked very important to you, so I felt obligated to return it to the address you left. Hope I wasn’t snooping, but you have some amazing information in here about the stars that even a girl like me can appreciate. I’d love to hear back from you if you don’t mind!


Twilight Sparkle

Nightwatch smiled as he finished reading the letter. This Twilight Sparkle sounded like such a nice mare, not just because she returned these items, but because of the contents of her letter. Nightwatch felt like he had already made a new friend.

“Wow. I don’t know this girl, but that was awfully nice of her to send these back to me. I really needed that journal. You know what, I think I will send you a response, Twilight Sparkle. Probably wanna keep this quiet though. Mom and Dad will tease me to no end if they know I’m pen pals with a girl.”

As everyone was distracted downstairs, he began writing his own letter to send back to Twilight.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

First of all, thank you so much for sending these things back to me! I already replaced the knob on my telescope, but you have no idea how happy I am that you found my journal and returned it! And it’s fine that you read some of it. I’m glad to hear you also have an interest in the stars. My name probably made it obvious, but I’m an astronomer and I’ve been studying the night sky ever since I was a kid. Right now I’m taking some courses at a local college and learning more as I go. I hope to one day be an astronomer by trade. Sorry for talking about myself so much, but it’s just so great to see you cared enough to send this. You don’t have to reply, but I also wouldn’t mind hearing back from you!




Comments ( 12 )

A heartwarming ending to another fun story. Quite a pleasant surprise to see Celestia and Luna show up themselves, and touching to see the reunion between Luna and Antirrhinum, but now the trade embargo between Equestria and Ester Dracos can officially come to an end, which means ponies can now enjoy the wonders of the Tendonin Entertainment System! XD

In all seriousness, it's good to see everything returning to normal, and it was nice of Nightwatch to show Buttercream some of the findings in the book he found, even if he's not ready to tell her about King Rubble just yet. It's really sweet how she actually wants to grow up big and fat so she can be a hugger, as we know she eventually does, lol. I'm sure Nightwatch and Buttercream will be more than happy to return to Ester Dracos one day, when the Longs are so hospitable and welcoming. Also, even the princesses themselves have noticed the odd coincidence of two similar young dragons showing up in Equestria recently, and wondering if there's a connection.

But the ending was extra cute, with Nightwatch receiving his missing telescope part and a message from Twilight herself. A connection's been newly forged between two clever young unicorns with dragons for little siblings. =)

Wowzers, that was a wild ride of a story, and an awesome one at that!:rainbowkiss: :raritystarry: So is the story complete now? If it is, I just have a few final comments before we wrap up:
-How did Tia and Luna find out about Butter's rage mode so quickly? Do the some of the Easterns have magic fire like Spike or spells for scroll-exchanging?
-It was nice hearing about Percy and Penny again! I wonder if they're still alive and/or are ancestors of Spike's family?
-As for Twilight, I understand perfectly that extenuating circumstances kept her from making contact with Nighty and Butter all these years, but how long would it be before he finds out she's the Element of Magic, or Princess of Friendship for that matter? I'd think it'd be kinda hard not to mention those facts in her letters at some point, and even if she didn't, she and her friends become world famous pretty quickly. At what point does word of this reach Nightwatch?
-Do either Twilight or Nighty reveal being personal pupils of the princesses? Again, with being pen pals for so long, I would think at least one of them would mention this fact (unless this was more of the secret-keeping).
That's all I have to say for now. I understand some of the answers to my questions might be spoiler-y, so it's ok if they're not answered right away. Arrrgh, it's just so frustrating! It's like for every question I have that's answered, I get like 10 new ones.:twilightangry2::raritycry: I guess I have all these questions just to keep my suspension of disbelief, but as stated previously, I guess I'll find out soon enough in future stories! Can't wait for those!!
Literally counting down the days til "Ghost of Grogar!" Onward to the next story!!!:raritystarry::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

Good wrap-up to this story, course that still leaves that pesky *nugget* of info Nighty's still hiding from Butter but at least he did shared that book about dragons with her so there's that! :applejackunsure: It was good seeing how Nighty/Butter got some early TES videogame console, pretty much opening the door for Butter to be featured in there as a playable character in the future! :ajsmug: And to top it off Nighty's penpal connection with Twilight thanks to his missing telescope from their first adventure, sweet! :twilightsmile:

“Spike? I found him actually. I rescued his egg from a roc that was flying by Canterlot. Twilight Sparkle hatched him with her magic during her entrance exam.”

“I see. Has he experienced any abnormal growth issues?”

“I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t happen to all of them.

Yeeeeeaaahhhhhh.......about that,,,,,,,:moustache:

Thanks again for another awesome story Alex, looking forward to *Ghost of Grogar* coming soon! :pinkiehappy:

Nice ending. It was a surprise to see Celestia and Luna appear. I am glad they began to rebuild their connections to the dragons, thanks to Antirrhinum realizing his mistake in the past and signing their contract.

Plus Nighty and Butter have a brand new gaming system and a new game to try out, which as we see in other stories will become very popular in the future. Nighty also got a package in the mail, containing his missing journal and telescope part from Twilight, with him deciding to become pen pals with her. We know how that will eventually turn out for the two of them.

Pretty cute story overall, and I am looking forward to the beginning of Season 2!

Glad you enjoyed! :)

Antirrhinum probably sent them a message by magic. Those other questions will be answered in future writing.

And did you notice how this one has old school pixelated graphics? That’s cuz this is like the NES era for gaming while it’s like the N64 era during Flurry Heart’s Story. Butter’s experience is definitely going to encourage Myosoti to use her in the sequel though!

Celestia doesn’t know yet, but she’ll be shocked when she wakes up one day to find that Spike is having a rampage in Ponyville and has to scramble the Wonderbolts into action.

Things are looking up for them indeed, and Nighty is on his way to a flowering friendship with Twilight. But again, he still hasn’t met her yet in FHS, and there’s a reason why…

Took me a while to get to this.

Anyways, this was a good ending. Buttercream is now back to normal and even felt sorry for what she did, even if she had little to no control over her actions when she was in Rage Mode. Even though it wasn't much, she did what she could to make up for it and it's good to see that.

Hurray! Princess Luna and Celestia come in and get that trade agreement signed! More importantly, Celestia gets to finally meet Nightwatch and Buttercream!

Oh! It looks like Twilight was able to return Nightwatch's Journal and telescope eye cover. As a bonus, looks like the two are pen pals now. This could be the start of something special. :heart:

Overall, this was a good story. While I don't find it as good as your original story of Nightwatch and Buttercream, (Not surprising! It's going to be difficult to match that, but I'm sure you can.) I still find it pretty dang good. It was great seeing all these new characters and I hope to see more of Nightwatch and Buttercream soon.

Can't wait for whatever you put out next.

See ya then!:yay:

Thanks for the kind words!

And it may be setting something up for Nighty and Twilight, but things will take a rather interesting twist later on in this series.

It's interesting that you preferred the first story. I think I kinda did too. It has that "first film is the best" effect, but there will be some really interesting stories to come once I get to work on them. I plan to add some elements and characters that will raise the stakes and put Nighty and Butter to the test. What I have planned for Nightwatch will really help mold him into the character he is now (in FHS), which we still have yet to see, but with how wonderfully Buttercream has turned out in her adulthood, Nighty has definitely experienced the same transformation.

Thanks again, and right now I'm working on the next FHS episode, but I promise you that one will be really good too!

As Humphrey Bogart once said, "This could be the start of a beautiful friendship!"

Who knows why?

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