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Showdown! Tails versus Chrysalis!/ Shadow Boxing

*Tails' POV*

Well, the changelings are sound asleep. We better move silently.

Miyuki's ears were on full alert.

Miyuki spoke "Come on. Let's go."

My ears perk up when I heard a scream.

I ask "Hey Yuki, what was that scream just now?"

Miyuki growls "Whoever it was, they woke them bugs up!"

Scootaloo groans "Talk about bad timing."

The others and I were soon plastered to a wall, unable to move.

Thorax whimpers "I'm sorry guys..."

Amy was suddenly gone, must’ve went ahead.

“No need to be, Thorax. I try to plan ahead.” I assured as someone started emerging from the shadows.

*Amy’s POV*

Almost there… Dropped out a vent, and I’m here.

Sonic asks "Huh, Amy?"

“Shhh! Keep your voices down!” I shushed as I saw Sonic, his group and Vice Principal Luna in the cell. “Have no fear, Amy Rose is here!”

Michiru whispers "Amy, you shouldn't be here. the G.U.N. soldiers all hate Beastmen..."

“Think I’m gonna let that stop me?” I asked as I brought out a security guard key.

Sonic asks "How’d you get here?"

“Well if you gotta know… I caught a ride with Tails and some of the others. We met some owl beastmen and got in here, I even got a security guard key. Are you guys sure you don’t need my help? It looks like you guys could use it.” I pointed out before I felt something prick me.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

A tranq dart hits Amy in the back of the right shoulder, causing her to drop her hammer. But then a voice was soon heard, one that I haven’t heard since the Friendship Games.

A woman spoke "Well well, what do we have here? A pesky hedgehog BEASTMAN of all things trying to break other beastmen out of their cage? I don't think so!"

"Principal Cinch..." I growled.

A male with green hair and a sword strapped to his back spoke "Your fight is with me witch!"

The green haired male had taken cat beastman form before fighting with the former principal as a cat beastwoman with black hair and cherry red highlights used her claws to pick the lock, opening the cage.

Sonic spoke "*Stretching and running in place* The reason we’re in here is because of that pesky Mewtwo!"

Danyelle wingslaps Sonic.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot."

A cat beastwoman asks "You mean that black Mewtwo?"

Sonic asks "Did you see it? Where is it now?"

The green cat beastman spoke "Zoey and I saw that black bastard head into the jungle."

Zoey spoke "Not to mention we saw him with that Dr. Eggman guy."

Sonic asks "So, Eggman is behind this, huh?"

The green haired cat beastman spoke "That fatso's captured Zoey's friends too."

Zoey asks "*Notices writing* But was all that writing on the wall there when you guys were put in here?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Zoey spoke "Also, on the way here, I saw a group in trouble."

Michiru spoke "We didn't write it since it looks to be from over 50 years ago..."

Michiru reads the writing on the wall.

Michiru spoke "According to the writing, it was a final message stating that humanity would pay for what happened... Hmm... *As a voice-over from the now deceased Gerald Robotnik was heard* This is a death sentence for every human being on Earth. If my calculations are correct, the Space Colony ARK will impact the Earth in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. All of you will be destroyed, along with your beloved planet Earth. I plan to give you a taste of my revenge once all the seven Chaos Emeralds are collected. Once I initiated this program, it cannot be disabled. All of you ungrateful humans, who took everything away from me, will feel my loss and despair! Oh my god... He went mad with grief after what happened to his granddaughter..."

Zoey spoke "One of those in the group we saw was a fox with two tails."

Sonic gasps "TAILS?!"

A pillar of fire erupted before a phoenix beastwoman appeared, startling the others and I.

The phoenix beastwoman spoke "I'll help you out."

Roll asks "Wait, you'll help Tails and the others out?"

The phoenix beastwoman spoke "Well yes, but I want to stop Shadow to snap him back to his senses."

Zoey spoke "Don't worry, Dren and I are taking care of the guards here, you help the pink hedgehog and the group that's cornered escape, and the rest of you get outta here."

Sonic had already zipped off to the jungle.

Roll spoke "My boyfriend is an idiot..."

Roll and the phoenix beastwoman go after Sonic.

Those of us who were in the cell started to follow them.

*Tails' POV*

Well, I know things'll get better from here.

Miyuki spoke "I've been hearing rumors about a phoenix beastwoman..."

But then a cat beastwoman burst through the wall and sliced through the substance, freeing all of us.

But the slime was too hard to cut through with a sword.

Miyuki spoke "It's immune to my ice powers too!"

Zoey spoke "Well… Good thing I came across a friend along the way."

Tails gasps "You don't mean... THE MARIA ROBOTNIK? I thought she died over 50 years ago!"

Zoey spoke "*Deadpan* I meant other than her."

A sinister laugh was heard.

A voice spoke "You lot are fools to try to stop me!"

But then an unknown blur rushed in and tackled the voice before pinning her.

Amale voice spoke "Chryssie, stop! This isn’t helping your hive!"

A Delphox Beastwoman busts the others and I out of the slime.

The Delphox Beastwoman spoke "Watch out Mandible, she's not in her right mind!"

Mandible spoke "I know! I’ll hold her and the others off! You get everyone out of here!"

Michiru spoke "Don't be an idiot Mandible! Chrysalis is fueled by anger!"

Mandible retorts "You think I don’t know that?!"

Soren flew off, probably following Sonic.

Whew! We escaped that harbor into the jungle with new Light Shoes to boot. But then a barn owl beastman flew in.

The barn owl Beastman asks "Are you Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

The barn owl Beastman spoke "*Phew!* That’s good to hear. My name is Soren."

Sonic spoke "Well, so far so good! *Notices something* Hey, they’re…"

We looked at Sonic’s direction, seeing a black furred Mewtwo Beastman with a red tail and Gilda.

The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "That blue hedgehog and his friends of all places…"

Gilda spoke "Heh, not bad, Dash."

Sonic spoke "I found you, faker!"

The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "Faker? I think you’re the fake one around here. You’re comparing yourself to me? Ha! You’re not even good enough to be my fake."

Sonic spoke "*Jumps* I’ll make you eat those words!"

The Mewtwo Beastman jumped as he and Sonic clashed before landing on the same battlefield.

The Mewtwo Beastman spoke "There’s no time to play games. You won’t even get the chance."

Maria spoke "That's FAR ENOUGH SHADOW!"

A voice sneers "Hello… brother."

Gilda flew onto the battlefield before those of us not on there were suddenly attacked from behind, sending us onto the battlefield.

But Michiru punched the guy in the face with gorilla strength.

But the guy dodged last minute to make it look like he was hit before he flew in the air, revealed to be some kind of bird beastman.

The owl spoke "You and your precious friends are finished, Soren."

But then Soren was tackled by the bird beastman, who is actually another barn owl.

The owl spoke "*As I fought Gilda while Sonic battled Shadow* The Pure Ones will triumph, conquer the humans and Tytos will take their rightful place as rulers of the planet. Oh, it’s gonna be glorious."

But as the barn owl flew in, Soren delivered a headbutt, making the beastman tumble and roll from the blow and overshot before crashing against a tree stump.

Danyelle lets out a loud screech before slamming into another barn owl beastwoman, pinning her down.

Soren spoke "Glorious? No, the Pure Ones are monsters. You saw what they were doing. They were moon-blinking other beastmen and humans and they were turning them into slaves."

The owl spoke "You’re just weak, Soren. Still living in your dreams."

Sonic and Shadow clashed spin attacks as Gilda and I traded claw swipes.

Soren spoke "No, my dreams are what make me strong, Kludd. They led me to the Guardians."

Kludd spoke "Hehehehe… A pity there won’t be any Guardians left soon enough."

Kludd lunged before Soren dodged his kick and landed on a stump.

Soren asks "I still don’t understand. How could you join the Pure Ones after what they did to us?"

Kludd spoke "What they did to us? They believed in me like no one else ever has. Metal Beak said the strong will triumph, the broken are put out of their misery. And honor? Honor is just another word for weakness."

Soren spoke "No, Kludd. I know you don’t really think that."

Kludd spoke "Then like I said before… You don’t know me at all."

Kludd took Soren and their fight to the branches.

Danyelle kept the white barn owl beastwoman pinned down, making sure she couldn't escape.

Danyelle growls "Your so-called Pure Ones don't understand what it means to be a REAL Guardian!"

A loud crack was heard as Danyelle breaks both of Nyra's arms, crippling her wings as well.

But then Kludd swung Soren around before throwing him right at Danyelle, knocking her off the white barn owl beastwoman as Kludd picked her up by her shoulders with his talons and took her into the air. I managed to get the upper hand against Gilda as Sonic managed to beat Shadow.

Shadow spoke "Not bad for an imposter..."

Sonic scoffs "Do you know who I am?"

Gilda spoke "Wow, who would've thought you got better, Dash."

"Some things don't change, huh Gild?" I fired back.

The four then retreated, having vanished.

Danyelle spoke "I managed to inject a tracking device into that white owl, I know where she and the others are hiding."

“Doesn’t mean it’ll be easy, ‘cause we’ll have to get through this forest.” I pointed out as the trip back was gonna be longer than I thought.

To Be Continued…

Comments ( 1 )

Whew! We escaped that harbor into the jungle with new Light Shoes to boot. But then a barn owl beastman flew in.

Change to Rainbow Dash’s POV before this

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