• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 1,052 Views, 74 Comments

Crossing Rainbow Bridges - David Silver

Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.

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7 - Welcome to Equestria

Brad walked with purpose out to the working pen they had their new horse in. "What a beauty." He didn't reach for the strange horse, not yet. Instead he examined the horse that was examining him in return.

The horse's coat was a pale sand color, not too light, but definitely not brown either. Its mane was white and it seemed to have a gentle nature. It didn't shy away from him, didn't hide, didn't move away. "You're happy to see me, or waiting for me to do something you don't like." Brad approached, always keeping in the horse's view. "I'm your friend." He held up his hand towards the new horse.

The new horse came over to sniff at it. After a moment, the animal let out a huff of air and made a happy sound.

Brad patted the horse on the head. "I'm sorry whoever was caring for you before let you go off like that."

Miguel looked over at him. "Not supposed to get too attached before we break them."

"He needs to feel safe, Miguel. It's clear he hasn't felt that way in a long time." Brad circled, the fence still between them. "Comfortable horses are happy horses, you know that."

"We're not setting him free, not for a long time." Miguel gestured with a hand. "But if you want to try it your way, I'm game. You've never steered us wrong before."

Brad chuckled at that. "I guess I've been doing this long enough to figure out what works." He slapped at Miguel's shoulder. "Not that you haven't. Each horse, especially strays, is a little puzzle. How were they mistreated, and what did they have to survive to get to us? It shapes them."

Miguel inclined his head gently in a shrug. "At least it's something we can do about it. Fix what's broken."

"Sometimes we can't." Brad let out a slow sigh as he settled a hand on the new horse's side. "But I don't think this is one of those. " Feeling confident, he pulled up onto the fence and down the other side. The horse turned to keep face him, becoming a little more tense, ready to fight or flee. "Easy, there. I'm your friend." He opened his arms, hoping to entice the horse to come closer.

After a long moment of hesitation, the horse stepped closer. Brad began to stroke and pet along the animal's sides and flank. "We're all friends at this ranch. We treat our horses right." He rubbed around the neck and ears, where most horses liked it. This one did as well, shifting in place, making soft sounds of enjoyment.

"That's a good horse." He dug his fingers in, massaging the equine's head and shoulders.

"A little down and to the right." But that hadn't been Miguel at all. Brand tensed, looking over sharply to see RC perched on the fence, swaying her hooves idly on the work side of it. "That's where they want it." She smiled in that way ponies did, but not too broadly, not too open.

Brad swallowed, forcing himself to stay calm. "Hello, RC." His eyes darted to Miguel. "Miguel, this is Rainbow Charm."

Miguel was gaping at the small talking equine. "Si. Rainbow Charm? Um. Should I be worried, or have I just gone entirely loco?" He rubbed at his eyes.

Brad reached over and pinched him on the arm. "Not a dream, amigo."

"You didn't say she could talk!" He hissed it in Brad's direction. "Can Bella talk too?! Can all the horses talk? Have they been talking about me?!"

Brad took a firm hold of Miguel's closer shoulder. "Calm down. Just RC here, not Bella or any other horse." He took a moment to breath in, breathing out slowly. "I wasn't sure she'd come with me today."

RC stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm adventurous!" She winked at Miguel. "Nice to meet me. She—" RC pointed at the stray they were working with. "—thinks you're nice." She nodded at Brad. "But she's seen nice humans before. She's waiting for things to stop being nice."

Miguel just stared, running his fingers through his hair. "What. The. Hell?"

Brad held up his hands in a calming gesture. "Alright, you're freaking out, and I get that." He let out a slow sigh. "I wish I could have done this easier, but I guess not."

RC shrugged from her perch. "I was a little surprised when I saw my first human. I guess it goes the other way too. I'm a nice pony, promise."

"Nice, right." Miguel dared to take a step closer to RC, examining her closely. "She does look friendly. Friendly for a horse anyway."

Brad managed a faint laugh at that. "RC, please try not to talk around other humans, especially strangers."

"You are no fun!" She flicked her tail at him. "We'll play by your rules, for now. But you need to know, we ponies love helping others and being of service." She inclined her head down at Miguel. "Also, we're not strangers anymore." She hopped down to the ground and trotted up to them all, the new horse included. The new horse didn't seem to mind RC, as if they'd already been introduced.

"See? You can pet me if you like." She leaned in close to Miguel, nudging at his hand. "Like this."

Miguel had turned to stare at Brad, eyes wide with astonishment. "I didn't wake up today thinking a horse would be asking me to pet it." Still, his hand did wander over her head, fingers teasing into her mane. "This is too weird." He said it, but didn't stop what he was doing.

"You'll get used to it," Brad replied. "But first we have work to do." Moving his rubbing to where RC had suggested seemed to be paying off, the horse relaxing against his touch with approval. "RC, since you're here, and you can talk with horses, maybe you could help us skip a few steps here."

RC shrugged lightly. "Oh sure, no problem. That's why I'm here!" She puffed up her chest as she went to lean against the new horse's side. "Say, girl, you've been really scared of humans lately." She began to whicker and nicker gently, communicating with the horse in the language of horses.

Brad lifted an eyebrow at that, but didn't say anything. Instead he stroked and massaged at the ears and cheeks, showing a great deal of love and affection. "We want you to feel welcome here."

The horse's tension seemed to ebb away, relaxing as they turned to present their side to Brad. Miguel just stared, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"She says you smell nice, but you need to prove it," RC explained. "But I told her you're a good human and that you treat horses like people."

Brad put an arm over her. "Let me show it. We'll go for a nice little walk, no pressure." He slid up onto her, murmuring his thanks and encouragement as he went. "Once around the field. I'm sure you want to get some movement going." He stroked at her head and ears.

The horse obliged, taking off into a trot, moving in a circle as directed.

Miguel followed after, but kept back. "This is so crazy. You have a little horse that can talk a stray down? That's amazing! I've never seen anything like it!"

RC preened, the attention clearly appreciated. "I know how to use my special talent!" She pranced along behind Brad and the new horse, waving her tail about happily. "Well, okay, not my special talent, that involves rainbows. But, well, you get the idea." She fell silent for a few moments, trotting alongside the other two. "If it's not too rude to ask, why did she run away?"

Miguel slid out of the pen once they had completed the loop. "She was having a difficult time finding a home. Some people try to keep them, but don't have the time to invest in a healthy relationship with their horses." He huffed as he leaned against the fence. "People fall in love with the idea of a horse. Once the reality of what it takes to keep one healthy and happy sets in, some of them give up."

RC stood tall, trotting around Brad. "Well, that's dumb! If you have a friend, you stick by them." She made her way to Miguel, pushing her face against his chest, almost demanding affection.

He indulged the pony, petting along her sides. "You're a little small for me to ride, just so we're clear."

RC snorted softly at that. "Be that way. I wasn't offering."

Brad emerged from the work pen. "We made great progress with her. She'll be part of the family in no time, at this rate. Now, look, I really should get RC back where she belongs. I'm not trying to be rude, but I can't keep her here."

Miguel patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright, amigo. Just... be careful, okay?" He shrugged. "I don't know what your plan is, but if she's around, you have to protect her too." He paused then. "Speaking of that, where is she from?"

Brad flushed faintly, rubbing at his face. "Uh, you see, she's a talking pony, so, like, they've got this place in Equestria and—" He squirmed under the attention. "I sound like a raving loon, but the proof is right there." He waved at RC.

RC flapped her wings. "Why don't you come with us? It's a nice place. We'd love to have you over if you want."

Miguel shook his head. "You heard her, amigo. Sounds like an offer you can't refuse. Let's finish up for today, and we'll see if she really meant it."

"Ah, alright." Brad made his way to Bella's side. "You ready for some good work?" He slid onto Bella's back without any issue. "RC, head back to your pen and stay there. We'll get you home after work, and we'll have a Miguel with us, apparently."

RC bounced in place. "Yay! I'm gonna have to go get my saddle." She clopped her hooves on the ground. "I should get to do what I want sometimes." She sped away with fading giggles.

That left the two humans, and Bella, to get to the work the ranch needed. The day sped by with plenty on the list in need of their attention. Miguel followed along with Brad, doing his part, but clearly distracted as he thought about ponies, Equestria, and everything else. By the time the pair had finished up their work for the day, Miguel's eyes seemed a little wild, wide and staring, almost manic.

"I need to see this magical land." He'd settled himself down next to Bella's stall as the sun began to dip behind the mountains. "We've been working so hard, and I feel like I've gotten nothing done. But now, there's a magical land? Amigo, what is your life?"

Brad reached out and took a shoulder. "My life? It's strange, crazy, amazing, and terrifying. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Equestria had been entirely his little secret from a hostile world. But Miguel was one of the few people he didn't really feel that bad about sharing it with. He'd been a friend. Almost as reliable as a horse. Almost. "RC? He pulled open the stall door to her pen. "Come on out."

She peeked out of the barn, stepping up next to Bella's side. "Hi!"

He waved for them to follow him. "There's a very small patch of land we have to walk through. The problem, that I see, is usually I ride Belle across the rainbow bridge."

Miguel squinted. "You literally ride across a rainbow? Like one of those pixie dust things?"

"Pretty much. She takes me to Equestria on it. This will be different." He leaned in to gently stroke and pet along Bella's sides, making a low sound of encouragement. Without delay, he swung up onto her. "I have no idea if we can even get you across it, so I don't suggest bringing anything else with you."

"Shame." Miguel followed them all the same. "I'd love to bring Roswell. Think he could make rainbow bridges too?"

"I doubt that." They had reached the right part of the road they'd been using. "Okay, wait here a moment." He nudged Bella. "Let's make a bridge." Bella sped up into a proper gallop, leaping off the bump along the path. She came down on the rainbow bridge, brilliant and stretching up into the sky.

"Holy shit." Miguel stood with his mouth agape as he stared up at it. "Is this like, magic? Is it really?"

RC flapped her wings happily. "Yup! And check this out." She took flight, just to land on the bridge. "Ta da! I can walk on the rainbow bridge." She did a little dance atop it, just to make that quite clear.

Miguel jogged up to the bridge and reached out, feeling it. It seemed solid to his touches, so he climbed up onto it. "Looks like I can walk on it too, somehow."

Brad gestured for them both to follow. "I don't know how long it will be there if we all stop touching it, but we should probably get moving." He urged Bella forward and she took off in a full run. They left RC and Miguel behind as they raced across the bridge.

RC wrinkled her snout. "Pretty sure this thing goes away if Bella gets off, so hop on, right now."

Miguel sank down onto RC, an awkward fit at best on such a little pony. The moment he was on her, she took off, galloping with all her strength after Bella and Brad. "Slow down!"

Brad looked back and couldn't help but laugh at the sight of RC desperately chasing after them, struggling to catch up. It wasn't too long before she reached them, somehow, even while hauling Miguel. They all reached Equestria at about the same time, the rainbow bridge fading away as they arrived.

RC was heaving for breath. "Bella! Naughty! No running away like that."

Bella huffed, blowing hard through her nose.

"No bickering." Brad held up his hands in a gesture of peace. "We're here now, aren't we?" He turned his attention to Miguel, who had dismounted. "Welcome to Equestria."

Author's Note:

Can't keep magic horse land from his fellow cowboy.

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