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Chapter 4: Sweet & Spicy (Equestria Side)

Author's Note:

Right now, the only suggestion I've gotten in regard to what I asked about in the last author's note is "Composite Dragon" and that's...not really all 'there' for me if you get what I'm saying. It just doesn't sound as special as calling the pony versions of Celestia & Luna "Alicorns" does. I prefer something that gives off that same vibe; that same sense of "this is a special dragon species" like with Alicorns. So, here's hoping this time, the comments give me something that actually would make the dragon versions of Celestia and Luna sound special. Because they are.

Also, I am not going to specify whether certain characters that are being addressed or are speaking are their Pony selves or dragon selves with the sole exception being the two different Spikes on occasion. I'm already separating the realities with putting "Equestria Side" and "Brimstone Side" in the chapter titles. If you're not paying attention to those, then that's your own damn fault if you get confused. I put those in the chapter titles for a reason people. If you're not paying attention to that much, then I have to ask where in eternity did you learn to read, and if I need to educate you on how to read a fanfic.

It's been a couple of days since Pony Spike cast his special spell that caused him to switch places and realities with Dragon Spike.

And right now, Rainbow Dash is at the Golden Oak's Library looking through books with Twilight.

"Remind me again why I'm helping you look through these books?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Because I want to know if there's a book written by Starswirl the Bearded in this library." Twilight said. "He was the most renowned Unicorn mage of his time after all. In fact, some of the magic I trained in to get into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns were things I read about in books made by Starwirl the Bearded."

"You sound like you idolize this pony a little." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, think of it this way: If it weren't for Starswirl the Bearded's works, we probably wouldn't even be talking to each other right now." Twilight said.

"...And suddenly mad respect for you just reached an all-time high. Didn't you say you mastered some of your magic when you were a filly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, that's right." Twilight said.

"...I really don't give out respect towards others that often, but, in your case...super mega respect Twi. Honestly, I'd say you're like the me of Unicorns." Rainbow stated.

"What's that supposed to mean? You've called me an egghead multiple times." Twilight said.

"Well, I'll probably hold back on the egghead jokes from now on. Because you're just as awesome as I am. And I don't say that about any pony lightly." Rainbow said. Twilight was notable silent. "...Are you reading a book?" Rainbow asked.

"No; no, I'm not. I was just unsure of how to respond to that statement in the right way is all. So I just didn't." Twilight said.

"...Huh. Yeah, probably good that you didn't accidently put your hoof in your mouth. Figure of speech, obviously." Rainbow Dash said.

"I know about idioms Rainbow." Twilight said.

"Not sure what idioms are, but it sounds complicated. I'll leave the big brain stuff to you." Rainbow Dash said.

"Thought you said tha--"

"Found one!" Rainbow Dash interrupted Twilight, almost shoving a book made by Starswirl the Bearded in her face.

"...Right." Twilight said and started skimming through the book.

As she did, suddenly Rainbow Dash stopped her. "Hold up a second, go back two pages." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Oooooookay..." Twilight did so. "...'The Big Switcharoo'?"

"...Thought you said this Starswirl was a mega important mage?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Guess that didn't leave any room for creativity in naming his spells." Twilight said. "But this is it. In black in white basically. This spell states that it can allow you to switch places with an alternative version of yourself. At least, that's what it does in simple terms. It's using the caster's own unique life signature, and using it to switch them with their alternate self."

"Huh. Question: What does it mean life signature? I followed behind the whole 'it makes you switch places with an alternate you' part, but what's this life signature mumbo jumbo?" Rainbow Dash said.

"In other words, it's a teleportation spell on steroids, because it's using the user's very soul to do it's teleportation." Twilight said.

At that, Rainbow Dash gulped. "...On a scale of one to ten, how juiced up by steriods are we talking?" She asked.

"Enough that it would make Celestia controlling the sun & moon for a thousand years plus seem like it was being done by a toddler." Twilight said.

"...So, basically, this is one of those 'eleven or higher' situations..." Twilight said.

"Let me put it this way: Pony Spike is lucky he only got out of that with magical exaustion for the next few days." Twilight said. "Because if this spell is cast improperly; the results would be too morbid to even think about."

"...Okay, whoa. That's WAY beyond an eleven. That's sounding like this spell is one hundred times more powerful then a teleportation spell." Rainbow Dash said.

"I did say it was a Teleportation spell on steroids." Twilight said.

"...What's this other part?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Confused, Twilight checked. It was in pretty small text. "How did you notice such small text?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Not important as what this says. Because if I'm reading this right, if both spikes get a romantic attachment to some pony or some dragon; and I do mean both of them; they are stuck being switched." Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight's eyes became pinpricks. "Rainbow Dash, do you mind--"

"Checking to see if Pony Spike makes Sweetie Belle fall for him? You got it." Rainbow Dash said before flying off.

"Well...yes. I was going to ask that. Thank you for doing it." Twilight said.

Meanwhile, Pony Spike had come across Sweetie Belle, and got inbetween her and the neighborhood bully Diamond Tiara.

"Whose the new colt?" Silver Spoon asked.

"Well, he's got a cutie mark at least. So, I don't care where he came from." Diamond Tiara said.

"Don't. Even. Move." Spike said.

"...What?" Diamond Tiara said. Suddenly a cart came by and splashed mud on both her and Silver Spoon said.

"And that's why I said, don't move. You really should pay more attention to your own surroundings, then picking on some pony." Spike said.

"...I hate this colt already. But he's lucky I need to go home now." Diamond Tiara said.

"Hey wait up!" Silver Spoon said before the two left.

"Um...thank you." Sweetie Belle said.

"Hey, it's what a pony should do right?" Pony Spike said.

"Those two are always bullying me because I don't have a cutie mark." Sweetie Belle said.

"You shouldn't have to get some facial mark to stand out." Spike said.

Sweetie Belle was a bit confused, but she figured the new Pony must've misheard her. "...Well whatever. Thanks for standing up for me. I'll see you around." Sweetie Belle said, before she gave Pony Spike a kiss on the cheek.

Spike just smiled. "...Well that was easy." He said. "...Why do I suddenly feel like telling some pony to get ammunition for a paper stapler?" The colt asked and then headed back to the library.

He didn't even realize he was being watched by Rainbow Dash. "...Oh Twilight's not going to like this." Rainbow Dash said and speed off ahead.

As Pony Spike came into the library, he was suddenly hit in the face with a pillow. "ARE YOU INSANE?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"...What did I miss?" Pony Spike asked.

"Something big." Twilight said, before giving him a bookmarked page of the spell he cast, with the small text highlighted.

Upon reading it, Spike's eyes became pinpricks. "...Eeeeeheheh...can I use the excuse that I just go too excited to not check for warnings?" Spike was sweating.

Twilight sighed. "Well all the same. What are the odds the dragon you will even try for romance?"

"...You're actually asking me? Me? An alternate version of Spike if your spike will go for romance?" Pony Spike asked. "...You do know who you're asking, right?"

Twilight just groaned. "...This spell is going to be a one-time deal isn't it?" She asked. "Of all the ponies, dragons, or whatever else in both our realities, did you have to be the one that wanted to cast this spell?"