• Published 14th Feb 2024
  • 875 Views, 343 Comments

White Sun - The Psychopath

Twilight flees Canterlot after a revolution takes her teacher away from her. In her agony she looks for a way to bring Celestia back to life, and discovers entities beyond her wildest dreams during her pursuits.

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Twilight was fortunate enough that she only spent a little over a week knocked out. What was less fortunate was the state of decay of the bodies she left behind. Her spell had been meant to keep them in stasis for about two weeks. With the addition of the time it took to reach the Golden Pin Woods and her sickness, the spell had dissolved, leaving the corpses open to the elements. She unleashed a cleansing spell and burned away every single insect that had invaded her lab in a swarm of black. Seeing the state of her reserves, the mare reluctantly dumped the rest down the chute into the city below after sterilizing them further. Her other spell had protected the mummies, but due to the lack of water in them, the insects steered clear anyways. Only a few bits of black ash were lying near the desiccated corpses.

Upset at the loss, Twilight made sure to value every single one of the mummies as much as possible. She pulled stacks of paper, quills, and ink pots from her supplies and got to work applying everything her teacher had shown her. Wanting to catch up on lost time, the mare was quick and meticulous. Every cut, every incision, every moving of skin and flesh was jotted down and recorded. Every mummy that came up was more mobile than the previous, but the issue always became the skin. Damaged beyond repair, Twilight could only think of bringing it back by using a regeneration spell, but if that worked then she wouldn't need to do all this work. Healing didn't work on the dead, after all, and she didn't want to bring Celestia back skinless and furless. What if the spells still didn't recognize her as a living being and she was stuck that way? What kind of consequences would that have on her psyche? Would that even still be Celestia or would the state her body be in cause her to change into something else?

The mare shuddered at the idea, that she could warp and mutate her teacher into something not entirely pony. Something not entirely natural. Pushing those thoughts behind her, Twilight continued her experiments day after day after day. She acquired a significant amount of very helpful data in her progress to bringing Celestia back, but she was starting to feel melancholic. Going back outside for so long brought back something from the recesses of her mind that the mare did her best to let flow over her so she could concentrate on her work. She started wondering if she should really go into the northern tundra instead of staying here and working with the mummies she still had on hoof.

Looking at her pile, Twilight sighed and leaned against the empty surgical tray. She only had two mummified corpses left, and not much sleep to show for it. Had anypony been there with her she might have been interrupted during her experiments so she could rest, but an inspired mind is a mind left unaware of its surroundings.

The mare leaned back on the ground and smiled at the mounds of notes she had made. There were around thirty-seven mummies in total that she was able to bring back with her, and the last one almost had the entirety of its musculature and cardio-vascular system restored, but looked...off. There was just the barest glimmer of tiny eyes in the empty sockets it had where the skin tightened and pulled back into nothing. It made no sound, unlike the others, and seemed similar to Spike in its unmoving behavior. Twilight gave it a big hug, talked with it, and then sent it down the chute with the others. She was eager to see how it would interact with the others.

For now, though, she would need to go back to Silvery with her notes. She needed a lot of supplies, and not just food and drink. Twilight put on her medallion, gathered everything into large bags that Spike slung over his shoulders, and with a fake coat covering his whole body the two hurried over to Flarolina.

"Twilight!" Silvery exclaimed. "Yeh were gone for so long! I got worried." The stallion looked up at Spike staring at him through its cowl. "I see the spooky dragon thing is still here as well." The undead slung the bags over its shoulders and let them land hard on the ground, causing the pony to jump in surprise. "That startled me!" he exclaimed. "What's even in those?"

"My latest research on mummified bodies!" Twilight declared jubilantly in the library.

Several of the other patrons started peering around the bookshelves to get a better look at the mounds of research notes and theorems Twilight had concocted.

"I see that some of these are cohvered in sand," Silvery said while shaking one group of notes loose of particles. "At least that eenhances the validity of these."

Twilight was shocked. "I'll have you know that I never falsify my research! There's nothing in it for a scientist to lie about their findings and research!"

Silvery grinned and looked upwards at Twilight without moving his muzzle from the notes. "And what if you're offered something you truly desire? Money? Positions? Homes?"

Twilight thought deeply but shook her head. "Grand temptations lessen the value of my research."

The stallion scoffed and went back to reading. "If yeh seey so..." He paused his reading and started comparing other bound notes with what he was reading. "These notes seem awfully advanced for somepony just now starting the work on a sobject they knew nothin' about before. Got some help?" he asked with suspicion in his tone.

The mare smiled sheepishly. "Nope. Just worked really hard and used what I already knew."

"I see," Silvery said. He was fully unconvinced but still took the bags with him to the decorated room in the back and emptied the contents onto the floor. "Tell you what," he told Twilight. "Yeh've been bringin' oos a ton of useful information, 'n thees is beyond mey weeldeest eexpectations. Yeh cen consider yehr supply needs ta be weell over a year's worth with all of thees. Of course, I mean neecessary things like food, water, clothing, hygiene, etcetera. Any other requests will be deducted from this 'debt' we're owed yeh," he explained.

"I understand," Twilight said. She became despondent and put a hoof to the side of her head. "I'll need to go and get some more bodies, though. I got...sick when I came back, and my stasis spell dispelled before I could recover," she lamented. "They all rotted past what I could work with."

"Isn't that why you're doing all these studies?" Silvery asked. Intrigued, he continued. "What if we find Celestia's body and she's in such a state? How are you meant to restore her afterwards if you only work on barely or partially rotted bodies?" The stallion took on a shocked look. "You...You weren't planning on letting her rot all the way down to a skeleton first, were you? What if you botch whatever form of restoration you discover and she comes out looking like something else?" He laughed internally at seeing Twilight's face twist in horror.

"B-b-but I--"

"It's fine," Silvery interjected. "Do everything on your own time, Twilight," he said. "You have plenty of it, after all."

Twilight took several deep breaths to calm herself from the pressure Silvery had just put her under. "I was planning on going to the Crystal Empire next to that night-time outcropping or whatever it was called."

The stallion pulled out a map and a list of instructions. "The Terrestrial Nebula. I knew that was the next place you'd go to."

The mare stared, dumbfounded, at the pegasus. "You knew?!"

Silvery chuckled. "Whach-nu. Our little informant jahst gave me both ta up north and tae the forest doon south-weest."

Twilight ripped the documents out of the stallion's hoof while glaring at him. "Gimme that," Twilight spat.

She peered at the map and ran calculations through her head as she tried to figure out the steps to take. She would need warm clothing and cold-resistant drink containers to go up north into that eternal tundra. There were monsters and strange spirits she would likely have to chase off, and the risks of being buried by an avalanche were mitigated by her medallion. However, she felt her blood freeze when she thought of the one thing she didn't want to meet up there. She learned of it through the news that Silvery relayed to her, but it was still an uncomfortable prospect. Provided nothing crazy happened, it was unlikely that she would have to worry about anypony finding her.

The trip would only take three days this time from her home to the border, but from there it might take a day or two to find the nebula. From the extra notes Silvery had added, it seemed that, while the nebula remained in that area, it regularly moved somehow, and no pony could figure out how or why. A massive blizzard would always obscure observation, and anypony that was staying in its vicinity or within its boundaries would vanish along with it. No one left wanted to tempt their fate, so the mystery remained unresolved for the time being.

Twilight pursed her lips and tensed up. Unlike the Golden Pins, this one appeared to have a time limit. She hated time limits. It had last moved four days ago, and its frequency of mobility was every four to eight days. The mare would have to use her medallion immediately if she saw signs of it getting ready to move. It was far more dangerous and stressful to her than the walk to the desert.

Silvery pulled Twilight out of her thoughts when he spoke. "Heard you had a run-in with the Eelements of Hermony," he said.


"The eelements?" the stallion repeated. "I told yeh about theem." Twilight shrugged, prompting the pegasus to facehoof. "The orange and white ponies you met."

"Oh. Ooooooh!" Twilight said in sudden realization. "That explains why I couldn't figure out what the magic around them was."

"Yeh. Figured you'd reecognize theem," the stallion added. He sneezed and wiped his muzzle. "Coy!" he exclaimed. "Anyways, I think you should steer clear of theet eerea for now. Doubt theey'd do anything for a common thief, but your dregon likely spooked 'em."

Twilight nodded. "I'll be careful. I'll grab my supplies now and get what I need for my new expedition."

"Okay," Silvery stated flatly.

Twilight had grabbed everything she required in advance and returned home using her amulet this time. She didn't want to risk losing anything from any unfortunate chases, leaving the stallion behind and lost in thought.

The necromancer was hiding something from him. He knew her long enough to be able to recognize any odd physical or vocal quirk she had. She was far too honest for her own good, and the stallion knew that she was only still alive because of her stubbornness and the research she supplied him with. Being dragged down into the old undercity by accident just because she was looking for some books brought her right into his lap and supplied him unexpectedly with necromantic research he never would have dreamed he would acquire during his time. All other necromancers were always so obsessed with immortality that they never brought him anything other than their path to lichdom which always gave the stallion all he needed to know about their phylacteries.

Twilight, however, was something else. Like every other necromancer she was focused on a single goal, but she didn't fear the inevitable, or at least not in the classical sense. If she died then Celestia wouldn't ever be revived, so she always went the extra mile to ensure her research and experiments would be as productive as possible. Silvery sat on a pillow and leaned to the side while reading through one of Twilight's booklets.

Her medallion came to mind suddenly, and the stallion found himself realizing it hadn't used any of the reagents he gave the young pony. The dragon also had one, and the two emitted a nauseating aura about them. How he hadn't noticed and Twilight didn't react to it was disconcerting, at best. He put a hoof to his chest, feeling his heart beating faster. Had Twilight stumbled upon things this world tried to forget? Or were they things that were always there? Silver gulped audibly. He didn't like how Twilight's sudden activity was bringing to light things he wished he wasn't alive to witness. Perhaps it was paranoia brought on by his line of work, but he wasn't going to take any chances. He would have to keep a closer tab on that lavender unicorn.