• Published 27th Feb 2024
  • 871 Views, 36 Comments

Her Birthright - DougtheLoremaster

Twilight wants revenge for events that happened 1500 years ago. Her wings, her power; all of it was taken from her along with something she thought lost forever.

  • ...

Chapter Three- Missing the Starfield for the Stars

Applejack’s mouth fell open at the sight of Rarity’s appearance, too stunned for words. Rainbow Dash however, grew excited at first and then confusedly inquired.

“Priestess Rarity, why are you here?”

The alabaster fur of the Unicorn mare stood up in fear, her eyes dilating as she scanned the library interior in a panic. Applejack, having come to her senses, quickly spoke up.

“Ya can relax, Darling, that one’s presence can’t enter this home.”

Rarity gave her a look of suspicion.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. If what Spike here says is true-”

Applejack gestured to the small dragon peering down from his perch on the ladder, before continuing.

“And after everything I’ve witnessed in the past few hours tells me it is, the magic spell on this library prevents Celestia from spying on us.”

Rarity tensed up; holding her breath as Applejack spoke the Celestial Ruler’s name, but when nothing happened after several seconds, she gave an exhale of sheer relief.

“Well, that’s a relief. Now then-”

Turning towards Rainbow Dash, she spoke, a thin-lined frown graced her lips.

“Why are you not preparing for the Lunar Communion?”

Glancing at Applejack, Rarity added.

“And associating with this heathen?”

“Now you just knock it off, Ah ain’t no heathen; Ahm a devout Lunar and y’all dern well know it!”

“Then why do you never attend nighttime mass at the church anymore?”

Applejack huffed, her nostrils flaring as she shouted at Rarity.

“Because if Ah dun get sleep I can’t harvest the dern Apples. If I don’t perform mah harvest every day, Celestia’ll burn my trees, ya bonehead!”

Taken aback by this ferocity, Rarity just stared at her. Applejack’s eyes grew wide in realization, before taking a deep breath and reaching up to pull off her stetson. Her blonde mane flowed down like windswept gold, sparkling in the light of the library; her eyes watering as she looked at it, and the large stain of rusty red that was splotched across it. She spoke in a softer, somber tone mixed with a bit of heartache.

“Look, Rarity, I’m sorry. We both just said some things we don’t mean. Ah say my prayers every night beneath the ‘mare in the moon’ before Ah close mah eyes. One night, it’ll be better, I believe that with all my heart and soul. Just like Mah big brother used ta say, before well-.”

Rarity looked down as she gently patted Applejack on her shoulder.

“Applejack, I’m sorry. I just miss you at the sermons. Your singing used to brighten the mood of that drafty basement so much. About your brother,I didn’t mean to bring that up. I- How have you and Applebloom been doing?”

Applejack seemed distressed as she scuffed her hoof against the library's golden oak flooring. Her voice trembled as she replied.

“I’ve been managing, but Applebloom ain’t said a single word since that day.”

Rarity’s expression changed to one of sympathy, as she gave Applejack a gentle hug. Applejack continued on, her voice dropping to a soulless whisper.

“She just goes ta school, does her chores, an’ her expression never changes. An’ y’know I don’t know what to tell her. I mean, What can Ah even say? You’ll see him again one day? That sounds good in theory, but Big Mac an’ I were all she had after the timberwolves-”

Applejack’s voice broke suddenly. Rarity released her hug, leaning back to gently dab the tears in Applejack’s eyes with a hoof.

“Oh dear. I can’t even imagine what it must have been like; forced to watch her own brother’s execution, like that. That poor filly. Maybe you could introduce her to my daughter; Sweetie Belle. I mean having another filly around her age to talk to might help. Dear I’m really sorry about earlier.”

AJ sighed heavily before placing the only memento of her brother; given to him originally by their Dad, back on her head.

“Yeah, forget it, we both got pretty heated fer a moment. So how did you end up here anyway? Your boutique is in the middle of town, last Ah checked.”

Rarity put a hoof to her forehead in theatrical distress.

“Oh that. I was working on an order to supply decor for the Lunar Tidings Celebration, when some purple Unicorn named Sparkle or something, demanded to see what I had done so far. So I-”

Applejack and Spike exchanged a glance as AJ interjected.

“Rarity, did this uh, Sparkle have a magenta star with, Ah dunno, six points on it, and oh say, five white stars forming an outer ring as a cutie mark?”

Rarity seemed slightly surprised, and gave her a nod.

“Why yes, she did. Applejack, I know you have an eye for detail, dear, but how did you know that?”

Spike spoke up.


Rarity blinked in confusion.

“No, Celestia wasn’t there.”

From off to the side, with her head in a box Rainbow Dash piped up.

“I thought her name was Twilight!”

Applejack sighed.

“It is. She’s an Alicorn.”

Climbing back out of the box, with a book now clenched in her teeth, RD tried to speak.

“Rggh dar elrgh?”


Rainbow repeated herself.

“Rggh dar elgh?”

Applejack and Rarity just looked at each other, before Applejack placed a hoof to her face in exasperation.

“Dash, Darling, take the darn book outta your mouth before ya speak.”

A look of realization dawned in Rainbow Dash’s eyes, seemingly just realizing she still had a book in her mouth. Placing it in Spike’s outstretched dragon claw, she turned towards Applejack, who nodded in approval.

Let’s try this again, what was your question, Dash?”

“Who’s Celestia again?”

Rarity chimed in, as though she had answered this question many times before, as Applejack took a bottle of hard cider and started chugging it in frustration.

“The white Alicorn tyrant that rules our world, Dash.”

“Oh, and the pink one is Twilight, right?”

Slamming the empty bottle down with a cracking sound as the glass shattered under her tremendous strength, Applejack groaned.

“No Dash, That’s Celestia’s daughter, Cadance. Look, Rarity. Twilight Sparkle is the so-called Unicorn that entered your Boutique. In reality, she’s a wingless Alicorn, according to Spike, got it?”

Rarity seemed a little intrigued.

“A wingless Alicorn, huh. I’ve never heard of such a thing. I wonder what happened to her wings.”

Spike gave a sweeping gesture towards the filled shelves, full of various grimoires, remarking quietly.

“Stolen by the sun.”

Applejack stared at Spike before suddenly her eyes grew wide with great concern; as if a light had gone on in her mind. As Rarity continued musing over the reason, AJ interjected swiftly, noticing a strange light in Spike’s eyes.

“Hey, uh, Rarity? How about instead of worrying about that, you tell us what happened between you an’ Twilight.”

“Applejack, I-”

Rarity's blood ran cold as Applejack locked eyes with her. That look. She knew that look. In an instant her mind flashed back to the events of ten years ago.

Applejack and Rarity quickly moved around the pulpit as they set up for the upcoming Lunar mass in the Church of the Silver Moon. In the main room, the Lunars; devouts of Luna, were already taking their seats.

“Applejack, make sure those notes are in order. Tonight we’re gonna discuss the virtues of self-sacrifice as told in the Book of Luna; Eclipse 16:12-25.”

“Yeah, yeah, Darling. I got y’all covered…wait a moment.”

In the middle of placing down the ceremony notes onto the podium, Applejack stopped suddenly, muttering to herself. Rarity looked at her.

“What’s wrong, dear?”

Applejack had a confused look on her face as she locked eyes with Rarity.

“Ah dunno. Something feels off. I can’t help but wonder about what that pony said in the marketplace earlier. Something about more guests attending tonight. They way they said it, shivering like-”

Applejack froze in mid-sentence as her eyes suddenly grew deathly serious, grabbing Rarity and throwing both of them down out of sight of the main room. The next instant, the sound of shattering glass and screaming was heard. Only to be silenced the next instance. Then there was just silence. Nothing but silence. And then:

“Who is responsible for this blasphemy?”

Rarity slowly poked her head out to see Applejack’s brother Big Macintosh with his stetson on his head, standing before the silent form of Princess Celestia; all around them the crimson remains of the patrons lay splattered.


Celestia stared down at the candy apple red furred stallion. Though it was clear he was terrified, he stayed standing in her presence, his knees shaking violently.

“You say that you are the one in charge here?”


After staring at him for a moment, Rarity watched Celestia’s eyes glance in her direction, before announcing coldly.

“I see. I’m afraid Ponyville has forgotten who is in charge. Chain him up, I think tomorrow will be a beautiful Sunday to remind them.”

Big Macintosh was led away, his head held high in defiance, while behind the podium Applejack shed a single tear.

The next day, the crowd stood before the hastily built stage in the center of Ponyville; all of the townsfolk watching in dread as Big Macintosh was led towards a large guillotine. His face was blank, as he was locked into the device. In the front of the crowd, ordered by mandate, stood Applejack with her little sister on her back. Applebloom , though two years old, was silently watching as her brother looked up at her and smiled. Above his head, a massive steel blade glinted in the light of the sun.

Having already given the speech of crimes committed against the crown, Celestia gave the signal; a single, elegant flip of her mane. The sparkling blade of the guillotine came crashing down with a sickening THUD amidst the horrified screams of those watching.

Rarity watched as Big Mac’s head tumbled off the stage to land before his sister. Applejack stared at the smile forever on his face, for just a moment before leaning down to pick up the stetson he had been wearing, and though still saturated with a damp crimson, placed it on her head. Applebloom had begun to cry, inconsolable at the sight. Applejack turned to stare into Rarity’s eyes, AJ’s eyes watering in pain while the fresh crimson soaking the hat continuously dripped down her face.

Rarity knew that look, and she knew Applejack; better than most. She knew that look, and though she didn’t know what exactly AJ had figured out, she knew without a doubt she was being warned. And Rarity would have, and on a few occasions did, trust Applejack with her life.

With Charisma befitting her position of High Priestess of the Underground Church of the Silver Moon, honed over ten years of delivering mass, Rarity pivoted the conversation with ease; as though it was intended all along.

“-Was busy making some gold and white banners; almost finished mind you, when she walked in…”

Gesturing to herself with a purple hoof, Twilight spoke abruptly, as though there was something else on her mind.

“Twilight Sparkle, niece of Princess Celestia. I’m here to check on your progress as to my Aunt’s desires. Are you the one in charge of the decor for the Lunar Tiding Celebration?”

Rarity looked up from her sewing machine, and frowned.

“Customers are not permitted past the register.”

Twilight’s eyes half-closed in annoyance as though she were holding something back. She tried again.

“Listen, you. I have been instructed by the sun, herself, to see what you have done, and I just went through this with that insanely lazy Pegasus about the damned clouds. Show me what you have.”

“My name is Rarity. And I don’t care who you think you are. You are not permitted past the register. Now leave.”

Twilight’s body wiggled as though she were a pegasus attempting to rustle its wings. Her lip was curled in disgust. Yet, she continued trying to explain herself, in a semi-even tone.

“You really think throwing out the ‘niece of Princess Celestia’ regarding the ‘Lunar Tidings Celebration’ decorations; the decorations for the return of ‘Princess Luna, Celestia’s sister’, mind you, is the best idea?”

Rarity sneered at her.

“Oh please. Everypony knows Princess Celestia would send Cadence if anything, to check on her personal order. A real Alicorn, Not some random Unicorn with a mussed up mane and tail from off the damned street.”

Twilight gritted her teeth to force a smile, as her horn started sparking erratically.

“A Unicorn, huh? You think I am just ‘some Unicorn’?”

Twilight took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm herself down, as she began to twitch. Rarity failed to notice this as she continued on, oblivious.

“I doubt the likes of you even have enough magical energy to pose any kind of threat to me, so knock off the tough mare act. I graduated top of my class in a very Private Academy. Judging by your appearance, some street urchin like you isn’t even qualified to shine my hooves.”

Looking like she was about to suffer an aneurysm, and shaking rather violently, Twilight started cackling before suddenly becoming perfectly calm. In fact, her eyes were empty of any soul or emotion. Her horn glowed brightly with black magical energy as she spoke, tonelessly.

“I have things to do and I have no time for childish taunts. You are going to show me the decorations-”

Twilight’s eyes glowed a venomous green mixed with purple wisps as she continued.

“Or I am going to show you an eternity of utter despair as you live out your worst fears in a world where nightmares never end. Got it?”

Rarity finally seemed to grasp just what she was messing with, and began to slowly back away, trying her hardest to de-escalate the situation.

“Okay, let’s all calm down. Look, I’m getting the banners, see? We’re all friends here.”

Startled out of her rage, the glow in Twilight’s eyes faded, returning them to her usual shining amethyst, staring, stunned in utter disbelief at the many banners Rarity levitated before her.

“You can’t be serious.”

The banners were extremely well-made, from the trim to the emblem on the front. There was just one problem.

“White and Gold. You made white and gold banners for a ceremony to celebrate the return of the blue and black Princess of the Moon. Are you joking? Please tell me this is all a gag to make me laugh.”

Rarity shook her head looking confused.

“No. I am not all that great at making ponies laugh, Pinkie is the best bet for that. And I’ll have you know these are the exact specifications Princess Celestia always orders. Made to order as always. You wanted to see them and here they are.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. Placing a hoof to her face, she groaned.

“I can’t believe I’m being this generous. Show me the order forms.”

“Why do you-”

Twilight shouted.


The word was said with such force that all the windows in the boutique shattered, causing Rarity to rush frantically into the next room and swiftly grab the parchments on her desk. Returning, she found Twilight drinking a summoned Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider that was nearly gone, with several other empty bottles beside her; seemingly a bit more mellow than before.

“Let’s see-”

Before Rarity could move, the parchments were ripped from her hooves and floated before the now rather intoxicated pony, as she read them.

“One hundred banners with a black border, royal blue background, featuring a black pennant emblem with a moon emblazoned in the center. The total cost was 4000 bits, and it says here she even paid in advance-”

Looking up at the utterly mortified face of Rarity, Twilight sighed and took a sip of her cider, smiling in victory.

“Now then, miss high horse, care to explain?”

Rarity began to panic, muttering over and over.

“But she always orders the same thing, I-”

Twilight’s horn glowed with a light purple magic.

“As insufferable as this has been, I’ve felt rather generous since I stepped into your little shop here, which means I’m in the right place-”

The banners changed to match the description on the forms before Rarity’s very eyes, which shocked her out of her breakdown. Twilight continued.

“So I’ve decided to help you out. In return, you will help me move into my new house. And so there is no misunderstanding, you will be helping to shelve my books.”

Before Rarity could utter so much as squeak of dismay, Twilight added.

“When I learned that a Priestess of Lunarism was running this shop, I assumed I would be met with elegance and class. How disappointing that I found a pony who can preach and lecture the virtues of the moon, yet fails to adhere to them, herself.”

Rarity’s eyes went wide, as Twilight sighed in annoyance.

“Humility was once Luna’s greatest virtue. And as generous as I am currently feeling, I shall allow you to think about what you’ve done here today. While you unpack my boxes, of course. Begone.”

“...And that is when I found myself here, with this wretched appearance. I assumed somepony of Celestia was waiting for me, so I did my best to announce myself as such. And on top of it, now no matter what I do, I can’t straighten my mane or tail out.”

Rarity frowned.

“I still don’t get why she felt the need to preach about the moon to me, though. How could she possibly know more about Lunarism than me?”

Applejack blinked at her.

“Uh, Darling?”

“What is it, Applejack?”

AJ gestured at her dress, particularly the golden crescent moons embroidered into the trim.

“Ya really don’t understand?”

“Applejack just spit it out.”

Pulling her close with a hoof, Applejack whispered in her ear.

“Rarity, in order to be Celestia’s niece, Twilight would have to be th’ daughter of her-”

Applejack left the sentence hanging and pulled back to see the reaction it garnered.

“Her sister, of course, but what would that have to do with-”

Rarity’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and her pupils dilated in panic as it finally dawned on her.

“Oh, stars above. Princess Luna. The daughter of Luna. Are you telling me, I insulted the daughter of the Princess Luna?”

Silence fell over the room for the next few minutes, while Rarity continuously murmured to herself in shock.

“No,no,no. What will she say when she returns, no, what should I do?”

Suddenly a burst of emerald flame shot out from Spikes mouth revealing a rather lengthy scroll. Taking it in his claws he read it out to everypony present:

“Good. Glad you finally understand, yes Miss Uppity, I am the daughter of Princess Luna and luckily for you, I still need you for- What in Tartarus? Where am I, and is this a Chaos Glyph? Did I just get summoned? How? Who could possibly summon- Was it you? Who are you? Vow of Disharmony, huh? So you are a survivor of the purging of Discord’s cult. Yes, I am aware you wouldn’t be heard by any not touched by Chaos. Yes, Miss Buttersky I can hear you. Fine, Flutterbush then, look I don’t give a flying feather what your name is, tell me why you made this glyph; quite unusual for a Pegasus to be performing such-high level magical incantations.”

Rarity blinked in surprise.

“Has she gone mad?”

Applejack, looking thoughtful, inquired.

“Spike? Are you allowed to explain how Twilight writes these?”

Ever eager to assist, as Familiars are, Spike nodded.

“She has a spell that allows her speech to be transcribed in real-time. When she recasts the spell the writing is halted and the message is sent.”

Rarity suddenly looked intrigued.

“I wonder who she’s talking to?”

Rainbow chimed in.

“Maybe it’s Twilight!”

Applejack shared a look with Rarity, the latter walking over to RD and gently hugging her, chiding her gently almost with a hint of sympathy.

“That’s right, dear, it’s Twilight. Applejack and I are so proud of you, why don’t you continue what you were doing.”

Rainbow Dash got excited and immediately, with a big smile, went back to unpacking books. Rarity went back over to the others and without any elaboration, aside a single, knowing look exchanged between Rarity and Applejack. Looking towards Spike, Applejack nodded.

“Sorry about that, Darling, never mind her. Carry on.”

Spike once more continued to read the writing on the scroll.

“You wanted a friend? Are you telling me that you tried to summon a being of Tartarus at random in hopes of summoning a friend, Buttershush? Yes, I suppose not being able to talk to anypony would be maddening. Hm? Me? I’m an Alicorn, but that’s not important, Shutterfly. Like I said, I do not care what your name is. What you’ve done, even in desperation, is a bastardization of Discord’s Law of Chaos.

Hm? Oh yes, I am well aware of exactly what Discord would say to you drawing this glyph, sloppily, and untrained I might add; summoning a demon of Tartarus with a direct thought in mind, instead of at random. How do I know what Discord would say to this? Who do you think taught that ungrateful Draconquis to begin with? Don’t bother answering that, no one else is aware of it either, Flutterstout. Don’t put too much stock in what can be seen, I really am an Alicorn. My wings will return to me in time and the ones that took them will perish in time. Now about you, you have a real magical potential, join me. I can teach you how to properly summon a familiar and maybe even help you remove that cursed vow you performed. Yes, I am feeling rather kind at this moment. Yes, this is a bit odd for me to feel such an emotion. What parchment? Oh hell, I forgot about that.”

Spike rolled up the scroll and tossed it to the side.

“That’s all there is.”

Applejack put a hoof to her chin and sighed. She muttered.

“Seems I were right after all. Guess we can expect a new visitor. Wonder who it is.”

Spike pointed behind Rarity.

“She’s been here, trying to talk to you for a few minutes now.”

Looking towards the door, both Applejack and Rarity noticed the butter-yellow Pegasus in a witch's hat, wearing a void-black cape with red writing on it, symbols of an unknown nature. On her flank she had three butterflies that were oddly gray, along with her mane and tail. She seemed to be yelling to get their attention, her mouth moving as she spoke to them, but neither Applejack nor Rarity heard a single sound.

“What in Tarnation?”

Spike nodded attentively as he watched the Pegasus, as if understanding her completely.

“I see…Welcome Fluttershy…Don’t bother, they can’t hear you…Why yes, I am her familiar…We can discuss that later, the books are over here. If you want to get on her good side, I would suggest unpacking them, so we can shelve these things. There is much to do. And time grows ever shorter.”