• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 282 Views, 30 Comments

A Healthy Friendship - TheKing2001

Stygian is still on uneasy terms with most of the pillars and his feelings for Meadowbrook when Starlight and her friends offer to help him.

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Chapter IV

“Hey, wake up.”

“What?” I grumbled as I opened my eyes and stared at Somnambula mere inches from my face with a wide grin as I gave a startled cry. “What are you doing, watching me sleep?”

“Meadowbrook normally opens up around this time so I came to wake you two up. My apologies, dear.”

“It’s okay I suppose. Just don’t scare me like that again,” I mumbled as I glanced next to me and moved away slightly.

I’ve never really paid attention to any of the Pillars sleeping before because that seemed kinda well, stalkerish? Meadowbrook seemed surprisingly beautiful asleep and I don’t really recall her holding onto my forelegs when we fell asleep.

“Looks to me you have a secret admirer,” Somnambula teased with a smirk as I gave her a confused look.


“I love you Stygian, but you’re blind. That said, I cannot say because it is your journey to go on,” Somnambula sighed and shook her head with a smile. “And Meadowbrook’s of course. She would be very unhappy if I told you anything like she told me.”

“I see. You clearly still like your cryptic answers, don’t you?”

“Oh, but of course,” Somnambula said with a grin. “Now come, let Meadowbrook sleep. Cattail wishes to meet you properly, he only saw you briefly when I flew inside with you.”

I had no idea who Cattail was, but I’m not entirely going to turn down meeting somepony. That would be rude, after all.

I started to sit up before a blue hoof yanked me back down and Somnambula snorted.

“Never mind, apparently your friend doesn’t want you to leave,” Somnambula snickered as I rolled my eyes.

“I hate that you know something that I don’t. It’s my job to know everything, remember?” I grumbled as Somnambula laughed again as Meadowbrook wrapped a hoof around me. “Is she even still asleep?”

“Looks like it to me,” Somnambula mused as she hovered next to us. “I will leave you to two be. Sleep well, I will most likely wake you up hours from now again.”

I tensed up slightly as Meadowbrook nuzzled me in her sleep and Somnambula grinned faintly.


Somnambula quietly flew out the room and shut the door behind her as Meadowbrook continued nuzzling me.

I suppose another hour of sleep wasn’t all that bad.

“So how was sleeping with my ancestor?” Cattail asked as I looked at the brown earth pony sitting across from me at a small round table.

He looked scarily like Meadowbrook, especially with how his mane was tied up like how she did.

“We didn’t do anything like that!” I protested and turned bright red as he chuckled.

“I know. I would have heard it if you two did, these walls are thin after all.”

“Ponies are so different now. A thousand years ago, you even joking about this would be considered offensive,” I grumbled as we both looked at Somnambula and Meadowbrook helping an earth pony with a broken leg sit down. “It was okay I guess.”


“So how are you related to her? I didn’t think she had any family after the whole limbo thing,” I said as I waved a hoof and Cattail shrugged.

“Well you see, when a mare and a stallion love each other very much-”

“I know that part,” I cut him off with a blush as he grinned.

“Anyways, she had a daughter, remember? After you all disappeared, her her daughter got married and had a son. Thousand years later, here I am. This is Meadowbrook’s original house. It took me a little over a year going over my family genealogy to find out my ancestry. I had already owned the house before I started looking up where I came from, it was passed down from each family member. I found some of Meadowbrook’s writings in the basement and got curious,” Cattail explained as he set down his glass of water. “I’ve always been good at potions and healing so it made a bit of sense to be related to her even though I’ve lost count of how many greats came after her.”

“Ah. She and Mistmane always were the most emphatic out of us all. Or well, are is a better word I suppose. Not much has changed on that front,” I commented as he nodded. “Flash Magnus hid it well but he cares too. And to think he used to be my biggest threat back then when the darkness took over. I half expected him to find a way to kill me.”

“Well, this got dark,” Cattail muttered. “I know damn well Mistmane and the others wouldn’t have let him kill you.”

“Starswirl would have. You weren’t there, they all sided against me. Even Mistmane,” I sighed as Cattail watched me. “She probably would have watched.”

“I don’t know her that well but I do know the legendary so I doubt she would,” Cattail answered as I looked back at the other two girls. “When you gonna ask her out?”

“What? Who?”

“Meadowbrook, duh. Who else?” Cattail asked as I turned red.

“Why would I ask her out? She’s just a friend.”

“Seriously?” Cattail scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “She allowed you to sleep with her last night, Somnambula told me she wouldn’t let you leave the room and you said earlier she nuzzled you repeatedly in her sleep. Plus the legends said you and Meadowbrook were together but apparently they were wrong.”

“I never dated any of the Pillars, but Meadowbrook admittedly would be the one if I did. Somnambula had a small chance too I suppose, she always was nice to me,” I said and hugged my cloak around me.

Thank Celestia Somnambula had went back and got it. My cloak was one of my most prized possessions, I took that thing damn near everywhere.

“Why exactly do you think I should date her?” I asked as Cattail gave me a flat look.

“You slept with her last night, you keep looking over at her, same reasons as before,” Cattail answered. “Pretty obvious to me. And while you haven’t been looking at you, she’s been looking at you and smiling so it’s fairly obvious.”

“I highly doubt she’d ever like me. She’s pretty, I’m ugly, she’s special and important to Equestria, I’m not. I’m just me, the reclusive shy stallion who just writes stories and mails the script to Twilight Velvet while Meadowbrook heals ponies from all over Equestria. It would never happen,” I sighed as Cattail raised an eyebrow.

“You didn’t deny liking her though,” Cattail pointed out and I paused as my eyes widened as I tried and failed to come up with an argument.

Oh sweet Celestia, he was right. I like one of my best friends.