• Member Since 8th Jan, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Friday


I'm only interested in two characters. It's Grogar and Cozy Glow!


"Chronicles of the First Centuries of the History of the World from the Creation of the World by Elem to the Fall of Tambelon" written by Elarion Telgmar chronicler Describing the events in which he was a participant, he traveled throughout his long history throughout the Ancient World, he recorded the entire history of Tambelon from the Foundation to the Golden AgeDecline and Death of the Empire, after defeating Grogar, he went to his Castle Telgmar and remained there until the end of his life; after many Centuries, the Ponies discovered his Library and moved it to Canterlot
Prequel story Revival of Tambelon

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 10 )

Do you think you could please refresh my memory and tell me if Tambelon was ever mentioned in the Friendship is Magic cartoon proper?

If you're talking about G4, the most that was revealed was a simple mention of "Grogar" and "Gusty the Great", even in season 9 the most that was explored was Grogar's cowbell but Tambelon was never mentioned. As a curious detail I can mention that in the MLP comics in the "nightmare knights" arc in the background of one of the pages the "real grogar" appears with a design similar to the G1

Bro, I think there is a problem with the title of your story, you wrote "TAMBELONA" instead of "TAMBELON", or maybe I am wrong and you did it on purpose

Thanks for pointing out the mistake, but I'm interested in your opinion on this story

Seeing how the other races were created
I wonder what about dragons?

Honestly the lore is really good and such.

Since you asked for a long comment, I'll take the liberty of being first (I apologize in advance for my grammar, English is not my primary language).

I am realizing that it is giving a great background to your AU, that is something totally admirable but it is also a double-edged sword, by having so much material you may in the long run overexploit something while leaving something else completely forgotten (for example you focus in a character of a specific race but you barely mention the other races and characters, it's just an example).

I feel that you are moving very quickly in the first two chapters, too fast, it is just my point of view, the characters are already entering the action but we barely know anything about their motivations or their past.

Your way of writing dialogues is unique, it is different from that of many other authors but that does not mean that it is bad, it is your style and it is totally respectable, but for some it could be a detail to take into account.

I notice small details in your grammar and spelling (and I know that I am the least ideal to tell you that), for example I have noticed that you have skipped some commas, accents and I am sure that in the first chapter you repeat the word "TAMBELON" many times, Many may dislike that, but those same people forget that the authors of their favorite stories made those same mistakes in their beginnings.

They are details that you will realize over time but don't let that discourage you, this is moving forward in small steps.

I say there is point in continuing this story honestly.
Like I am curious on how this will turn out.

Not all stories succeed, the important thing is that you like this story, after all you are the author, the best thing you can do is take this as a learning experience to grow.

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