• Published 13th Mar 2024
  • 399 Views, 15 Comments

The Egotistical Gamer - Pachi

Jin Isagi was a regular 15 Yr old. He lived his life normally, until one day, his Mom forces them to suddenly move to the USA for a new job in a backwater town called Equestria! Also, his life turns into a game... Yep, totally normal

  • ...

Training x Dryadkin Meeting

Yay, time to go home now

It's been a few hours since the match, and I honestly don't really care for the aftermath

Some people were impressed, Indigo praised me and I thanked her for her advice, and all went well… kinda

I had to try and let Coach Rommel know that I have absolutely NO interest in joining the Football team

Which was annoying…

Then the world went quiet

“A Protected Space…?”

I felt someone tapping on my shoulder, and I turned around to see… LUNA?

“Whats up loser” she says, drinking out of a small carton of chocolate milk

She was dressed less casually today, in a white blouse and pencil skirt, as well as stockings and flat heels

Is this perhaps her work outfit?

Speaking of which, I'm pretty surprised by how much time she has… does she ever even go to work? Hmmm… maybe she has a spell to make a clone of herself? I mean, she did seem to be a wizard with all that flying around she did

“So… Why are you here again?”

“No reason, felt like annoying you”

“Go Fuck Yourself”

“”Why don't you come over here and do it yourself”” both me and Luna said at the exact same time… there was an awkward smile before we just started laughing like hyenas. She eventually calmed herself down first

“Well… I actually came over to give you this” She said, handing over a bracelet covered in wooden beads

“And what exactly is this?”

“A bracelet”

“Really? I couldn't tell” I say in the most monotone voice I could muster

“Har har, very funny… it's just a regular bracelet… consider it a ‘Welcome to Equestria’ gift”

“Well then, I'll accept it with grace” I say, putting it on, as Luna… Disappears…

She can teleport!?

Ugh… I'll have to ask her to teach me magic next time we meet

I also need to experiment with that new copy ability I got…

Also, I might have to try practising some football moves… since it was quite fun to play…

Well, saying it was fun to play would be… false, to say the least

That strange rush of adrenaline when I pulled off a goal that would be utterly unaccomplishable by a normal guy or gal, that feeling of… superiority? I guess

There was also that rush of dopamine

It hit like a fucking truck and God damn did I like it

That's probably not very good… but who cares…

…I might turn into an adrenaline junkie at this rate

Well whatever, I need to get home…

“Jin? You home?” I hear my mother ask me in Japanese from the living room

“Yep, just came back, your home early”

“Mmhm, I was able to clock out early today by using some of my extra hours” she says as I take off my shoes and put them away, taking off my coat as well

“You never do that, what's going on?” I walk into the living room, and look at my mother

Haru Isagi, an older woman with navy blue hair and similar eyes. She was very pretty, but to be honest, she was kinda average

“Well, your Uncle Yoichi is going to be staying with us for a bit-”

“WHAT!?” I rush over to her and give her one of the biggest hugs I could ever give

“I knew you would do this…” she says with a sigh “Tomorrow, we're going to pick him up from the airport, he's here for a charity match. Apparently the Blue Lock 11 are gonna split up and have some kids about your age join them before live streaming the game”

“OH! I wonder if I could join…” I ask myself quietly as I pull away from my mother

“Hmm? I never knew you had an interest in football?”

“I didn't, but I feel like it might be fun to play with Uncle Yoichi, like back when I was a kid”

“Ah, well, whatever makes you happy I guess” she says in a nonchalant manner before speaking up yet again “But… do you think you have enough stamina to keep up with a football game? You stay in your room for so long and for such long periods of time that…”

She stopped speaking, but I knew what she was getting at

Thankfully, those 5 extra points in strength seemed to dissolve any bit of flab that had built on my body

Maybe I should try and level up more?

Or, I could try getting stats without levelling up…

I ran upstairs to my room and sent a message to Luna

Egoist: Hey Luna

Nyxish: Yes Bbg?

I roll my eyes at her remark

Egoist: Your a goddess right?

Nyxish: Wow, thanks for that boost in confidence you just gave me (Also it's “You're”)

Egoist: You know what i mean

Nyxish: Fine, yes i am, what about it?

Egoist: So that means you have a shit ton of money, right?

Nyxish: What

Egoist: Can you buy me some weights?

Nyxish: Why tho

Egoist: You don't need to know why, just but a shit ton of weights i can strap on to my body

Nyxish: Fine, I’ll put in the order, should get to you in a few minutes

Egoist: Amazon be wildin, a few minutes?

Nyxish: Not Amazon, Abyss Auction, think of it like a magic Ebay

Egoist: I did not expect something like that to exist

Nyxish: Tis the modern era, after all

And just as she said, a few minutes later, I got a shit ton of weights delivered to my… window?

I looked outside to see an alien UFO looking thing that was carrying a parcel

I opened the window, and low and behold, It was heavy

Stupidly heavy

Like I don't think there's a material on Earth dense enough to be that heavy…

I'll just chalk it up to magic and be done with it

Putting on the weights, I realised that… they had modes?

It was literally just four bracelets…

Thin ones too, but they seemed sturdy, and also there was a retro screen that had 5 modes

It was currently on mode 1, and was heavy as shit

I put them on my hands and ankles as I walked outside sluggishly for a run…

Okay, that was a very smart idea

It took me a few hours, but with a small amount of training, I ended up with 5 extra points in STR!

And best of all…



It's every man's dream to be either shredded, or lean enough to have visible muscle

Heck, not just man, every living breathing creature with sentience

Because, whether you like it or not, abs are hot

Abs are hot on girls

And they most certainly are hot on guys

Coming from a bisexual, abs are some of the most appealing characteristics a person can have

But that doesn't mean people with no abs were bad

Just as how abs are hot, having a bit of “fluff” is cute

Very cute!

Very very very VERY cute!

Everyone and everything is hot and cute

Whilst I was lost in thought about hot abs and cute “fluff”, I bumped into someone

A certain Demi-Dryad Genius…

Maybe it was the speed I was running or the extra weights on my hands and legs, or maybe a bit of both, but when I bumped into her, we both fell into a rather peculiar pose…

Yep, it was the anime-protagonists-landing-with-a-hand-on-the-tit-special!™

Speaking of tits, did I mention how big hers were?

Really big

Okay, enough thinking about tits…

I need to think about how to get outta this situation alive…

I looked at her face, and saw that she was rather…

Well, she had a cute expression on her face at the very least

There was a thin layer of blush on her cheeks…

And her eyes were wide open in suprise

I quickly got off of her

And she got up, dusting off herself off and coughing into her hand

“Man, you better watch where you're going next time,” I heard her say. Her voice was slightly rough, yet it felt melodic and also… very calming to listen to “You're new around here, aren't you? I've never seen someone with your vibe before”

“Huh? And what kinda vibe is that?” I say without really thinking, as she puts her hand on her chin and thinks

“Angelic…? But also, like, totally low-key, if you catch my drift”

“I am, Infact, not catching your drift” I sat with a deadpan expression

“Heh, you're funny, I'm Treehugger”

“Nice to meet you Treehugger, I'm Jin” I extend my hand for a handshake, and she takes my hand, Examining the Palm Lines

“You're palm lines say that you're gonna have a great learning experience tomorrow” Rather odd thing to shift the conversation to, but whatever

Wait, hold on a second… Uncle Yoichi is coming tomorrow… there's no doubt he's gonna teach me some tips and tricks once he realises that I'm getting into football

“Wow… Uh, that's strangely accurate… How did you know?”

“I read your palms, dude”

“But what part of my palms told you that? And isn't palm reading supposed to be for long term stuff, like love life and when I'll die?”


“...So how did you know I…”

“I guessed” It was a very unexpected answer…

It wasn't long before I bursted out laughing at her luck

“Wait, let me try reading your palms too…”

I say, as she gives me her hand

I trace my fingers against the grain of her hand as if I was looking at it, before…


[Tree Hugger - Dryadkin Genius: Lv 14

A woman born from a Dryad mother and Human father. She's a perfect mix of the two species she is formed of. Was informed by another Dryad about the Abyss and her origin a few days ago. Uses Marijuana Recreationally

Has a strong sense of self due to her yoga lessons

STR: 12
VIT: 20
DEX: 17
INT: 15
WIS: 20
LCK: 67
CHA: 42
EGO: 15]

Oh? She levelled up?

One thing I found out about when [Observe] Levelled up to level 15, is that it now displays statuses…

Let's try something

“Your palms are telling me… that you're a Dryadkin” I say with a smirk as she leans in with her eyes slightly wider

“Whoa, how did you know?” She was dangerously close to my face, and I could feel her breath on my face

“I-I… Lucky guess”

“Heh, Righteous”

Author's Note:

Stayed up late for this chapter (the academic comeback is NOT happening 😭)