• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 662 Views, 64 Comments

Princess Spike - Daelyx Len Auphydas

One day, Spike wakes up as an Alicorn, and nopony seems to remember what happened last night to cause this.

  • ...

Purple Flames

Given that they hadn't gone to bed until just a bit before midnight, it is perhaps no surprise that the two newly-christened siblings sleep in even later than the previous day. But, as Spike blearily opens his eyes, he has to imagine that it has less to do with when they went to bed, and more to do with their current situation. Fully encompassed in a blissful cocoon of blankets, fur, warmth, and feathers, Spike doesn't think he's ever been so comfortable in his life.

"You awake, Twi...?" Spike mumbles out lazily after a long moment.

His response comes in the form of a soft giggle from the pony against him. "Of course I am, Spike, when have you ever known me to sleep in this late?" Twilight asks. "I just didn't want to disturb your sleep."

Spike blinks. This certainly was a much nicer thing to wake up to than if she had gotten up before him. "Thanks." he drawls out, still only half awake, and snuggles back down into the delightfully all-encompassing embrace.

"So..." Twilight starts, and Spike can tell from the tone shift that it's something more professional in nature that she was about to talk about. "I thought about it this morning while I waited for you to wake, and I think I still should develop a counterspell." Spike opens his mouth to protest, but twilight continues before he can say anything. "Now, hear me out first. It'll be totally up to you whether we use it or not, but with magic this powerful it deserves to be studied. Just think of it as caution." Twilight elaborates.

Spike nods against Twilight's shoulder. "Ok, Twi. I trust you." He utters, even though the statement went without saying. "But... Can we... Stay here a little longer first?" Spike pleads.

Twilight sighs. She'd already been idle longer than she liked. But it is kind of difficult to say no to him when he says it like that, so... "Alright, Spike. Just for a bit, though, ok? I have some new theories I'd like to test out." Spike nods in response, and burrows his face into Twilight's shoulder, savoring the intimate closeness for as long as he is able to.

Eventually, Twilight start's shifting away from him, and he groans. "Alright, Spike, any longer and we'll have to stay up all night finishing the days to-do list." Twilight states, leaving Spike to flop over onto his back.

"Geeze, sis, you're such a workaholic..." Spike mumbles, stretching his wings out underneath him and yawning. After a long moment of preparing himself, he curls up and jumps up to his hooves, shaking the tiredness away. Hours and hours of close cuddling had left his muscles feeling stiff, albeit more relaxes and rested than he had perhaps ever felt before. He glances over at Twilight to see how she was faring, before doing a double take. "U-uh, Twi? You might want to take a look in the mirror."

Twilight cocks her head at Spike and furrows her brow. "Huh? Why?" She asks, but instead of waiting for an answer she just trots over to the mirror to see her reflection. Twilight freezes up in shock, and this time its Spike who jaunts over and lays a wing across her back.

"Well, I guess that explains a few things..." Spike remarks dryly, while looking into the reflection of Twilight's slit green eyes, flame-like mane, and sharp, dragonlike fangs.

Twilight shrieks in confusion. "Huh? What? But? How?" She wheels around in a circle getting a better look, finding a series of short frill-like spines running down her back. "I-I mean, of course, its from the same spell, but why didn't it happen yesterday?" Before Spike can even respond, Twilight had teleported away.

"O-k..." Spike mutters to himself. "Time to go track her down."

Jaunting casually through the castle, it doesn't take long to hear Twilight in a frenzy of some kind in the library. As Spike approaches the entrance, he catches sight of Starlight, coming down the hall in the other direction.

"Spike! What's going on?" Starlight calls out, frantically. Spike just saunters on up to the door.

"Let's just say the spell may have had, a teensy bit more effects than Twi had thought." Spike replies, opening the door up just in time to catch sight of Twilight burping and releasing a blaze of purple fire, incinerating the book she was currently reading.

"NO!" Twilight cries out in a tone of voice that would make you think she'd just lost a dear friend. Desperately, she starts scooping up the pile of ash as if she could put it back together, while Spike struts into the room.

"Gotta watch that fire breathe." Spike states, sympathetically, thinking of all the times similar had happened to him. "If you feel it coming on, you gotta tilt your head up to make sure it doesn't incinerate anything."

"Spike! No no no no no, this can't be happening!" Twilight screeches. "What if it messes with my magic!? What if I start wanting to burn down a village!? I have fangs, Spike! Fangs!"

Spike raises a brow. "Uh, Twi? I'm right here, you know. Been a dragon my whole life. Only burned down a village once. Just don't accept too many gifts and you'll be fine."

Twilight blinks, looking back at Spike. "R-right... Sorry, I forgot you were there." She admits sheepishly.

Spike grabs the broom and starts sweeping up the ash. "Great to know that having dragon traits is such an awful thing, Twi. Really feeling the love."

"Spike..." Twilight's voice is laced with guilt. "It's not like that. Or..." She wilts on the spot, sighing. "No, you're right. That was an awful thing to say. I could have been more sensitive."

Starlight strolls into the room as Spike was cleaning, raising her brow at the sight of Twilight but otherwise not particularly reacting as she takes a sip from her morning tea. "Well, I guess that answers a couple questions about the spell." She remarks, dryly, before looking over at Spike. Spike looks back- Based on the knowing look she was giving him, it was obvious she was trying to communicate something to him subtly, but he just isn't sure what.

After a moment she just sighs and shakes her head, strolling over to where Twilight is. "Alright, teach, you want me to help you get a handle on this?" She asks, flexing her legs. Friendship might still be something she was working on, but magic? That she can handle.

Twilight nods. "I don't think I can run all the tests myself. I'll need both of your help to take all my readings." She looks at Spike and Starlight both in turn. "I'm sorry about what I said, Spike, but I could really use the help of my number one... Little brother?" She gives him a weak smile.

Spike rolls his eyes, but a light blush gives away his emotions. "Oh shucks, Twi, you know I'm there."

Starlight just glances back and forth between the two of them. "Did I... Miss something?" She asks, the question hanging in the air.

Twilight just shakes her head. "Nevermind that. To the laboratory!" And in a flash of light, she's gone.

Spike and Starlight look at eachother, shrug, and set off to meet up with her.

Author's Note:

Thing is, this story really isn't about Spike becoming an Alicorn, that's just kind of a side effect. The story is really about Spike and Twilight becoming biological siblings. The Alicorn part is just kinda a necessity since Twilight is one.