• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 281 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Twelve – Making the Rounds

Despite the holes in the walls, everypony was so exhausted they managed to get a good night’s sleep. The next morning, Sunny groaned as she surveyed the damaged kitchen.

“No breakfast this morning then,” Izzy sighed as she appeared.

“We’ll just have to go into town once everypony is up,” Sunny replied. “I can’t be upset Iz. I’m the one who demolished it.”

“You don’t want to see the storeroom then,” Izzy chuckled. “It’s like an Izzy bomb landed in there. Oh wait...”

Sunny and Izzy both laughed whilst they waited for the others.

A while later, they were all sat on a table outside one of the seafront restaurants in Maretime Bay. All had suitable breakfast meals and were laughing and joking as they consumed them.

“I...I still can’t believe it,” Misty beamed. “Opaline is gone, and I’ve found my dad! My actual dad.”

“Totally feeling you on not believing it,” Zipp replied. “Yesterday feels like it was a whirlwind.”

“Says you,” Sunset grunted. “I still feel like I’ve lost countless days.”

“That’s because you have,” Starlight frowned. “Don’t go beating yourself up again. You couldn’t do anything about it.”

Sunset grunted but smiled at Starlight gratefully.

“Okay, so what’s our plan for this fine day?” Hitch asked.

“As much as I’d like to start on fixing the Brighthouse. I kind of promised Aunt Kendi we would head to Opaline’s,” Sunny explained.

“The artefacts need recovering,” Sunset agreed. “You don’t want them to fall into the wrong hoofs.”

“Exactly,” Sunny responded. “Plus, who knows what else she has there.”

“Well, I kind of have an idea,” Misty replied thoughtfully. “Firstly, she’s got a library full of spell books. Also, her storeroom always had lots of stuff. All sorts of old things and also dried plant leaves and flowers. She was always telling me to go and pick plants. I never knew why until we started making potions.”

“Some of those could be rare,” Sunset pondered. “So, it would be worth clearing the place out.”

“Is there anything you would want to pick up, Misty?” Pipp asked. “Did you have anything in your room?”

Misty frowned, placing a hoof on her chin in thought. “I didn’t have much,” she replied at last. “I’ll take a look, but my room was on the top floor, so the roof falling likely squished anything. Oh, actually, we ought to check Opaline’s study too, but it’s likely in the same state.”

“Are you sure you want to come, Starlight?” Zipp ventured. “Shouldn’t you rest?”

Starlight gave Zipp a withering look whilst she sipped her glass of orange juice. Sunset smirked back at Zipp knowingly.

“It’s not worth it Zipp,” Sunset replied. “I’ve already tried, she’s coming and there’s no stopping her.”

“Too right I’m coming,” Starlight said as she put her glass down. “Broken leg or no, I’ll be fine in this wheelchair.”

“Oh look, it’s Equestria’s heroes,” a voice said.

They turned to see Phyllis was walking towards them. A beaming smile on her face.

“Good morning, Phyllis,” Hitch said as he tried not to groan. “What can I help you with?”

“Oh, please don’t say that’s your default reaction to seeing me Hitch,” Phyllis blinked. “I actually wanted to ask if there was anything I could do for you? My new construction business that is.”

“Construction business?” Sunny echoed.

“Yes Sunny,” Phyllis smiled. “Sargent Skywalk mentioned I needed a new challenge and I agree. I’ve got big plans but first I have to walk before I can run. I heard the Brighthouse suffered a bit of damage yesterday.”

Starlight grunted whilst Sunny blinked with surprise.

“Well, yes,” Sunny replied. “There are a few large holes in the walls which need repairing.”

“New kitchen,” Sparky squeaked.

“And the bookshelves,” Izzy added.

“Don’t forget the door,” Pipp chuckled. “Oh, and the rest of the furniture being strewn all over the place. It basically looks like a battleground.”

“Well, it kind of was,” Zipp chortled.

“D...Did Opaline really get that far?” Phyllis gasped.

“No, she didn’t,” Sunset replied. “But Nightmare me did.”

“With two brainwashed dragons,” Izzy added.

“Okay,” Phyllis said unsurely. “I’m glad we have you to protect us then. As a thank you, I’ll come over later today with my new business partner and assess what needs doing.”

“That sounds brilliant,” Sunny beamed. “Thank you, Phyllis.”

“No problem at all,” Phyllis smiled before she nodded and headed away.

Once Phyllis was out of earshot, Starlight looked pointedly at Sunset. “What does Nightmare you mean? She wasn’t you,” she maintained.

“I know and you don’t need to keep reminding me,” Sunset groaned. “It’s still a correct statement, what else should I call her? Say, could anypony humour me? Can you show me some photos of Nightmare me?”

Pipp blinked with surprise as all eyes fell on her. “What? I didn’t get any, we were always too busy. There are some on Ponygram though.”

She whisked out her phone and started tapping. Sunny meanwhile looked at Sunset with concern.

“It’s okay Sunny. I’m sure I want to see this,” Sunset affirmed. “It’s part of putting my mind at rest.”

The others said nothing as Pipp held her phone towards Sunset. Frowning, Sunset took it and started flicking through the photos. Giving a half laugh as she did so. “Yeah, if it wasn’t for the cutie mark, you’d think that was a different pony.”

“That’s because it is,” Starlight sighed. “Are we going to keep doing this now?”

“No Starlight, we’re not,” Sunset groaned. “Technically, it’s still my body, but I agree, this is not me. Nightmare Shimmer is, no. Was, her own pony.”

“You’re not worried she’ll come back, are you?” Misty asked worriedly.

“Not really,” Sunset smiled. “I’ve dealt with this sort of thing before. I become a raging she demon and she’s never come back. My friend, Twilight. Err, human Twilight that is. She turned into an evil version of herself called Midnight Sparkle and I saved her. Afterwards she felt like Midnight Sparkle was returning, but my other friends and I helped her. I know I can count on you all to help me now, and them when I return, if I need it.”

She smiled and held Pipp’s phone out to her. “Thanks, Pipp.”

“No problem,” Pipp grinned. “So, when are we heading out? Could I maybe pop by Mane Melody first? I wanted to check in on Jazz.”

“Oh, yes please do,” Hitch replied. “I’m still mortified we didn’t search for her and Posey.”

“Well, we didn’t really get chance,” Zipp responded. “Like I said, yesterday was a whirlwind.”

“Ooh, actually I want to check my cart too,” Sunny smiled. “It’s been too long again, and I want to make sure my fruit stocks are still okay. I’ll probably need to replace some.”

“You ought to get somepony part time to run it for you,” Sunset suggested. “Not every day and then you can do the days that they aren’t there.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea,” Sunny gasped. “I’ll need to think about it and make sure that will work first.”

“Okay, Pipp to Mane Melody. Sunny to her cart and I’m going to check in at the Sheriff’s Office,” Hitch smiled. “I need to check what’s happening with Skywalk and her detachment.”

“Oh, please don’t say they’re going back to Zephyr Heights,” Zipp gasped. “I’m sure they’ll still be needed here.”

“I know, they’ve been a godsend,” Hitch sighed. “I need to speak with her and find out what is happening.”

“So, what are the rest of us doing?” Misty asked. “I kind of want to go see Dad again but we’ve already got a date agreed.”

“Well, you can come with Starlight and me,” Sunset smiled. “Let’s do some shield practice.”

“Oh, okay,” Misty smiled.

“And I’m going to make a start on tidying,” Izzy grinned. “I bet I’ll be able to do all sorts with anything that’s broken.”

“Okay, I’ll come and give you a hoof,” Zipp replied.

“It’s settled then,” Sunny grinned. “We’ll all meet up at the Marestream. I’ll send Aunt Kendi a message to meet us there.”

Pipp smiled as she entered Mane Melody. Rocky was busy attending to Posey who looked to be having a full mane shampoo. On the other side of the salon, Jazz was busy preparing one of the stations. She grinned as she looked up and saw Pipp.

“Oh, Pipp. How are you this morning?” Jazz beamed as she hurried over to give Pipp a hug.

“Oh, I’m fine,” Pipp smiled as she returned the hug. “How are you though? I’m so sorry we didn’t come to help you.”

“That’s an understatement,” Posey said from across the room.

Pipp shot Posey an annoyed look before turning back to Jazz.

“Please don’t worry about it Pipp,” Jazz smiled. “I’m fine now and from what you said last night, you and your friends had it far worse. I’m just glad you were able to defeat Opaline.”

“We couldn’t have done it without everypony else though,” Pipp smiled. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked a total mess last night.”

“I gave her the works this morning,” Rocky explained. “Speaking of, you looked awful on that stream yesterday and your mane still doesn’t have its usual dazzle.”

“Sunny said we all got dragged through the earth or something, ” Pipp explained. “Honestly, I don’t remember. Opaline put us to sleep outside the Brighthouse and then we woke up trapped in her castle.”

“Wait, so what did she do with you?” Posey said suddenly. “What do you mean trapped?”

“We were trapped in these freaky purple vines that were slowly draining the energy out of us,” Pipp explained. “Unlike everypony else, the elements protected us. So, she had to take our cutie marks slowly or something. Anyway, enough about all that. It’s ancient history now. All I wanted to do is make sure you were okay Jazz. If you need anything, please do tell me.”

“I will Pipp, thanks,” Jazz smiled gratefully.

“Excellent,” Pipp beamed. “Well, we’re off to pick through the remains of Opaline’s castle. I’ll likely be back later.”

“I’m sure we can make space for you,” Rocky winked knowingly.

Pipp grinned and waved a wing as she headed out the door. Meanwhile, Posey began complaining that nopony seemed to be worried about her.

Elsewhere, Sunny had arrived at her cart. She walked all around the outside and was pleased to see there was nothing out of place. She unlocked the door and had just opened it when she heard a voice, “Please tell me you’re reopening Sunny?”

Sunny turned and saw Sweets was walking towards her. A hopeful look on her face.

“Oh, err, not really right now,” Sunny replied worriedly before looking inside. “I could maybe...”

“Oh, I didn’t mean right away,” Sweets replied bashfully. “I meant, if you were opening more regularly again in the future.”

Sunny smiled with relief. “I hope to,” she chuckled. “Kind of need to find out if I’ve still got fruit in here first.”

“That’s awesome news,” Sweets grinned. “Please do let us all know when. N...no pressure or anything. Just so we all know when to come.”

“Sure, I can do that,” Sunny smiled. “No problem.”

“Thanks, see you later Sunny,” Sweets beamed as she headed off.

“Bye, Sweets,” Sunny smiled before she entered the cart.

Sunny was pleased to see the inside of the cart was just as she’d last left it. She was soon going through the cooler draws, making note of what stock she had. Suddenly, she opened a draw and spotted a basket.

“I completely forgot about this,” she gasped.

Lifting the basket, Sunny smiled at the berries she’d obtained from the Night Market. To her relief they still looked and smelt fresh. She blinked as she spotted a note between the jam jars.

Placing the basket down she pulled out the note and began reading. “Zap Apple Jam,” she repeated. “Wait, Discord! Of course, now I remember.”

Sunny smiled and looked around. “Can’t hurt to give the jam a try,” she chuckled.

Meanwhile, Hitch and Sparky had arrived at the Sheriff’s Office. As Hitch expected, Skywalk had arrived and was sitting at her desk going through some paperwork.

“Morning, Skywalk,” Hitch grinned. “How are you doing?”

“Oh, morning Hitch,” Skywalk sighed as she looked at her bandaged wing. “Let’s just say I won’t be flying for a while yet.”

“Any idea on how long?” Hitch asked with concern.

“Why, worried I can’t carry out my duties?” Skywalk smirked. “You are still my commanding officer.”

“Am I? Opaline’s threat has passed,” Hitch frowned. “Don’t get me wrong here. If you’re staying, then I’ll be extremely happy. However, I can’t say I wasn’t worried you will be leaving.”

“Well, I was worried too,” Skywalk admitted. “However, I got this this morning.”

She passed Hitch a letter. He took a moment to read it before he grinned widely. “So, you’re staying along with two others, who?”

“Sprout of course, and Frost Wing has taken to living here as well,” Skywalk smiled. “The plan is to keep promoting the Equestria Guard and recruit more Earth Ponies. You can’t do that without at least some presence here. Our numbers will be reduced for now, but I doubt we will need round the clock patrols anymore.”

“I agree there,” Hitch smiled. “I’m just glad of the continued help. You’ve been so good since you came here.”

“Mind putting that in a letter to Captain Zoom?” Skywalk smirked. “A bit of good news about us being here would be nice.”

“Wait, what?” Hitch gasped.

“Phyllis,” Sparky squeaked.

“Yeah, I’m afraid so,” Skywalk sighed. “Honestly though, her last letter was a glowing report and is part of the reason some of us get to stay.”

“Leave that with me,” Hitch smiled. “I think Phyllis has turned her own corner anyway. But, I know two ponies who can have words if needed.”

Skywalk chuckled. “Got to be nice being friends with princesses.”

“It’s fun,” Sparky squeaked before they all laughed.

Elsewhere, Misty frowned as she looked at Sunset with confusion. At Sunset’s hoofs was a large bucket with a hosepipe pointed into it. Nearby, Starlight was also looking quite confused.

“Okay, I’ll bite,” Starlight said at last. “What’s going on?”

“This is how Princess Celestia made sure her students learned shields double quick,” Sunset smiled.

“Okay, so what’s the bucket and hose for?” Starlight asked.

“Ammo,” Sunset winked.

“Why don’t I like the sound of this?” Misty gasped.

“You’ll be fine, Misty,” Sunset smiled. “The worst that can happen to you is getting a little wet.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Starlight asked.

“We’re going to have a magical water fight,” Sunset chuckled. “Princess Celestia used this to help her students with their shields. Right up until I tried it on my cousin and I kind of soaked him so much my aunt complained.”

“Okay, I really don’t like the sound of this,” Misty grimaced.

“Trust me Misty, I’ll go easy on you,” Sunset reassured. “Now, this is the Student and Teacher version. I’m the teacher so I get the ammo. This can be done with as many students as you want. If you do that, everypony would get some ammo.”

“Okay, I see where this is going,” Starlight said at last. “You’re going to pick up the water and throw it at Misty and she has to use a shield to protect herself.”

Sunset’s beaming smile was all the confirmation that Starlight needed.

“So, what’s stopping me from moving?” Misty asked.

“Nothing really,” Sunset smiled. “If it were you v Sunny then you’d be moving away from your ammo though.”

She looked over to the tap and turned it on with her magic. Slowly, the bucket began to fill.

“You have until the water reaches the top to cast your shield,” Sunset informed.

Misty gulped as she watched the bucket. Sunset had turned the water on very slowly, therefore she realised she had plenty of time. Taking a deep breath, Misty closed her eyes to concentrate.

“Can’t she check the incantation?” Starlight asked.

“Nope,” Sunset answered. “From what you’ve told me, she’s had plenty of time to study that.”

Misty took another deep breath as Starlight watched unsurely. Eventually, Misty’s horn glowed, and a shield appeared. It flickered and flashed before stabilising.

Which turned out to be a good thing as the bucket began to overflow. Sunset grinned as her horn glowed and she picked up a ball of water.

With lightning speed and accuracy, Sunset whipped the ball of water around and flung it towards Misty’s shield. It impacted with a splash, the shield remaining intact.

Misty grinned as she opened her eyes which made the shield flicker and fall. “I...I did it!” Misty squeaked.

“Yes, you did,” Starlight beamed. “Way to go Misty.”

“Yep, well done,” Sunset smirked as she watched the bucket.

All too late, Misty realised it wasn’t over. The bucket started to overflow again, and Sunset picked up another ball of water.

Squeaking, Misty tried to cast her shield again. However, now under more pressure she couldn’t manage it. Sunset threw her water ball and Misty cried out as she was drenched.

“Okay, I celebrated too soon, didn’t I,” Misty groaned as she shook the water from her mane.

“Don’t stop,” Starlight urged.

Misty squeaked as she saw the bucket was refilling. She took a few steadying breaths before concentrating again. Her horn lit up and her shield appeared. As with the first time, it deflected the water ball, but this time it dropped immediately afterwards.

“That’s it Misty,” Sunset grinned. “You get it now, we’re not stopping.”

Inside, Izzy had long since realised why Zipp had offered to help tidy up. She was busy going through all the books. Not only checking them but also seemingly looking for something.

Not that Izzy minded, she had started in the kitchen and was putting things into two piles. The broken pile was getting very large indeed and Izzy was already getting lots of ideas.

“Sunny really ought to go into demolition,” Izzy chuckled. “She really was a wrecking ball when she demolished this place.”

“Hmmm,” Zipp murmured in reply.

Izzy frowned and looked over to see Zipp had her nose buried in a book.

“Okay, what are you looking at?” Izzy asked as she hopped over.

“Say what?” Zipp said as she finally looked up at Izzy. “Oh, this is a book that Kendi dropped off with a few others. Twilight mentioned Princess Flurry Heart in her final message. This book is all about the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh yeah, we got to find her don’t we,” Izzy gasped. “Maybe Starlight and Sunset could help.”

“I’m not so sure, Iz,” Zipp sighed. “I’ve got a feeling even finding the Crystal Empire will take us a long time. They really ought to be getting home.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Izzy sighed. “We ought to enjoy their company whilst they’re here.”

They both gasped as they heard shouting from outside. Standing, they walked over to one of the holes and couldn’t help chuckling.

Sunny had arrived and Sunset had wasted no time in adding her into the water shield game. Now, both Misty and Sunny had buckets and hoses along with Sunset.

Misty gasped as she was hit by one of Sunset’s water balls. Grinning, she picked up her own and returned fire. Sunny meanwhile was struggling, she grunted with annoyance as she yet again failed to pick up her own ball of water. “Throwing me in at the deep end much,” she sighed.

“Just concentrate,” Sunset advised.

Starlight sighed, it was clear Sunset had enough to do with Misty and therefore took matters into her own hoofs. She fired a beam of magic at a nearby brick and turned it into an orange. Smiling she placed it on the ground in front of a confused Sunny.

“Okay, keep your eye on Sunset and Misty and be ready with your shield,” Starlight advised. “Levitation crash course. Look at the orange, concentrate on it and picture it moving.”

Sunny frowned before looking up at Sunset’s bucket to take note of how full it was. Then she looked at the orange. She stared at it as she did as Starlight had instructed. A golden orange aura appeared around it as it slowly began to levitate from the ground. As Sunny held it in the air, she found moving it around got easier and easier.

“I...I’m doing it,” Sunny gasped. “I’m really doing it, eee he he.”

“Heads up Sunny.”

Sunny gasped at the sound of Sunset’s voice. She looked up and squeaked as she saw the ball of water flying toward her. Thinking fast, she created her shield whilst she was still holding the orange. The water splashed over the shield harmlessly.

Sunny beamed and couldn’t help hopping as she squealed with joy. “I did both! I really did both, eee!”

“Okay good,” Starlight grinned. “Now drop the orange and concentrate on the water. Wipe that smile from Sunset’s face.”

Sunny blinked and looked at her bucket that was still overflowing. She carefully put the orange down before concentrating on the bucket.

On her first try, she lifted the whole bucket. After a little more tuition from Starlight, Sunny beamed as eventually she lifted a ball of water into the air.

“Concentrate on keeping the water swirling,” Starlight advised. “Doing that will help you hold it together.”

“Okay, okay I’ve got this,” Sunny muttered. “Do I literally throw it or...”

“NO, keep hold of it until its almost at your target,” Starlight guided. “If you let go too soon it will break apart. The only thing holding it together is your magic. You need to move it quickly or she’ll dodge or block it.”

Sunny frowned with concentration as she made her water ball fly towards Sunset.

Sunset meanwhile was fully aware that she was being targeted. However, she was impressed and pleased with Sunny so decided giving her another boost wouldn’t be a bad thing. Therefore, she purposefully kept her eyes on Misty as Sunny’s water ball hurtled towards her.

Sunny squeaked as she finally let go of the water just as it reached Sunset. The ball broke apart but was close enough that it still showered Sunset with water.

Sunny’s eyes widened as she grinned with joy. She could barely believe she’d done it and looked at Starlight as though she were seeking confirmation.

“Well done, Sunny,” Starlight beamed. “You did it.”

“I...I did it? I did it! Eee he he he!” Sunny squealed as she hopped from one hoof to the other.

Sunset smiled as she shook the water from her mane. She looked at her bucket and then Sunny, getting ready to return fire. She completely missed the water ball that was flying at her from Misty.

Misty had had more practice. Having already successfully bounced many water balls from Sunset’s shield. Therefore, she flung the ball faster and held onto it until the last possible moment.

Sunset cried out in surprise as Misty’s water ball impacted her. She coughed and spluttered as water managed to get up her nose.

“Touché,” Sunset gasped at last. “Well done, well done both of you.”

“I can see why Princess Celestia moved away from this method,” Starlight laughed. “You’re completely soaked.”

“Oh, she wouldn’t have been as involved like I was,” Sunset laughed as she shook her mane again. “I see Hitch and Pipp coming with Kendi, so I think it’s lesson over.”

“Wait, so she only got directly involved if you couldn’t fight back?” Misty frowned.

“Pretty much,” Sunset answered. “She was ruler of Equestria though so after the lesson would be off to some important meeting. She couldn’t exactly turn up sopping wet like I am now.”

“You and me both,” Misty giggled as she shook her mane.

“Come on water foals,” Zipp smiled. “If we’re all here let’s head to Opaline’s and see what we can find.”

With that, everypony agreed and they all boarded the Marestream.