• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 694 Views, 14 Comments

My Little Pony: The Ghost Rider 2: The Spirits of Vengeance - Big Imagination E

Johnny Blaze along with his new friends are back. And this time on a quest to save Cadance and a young boy from new demons of hell.

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Danny and Cadance Escape and Answers

In the heat of the night was Ray and his henchmen driving to their next destination. Danny and Cadance were secretly planning a way to escape so that way they'll be able to give the Riders some time to track them down and kill the bad guys.

"Can we open a window?" Danny asked.

Ray got annoyed. "You think you can just talk? And you know your mom though she could just talk, until a kicked her in her little Gypsy face in."

"You are a horrible being. Your the real asshole here." Cadance said in anger.

"Oh you're one to talk. When we get to our location I will beat the shit out of you and you'll maybe think twice about what you say." Ray threatened.

Danny couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the wheel making them lose control of the car. Then they crashed and the car flipped over. That allowed Danny and Cadance to escape and ran as fast as they could to get away from Ray Carrigan and his henchmen. But Ray managed to get out and started chasing them down. The two ran fast trying to lose them so they don't have to be in a bad state anymore. Danny and Cadance hid behind a rock wall but Danny snapped his ankle as he screamed in pain.

"Danny! Are you okay?!" Cadance worried.

"No! My ankle is broken! I can't go much further!" Danny cried.

"Then we gotta hide somewhere! Hey Danny? When this whole mess is over would you and your mother like to live in Equestria where you don't have to deal with this?" Cadence offered.

"Yeah. I like that. Is this Equestria more peaceful?" Danny wondered.

"Yes it is. But let's get away from Ray Carrigan before he finds us again." Cadance said.

"Too late." Danny feared.

He pointed in front of them seeing Ray Carrigan and boy he was angry as hell. He then grabbed the two and made them stare in the face.

"Try that again, you little turds...." Ray said but stopped when he saw two people talking to him.


"Dude, what happened?" The man asked in a different language.

"You speak English?" Ray asked.

"Yeah dude what happened?" The man asked again.

"Is that your van?" Ray wondered.


"Does it run?" Ray said.


Then suddenly they saw the guns that they carried and they realized that they were bad dudes. We cut to them in the stolen van continuing their way to the destination. Then Cadence decided that she had enough of Ray and his henchmen. So using her magic she silently made a shape of them tried up so Ray wouldn't know the difference and then she poofed both her and Danny out of the van and it did make a little sound.

"What the hell was that?" Ray asked.

"Relax boss. It was probably rats. Who cares?" A henchman said.

Then at a unknown location they reappeared and Cadance healed Danny's injured ankle.

"You ok now sweetie?" Cadance asked.

"Yeah. Thank you." Danny smiled.

"Your welcome. Now we better lie in wait til your mother comes." Cadance said but suddenly another henchman came and tied them in a rope.

Back with Johnny, Nadya, Shining, Spike and the girls they were still riding in the heat of the night heading to where she knows someone that does Ray Carrigan's dirty work.

"When we get where we're going, the Riders, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six will come out. And when they do, they will destroy whoever's got it coming. Nadya, these things, there's no reason, no conscience, just hunger. In their eyes you're no different than Carrigan. You're no different than any of them." Johnny explained.

"He's right Nadya. And they only attack the bad people. So please don't be scared if they accidentally hurt you." Fluttershy hoped.

"I'm not afraid of you all." Nadya replied.

"Yeah? Well, you should be." Rainbow warned.

The gang all finally arrived at the location. It was some sort of a gladiator pit with loads of people inside. Then watching from upstairs was Johnny and his crew keeping their eyes on someone that they can assume that he was guy that Nadya knew.

"That's the guy? He looks like he works on a cruise ship." Johnny said.

"Johnny. Can you please not compliment everytime we encounter a bad guy?" Rarity asked.

"Am I gonna regret taking all of you?" Nadya asked.

"Yeah, probably." Johnny admitted.

Then we cut to the man wanting his crew to count every single dollar and told him to make sure that no one robs him again. And as he went out to had a smoke he encountered Nadya with Johnny and his crew as he grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

"Hello Vasil." Nadya said.

"Long time no see Nadya. You look good. And I see you recruited some new friends." Vasil said.

"Shut up!" Johnny said.

"Alright Vasil! Nadya knows you done Ray Carrigan's dirty work! Now you're gonna spill the goods!" Rainbow replied.

Nadya grabbed his phone and looked at the calls he had earlier. "He's been talking to Carrigan! The last couple of days and a few hours ago."

Johnny was struggling to keep The Rider inside him under control but it was a losing battle.

"Alright Vasil. You talked to Carrigan?" Shining asked.

"I talk to a lot of people. I got what you need for the shakes my friends." Vasil said.

"What kind of shakes? Vanilla, Chocolate?" Pinkie said.

"Pinkie! Not an appropriate time right now!" Twilight said. "Listen Vasil. Carrigan must have told you about the things that killed his men last night. Yeah? Those things are inside of us. See we happen to know that you're A bad man and these things The Riders, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six they feed on bad men! And their hungry. Their hungrier than they been in years. That's why were shaking! Because right now the only thing standing between you and The Riders is us. And he's just-- Their-- " She then groaned as Nadya watched. "Their scraping at the door. Scraping at the door! So if you don't tell us what we wanna know, were gonna let them out! And when they're done with you, there won't be anything left, do you understand?!"

"Okay! Okay! I understand completely!" Vasil quaked.

"Good! Now where's Carrigan?! He has Nadya's son Danny and my wife Cadance!" Shining asked.

He didn't answer and Spike got pissed and started punching him. "The kid and Cadance!! The kid and Cadance that Carrigan has!! WHERE IS HE?! TELL US NOW OR ILL EAT OUT YOUR STINKING SOUL!!!!!"

"Okay! Okay! I'll tell you! Just don't hurt me!! He's at the quarry! For more guns, more men. He's putting together a goddamn army. And as for Cadance you speak of Ray planned on delivering her to the leader of the operation along with the kid! That's all I know I swear!" Vasil cried.

Applejack looked in his eyes and saw no lie.

“It's true.” Applejack said.

"And I happen to know that place." Nadya said.

“Well, we know where he is. But we just need to find it.” Rainbow said.

Then Johnny grabbed Vasil by the throat again. "You won't mention this conservation to anyone?"

"No I swear!" Vasil said.

"Yeah. All right, well that was a good answer. Because if you try to expose us they we will find you." Applejack threatened.

Then suddenly more thugs were coming their way and Johnny and his crew fought them all. And then Shining told Nadya that they need to get going and head for the quarry. Then as they left the gladiator pit they saw Johnny's bike changing. Then some smoke formed eight more bikes and they all got on and rode at the fastest speeds! Then their transformations started to begin and the Riders, The Hell Dragon and the Sinister Six all started taking control of the situation. Then suddenly their transformations were complete and the Rider team was now assembled to hunt down Carrigan and his men.

Author's Note:

Time for a second battle! The Rider Team vs Carrigan and his men!