• Published 8th Apr 2024
  • 415 Views, 13 Comments

Professor Who Vol. 1 - Blaze-saber

So here's a question for all of you: Would you all like to travel through time and space in a box with a man that is not of this world for an adventure of a lifetime?

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Day the Earth Burned

Twilight, Flash, Daisy, Blitzo, and Verosika entered the TARDIS as the Professor was standing next to the console with a grin on his face. "So tell me all of you, when and where do you want to go first?" He asked them. "Backwards or forwards in time? Your choice. What's it gonna be?"

"I just want to know you're not pulling our legs here and this is really a time machine?" Blitzo spoke up as the Professor nodded in response.

"Okay, then only one way to find out and that's to actually go forwards in time." Daisy suggested before the Professor started flipping some switches on the console.

"How far forward?" He quickly asked them.

"Shit, uh… one hundred years from now?" Verosika asked with a shrug. He then turns a wheel before stopping it before pulling up a lever and twisting a knob. The centerpiece of the console then started moving as they felt the TARDIS shake a little before he twisted a knob to make it stop.

"There we go!" He declared with a grin. "Step outside that door and you'll be in the 22nd century."

"You're joking?" Twilight asked with an excited look.

"Yeah, you're right, that's way too boring." The Professor told her before he had a grin on his face. "Do you want to go further?"

"Sure, why not?" Flash asked with a shrug before the professor started to use the controls again and the TARDIS started moving again. He looked at them with a smile before he made it stop.

"Okay, now we're ten thousand years in the future." He told them as a laugh escaped Verosika's mouth. "Not joking, you step out and it's the year 12005. The new Roman Empire."

"You think you're so impressive, don't you?" Verosika asked with a brow and her arms crossed under her breasts.

"I am impressive!"

"Yeah right!" Blitzo said with a slight chuckle.

"Okay, that's it." The Professor said as he started to use the controls on the console again. "You've asked for it. I know exactly where to take all of you. Hold on tight!" They felt the TARDIS rumbling harder than usual as it seemed to be going faster as outside of it it was going through some sort of vortex. The Professor then flipped a switch before hitting a bell on the console and he grinned at them.

"Okay, when are we this time?" Flash asked him before the Professor gestured to the door. "What's out there and what are we going to see?" He only gestured to the door with a wide grin on his face before the five of them walked over to the door.

They soon stepped out of the TARDIS before they found themselves in some sort of room before the Professor followed them out. "So, when and where are we exactly?" Twilight asked as he took out his sonic screwdriver and started to use it on a control panel next to a door. They soon walked towards some steps before they saw some sort of panel going down to reveal a window that showed them the planet Earth and the Sun just outside it. "Whoa…"

"You humans…" The Professor spoke as he looked at the Earth. "You always spent your time thinking about dying. How you're going to get killed by eggs, beef or global warming, or even asteroids. But none of you ever took the time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you'll survive. We are in the year 5.5/Pineapple/26. Just about five billion years in the future, your future. And this is the day…" He stopped to press the watch on his wrist before the center of it split open and revealed a hologram projection of the year and time. "Just a second…" They then saw the sun suddenly expanding as it looked more red than yellow. "This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the day Earth burns."

"Holy…shit…" Blitzo breathed out in awe.

"Oh my Satan." Verosika gasped as the three humans couldn't believe what the Professor just told them. "And we're on some sort of space station?"

"Shuttles five and six now docking." A computerized voice was heard. "Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation, and religion. Earth-death is scheduled for 15:39, followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite."

"That answers your question?" Professor asked before all six of them walked out of the room and walked down the hallway.

"So, when it says 'guests', does it mean like actual people?" Daisy questioned him.

"Well, that depends on your definition of people." He replied.

"She means like people." Twilight explained. "What do you mean by people?"

"Aliens, of course." The Professor answered as they turned a corner.

"But what are they doing on board this space station and what's it all for?" Flash asked him as the Professor took out his Sonic Screwdriver when they stopped in front of a door with a panel next to it.

"It's not really a space station per se, it's more like an observation deck." He explained as he was using his screwdriver on the panel. "The great and the good are all gathering here to watch the planet burn."

"Okay, but why?" Twilight asked as the door opened when he was finished.

"For fun." He quickly replied as they went into a room. "And when I said 'the great and the good', what I meant is the rich."

"Oh, no surprise there." Blitzo spoke up with an eye roll. "A bunch of wealthy fuckers comes to see a whole planet just being burned by its own sun."

"But, didn't they explain this on the Space Channel?" Daisy questioned as they entered a room with a large window that went up to the roof. "The sun expanding, which takes hundreds of years."

"Millions, actually." The Professor corrected before they all looked out the window. "But the planet's now the property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. You see that down there?" He pointed outside to something floating in space. "Gravity satellites holding back the Sun."

"But the planet looks exactly the same as ever." Verosika pointed out. "I mean, shouldn't the continents have shifted a little or something?"

"Oh they did, and the Trust shift 'em back." He told them. "That's what you might call A Classic Earth. But now the money's run out, nature has taken over."

"How long exactly does the Earth have?" Twilight asked before the Professor looked at his watch.

"I say about half an hour." He answered her. "Then the planet gets roasted, all nothing but rocks in space."

"Okay, but what about us?" Blitzo asked as he gestured to himself and Verosika. "You know, every demon and sinner that's like in Hell and stuff. What about them?"

"Oh you all are okay." The Professor said with a shrug. "About a few thousand years back, both demon and Angel races have made themselves known to humankind and have been living in peace since. I would tell you how it happened but that would be spoiling it."

"Okay, so is that why you brought us here?" Flash asked him. "I mean, is this what you do when you travel? You just jump in at the last minute and save the Earth?"

"I'm not saving it, time's up for it." The Professor told him.

"Now wait a minute, what about all the people?" Verosika asked him. "You know, normal fire doesn't hurt us demons, and hellfire can really hurt us really bad, but a blast from the Sun could literally vaporize demons as well."

"Oh don't worry about that, the Earth is empty." The Professor assured them. "They're all gone, all left the entire planet."

"So…it's just us?" Daisy questioned him.

"Who the hell are you?" They hear a male voice questioned before they turn to see some sort of alien with blue skin, a deep blue gem on his forehead, markings around his eyes, and wearing robes walking up to them.

"Oh well, hello to you too." The Professor greeted the alien.

"How did you all get in?" The alien questioned them. "This is a maximum hospitality zone. The guests have disembarked! They're on the way any second…"

"No, it's okay!" The Professor interrupted the alien as he pulled something out of his pocket. "That's us, we're guests. Look, I got an invitation." He held up some sort of small piece of paper that looked blank but the alien saw it was an invitation. "See? It's fine. 'The Professor and party.' I'm the Professor and this is my party: Twilight Sparkle, Flash Sentry, Daisy Glimmer, Verosika Mayday, and Blitzo Buckzo. Is that okay?"

"Well, of course." The alien replied. "My apologies, etc cetera. If you're on board, we'd better start. Enjoy." He then walked over to a podium as the Professor showed them the paper.

"This is psychic paper, it shows whatever I want them to see." He explained it to them. "It sure saves a lot of time."

"That guy is blue with a gem in his head." Flash pointed out.


"Okay…" Blitzo muttered before he looked at Verosika, who just shrugged her shoulders.

"We have in attendance, the Professor and his party!" The blue alien announced. "Thank you. All staff to their positions." He then clapped his hands as short aliens wearing helmets quickly came and walked around the room. "Quickly now! Thank you! Move as fast as we can, come along now, come on!" They soon stood at attention at their prospective positions as the alien continued. "And now come on might I introduce the next honored guests: representing the Forest of Cheem, we have trees. Namely Jade, Lute, and Coffa!" Soon the doors opened to reveal three aliens then had humanoid figures only their skins and heads look to be made out of tree bark. All three of them were wearing clothing as two of them were male and one was female. "There will be an exchange of gifts, representing peace. If you could keep the room circulated, thank you."

"Wow, they're actually trees?" Verosika whispered to the others in surprise.

"Next, from the solicitors, Jolco and Jolco, we have the Moxx of Balhoon." The alien introduced as a short chubby alien in a floating chair came into the room. "And next, from Financial Family 7, we have the Adherents of the Repeated Meme." The alien introduced as he continued down the list while more aliens came into the room. "The inventors of hyposlip trouble system, the brothers Hop Pyleen! Thank you. Cal 'Sparplug'... Mr and Mrs Pakoo… The ambassadors from the City State of Binding Light…"

The others kept on looking at the many different aliens coming into the room just as the trees walked up to them. "The gift of peace." The female one said as one of the male trees handed them a small pot with a small tree in it. "I bring you a cutting of my grandfather."

"Thank you, very much." Professor thanked before taking the pot and handing it over to Verosika. "Now our gift… um…" he cleared his throat as he thought it over before finally coming up with a perfect gift. "I'll give you in return air for my lungs." He then blew some air towards her as she took it in.

"How intimate." She said with a smile.

"And plenty more with that came from." The Professor said with a smile.

"I bet there is." She said before walking away.

"Was that her flirting or something?" Flash whispered to the others who just shrugged in response.

"The sponsor of the main event, please welcome the Face of Boe." The alien announced just as a big cylinder that carried a big head was being brought in and they saw this head had tentacles on the back of it.

"Damn that's a big face." Blitzo whispered after seeing the Face of Boe.

"The Moxx of Balhoon." The Professor said as said alien came up to them.

"My felicitations upon this historical happenstance." He spoke with an elderly voice. "I bring you the gift of bodily saliva." He then spat right into Verosika's eye, which caused Blitzo to let out a quick laugh before he got a spit in his eye as well.

"Thank you very much." The Professor replied as the two demons were wiping the spit from their eyes before a group of cloaked individuals walked up to them. "Ah, The Adherents of the Repeated Meme! I bring you air from my lungs as a gift of peace." He told them before he exhaled his air.

"A gift of peace. In all good faith." One of them said as it lifted up its claw that held a metal orb in it. The Professor happily accepted the gift before he passed it to Twilight and the alien at the podium spoke up.

"And last but not least, our very special guest." He announced. "Ladies and gentlemen, trees and multiforms, consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth… the last human. The Lady Dusty De' Spark the Seventeenth." The doors opened up to reveal some sort of hot pink skin with a face on it strapped in some sort of stretcher while two men wearing white suits carrying sprayers walked in behind it.

"Oh please, don't stare." It spoke with a female British accent. "I know, I know. It's shocking isn't it?" Twilight, Flash, and Daisy gave a weird look at the thing that was called the last human. "I had my chin completely taken away and looked at the difference."

"I think she removed more than just her chin." Blitzo whispered to Verosika, who was trying to hold back her laughter at Dusty.

"Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty." Dusty mentioned. "I don't look a day over 2,000. Moisturize me, moisturize me." She told the two men as one of them sprayed her while Daisy slowly walked around to see how flat Dusty is. "Truly, I am the last human. My father was a Texan, my mother was from the Arctic desert. They were both born on Earth and they were the last to be burned in its soils." She sounded sad as she continued. "I have come to honor them and say goodbye." The other guy took out a tissue for her. "Oh, no tears, no tears… I'm sorry. But behold! I bring gifts!" Soon as a short servant was bringing in one look to be an egg. "From Earth itself, the last remaining ostrich egg." The aliens around them whispered in awe at the egg before she continued. "Legend says it had a wingspan of 50 ft! And blew fire from its nostrils. Or was that my third husband?" They all laughed at that little joke.

"What…?" Twilight whispered with disbelief as that is not what an ostrich looks like or can do.

"Oh, please no, don't laugh, I'll get laughter-lines." She told herself as two more rolled in a jukebox. "And here, another rarity. According to the archives, this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers. Play on!" One of the short servants put in a quarter and pressed a button as an old record player was put on and the song Tainted Love was being played.

"The refreshments will now be served." The Blue alien told the guests. "Earth death in 30 minutes." Flash, Twilight, and Daisy looked around the room and couldn't help but feel out of place with so many different aliens in the room, especially both Blitzo and Verosika considering they were demons from hell. Daisy decided to leave the room before the group saw her and began to follow her.

"Professor." The female tree walked up to him as she had a device and it looked like it took a picture. "Thank you." He gave her a strange look before following after the others as the Meme walked up to the blue alien and held up a metal ball they gave to the other guests.

"A gift of peace in all good faith." One of them told the blue alien.

"Oh uh, no thank you, you're very kind but I'm just the steward." He told them.

"A gift of peace in all good faith." It repeated as it still held out the metal ball.

"Oh right, thank you." The steward said as he accepted the gift.

"Identify species." The female tree told the device that had the picture of the Professor on it. The device gave out a chirping as it was taking a bit to do her request. "Please identify species. Oh come on, stop that." She told it as it gave out a whistle. "Identify his race. Where is the Professor from?" It soon gave her the information as she looked at it with a surprised look. "But that's impossible…" As the guests were chatting amongst themselves, one of the spear orbs suddenly opened up as some sort of robotic spider with four legs came out of it and started to crawl around.

Daisy soon walked down a hallway before stopping in front of a window to look out and down at Earth. Flash and Twilight soon caught up with her as they knew what's on her mind before a female blue alien wearing a uniform watch around the corner and saw them, which caught their attention. "Oh uh…sorry, are we not allowed to be here?" Twilight asked the alien.

"You have to give us permission to talk." She told the three.

"But you just…nevermind, you have our permission?" Flash told her.

"Thank you, sir." She replied with a smile. "And, no, you're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere."

"Okay, thank you." Daisy told her as the blue female alien went up to a key panel and started pressing some keys. "What's your name?"

"Raffalo." She answered.

"That sounds like a nice name." Flash complimented.

"Thank you, sir." Raffalo replied before she continued to press keys on the wall. "I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance down here." She told them before she nailed down to an air vent. "There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe suite. There must be something blocking the system. He's not getting any hot water."

"So you're the plumber for this place?" Twilight questioned.

"Yes ma'am." Raffalo replied as she was unscrewing the screws in the vent.

"So they still have plumbers?" Daisy asked in surprise.

"I hope so, or else I'm out of a job." Raffalo said with a joking smile.

"So, what planet are you from exactly?" Twilight asked in curiosity.

"Crespallion." Raffalo answered before she looked through the small holes of the vent as she heard something moving around inside.

"Is that really what your planet is called?" Daisy asked as they had never heard of a planet like that before.

"No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, Affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56." Raffalo explained. "And where are you three from? If you don't mind me asking, that is."

"Oh no, not at all." Twilight assured her before they thought about how to answer her.

"Well, to be completely honest, it's a very long way from here." Daisy told her. "Us and two others sort of just hitched a ride with this man… Now that I think about it, we never really thought about it before. We don't even know who he is. Only know about him from people who knew him from the past, but he's a complete stranger to us. Anyway, don't let us keep you. Good luck with your work." She told Raffalo before walking away with Twilight and Flash following behind her.

"Thank you, and thank you for the permission." Raffalo told them as it got their attention. "Not many people are that considerate around here." They nodded with a smile before walking off, letting her get back to work as she removed the plate and looked into the vent. "Okay, what seems to be the problem?" She asked herself before she pressed some sort of communication on her uniform. Control, I'm at Junction 19. I think the problem is coming from somewhere in here. I'm going to go inside and have a look around." She then heard something moving inside the vent before she saw the robotic spider coming around the corner. "What's that? Control, there's something inside the vent." She mentioned before she saw it coming up to her. "What are you?" She asked it before it ran away from her. "Wait, come back! If you're an upgrade, I just need to register you, that's all!" She called out but it didn't come back, letting her let out a frustrated sigh. "Guess I'll just have to do it manually then, and also report this to the control."

She then closed up the vent as she didn't notice it was coming back around the corner and came on with a few more behind it. They seem to be doing something in the vents as they cut through the ventilation and crawled through the hole they made.

Meanwhile, the steward returned to his office with the metal ball he was given and a high tech tablet before he set the ball on the table. He then sat down at his desk as the computer beeped. "What was that?" He asked the computer as it beeped again. "Well how should I know what it is?" After It beeped again, he activated the PA system as he spoke through it. "Would the owner of the brown box in private gallery 15 please report to the steward's office immediately. Guests are reminded that the use of teleportation devices is strictly prohibited under peace treaty 5.4/cup/16. Thank you." He didn't even notice the ball opening up and the robotic spider climbing out of it as it climbed down the table and up a wall.

"Earth death in 25 minutes."

The three teens with the two demons were sitting at some steps as Flash was tossing around the ball while Verosika continued to hold the potted small tree in her hands. "Thanks for the update, computer voice." Blitzo said sarcastically with a bored tone. "Anyone else feel a little out of place here? You know, with all these uptight rich alien fuckers around."

"A little bit, yeah." Flash answered as he set the ball down behind him.

"I bet you feel out of place, since you're a little tiny tree that was once alive of some other tree's grandfather." Verosika told the small potted tree. "And now I feel weird just for saying that."

"Are you seriously talking to a tiny twig?" Blitzo questioned her with a brow.

"Don't judge me, prick, it was a rehab thing…" Verosika told him. "And sometimes it's a forced habit when I am at home and stuff…"

"It all feels so weird." Twilight spoke up. "We're traveling with a guy we know nothing about who is an alien, his box is smaller on the outside while it's bigger on the inside, and it can travel through both time and space. Now here we are, on an observation deck with other aliens, waiting for our home planet Earth to get blown up by the sun."

"What feels even more out of place, we're far into the future where our families and friends are all gone." Daisy mentioned as none of them noticed the metal ball opening up and a small robotic spider climbing out of it. "It makes me feel bad for running off without telling my mom where I'm going."

"Same." Flash agreed as the robot spider climbed up the wall.

Meanwhile, the TARDIS was being moved by the workers as they were grunting while moving the big box. "Hey now, be careful with that, park it nice and properly!" The Professor told them. "I don't want to see any scratches on it." One of the workers walked up to him and spoke in an alien language as it handed him a ticket that had the words 'Black Wolf' on it. He took the ticket and looked at it for a moment as he didn't even notice a few robotic spiders claiming across the wall.

In the air vents, the robotic spiders kept on crawling around as if they were doing something for me inside, and what that is cannot be good.

"Are you guys in there?!" The Professor called out before he used his Sonic Screwdriver to open the door and walked into the room where the rest of them are. "I was wondering where you all went. What do you think, you know, about all this?"

"Great/fine/okay…" They each gave him an answer.

"You know, once you get past the psychic paper thing." Daisy spoke up as the Professor chuckled a little. "They're just so alien! The actual aliens are so alien. I mean, we have both an imp and a succubus with us and you think you could get used to something like that but the aliens…"

"Oh hey, I'm with you on that." Blitzo told her. "You look at them for just a moment, and they're alien and stuff. You would think I would get used to it considering I'm literally from hell but, this is just a whole new level of…I don't fucking know…"

"Hey, watch the language." The Professor quickly told him with a look.

"Getting used to?" Verosika asked.

"Then maybe it's a good thing I didn't take you all to the Deep South then." The Professor mentioned.

"But, where are you from, Professor?" Twilight asked him.

"All over the place." He answered.

"But how come if they're different aliens, how are they able to speak English?" Flash questioned.

"They're not, you're just hearing English." He told them. "It's a gift from the TARDIS. It's the telepathic of the field, gets inside your brain and translates different languages into English."

"Your box is literally messing with our brains?" Verosika asked him, feeling a bit disturbed by that.

"Well, in a very good way."

"Your ship, the TARDIS, gets inside our heads?" Daisy questioned in disbelief. "It gets inside and it changes our minds and you don't even ask about that if any of us are okay with that?"

"Well, I didn't really think about it like that." The Professor mentioned.

"No you didn't, because you were too busy thinking about cheap shots about the Deep South!" Daisy responded before she gave him a look. "Who are you then, Professor?"

"You know, now that I think about it, that consciousness thing that was controlling the plastic back in the past, it called you a Time Lord." Verosika mentioned before she raised a brow at the Professor. "Is that what you are, a Time Lord?" He didn't say anything as he just kept quiet. "Oh come on, you at least got to tell us if you are or not. And if not, here's a little something you want to know about me and Blitz-O, here."

"Oh Christ on a stick, here we go." Blitzo muttered with annoyance.

"He and I dated before a certain someone ran off to leave someone else to pay for a hotel room, steal their car and run three rings to Wrath before maxing my credit card on shity horse riding lessons!" Verosika shouted as Blitzo copied what she was saying in the last part.

"For fuck sake, whore, would you let that go already?!" Blitzo exclaimed before he looked at the Professor. "Now what kind of alien is a fucking Time Lord anyway?"

"I'm just a Professor." He told them without even looking at them.

"But from what planet are you from?" Twilight asked him.

"Ah, it's not if you would know where it is."

"But what is your planet you're from called?" Flash questioned him.

"What does it even matter?"

"Just tell us who you are." Daisy demanded.

"This is who I am!" The Professor shouted. "Right here, right now! All right? All that counts is here and now, and this is me!"

"Yeah, and we're here too cuz you brought us here!" Verosika shouted back. "Just tell us who you fucking are!" The Professor only walked down the steps as he didn't answer them and looked out the window. He didn't see anything as he had a look on his face that tells him he did something he wasn't proud of.

"Earth death in 20 minutes."

"Look, is the reason you don't want to tell us is because of this 'Time War' thing you mentioned before?" Blitzo asked but the Professor didn't respond as he didn't even look at them. "Oh shit, it is."

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked him, as the rest of them wondered the same thing.

"Look, he said the Consciousness' planet was destroyed and he said he was there during a Time War." Blitzo reminded them. "He said he was there during it and he said he couldn't save its planet or any others. That might include his own home planet. Am I right, Professor?" He didn't respond as he just looked down at the floor. They then walked over to him as they now felt bad for bringing it up.

"Okay, if you don't want to tell us, that's fine." Daisy told him with a sincere tone. "We just wanted to know you better, is all. As my old friend, Wheels, used to say: 'Don't argue with your designated driver.'" She then took out her own phone as she gave it a look. "Can't exactly even call a taxi here. There's no signal anywhere."

"Here, give me that." The Professor told her as he took her phone before he opened it up. "With a little bit of jiggery-pokery and whatnot."

What is that, a technical term or something, 'jiggery pokery'?" Blitzo questioned as the Professor took out some sort of device.

"Yeah, I basically came first in jiggery-pokery." He replied he placed the device into the phone before closing it back up and handing it back to Daisy. "And the rest of you, your phones." They each gave him their phones as he opened each of them up and placed the same device in each of them before closing them up and giving them back. "There you go. Give it a try."

Daisy was the first to use her phone as she dialed up her mom before putting her phone up to her ear as it rang. After a bit, someone picked up on the other end and it was a voice Daisy knew all too well who it was. "Mom?" She asked in Surprise as she heard her mom talk about laundry and stuff and she let out a relieved chuckle. "Nothing mom. Are you okay though?" She asked as the others were surprised she was talking to her mom at this moment. "What day is it right now? Wednesday? Okay, I just wanted to make sure and let you know I'll be late coming home. No, nothing's wrong Mom, everything's fine. I love you." She soon hung up the phone as she had an amazed look on her face.

"If you all think that's amazing, just wait until you see the bill." The Professor mentioned.

"She called her mom, who was five billion years ago in the past." Twilight mentioned before she looked at her own phone. "They're dead now, our families and friends. But you managed to modify our phones to be able to call them from anywhere in time."

"I can tell you're going to get a degree in college." The Professor told her before each of them started to call someone they know. Then suddenly they all felt rumbling on the place as he had a confused look on his face. "That wasn't supposed to happen… Be right back." He soon left the five of them alone as four of them were talking to the people they knew. Flash to his parents, Twilight to her's, Blitzo to Loona, while Verosika had her back towards them while she called someone.

"I just called to check up on you guys and to tell you that I might be gone for a while cuz I'm on a trip with some friends." Flash told his father on the phone. "I will be back soon, I promise."

"I hope Spike is behaving, I really miss you guys." Twilight told her mother on the phone. "I'll be back soon, and I'll have some really interesting stuff to tell you, but I don't know if you'll believe me when I tell you. Love you."

"Great to know you're still okay, Loony." Blitzo mentioned with a smile. "And it's good to know that this is good down there. You won't believe the stuff I'm seeing right now with this Professor guy and I really wish you came with us. I'll see you when I get home, bye!" The three of them hung up their phones before he noticed that Verosika still had her back towards them. "Are you really going to do that while you're talking to someone on the phone?"

"Shut up, Blitzo, or else--" Verosika whispered harshly to him before whoever she was talking to started asking a question. "Yeah, it's him mom…" She said, while Blitzo had a look on his face that said 'he should have kept his mouth shut'. "No… no mom, we're not back together! You know what he did he- Mom, no I…" She let out a frustrated sign before she looked at him. "Okay, fine Mom." She then offered her phone to him. "She wants to talk to you."

Blitzo let out a gulp as he reluctantly accepted the phone before taking the call. "Uh, hi Mrs. Mayday…" He spoke into the phone before he quickly pulled it away with a cringe face, expecting a very angry mother screaming in his ear.

"Hello Blitz, good to hear from you again." He heard a soft gentle voice respond as he was surprised by this and brought the phone closer. "You know, I heard about your own business and I must say you really mean your way up in the world."

"So… you're not upset about what I did to your daughter?"

"A little bit, but I have a feeling that you did it for a reason." Verosika's mom responded. "Whenever you came over with my daughter, you had this look on your face and I could tell that something was bothering you. You are scared of something and you didn't want my own daughter to get involved with it because you were scared she would think differently of you, am I right?"

"Uh…y-yeah, I guess…" Blitzo responded which made Verosika raise a brow in confusion.

"Was it because you were afraid of how my daughter was dating an imp, they would make fun of her and you didn't want that to happen. Plus, I did a little background check on your family and I know about the fire." Blitzo was shocked about this news. "I have a feeling there's more to it than what others say, and I'm so sorry about what happened to your mother. If you're afraid that if she finds out what happened, she'll treat you just as your family did. But I can tell you that my daughter is not like that because she also lost someone very important when she was young. I hope this little trip you all are on, will not only help melt her heart, but it will help you both as well. Good luck, Blitz."

"Uh thanks…" Blitzo responded before she hung up and he gave the phone back to Verosika. "So… that was a little surprising even for me."

"You two need a moment?" Flash asked as the two demons realized that the three teens were still with them.

"Oh no, we…uh, hey, let's find out what that rumbling was about because it sure had the Professor confused!" Blitzo exclaimed before he made his way out of the room.

"Well, what was it?" The steward asked the computer in confusion. "I'm just getting green lights on my end." He then turned on the PA system before speaking into it. "Honored guests may be reassured that gravity pockets may cause slight turbulence. Thank you." After turning it off, he looked back at his computer. "The entire place shook, for crying out loud! I felt it! I hosted all sorts of events on platforms one, three, six and fifteen and I have never felt the slightest tremor in any of them! I'm warning you now, if all of them decide to sue us…"

He then started to type something into the computer. "I'm gonna scan the infrastructure. See if anything is happening there." The computer started beeping as he saw something odd on it while a robotic spider crawled across the wall. "What's that? Control, I don't want to worry you, but I'm picking up readings… They're sort of similar to what the plumber had informed us about." The computer beeped in response. "I have no idea what they are! They're small. The scans say they're metal… Raffalo was the one who saw it, so I don't know what they look like!" He then saw the robotic spider climb up on his desk as he had a scared look on his face. "Although, I imagine they might look something like that. You're not on the guest list. How did you get on board?" He questioned the robotic spider as it appeared to be scanning him. It then went up to the keyboards and pressed on one of them. "No, don't touch that one!" He cried out in horror.

"Sunfilter deactivated." The robotic voice inside his office said as it appeared that the window behind him was letting in the enormous heat of the sun. He cried out in terror as the rays of the sun were getting in from above. "External temperature 430°." He tried to cancel it but the controls wouldn't respond as he screamed out in terror when the sun rays vaporized him.

Back in the main room where all the guests were talking amongst each other, the Professor and the others walked in before he went up to a control panel. "That wasn't a gravity pocket that shook the place." He told them as he messed with the control panel. "I know gravity pockets and that's not what they feel like. What do you think, Jabe?" He asked when he turned around to see the female tree walk up to them. "Listen to the engines, they're pitched up about Hertz. Is that odd or what?"

"It's the sound of metal, that doesn't make any sense to me." Jabe responded with a shrug.

"Where's the engine room?" The Professor asked her.

"I don't know." Jabe responded.

"I can take you there." Raffalo told him when she entered. "Something's gone wrong and I can't get in touch with the steward. We can take the maintenance duct, it's just behind the guest suites."

"Do you mind if I come along?" Jabe asked the Professor before looking at the rest of them. "Along with your friends and wife?"

"Oh, none of them are my wives." The Professor told her.

"We're his traveling companion party." Flash told her.

"Yeah, so you go and pollinate or something with little miss blue here." Blitzo told the two while gesturing to Jabe. "We'll just stay here and, I don't know, catch up with the fam?"

"Yeah, and I think I'll have a quick word with the so-called 'Last Human'." Daisy mentioned as she gestured to Dusty on the other side of the room.

"Don't any of you start any fights." The Professor told them before offering an arm to Jabe. "Shall we then?" She gladly accepted his offer as they followed Raffalo.

"And we better expect you home by midnight!" Daisy called out jokingly.

"Earth-death in 15 minutes."

The robotic spiders were in between the walls as they were doing something to the wires before they quickly scattered when the Professor, Jabe, and Raffalo entered. "Who's in charge of Platform One anyway?" He questioned Raffalo as they followed the wires. "Does it have a captain or something?"

"No, it's just the steward, me, and the staff." Raffalo told him. "The rest of it is controlled by the metal mind."

"You mean the computer?" The Professor asked. "Well, who controls that then?"

"The Corporation, of course." Raffalo answered. "They move Platform One from one artistic event to another."

"Well, there's no one from the Corporation on board?"

"They're not needed." Jabe told him. "This facility is purely automatic. It's the height of the Alpha Class. Nothing can go wrong."

"Unsinkable?" The Professor asked with a brow.

"If you like to put it that way." Raffalo replied. "The nautical metaphor is appropriate."

"You're telling me, I was on board another ship once." The Professor mentioned. "They said that was unsinkable and yet it was sinkable. I ended up clinging to an iceberg. It wasn't even half cold." He then looked at Raffalo. "So, when you're both saying if we get in trouble, there's no one to help us out?"

"I'm afraid not sir." She replied while shaking her head.

"Incredible." The Professor said with a smile.

"I don't understand, in what way is that incredible?" Jabe questioned him.

Meanwhile, as Twilight and Flash were having a nice conversation with some of the aliens to get to know them and their home planets, and while Blitzo was just minding his own business, both Daisy and Verosika were with Dusty. "Soon the sun will blossom into a red giant, and my home will die." She told the two as they looked out the window at the Sun. "That's where I used to live, when I was a little boy. Down there."

"Uh, did you just say you were a little boy?" Verosika asked in confusion considering Dusty was speaking with a female voice.

"Yes, and both my mommy and daddy had a house built into the side of Los Angeles Crevasse." Dusty told them before she let out a sigh. "I'd have such fun down there."

"But what exactly happened to the rest of the humans?" Daisy questioned her. "Where did they all go?"

"Well, they say mankind has touched every star in the sky, with the help of both demons and angels." Dusty told them.

"So you're not the last human if the humans are still out there?" Verosika asked her with a brow.

"I am the last pure human." Dusty mentioned. "The others, let's just say they mingled with other species. Oh, they call themselves new humans, proto-humans, Digi-humans, and even Human-ish. But you know what I call them? Mongrels."

"Okay." Daisy said with a look. "But you stayed behind?"

"I kept myself pure." She told the two.

"Just how many operations did you have that made you like…this?" Verosika asked while gesturing to all of Dusty.

"Just about 708." Dusty answered. "Next week is 709. I'm having my blood bleached. Is that why you wanted to talk to me?"

"Eh, I just got bored." Verosika replied.

"Well, you and your friends could be flatter as well." Dusty told them. "You've got a little bit of a chin poking out."

"I'd rather die as I am." Daisy mentioned.

"It's all painless, honestly."

"No, seriously, I would rather die." Daisy told her. "It's better to die as you are than to live like you, a talking trampoline."

"Oh, well, what would you know?" Dusty questioned with an eye roll.

"Me, Flash, and Twilight were born on that planet!" Daisy replied with a look. "And so were our parents and Friends. That makes us, officially, the last three humans in this very room. And you want to know why, because you're not even human anymore."

"Whoa, remember what the Professor said, don't start any fights." Verosika reminded her before she looked at Dusty. "She's obviously a little stressed out because of the trip we had here. Why don't we listen to some music to relax?"

"Oh a very fine suggestion, anything but that horrid music made by Vertram Mayday." Dusty said with an eye roll before Verosika gave her a glare.

"What was that?!" She hissed through her teeth.

"Honestly, what kind of music does he think he did back then?" Dusty questioned with a slight chuckle. "He was obviously tone deaf if his rhymes were terrible. 'Flame of my Heart' is just terrible."

"That song was for my mother, he wrote it just for her." Verosika told her with much venom in her tone. "You have no right to say that his music was terrible, because he inspired me to become a singer myself! And right now, Daisy is right about you, you're not human at all. You had yourself all nipped, tucked, and flattened till there's nothing but a face on a trampoline, you bitch ass fuck face. Anything human you had left was thrown into the trash. You're nothing but skin, lipstick and skin, bitch!" Verosika then walked away from her as tears started to form in her eyes before Daisy followed behind her. Blitzo overheard what she said and couldn't help but feel bad for her and wondered how he was going to comfort her before the two left the room.

"So, tell me Jabe, what's a tree like you doing in a place like this?" The Professor asked as the three continued to follow the wires.

"Respect for the Earth." Jabe replied.

"Oh please. Everyone on this platform is worth zillions." The Professor pointed out.

"Well, maybe it's a case of having to be seen at the right occasions." Jabe mentioned.

"In case your share prices drop or something? I know you. You've got massive forests everywhere, roots planted everywhere. And there's always money in land."

"All the same. We really do respect the Earth as family." Jabe told him. "So many species evolved from that planet. Mankind is only one. I'm another. My ancestors were transplanted from the planet down below and I'm a direct descendant of the tropical rainforest."

"We're here." Raffalo told them as she stood in front of a control panel. "Now the only problem is, I don't have access to this."

"Allow me." The Professor said as he took out his sonic screwdriver and started working on the panel.

"What about your ancestry, Professor?" Jabe asked. "Perhaps you could tell your story or two. Perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left." The Professor said nothing as he was focused on the panel. "I scanned you earlier. The metal machine had trouble identifying your species. It refused to admit your existence and even when it named you, I wouldn't believe it. But it was right. I know where you're from. I'm sorry for intruding, but it's remarkable that you even still exist. I just wanted to say… how sorry I am about what happened to you." She then placed her hand on his arm while he's trying to hold back his tears before he looked at her. His tears ran down his cheek as he held onto her hand before he continued to work on the panel.

Once he got through, a door opened up and the three of them entered a large area with a walkway and three giant fans in front of them. They looked around before he looked at the two aliens. "Is it me or is it cold in here?" He asked them.

Meanwhile, both Verosika and Daisy were walking through a hallway as the former was shedding tears from her eyes. "Are you okay?" Daisy asked as Verosika nodded slightly in response. "Does it have something to do with your dad?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but my father died when I was just a little girl." Verosika told her. "He was in some sort of car accident and he didn't make it."

"At least you were a little girl when you lost your dad." Daisy mentioned. "I lost mine when I was just a baby so I don't remember much about him." As the two of them turned to walk down a corner, they saw the Meme walking towards them before two of them raised their claws and knocked them out with just one hit. They then dragged the two unconscious bodies away for something either bad or terrible.

"It's great air conditioning though." The Professor mentioned as he looked at the big giant fans while he walked over to another panel. "Sort of nice and old fashioned too. But they call it retro." He used the screwdriver on the panel before it beeped. "Gotcha." He opened it up before one of the robotics spiders came out and scurried across the floor.

"Wait, I saw that thing in the air vents when I was trying to figure out the water problem for the Face of Boe." Raffalo mentioned, as the robotic spider started crawling up the walls.

"Well, what is it?" He asked her.

"I don't know."

"You mean it is not part of the 'retro'?" Jabe asked.

"I don't think so, give me a sec." The Professor aimed his Sonic Screwdriver at the robotic spider before Jabe extended a route to grab it and bring it right to him. "Hey, nice liana."

"Thank you." Jabe replied with a smile. "Not supposed to show them in public."

"We won't tell anyone." He told her before he looked at the small robotics spider in his hand. "Now, who's been bringing their little pets on board?"

"What is it and what does it do?" Raffalo asked.

"Sabotage…" The Professor replied.

"Earth death in 10 minutes." After hearing that announcement, his eyes widened with realization.

"And the temperature upstairs is about to skyrocket. Let's go!" The three of them soon left the place as they made their way back up.

Meanwhile, Blitzo came back to the room where the other guests were as he had a confused look on his face. "Did you find them?" Twilight asked him.

"No, and I looked all over the place." He told Twilight and Flash. "And trust me, this fucking place is bigger than it looks."

"So I'm not the only one who has a bad feeling about both Daisy and Verosika just disappearing?" Flash asked the two.

"The planet's end." Dusty spoke up to get all the others' attention. "Please, gather around! Bid farewell to the cradle of civilization. Let us mourn her with a traditional ballad." One of the workers turned on the jukebox and the classic song 'Toxic' was playing.

"Come on, let's find the Professor and hope he knows where they went." Twilight told Flash and Blitzo before they quickly made their way out of the room. It didn't take that long to find him as they turned a corner and saw smoke coming from a room where a bunch of workers seemed to be in a state of grief just as the Professor, Jabe, and Raffalo came around the other corner. "Professor!"

"The fuck is going on here?" Blitzo asked after seeing the smoke.

"Okay everyone, get back!" The Professor told the workers as he went past them and used his sonic screwdriver on the panel next to the door.

"Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising." Soon the bright light in the room died down as Raffalo recognized the door to the room.

"This is the steward's office, why was the sunfilter down?!" She asked in a worried tone.

"Is he still in there?!" Jabe asked the Professor.

"You can smell him, can't you?!" He questioned as he saw another problem coming up. "Wait a second, there's another sunfilter programmed to come down."

"Where?!" Flash asked him.

"No time, you three, follow me!" He told the two teens and the imp before he quickly erased down the corridor.

In another room, both Daisy and Verosika regain consciousness as they hold their heads when they sit up. "Wh-What happened…?" Daisy groaned as she looked around the room.

"Sunfilter descending."

"The fuck does that mean?" Verosika questioned when they heard that before they saw a bright white light coming from the window and quickly panicked as they quickly ran for the door. "It won't open!!"

"Hello! Anyone out there?!?!" Daisy shouted as the sun rays were getting close to them. "Let us out of here!!!" The Professor and the others quickly ran to the room where they could hear both Daisy and Verosika calling for help as they were banging on the door.

"Daisy, Verosika, hold on!!" Twilight called out as the Professor quickly took out his sonic screwdriver and used it on the panel.

"Open the door before we're fucked!!" Verosika shouted from behind the door.

"Hold on, just give me a second or two!" The Professor exclaimed as the sun rays were getting closer. Soon he managed to reverse the sun filter and make it right back up. They all side in relief before the computerized voice switched from the 'sunfilter rising' to 'sunfilter descending.' "Great, just what we need! The computer is getting smarter!"

"The fuck are you talking about?" Blitzo questioned.

"It means the computer is fighting back! He replied as he was trying something else. "Whoever sabotaged the computer with those spider-bots really thought this through!"

"Just open the door and let us out!" Daisy called out before the two of them got lowered to the ground to avoid the sun's rays.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!" The Professor shouted.

"How come you both can't get out?!" Flash called out.

"Someone melted the locks!" Verosika replied as the Professor was working on the wires on the panel before he jammed his screwdriver deeper into the panel. "B-Blitzo, before I die, I you to know that--"

"Sunfilter rising. Sunfilter rising." The two of them saw that the sun's rays were coming back up as the sun filter was being put back up on the window.

"Nevermind!" Verosika shouted before the both got off the ground and went to the door.

"The door's jammed, I can't open it!" The Professor told them.

"How did you end up there?!" Twilight asked the two.

"We were just walking and talking through the hallway before the Meme came up to us and I guess they knocked us out!" Daisy answered.

"Okay, you both stay there and don't move!" The Professor told the two.

"We're locked in here, where the fuck are we supposed to go?!" Verosika questioned as the four went back to the room where all the guests were.

"Earth death in five minutes."

"The metal machine confirms…" Jabe told the other guests as she was holding the robotic spider in her hand and the device in the other. "The spider device has infiltrated the whole of Platform One." The other guests gasp in shock just as the Professor and the others walk in.

"How is that even possible?" Dusty questioned. "All of our private rooms are protected by a coded firewall. Moisturize me, moisturize me." She ordered her two men as they sprayed her just as the Professor took the robotic spider.

"Someone summon the steward." The Moxx of Balhoon suggested.

"I'm afraid the steward is dead." Raffalo informed them, causing them to gasp in shock. "These things overrated the system in his office and put the sun filter down."

"Well, who killed him?" The Moxx of Balhoon asked.

"May I remind you that this whole event was sponsored by the Face of Boe!" Dusty reminded them. "He invited all of us." The Face of Boe shook his head.

"There's an easy way of finding out who did it." The Professor spoke up as he held up the robotic spider. "And that's to find the person who brought their little pets on board. So let's send this one back to its owner." He set it down on the floor as it screwed across and went over to Dusty for a moment. The Professor looked at her for a moment before he saw her gaze was looking at the other side of the room. The robotic spider beeped as it screwed away from her and over to the Meme.

"The Adherents of the Repeated Meme, j'accuse!" Dusty shouted.

"David did say that they ran into them before they were knocked out. Twilight mentioned before the Professor walked up to the Meme.

"That's all very nice and very obvious." He mentioned with a grin. "But if you all stop and think about it…" He then grabbed one of them by the arm when they tried to hit him and ripped it off to reveal it to be a robotic arm. "A Repeated Meme it's just an idea. That's all they are, an idea." He then pulled the wire of the robotic arm as they suddenly fell to the floor. "They were remote control droids, full cover for the real troublemaker in the place."

"So, if they were just the robot grunts, who's the real culprit?" Flash questioned.

"Why don't we ask little Spidey here?" The Professor asked before looking down at the robotic spider. "Go on, go to your real home." He gave it a little shove as it screwed across the floor and back over to Dusty.

"I bet you were the school pet who never got kissed." Dusty mentioned with a look.

"Now it makes sense." Blitzo spoke up with a glare on his face. "I overheard your little conversation with both Daisy and Verosika, both of them insulted you because you're not human. So you had your little robot trying to kill them without letting anyone know it was you."

"Well, you're clever then you look, little imp." Dusty insulted. "At arms!" Her two helpers then aimed their sprayers right at everyone.

"Oh what are they going to do, moisturize us to death?" Blitzo asked with a chuckle.

"With acid." Dusty told him.

"Oh, well, that is good information to know." He said with a nervous chuckle.

But it won't matter because you're too late anyway." Dusty mentioned. "My spiders have control of the Mainframe. You all carried them as gifts, tax-free, past every coded firewall."

"The metal balls your androids gave us." Twilight said with realization.

"I'm not just a pretty face."

"And you're not human if you kill someone and try to kill two of our friends just because they insulted you!" Flash told her with a glare.

"So you sabotage a ship while you're still inside it, does anyone else think that is incredibly stupid?" The Professor questioned with a brow.

"I'd hope to manufacture a hostage situation." Dusty explained. "With myself as one of the victims. The compensation would have been enormous."

"Over five billion years and it still comes down to the money." The Professor said with a look.

"That's why you're doing all of this?!" Twilight questioned her. "You're trying to get richer by sabotaging an entire ship?!"

"Do you really think it's cheap looking like this?" Dusty replied. "Flatness costs a fortune! I am the last human, Professor. Me, not those two, freaky little boy and girl over there, all that insufferable girl with that succubus."

"Arrest her!" The Moxx of Balhoon ordered. "The infidel!"

"Oh shut up, pixie!" Dusty told him with a glare. "I still got my final option."

"Earth death in three minutes."

"And here it comes. You're just as useful dead, all of you!" Dusty told the guests. "I have shares in your rival companies and they'll triple in price as soon as you're all dead. My spiders are primed and ready to destroy the safety system of Platform One. How did that old Earth song go again? 'Burn baby, burn.'"

"But you'll end up burning with us as well." Jabe pointed out.

"Oh I think not." Dusty replied. "I know the use of teleportation is strictly forbidden, but… I'm such a very naughty thing. Spiders, activate!" They felt the whole place rumbling as the sounds of something being short circuited was heard as each spider was being blown up in the vents. "The force fields are gone, with a planet about to explode… At least it'll be quick for all of you. Just like my fifth husband… Bye-bye, I'll be sure to make funerals for your home planets." Soon she and her men teleported away as a computerized voice was alerting them that the heat levels were rising.

"Quickly, reset the computer!" The Moxx of Balhoon called out.

"Only the steward would know how to do that!" Raffalo told him.

"No, we can do it by hand." The Professor spoke up. "Blitzo, Flash, you two are with me. Twilight, Raffalo, you both stay here and make sure everyone in this room stays alive! There must be a system restore switch!" He quickly ran out of the room with both Flash and Blitzo following behind, while Jabe followed them as well.

"What are we going to do?!" Raffalo questioned in a panic while Twilight was looking around the room to figure out a way to survive the sun's rays. She then noticed the large columns in the room and the shadows that they cast.

"The shade, we can use the shade!" She told all of the guests. "They'll keep us away from the sun's rays while also keeping us alive long enough for the Professor to reset the computer! Everyone, find some shade! Share if you have to, but make sure there's enough room for all of us!" Every alien in the room quickly did as she suggested as they quickly went behind some pillars and out of the sun's light.

"Earth death in two minutes. Heat levels critical."

The Professor led Flash and Blitzo into the large area with the walkway and giant fans while a light was flashing red. "Okay, where the fuck is that switch?!" Blitzo asked him just as Jabe caught up to them.

"Three guesses where." The Professor replied as he looked forward across the walkway and passed the giant fans to see the switch that needed to be pulled to reset the computer. "Okay…" He went to the wall behind them and ripped off the panel to reveal a switch before he went to another wall and ripped off another panel to reveal a second switch. "Blitzo, I need you on this switch, Flash on the other." He told them as they did what he said before he went to the third wall and ripped off the panel to reveal a third switch. "Pull!" Each of them flipped the switch and that managed to slow down the fans. But the moment he walked away from the switch, the fans started to speed back up. "Okay, that complicates things."

"External temperature 5,000°." Without even being asked, Jabe quickly grabbed the switch the Professor flipped and flipped it down. The other three saw this and the Professor shook his head.

"You can't do that, the heat's gonna vent through this place." He told her with much concern.

"I already know." She replied.

"Jabe, you're made of wood."

"Then stop wasting time and do it, Time Lord." She told him before he looked at the other two as they nodded. He smiled just as they heard that the heat levels were rising.

Back with Twilight, she got all the aliens to hide in the shade as they saw the shields starting to crack and they prayed that the Professor would hurry.

With the fans slowed down, the Professor timed it right before he quickly moved past the first one before stopping in front of the second. Watching the fans move, he had to wait patiently before moving forward.

Verosika and Daisy had stayed low to the ground as they saw the shields beginning to crack as well and hoped they would survive. But then they saw the sun's rays coming through the cracks as it slowly began to nearly hit them.

The Professor looked back at Jabe with a concerned look before he looked back at the fans and quickly moved forward when he saw an opening. He had only just one more fan to go and not enough time. Blitzo then started to sniff the air as he smelled smoke. "Do you smell something burning?" He asked before they saw Jabe's arm was on fire.

"Professor, Jabe's on fire!" Flash called out as she began to scream in pain before she let go of the lever and they saw her begin to burn to ashes. With the third lever back up, the fans began to speed up again before the Professor looked back at the third and final fan. He knew at its current speed, he would never be able to get past it. He could hear both Flash and Blitzo calling out to him and they heard the computerized voice begin to count down from ten for the Earth's explosion.

He soon tuned out both their voices and the countdown as he had his eyes closed. He then relied on his instincts and remembered the other lives that were at risk before he slowly walked forward. He opened his eyes and saw that he was on the other side of the third fan before he rushed over to the control switch and flipped it down. "Raise the shields!" He shouted.

Soon the shields on Platform One were back online just as the Earth began to burn up by the sun. The Earth soon exploded into millions of pieces by the sun just as everyone on board were relieved that they were alive while they heard the computerized voice saying the exoglass were being repaired.

The Professor walked back to Flash and Blitzo before they looked down at the sizzling ashes of Jabe. Flash and Blitzo saw him clenched his fist at the side of it before they went back to the others.

Twilight and a few of the workers were making sure the guests were okay before both Daisy and Verosika walked into the room. Twilight quickly ran up to them as she gave both of them a comforting hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She said with relief before Verosika awkwardly patted her on the head.

"Yeah, we're glad we're not roasted too." She mentioned before they looked around the room just before the Professor, Flash, and Blitzo walked in.

"You did." Twilight told them before the Professor walked past them and went up to the two trees to deliver the bad news. "What happened to Jabe?"

"She… sacrificed herself to help us save everyone here." Flash answered with grief.

"All because that bitch of a trampoline wanted to get rich so she could stay flattened." Blitzo mentioned with a glare.

"So Dusty was behind all of this?" Verosika questioned, not sounding too surprised as she placed a hand on her hip. "I knew there was something I didn't like about her besides her trashing my own father and his music. So where's that bitch so I can give her a piece of my mind?"

"She teleported out of here." Twilight told them just as the Professor walked up to them.

"Are you okay?" Daisy asked him.

"Yeah, I'm just fine." He answered with a look. "And right now, I'm full of ideas. I'm just bursting with 'em! Like idea number one, teleportation through 5,000° needs some kind of feed. Idea number two, this feed must be hidden nearby." He walked over to the fossil egg Dusty had brought before cracking it open to reveal a device inside. "Idea number three, if you're as clever and smart as me then teleportation feed can be reversed." He messed with the device before they heard a familiar voice enter the room.

"Oh, you should have seen their little alien faces…" They heard Dusty say as they saw her materialize in front of them. The moment she saw herself back on Platform One, she knew she was in big trouble. "Oh dear…"

"The last human." The Professor said with a glare at her.

"So, um, you passed my little test." Dusty said with a nervous look. "Bravo! This makes you eligible to join, uh…the Human Clube."

"Save it, we saved this entire place including the people that are on here." Twilight told her with a glare.

"Not all of them." The Professor spoke up. "Two people have died here, you murdered them Dusty."

"Well that depends on your definition of people." Dusty mentioned. "And that's enough technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries."

"I shoot her?" Blitzo asked as he was about to reach into his jacket to pull out his gun before the Professor stopped him.

"Not yet." He told him as they could hear some sort of noise coming off of Dusty.

"You can take me to court, Professor, and watch me smile and cry and flutter."

"And creak?" Verosika asked Dusty with a brow. "Because that's what we're hearing from you right now."

Dusty heard the creaking herself as she began to panic. "I'm drying out! Oh, sweet heavens! Moisturize me, moisturize me!" She pleaded as she was grunting. "Where am I surgeons?! My lovely boys! It's too hot!"

"You're the one who raised the temperature." The Professor reminded her.

"P-Please, have pity!! Moisturize me!! P-Please, Professor!!"

"You have to help her." Daisy told him.

"Everything has its time and everything dies." He said with a look before he looked at Blitzo. "Now you can."

"Finally." Blitzo said as he pulled out his gun and aimed it right at Dusty. "By the way, it's not cool dissing on dead relatives, you trampoline whore." He told her with a dark tone before pulling the trigger and shot her right in the face, which tore the entire skin to pieces. They all got a notification that Platform One will be closing down for maintenance just as they all departed.

The Professor was waiting by the entrance of the room as the rest of the group looked down to where Earth was and only saw rocks floating in space. He went up to them as he could tell they were a bit lost for words by it. "The end of the Earth, right before our eyes." Daisy said with disbelief. "It's really all gone."

"We were all too busy saving ourselves, no one even saw it go." Twilight mentioned. "All those years, all that history, and no one was even looking."

"It's just…" Flash muttered before they looked at the Professor.

"Come with me." He told them before he looked at Blitzo and Verosika. "You two better put on your human disguises."

"I would, but I didn't bring my crystal." Blitzo mentioned before Verosika pulled out her crystal from between her breasts.

"We can both use mine." She mentioned before they all went back to the TARDIS.

The Professor soon took them back to their original time as the two demons were in their human disguises when they walked out of the TARDIS to see a bunch of people minding their own business. He walked out with them as the rest of the group couldn't believe that all this is going to be over in so many years. "You think it'll last forever, people, cars, and concrete." The Professor told them. "But it won't. One day, it'll all be gone. Even the sky." He said as he looked up at the sky. "My planet's gone. It's dead. It burned, like the Earth. It's just rocks and dust now. Before its time even came."

"Was it destroyed during that war you mentioned?" Daisy asked with a sincere tone.

"Yes, there was a war and my people lost." He replied with a look.

"Who were your people fighting against?" Twilight asked him but he didn't reply.

"What about your people?" Flash asked next.

"I'm a Time Lord, the last of the Time Lords to be exact." The Professor told them. "They're all gone and I'm the only survivor. Left traveling on my own cuz there's no one else."

"Boy, do I know how that feels." Blitzo muttered quietly as he knew the feeling.

"But there's us." Daisy mentioned as she gestured to herself in the others.

"You all saw how dangerous it is." He mentioned. "Do any of you want to go home?"

"Well I don't know about them, but I'm not sure myself." Verosika admitted as she rubbed the back of her neck. They each took a moment to think it over as they saw what the Professor goes through but he's all alone with his people gone.

"Uh hey, maybe we can talk about this over some fries?" Blitzo suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds good." The Professor mentioned with a smile. "Let's get some fries. But I should let you know that I don't carry money with me."

"It will be on me." Verosika offered. "Let's go, we've only got five billion years till it's all gone anyway." They couldn't help but chuckle at that remark before they went to have a nice meal together. They can tell that this is only the beginning of what's to come when traveling with the Professor, the last of the Time Lords.

Author's Note:

If you are all wondering, this is the watch the Professor is wearing on his wrist:

Comments ( 2 )

talk about a crazy motley crew to go through time and space.

I liked it. Man can't wait for more of there wacky and life threatening adventures they have to see. Let's see how there react to the Real life Satan and aswell as the most dangerous enemy for all living things that are there.... The Dalek.

Also wonder how Twilight would react to seeing one of history most intelligent man and what he would say to them. Cause I'm pretty sure that her Flash and daisy well ok not her but those two names be to him. Cause I think in the last past century those types of names weren't there yet..

Also wonder How there gonna react that they been home gone for a year..

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