• Published 8th Apr 2024
  • 458 Views, 7 Comments

My new life in Equestria - Littletrix23

I was just normal girl in different world called earth.

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Ch 2

The next morning, I woke up and I forgot I was in a new place it was kind of startling at first. Then I remembered where I was, I checked what time was it was 6:30 in the morning, back at Washington it was Tuesday and 3:30 pm and today was Friday here, wow very interesting in my thought.

I looked outside of my bedroom window and wow I get pretty view of the waterfall and river. I decided to go back to sleep again, I love sleeping in the morning and getting up before noon . My parents thinks it’s a waste of time of sleeping in the late morning. Also I don’t eat breakfast in the morning because I don’t like eating in the morning because I feel like to gag after I eat breakfast. It depends on what of breakfast then I’ll eat it.

Somebody knocked on my door to wake me up, I checked what time is it and it was 9:30 am.

“It’s Starlight, I came to you to wake you up, we got fun plans for you”!

“Oh plans for me”?… I said

“Yes! I’ll be waiting for you outside of your door.” Said Starlight.

I was getting ready quickly, I don’t like when somebody is waiting for me because I feel like I’m wasting their time. Except one thing I didn’t have a brush to do my hair. Well looks like I have ask some pony if they have any extras hair brush for me.

Starlight took me to the dining room where every pony was eating pancakes they smelled so good and looked good. They saved me a spot at the table, I sat down and dishing up my breakfast.

The pancakes were so delicious that I added sprinkles and lots of whip cream also with ice cream. The pancakes were puffy and soft and it was just perfect better than home.

“Looks like you enjoyed your pancakes”! Said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah it sure did.” Said Apple Jack

“Yep I sure did”. I said it quietly.

“ we’re gonna have lots of fun today! We’re gonna show you around in Ponyville. Said Pinkie Pie

“What about you Twilight are joining with me too”? I said

“ No I’m not, i’m meeting the princesses in Canterlot, after breakfast”. Said Twilight

Twilight saw that I was nervously.

“ Don’t worry you’re not in trouble at all”. Said Twilight.

“Besides you’ll have fun with us in Ponyville.” Said Dash.

“Yeah we even got plans for all of us.” Said Apple Jack.

“You even can pick out the material for clothing.” Said Rarity.

“Clothing?” I said quietly.

“Do you guys by have any chance if you guys have any extra brushes so I can brush my hair?” I said really quickly.

“Yeah I sure do.” Said Twilight

“Thanks you.”

After Breakfast, I got ready for the day and brushing my hair felt so good. I looked at my phone again, dang I got lots of txt messages from family and friends back at home. And apparently I’m on the news! Saying I’m missing! Oh boy this is really bad I said to myself.

After looking at the news for awhile. I pulled my self together and stopped my tears and kept reminding myself that I’m strong, brave and I can do this. Saying I can do this. Sometimes that works for me but I did it and I was ready to do it.

Fluttershy took me to her animal sanctuary the place was pretty cool. There were different animals, some animals were very cute and other animals were okay to me. I wouldn’t go near to a snake at all, when I was younger I wasn’t afraid of snakes but now when I got older I’m afraid snakes.

I got to hold bunnies they were so cute that I wanted to keep all the bunnies. Back at home my niece had a bunny that would weird stuff, heck the bunny was trying to mate on my arms which totally weird even she had surgery.

After the animal sanctuary, Apple Jack took me to her farm and I would pick apples which was pretty fun. Like I would climb a tree and hang out also eating apples. Which I couldn’t help at all they were so tasty.

“Big Mac meet Chloe she’s gonna stay here for a while until we find her home.” Said Apple Jack.

“A pleasure of meeting you Chloe.” Said Big Mac

Heck I had a joke in my mind, So Big Mac is a sandwich like Burger King and McDonald’s lol in my mind which I almost laughed.

“Apple Bloom is somewhere on the farm or with her friends, but you’ll meet her eventually.” Said Apple Jack

“Granny is taking a nap right now.”

Woana came up sniffed me that’s what dogs do, I put my hands out to sniff just in case she will bite me or not. She accepted me I loved petting dogs. Dogs are cute that they can be friendly or not friendly at all.

Rarity wanted me measure me except one thing I didn’t like standing for a long time at all that my feet we’re getting tired from standing too long. I picked my fabrics out quickly that I didn’t want to stay in her shop for a long time. Staying in the shop for a long time was kind of boring that I wanted to do something else, heck she caught me sneaking out pulling me back in with her magic. Her magic felt tingling and it tickles some how it was weird.

Starlight saw me not having fun.

“Rarity I think Chloe wants be done she even looks tired from standing too long don’t you see her shift her feet one to another she even looks uncomfortable. I think she wants to do something else.” Said Starlight

“But I’m almost done.” Whined Rarity

“Fine you can go but we’ll do this tomorrow.” Said Rarity

“T-tomorrow.” I said nervously.

“No thank you I’m good.” I said

Rarity had to explain everything to me.

“Actually I have the right to say no it’s my body and my opinion I said little firmly to her.” I said to her.

Starlight looked shocked what I said to Rarity. But Rarity refused for answer no, then Starlight stepped up for me.

“Chloe is right, if she say no and it’s no.” Said Starlight. “Besides she’s new here so we have to respect her boundaries.”

Rarity finally gave up.

I tried riding the hot air balloon except I was I air sick, so Dash had to bring me down to land. I was excited to see Cloudsdale to see what it looks like. Then I apologized to her when she was excited to show, she told I had nothing to be sorry about.

“Hey about this I can show you my sonic rainboom to you.” Said Dash

I nodded excitedly! Starlight stood next to me, she pointed where Rainbow Dash was I had hard time looking at, the rainbow was pretty cool! That I could feel the wind in face.

I started baking with Pinkie Pie, she told me I was good at baking and I thanked her. Soon my worries washed away. She saw me how gentle I was decorating the cupcakes like the frosting had be perfect I like it when it’s specific it needs to be perfect not messy. Pinkie could tell that I was not messing around.

After making and decorating cupcakes I helped cleaned up, I don’t like people with messes that they had to clean by themselves and it feels wrong when you leave someone to do it.

After all the fun activities we had a late lunch together.

“This is the great hall where the mayor gives out speeches to everyone.” Said Pinkie

“Right now she’s in the meeting, we’ll show you later after the meeting is over.”

They showed me the small school, the building looked cool that the design was pretty. All of us peaked in the window to see what’s going on, heck inside of the building of the school probably it could fit a dozen of students in there.

By the end of the day we returned to the castle. Twilight brought dinner for us and it was waiting at the table, apparently we’re having soup and garlic bread. Yum I love garlic bread.

“So how’s your guys day go?” Said Twilight

“It was fun!” Said Pinkie

“Yep it was sure fun.” Said Apple Jack

“What about you Chloe what was your favorite part of doing something today?” Said Twilight

“My favorite part was playing with the animals and making the cupcakes also helping picking apples. I said

“Yeah she sure did have fun.” Said Starlight

“I tried taking her up to cloudsdale apparently she got air sick that she threw up.” Said Dash

“Oof.” Said Twilight

“I even showed her my sonic Rainboom she loved it.”

Everyone had fun talking what they did today with me. Minus the disagreement of me and Rarity had, but everything worked.

“Oh Princess Celestia and Luna wants to see Chloe tomorrow afternoon.” Said Twilight

“Don’t worry you’re not in trouble they just want to talk to you for a little while.” Said Twilight

“Ok.” I said Nervously.

After having dinner and talking, Twilight’s friends went home to go to bed. I said good night to Starlight and Twilight and I headed bed, went to sleep.