• Published 6th Apr 2024
  • 253 Views, 4 Comments

Diamond Tiara's new pet. - Scootafan

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chapter 2

As Diamond Tiara examined the various devices that adorned the wall, Scootaloo tried to pull the collar off, however, it had been padlocked around her neck. She then pulled at the chain, but it was no use. Suddenly she felt a stinging sensation across her back as the crack of a whip filled her ears. Turning around she saw Diamond standing there holding a whip, whimpering in pain, she looked down at her back, where she could see the outline of her wings that were being pinned down by the latex, in between the wings, was a long gash.

"Tut tut, Chicken, why are you trying to ruin my birthday? Now your suit is ruined, you're lucky we have spares." Diamond growled menacingly.

"Mmmmph mmmmph mmph mmph" Scootaloo pleaded through the muzzle, however, Diamond didn't understand her.

"Shush Chicken. You are to remain silent unless spoken to and you have to call me mistress," she explained before grabbing a long roll of latex. She placed it onto a metal cart, ready to be used for later. She grabbed a blindfold and a special type of headphones that can block out all sound as well as induce a buzzing noise that can be controlled from a remote.

She then turned towards Scootaloo, who was gesturing for Diamond to remove the muzzle, however she merely chuckled while shaking her head. "Nope, that can stay on until I can trust you to hold your tongue. Anyway, that is essential to the next thing that we are going to do."

She then approached her with the blindfold and went to place it on Scootaloo's eyes. Backing into the wall, Scootaloo's fight or flight senses kicked in and because she couldn't flee then her only option was to fight back. Turning around, she bucked the deranged filly away, however, this only angered Diamond, who sighed before grabbing a meat cleaver and aimed it towards her captive and threatened, "If you fight back then I will cut your precious wings off."

This made Scootaloo breathe in out of fear. "I am going to remove the chain. Once I do you are going to walk over to that table and you are going to lie down onto it. If you try to escape then I swear to Celestia that I will cut your wings and your legs off."

She then unhooked the chain from Scootaloo's collar. Diamond then pointed towards the table and Scootaloo reluctantly and shakily walked over to the table before lying down, that was where she noticed several leather straps attached to the table. Diamond walked over to the table, where she began to strap down each of her hooves along with her body, neck and forehead, effectively immobilising her. She then ruffled Scootaloo's mane while saying, "Good girl. Keep up the good behaviour and daddy may let you stay upstairs."

Scootaloo tested the bonds, but they were too strong, she couldn't move an inch. Diamond then loomed over her with the blindfold and headphones, Scootaloo couldn't even shake her head in protest as she placed the blindfold over her eyes, fully blocking out her vision.

Scootaloo stared into the darkness of the blindfold, her heart pounding as she was unsure of what was going to happen next. If it wasn't for the straps, she would've jumped a mile as Diamond's voice suddenly sounded right next to her ear, "We are going to have a little sensory deprivation. You won't be able to see, hear speak or taste. The only thing that will be able to hear is buzzing. Word of warning this is a torture method that makes the victim go insane."

Scootaloo then felt something being placed over her ears and then instantly after that, a loud buzzing noise filled her ears. It had only been a few minutes but it was already becoming unbearable for the young filly. Diamond Tiara smiled as she watched her pet becoming more uncomfortable, she could see her trying to move in the bonds but it was too strong for her. She released a muffled scream, a scream that Scootaloo could not hear. Satisfied, she switched the buzzing noise off and then left the room to leave Scootaloo to wallow in her sensory deprivation.

At first, Scootaloo hadn't realised that the buzzing noise had gone but when she did, she couldn't help but blissfully sigh, content with the peace and quiet. This sense of blissfulness would only last a couple of minutes as the lack of sense began to overload her. She attempted to sleep, however the sensory deprivation made her feel claustrophobic.


Several hours later, Diamond returned to find, Scootaloo, both whimpering and shaking. She pulled the headphones off her and asked, "Did you enjoy that?"

"Mmmmph," Scootaloo mumbled through the muzzle.

"What was that, Chicken?" She asked while removing the muzzle.

Scootaloo coughed and spluttered, glad that she was able to breathe normally. "Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anypony," she begged, tears beginning to form beneath the blindfold making it damp.

"No," Diamond said before whipping her across the face causing her to scream in pain as a scar began to form on her cheek. "What did I say about addressing me as mistress."

"I'm sorry!" Scootaloo choked. Diamond merely shook her head before taking a pair of scissors and began to cut the latex away from Scootaloo. Scootaloo went deathly silent as she felt the cold blades of the scissors touching her body. Ripping the rest of the latex away from her body, she couldn't help but stare at the orange body. She never told anypony this but she secretly thought that Scootaloo was pretty.

Diamond began to stroke her body, as she told her pet, "Now you stay quiet, while I get something from upstairs, If I find out that you've made a sound then you will have to kiss these wings goodbye." She warned while gripping one of her wings in a vice-like grip making Scootaloo wince.

While Diamond Tiara went upstairs, Scootaloo decided to keep quiet and follow her orders until she found a chance to escape. She couldn't help but shudder; Diamond Tiara stroking her and repulsed her.

"Good girl," Diamond said stroking Scootaloo's cheeks, she then warned, "You're gonna want to brace yourself because this is going to hurt a lot."

She didn't have enough time to register what Diamond had said as something, extremely, hot touched her bare flanks. "AAAAAAAAGH!" Scootaloo screamed in agony as the smell of burnt flesh began to fill the room.

Diamond removed the burning stick to reveal a tiara branded into her pet's flanks, she then repeated the process with the other flank all the while Scootaloo was letting loose a torrent of pain-filled screams. "There now you are no longer a blank flank. You should be happy"

Scootaloo didn't say anything, her mouth appeared to be wide open in a silent scream. Diamond beginning to get worried, removed the blindfold to see Scootaloo's eyes wide as saucers with tears leaking from them. Worried that she accidentally killed her, Diamond quickly rushed for her father. All Scootaloo could feel was pain, she wanted it to end.

Diamond returned with her father, who checked Scootaloo's pulse and put his head onto her stomach and could hear a faint heartbeat. "She's alive, just in shock. Put her away for now, you can play with her tomorrow." Filthy explained.

"Okay, Daddy can you stand her up onto her hind hooves and make sure that her hooves are together," Diamond asked.

Filthy happily obliged and lifted her, while Diamond used the latex roll to fully mummify her in latex, she left a small hole for her nose so that she could breathe. They then carried her over to a small box and placed her inside, before locking the box shut. Several holes had been drilled into the lid.

"I must say, I am impressed." Filthy complimented.

"Thanks daddy, I'm going to mummify her every night for now until she learns to accept that there is no escape," Diamond explained. Filthy Rich nodded his approval as both father and daughter left the basement...

Comments ( 3 )

I swear to the stars and back, if they do not get a well deserved punishment by the end of this story I'm gonna be pissed.

I hope u go on with this story.

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