• Published 11th Apr 2024
  • 161 Views, 2 Comments

Aurora By The Sea - Snugglewarmscale

Primrose remembers the very first date her and her husband went on.

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Chapter 5

Hitch fidgeted a little with the last button on his vest. He had just combed his mane and had freshened himself up a bit. He was a little eager to finish his patrols that day. For, today was the day of Aurora By The Sea. The day he and Primrose would be together for the event. He smiled nervously at himself in the mirror. This would be the first time he ever participated in the event. It would also be the first time he ever went on a date. His ears perked at the sound of his sons babbling. He was on the other side of the bathroom door. Babbling and calling out for his father; he even went as far as to reach underneath the door.

Hitch chuckled as he said. “Hold on, champ. I'm coming.” His son pulled his arm back as he opened the door. He looked down and saw his son sitting in front of him. Sparky giggled as he looked up at his father; claws stretched out towards him.

Hitch smiled and scooped his son up into a loving hug. He greeted him. “Hey, baby.” He kissed him on his forehead before saying. “Daddy and Miss Primrose are going to be out today.” He smiled at him before saying. “While you get to spend the day with Aunt Sunny.” Sparky giggled in delight before nuzzling his father.

He shook his head again and headed for the main lobby of the station. Once there he walked over to a bag he had prepared for Sparky; it had some of his favorite food, his favorite toys and some formula. He double checked the bag and help Sparky into his favorite spot on his back. As his son snuggled into his back; he slowly walked towards the door. In just a few moments he would be meeting a beautiful mare at the coast.

After dropping off Sparky with Sunny, Hitch quickly made his way to the waterfront. His heart pounded in his chest. And, he couldn't lie he was nervous about this event. He had witnessed it many times; but never really participated in the event. As he reached the waterfront he was met with a huge crowd of ponies. It seemed more couples were taking part in the event this year. He eagerly searched the crowd for Primrose. He saw many faces in the sea of ponies. But, he was only looking for one.

Primrose called to him. “Hitch?”

He stopped and slowly turned around. Coming face to face with the most beautiful mare he had ever seen. Primrose wore a beautiful pink dress with a matching flower behind her ear. Her mane was decorated with glitter and her hooves had a fresh coat of polish on them. She had moved her mane back; allowing her to show off her beautiful eyes. Hitch was star stuck by her stunning beauty; he nearly forgot to respond.

He spoke. “Primrose!” He gasped as he covered his mouth with his hoof. She chuckled a little, that little action reminded her of what had happened earlier that week. Now she saw him blushing at her. He regained his composer and continued smiled at her. “Primrose,” He offered her his hoof. “A pleasure to see you today.”

She smiled and replied. “The pleasure is mine.” She accepted his hoof and he gently kissed her hoof. She blushed before they stood side by side. Primrose nuzzled into his side; while he gently pressed himself against her.

The two walked into the crowd and made their way down to the beach. Both of them were eager to enjoy the event with each other. Eager, for the event to really be in full swing. But, all the young couples were eager to see the fish. Especially those who planed on standing in the shallow water.

Primrose thought for a moment. “I hope the rumor is true.”

The whole event was absolutely marvelous for both of them. They enjoyed each others company and played some of the games that were set up there. Hitch had managed to win her a small bunny carved from crystal. They also enjoyed some of the foods and drinks served during the event. They even went and visited Sunny; allowing both of them to see Sparky. The little dragon was excited to see both of them. Neither of them wanted to leave him alone with Sunny again. But, there was one more thing both of them had to do.

The sun was almost fully set on the horizon; the couples had gathered on the beach and eagerly awaited the arrival of the Aurora Fish. Both Hitch and Primrose stood eagerly with other couples at the waters edge. Hitch looked down at Primrose and smiled at her. She returned his smile with a smile of her own.

She thanked him. “Thank you, Hitch.” She buried her face into the side of his neck and continued. “Thank you, for this lovely day.”

He nuzzled her back and replied. “I should be thanking you, Primrose.” He wrapped one of his hooves around her and held her close. “If it wasn't for you. I would've probably been stuck on patrol.”

They shared a chuckle and both of them gazed into each others eyes. Both of them became lost in the others eyes; they didn't want to look away. To, enchanted by the marvelous coloring of the others eyes. Then almost like their bodies started to move on their own. They began to move their heads closer to one another. Slowly, their eyes closed. They could feel each others breaths.

Somepony shouted. “Here they come!”

Both them stopped short and looked out towards the water. In the distance all of them could see the feint glow of the fish. The couples cheered loudly in excitement; while only a few of them stepped into the shallow water. Both Hitch and Primrose smiled sheepishly at each other while also blushing. They chuckled again before Hitch motioned for them to step into the water. Primrose nodded and both of them stepped into the shallow water.

The water felt cold on their hooves; the waves seemed to calm as the fish made their approach. The glow getting brighter and brighter as they swam closer to the shore. As the fish approached both Hitch and Primrose noticed Izzy waving at them. Both her and Sprout were standing in the shallows. Both of them waved back; before they focused back on the approaching fish.

Then it happened; the fish started to swim by Maretime Bay. Everyone stared in awe at the beautiful sight. The fish glowed many colors; it was almost like a rainbow was swimming by the town. Primrose had never witnessed such a beautiful sight before. The beauty of this event nearly made her cry. She gasped when she felt Hitch take hold of her hoof. She looked at him while he smiled at her. She smiled back and nuzzled his neck again. Everything was so silent.

Hitch broke the silence by calling her name. “Primrose.”

She looked at him and replied by calling his name. “Hitch.”

Like before they were lost in each others eyes. Like before their bodies seemed to move on their own. And, as their eyes close to could feel each others breath. Only this time they gently pressed their lips against the others in a loving kiss. Although, the tender moment lasted only a few seconds. To both of them it might as well been eternity. The moment they broke the kiss; they looked into each others eyes again.

Primrose said his name. “Hitch.”

He said her name. “Primrose.”

Everything was silent again; a silence so great one would hear a pen drop at Canterlogic. Both of them wanted to tell the other. But, that was when they heard a series of gasps coming from around them. They looked at the others couples; all of them were looking at them. Did something happen? Did they do something wrong? Primrose was worried for a moment; until something just at the edge of her vision caught her eye. The moment she looked she gasped.

She spoke. “Hitch.” He looked at her and she continued. “Look.”

He followed her gaze and froze in shock. Swimming around them in a perfect circle was an Aurora Fish. It was slowly swimming in a circle around them. It colors changed from a light amber that matched his coat. To an off-white which matched his. Neither of them could believe it as they watched the fish swimming. The rumor, the rumor about one of the fish swimming around a couple in the water. That meant....that she and him......were.

They looked at each other; both of them had tears in their eyes. Tears that held so much happiness in them. The moment the two hugged; the tears fell and a number of happy cheers and applause's echoed throughout the beach. The moment they broke the embrace the looked around at the other couples. That was when they saw they were not the only couple who had a fish circling them. An Aurora Fish was circling both Izzy and Sprout. That was when a sound of distant thunder echoed through the air.

A heavy downpour soak the town as ponies scrambled to get home. Hitch quickly opened the door to the station and held it open; Primrose ran in after her. Sparky was clinging tightly to her back. All three of them were laughing their heads off. Sparky shook his body dry; spraying water everywhere. While Hitch and Primrose shield themselves from his small monsoon. Sparky looked at his father and reached for him.

Hitch smiled and said. “Come here, Baby.” He reached and picked his son off her back. He purred happily as he hugged his fathers soaked body. The two stared lovingly at each other for a moment. Before they could do anything else; Sparky yawned.

Hitch commented. “Looks like some little baby is tired.” Sparky grumbled a little as he nuzzled his father. He looked at Primrose and said. “Let me get him dried off and to bed.”

She nodded and walked off; as he walked away she couldn't help but steal a glance at his flank. He looked over his shoulder for a moment; smiling slyly at her before walking to the bathroom. She blushed and turned away; hiding her face behind her mane again. Today had been wonderful. It had been amazing. It was......her thoughts drifted back to the moment the fish had circled them. She couldn't believe that it had actually happened. One of the Aurora Fish had circled them. That meant that they were. She started to cry again.

Hitch made his way back to the stations lobby; he could hear her crying as he entered. He quickly walked up to her and had her face him. She looked up at him while he moved her mane out from in front of her face. Her tear filled eyes looked up into his. She let out a small sob before pressing herself into his warm body. He nuzzled her before gently wrapping her in a loving hug. Neither of them wanted to be away from each other right now.

After a few minutes had passed; Hitch lead her to his room. They got out of their rain soaked clothes and crawled into bed together. At first they simply layed on their back and stared up at the ceiling. After a little while Primrose turned and layed on her left side facing away from him. Hitch looked at her; noticing that she was shivering a little, even thought she was under the covers. He frowned seeing her suffer from the cold air. In fact he was surprised when he realized he was also shivering. He wondered what he should do. Should he go and get another blanket? Or should he? Slowly, he moved closer to her; he moved so closer and closer, until his chest, stomach, and most of his body was pressed against her backside. He slowly slid his right foreleg around her and pulled her close. His head rested on her as they cuddled together. She smiled happily as she nuzzled the back of her head into his neck.

After that night and about a year and a half later; Hitch asked her to marry him and she said yes. They now live in the forests of Bridlewood and they were pregnant. She sighed again and nuzzled her husband. He smiled happily and nuzzled her back.

He whispered. “I love you.”

She said back to him. “I love you, too.”

Author's Note:

This is a story I deleted cause I wanted to fix and add some things. Most of the chapters are original. But I noticed things that had to be fixed. While for others I add some more details and some extra dialogue. Let me know what y’all think.

Comments ( 2 )

You could have just edited the chapters if you wanted to fix and add stuff.

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