• Member Since 15th Apr, 2024
  • offline last seen May 27th


and to kindess, always to kindness | academically inclined, laufey fanatic and novice writer (twidash fans hmu)


Blushing? Pulse quickening? Nervousness? There could only be two reason for that: either Twilight Sparkle has a heart disease or something else was wrong with her. And that something has to do with Rainbow Dash. It was now up to Twilight and her disgruntled assistant Spike to study this complication. With a bit of research and the power of friendship, the day will be saved!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 17 )

Great Start! I love TwiDash, so I'm excited to see where this goes! Keep it up!

New Twidash fan! Let's gooo!

ooh, thank you! I'm glad you think so, because I was kinda hesitant with the whole thing tbh. Hope I won't disappoint with what I have in mind :))

Their dynamic is far too good for me to ignore; they're just so so so cute together

Totally agree; my favorite mlp ship by far

A bit of advice I give to all fellow writers. Go back through the story with the auto reader and listen for spelling errors as well as make sure everything flows well. I noticed some misspelled words but other than that, this is definitely one of the more interesting twidash stories I've read.

Loving it so far :twilightsmile:

I created an account solely to tell you that this is the most in-character MLP fanfic I've read since my days of hyper-fixation on the fandom from a while back. :) Twilight making neato literature references 24/7 that repeatedly confuse me? YUP SOUNDS TWILIGHT LMAO and she got that finicky energy down point in your characterization here if you know what I mean. And seeing as Rainbow Dash was always my favorite and I was like the hugest hyper fan growing up, I'm happy to see how she's characterized so far too and boy would it be so very very cool if we got her POV somewhere down the line as well. Either way tho I love it.

You got Spike down too to a T, haha. Is it bad that Spike rapidly trying to backtrack after an entire morning of being spoken to and figure out what the heck was being said while he was barely paying attention is mood to me? đź’€ and this-- just-- the entire verbal onslaught of obvious crush tells, and--

"You're an idiot."

"Right-- what, wait?"


It's just such a Twilight thing to do, I can't breathe jdfshfsjdf

It's all got your own good twist and silly spice to it-- (I have never seen or imagined a scene with Twilight and Rainbow Dash conspiring to eliminate the dastardly walls of the nation before for example, but, hey, I never knew how much I needed it LOL) while still so staying true to the characters, and it's all making me smile so much to read! So, kudos! I really hope to see more from you and that this fanfic is seen through to the end.

MLP came out when I was 5 and ended when I was like... 14, so safe to say I have a long childhood of lots of fond memories. I've been on a bit of a nostalgic hunt for well-written MLP fanfics, and this one's certainly a breath of fresh air, plus a barrel of laughs and giggles in my book so far. :)

Thanks for sharing with us, hope you're having fun and hope ya have a nice day!

The characterisations are ON POINT. The rambles of twlight make everything feel more like her.

AND NOT TO MENTION SPIKES DIALOGUE,those little comments he lets out just made my day.

Even funnier to me is that Twilight doesn't even seem to acknowledge the comments lmao.:moustache:

I'm so glad you think so! I had to back and fourth between dialogue— and even watch snippets of the show on repeat— just so I can really get their voice. Spike was not initially my favorite character, but after reading everything about him on wikis and watching his moments on the show eventually led me to have him as one of my top five— it's just so fun writing him.

And, I like to think that Twilight, when stuck in some sort of focused haze, she's really oblivious to her surrounding cause all of her focus and energy is on studying. That or she has shit hearing. I'm stuck between that two headcanon lmao

THIS IS SO NICE? AND YOU MADE AN ACCOUNT JUST TO COMMENT? IM SO FLATTERED, THANK YOU! I'm glad I could capture Twilight because her panic is really hard to pin point; sometimes there's a rambly panic, the outburst panic and the "we need to create an exact copy of Ponyville" panic. While observant, Twilight just has some moments in the show where she overanalyze something and make it bigger than it has to be.

I'm happy you enjoyed the story :)) MLP came out when I was young too, and just like you I had some fond— and not so good memories, brr the creepypastas I've been exposed too— memories of the show. I think I wrote this out of nostalgia and also because I've been stressed so much with my research that my way of coping just turned into this: a silly little MLP fanfic. Thanks for your lovely comment, I really enjoyed reading it :))

Good advice, I should really do it lol, there's just times when I get too excited and miss out spelling errors :twilightsheepish:

Loving the story so far :raritystarry:.

As already pointed out your characterizations of the early seasons' personalities are on point, more so than most other fics on this site:

While everyone knows that Twilight has a brilliant mind and lacks social skills, I like that have made her more of an intellectual, as she is most certainly well-read, so her referencing things like Kafka's Metamorphosis makes a lot of sense. Though of course, she is still scatterbrained when it comes to social skills and really most things concerning day-to-day business, how she would have survived without Spike we might never know.
Though now I have to wonder who Franz Kafka is in this world, as that's certainly not a Pony name (Maybe a griffon, as the former Griffion kingdom is often given German references by the MLP fandom) and if his story was more experience-related like our world's counterpart: We actually have beings that can turn from bugs to ponies, even if your story is probably set before Equestria becomes aware of them, as he could have witnessed a changeling by chance.

Rainbow is also on point as she is a pony of action. She doesn't think too deeply or make elaborate plans but rather makes a plan of action. If she is forced to self-reflect, she'd most certainly not start self-questioning and rather arrive straight at a point that would fit her worldview, even if that does not match real-world facts. And of course, she does her reflecting while being on the move, Rainbow is as easily able to stop moving as many sharks are swimming.

Finally, I really love how you have written Spike as he is at the same time very mature and childlike. He is probably one of the most up characters as he is not only very knowledgeable, certainly a byproduct of being Twiligth's son/brother, but contrary to Twilight can handle day-to-day business and see social cues. In a sense he is as much taking care of Twilight as she is of him, giving them an often portrayed dynamic where the child of a single parent takes almost as much care of the parent, as the parent does of the child.
But of course, he is also still a child and, similar to Twilight, very immature when it comes to his own feelings. Him not knowing how to deal with his sister/mother falling in love seems to be pretty on point.
What I like about the whole situation, is that you have hit a good balance between these two sides, as he most certainly displays both, being incredibly mature for his age at times, while also acting very immature at others.

All in all a great read, I can't wait for what else you have in store :twilightsmile:.

IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED :pinkiehappy: (I made some sort of backstory for MLP equivalent of Kafka, I thought it was kind of weird and irrelevant so I didn't add it in) but Kafka in this world is his pen name, His actual name is Franz and, you're right, he is a griffon!

Franz got his name from the pegasus name Jackdaw 'Kavka', a philosopher who wrote about myths and novels about flight, aerodynamics and existentialism back in the day. I like to think that in this dimension, Franz wanted to become a writer, but knew that not many— both the Griffons and the Ponies themselves— would take kindly to that idea, and the fact that the Griffons would probably not appreciate literature either, so he created the pen name Kafka that sounds odd, but not too out of place for to Ponies, and published it under that name to be read and appreciated by the other kind. His story is inspired by not exactly changelings, but it drew the concept from them of changing one's appearance, though his novel went from griffon to a 'bug' or changeling— I like to think that many race call changeling bugs as an insult because of their history with them— after reading all about them, and moreso that he feels as if he doesn't fit in with the idealized Griffon-like personity that they held ideal. The changeling theme of the story would be its equivalent metaphor.

As for Rainbow's characterization, you're right! I'd like to think of her as an unreliable narrator of sorts— I think she's the type of pony to think that her pov is right, absolutely ignoring the truth in her face just so she could avoid it.

And Spike's character, for me, really boils down to being the more social equivalent of Twilight, though a bit naive, impulsive and reckless at a point. He takes the role of the more empathetic between the two of them because I think at some point in Canterlot, Twilight would've been so out of touch with people she probably says something offensive and hurtful, and Spike will need to be the one who has to understand social situations and explain it to Twilight.

(Also, I'm sorry this got a little too rant-y, I got too carried away lol. I just really like long and well thought about comments like this, omg thankyou! And I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far :))

Yeay more backstory, and all I had to do was give a more in-depth comment :pinkiehappy:.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to think more deeply about some smaller details, though I had not expected it on the level of having a story on its own. Thank you for sharing it :twilightsmile:. While it certainly has no place in the story it's always nice to see a bit more of the world each author fleshes out, either in comments or blog posts dedicated to it.

I think you've hit the nail on the head when it comes to Rainbow, for the early season at least, as she is so sure of herself to the point of ignoring everything but her point of view. That is one of the reasons why some people don't like her after all and I must admit would be really annoying if she weren't a generally nice pony otherwise. Still, cue obvious meme reference:

Spike and Twilight really have an interesting dynamic in the earlier seasons, as before Twilight grows as a pony, you've correctly identified that he has to be her guide through social situations, as she starts totally socially clueless. Even after she improves he still has to help her out once in a while, Season 5 Episode 12 - Amending Fences comes to mind. So I can't imagine earlier seasons' Twilight without Spike nearby in some capacity so I think it's great how you included him and gave him a pivotal enough role despite it obviously being a Twidash-centered one.

Also, I added your story to a few groups for better visibility, would be a shame for people to miss it.

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