• Published 17th Apr 2024
  • 2,476 Views, 58 Comments

My Mother ( Rewrite) - Dragonfan101

Spike ventures to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind during the migration, but instead of meeting Garble and his crew, he meets a kind dragon who helps him around, and he finally meet's someone he's always wanted too..

  • ...

5: The Hatching Grounds

After Spike and Skystar did some exploring around the Dragon Lands and learning more of their kinds history, Skystar began heading back to the mainland's with her son to do some important things, she was gonna drop Spike off by the hatching grounds for a bit while she attends to a few errands, it wouldn't be long for her to get what she needs, and while she doesn't want anything taking her son again, she can trust the dragons who look over the hatchlings at the grounds won't let him go missing again.

Spike meanwhile was just interested with what he learned with Dragon's, he didn't think there was so much variety to their species, and seeing them breath different stuff then just fire, or live in tropical or cold environments, it's fascinating, and Spike wishes to know more soon. But while he was glad to learn more about his own kind, there was something about that temple that just didn't feel right, it was like Spike should never go there.. and yet.. there may be something back there.. that holds something far more important for everyone.. but that's for another day hopefully.

After flying back to the mainland's for about an hour, Skystar and Spike were approaching the hatching grounds, Spike could tell it was the place since it did have a lot of small dragons and other children playing around the place while some dragons were watching over them, it was interesting to see that there were places like these, and Spike was all the more interested in seeing more of it.

Skystar landed down on the ground after a while of flying, and she helped Spike down so he could have some time to adjust to his surroundings, Skystar stretched out her large wings and yawned a bit because it was a bit tiring flying all the way back here.

"Well, here we are son, you've been here before thanks to Nathen, but these are the Hatching Grounds, these are where most small ones tend to play with eachother, and try to form bonds, while dragons tend to have trouble forming relationships, we've been trying become more civilized, and bonding with others is one of our main steps to take." Skystar explained while Spike looked around the grounds with interest, while he did come here just yesterday, he saw there was still a lot of baby dragons, some were small like him, and it did show that Spike could make a friend or two here, that's something Twilight would like to hear about when he gets the chance to tell her.

"I didn't know dragons were trying to do so much with developing themselves, the village and the different islands were amazing to see, and to know that they're trying to do this too, that just shows how hard our kind is trying.." Spike said a little proud of what he's seeing which made Skystar smile a bit.
"Lord Torch has been trying to move on from the barbaric side that we had embraced for so long, a lot of dragons are adjusting to it well, while others are struggling a bit, but he hopes we'll all be just as civilized as the other species in Equestria, even like those.. ponies..." Skystar said as she looked really upset when saying that word.
"What's wrong mom? Why do you flinch whenever you say that?" Spike asked as this gave him some worries on what her thoughts on the ponies are seeing this, she soon noticed her attitude and calmed down a bit to try and move on.
"Forgive me son, but it's not something I'm wanting to go to in depth on, I know a mother shouldn't keep her secrets from her child, but I've just had some.. experiences with them that's made me see them in a.. less then positive way, I'll explain all of this one day.. but for now.. let's just not talk about it.. okay?" Skystar asked hoping they can move on for now while Spike was still concerned.
"Uh.. sure mom.. whatever you say.." Spike replied as he was still worried on what she was meaning with that..

But after that small talk, Skystar led Spike to one of the larger areas of the Hatching Grounds, Spike could see a large number of hatchlings around, and there were a few adults keeping watch over them in the sky's. Skystar made sure Spike was in a proper place that would let him be safe while trying to have fun the best she can.
"Alright son, I'm gonna leave for a bit, I'll be back before you know it, I just hope you have fun and even make a few friends here, and hopefully have fun too, please be safe while I'm gone my son." Skystar said hopefully while she gave Spike another hug which he returned, feeling hugs from her just felt so special to him, and he always enjoys it.
"I'll do what I can mom, see you in a bit, be safe yourself alright?" Spike asked while she smiled at him and began to back up a little.
"I'll be back soon, just try and hold out for a while, and I'll see you in a bit son, I love you.." Skystar said as she began to spread her wings again and got ready to take off.
"I love you too mom.." Spike said while waving goodbye, Skystar smiled seeing that and quickly took off into the sky's at fast speeds, how she learned to travel so fast is something he's only left to wonder.

Spike sighed as he saw her leave into the sky's pretty fast, and he was finally left alone for a bit, he'd been by her side most of the day by now, he almost thought he wouldn't have time to think to himself, but now he did, and tried to think of what to do while he waits for her to come back.
"Let's see if there are any other dragons I could make friends with.." Spike thought to himself as he turned to the grounds and began to walk through it, hoping he could find someone to make a friend with.

Spike proceeded to walk around the place for a bit, he looked over all the hatchlings that were around the place, Spike could see there were some hatchlings playing with rocks, or they're own little toys they're parents got them, he didn't see any act of aggression from the younger ones, but he had some weird feeling they're just wanting to spend time and enjoy what they have before growing up.

Spike thought about what to do when he talks with Twilight again, with his mother now back in his life, and learning a bit on why he was alone in those woods, he has to find a way to have them properly meet her and the mane 6, but from the sounds of it, Skystar may not like the ponies that much at all, and it made him worried on what exactly she has against them.

"How can I explain everything to Twilight? How can I properly have them meet without causing concern or worry from the both of them?" Spike thought to himself as he didn't know what to do, even if he did get to know his mother more, he still did lie about what he's done since he hatched, and while it isn't believable to some, others can believe it, and Spike felt regret for it.
"What do you have against them mom? Can I even help you with it? Or will it be something I have to wait months.. or even years to find out?" Spike asked again as he kept looking for anyone to talk too, he was starting to feel his pressure building up in him, as he hasn't been in a situation like this before, one where he may have to choose one family, or the other. While Twilight and the others have been a great family to him, Skystar is his real mother, and what she went through after she lost him was so sad, and it made him afraid if she falls into a Primal Rage again.. and may harm them..

But as Spike kept thinking to himself about what to do, he accidently bumped into another child, they both stumbled over and quickly fell down as a result, and groaned a little.
"Hey, watch where your going!" The child said annoyed while Spike tried helping it up.
"S.. so sorry, I was just thinking to myself, I didn't mean to bump into.. you.." Spike said as he finally got a look at the hatchling, she was a small orange dragoness that was just an inch taller then him, she had a strange pink hair on her head, and was orange and yellow, and she looked to be just a bit older then him, but she did look a bit annoyed still after bumping into her.
"Well you need to watch where your going dude , you can't just think to yourself when out like that, your lucky I'm not too mean, otherwise another dragon could do some pretty nasty stuff if they do get angry." She said with a smirk which made Spike a bit nervous.
"Noted, I've had a stream of luck I guess.." Spike said nervously while rubbing his neck, but the small dragon only laughed a bit and Spike was a bit confused.

"I'm just kidding, I ain't mad, I can understand it was an accident. After all, you look a bit too gullible to have done that on purpose." She said looking at Spike's expression which was confusing even more, but it was a bit relieving to see she wasn't mad.
"Um.. thanks, my names Spike, and you are...?" Spike asked not getting her name yet.
"Smolder, nice to meet ya kid.." Smolder introduced while they shook claws, Spike did feel relived to see there were more friendly dragons out there, and what Skystar's said about them must be true if she isn't aggressive like other dragons.
"Nice to meet you too.." Spike said as they pulled away for a bit, and they felt a bit awkward as they didn't know what to say next, but wanting to try and talk with her more, he decided to ask a few questions.

"Soooo... what are you doing out here? Were you brought here for playing with these other kids too? Or.. what?" Spike asked looking around the grounds with her, she only shrugged her shoulders and had a casual look to her.
"Eh my brother needed to take care of a few things back home, dude left his own crew recently cause he was tired of them, but on the plus side, it gives me and him more time to bond as a result." Smolder said with a small smile, almost as if she was glad he left them.
"You have a brother? And why'd he leave his.. crew if he had one?" Spike asked while the two of them sat on a nearby rock to talk a bit more.
"He's got a bit of a temper, but he's also pretty nervous when it comes to getting along with others, as for that former crew of his.. he was tired of them.. basically forcing him to do things he didn't want, he has his own talents and hobbies that he wants to do, but the crew found them stupid and made fun of him for it, I'm the only one he told about this, and while our parents would whip those guys butts if they found out.. coming to me to talk it out.. and discuss what to do just made me more glad to be his sister you know?" Smolder asked while she looked up at the sky and they both saw it was pretty sunny right now.
"I may not have a brother or sister, but I do know it's important to talk to your siblings when your in situations like that, especially when it's with people your not really wanting to spend time with if they make you do bad things, so leaving them is the best choice in my opinion if he couldn't convince them to stop. I already can tell he's wise for doing it." Spike said with a smile which made her chuckle a bit.

"Yeah you can say that, while he's not the brightest bulb around, he does make smart choices every now and then, and it just gives him more time to spend with me, and I'm sure our parents will be glad about that, even if they have they're own things to do out there." Smolder said waving her claw around while he kept listening on.
"Hey, family means everything, even if I literally just met you, hearing something like that makes me glad to know he's doing stuff that makes his life better, spending time with those kinds of people never works out well, and it shows your better off without them." Spike said as he's had lessons on this kind of stuff before.
"Totally agree on that, so what about you? I don't think I've ever seen you around before?" Smolder asked as she hasn't seen him come here at all.

"Oh, that's because my mother brought me here to bond with others, she's a bit protective and all, but she had some stuff to do, so this gave me some time alone, and maybe I could make some friends here." Spike explained while they watched some dragons fly around the place.
"I can understand the overprotective parent bit, thought it may be a bit tough for making friends since Dragons aren't used to doing friends, but Torch's recent orders of us trying to change for the better has had us try events that.. isn't so violent like we used to do. Ugh, I can only imagine how many competitions they put eachother through, it's probably best Torch ordered for these changes.." Smolder said a bit relieved that they're gonna be changing in the future.
"And.. how do you feel about that? I'm glad to know dragons are trying to be more civil, and less violent and all, but what about you?" Spike asked looking at her.

"I'm honestly glad about it, because dragons won't get into fights they can't win, while we may be " Big, strong and scary" we often get carried away with who we mess with, and that results in some pretty bad stuff when we can't fight back. So dragons trying to evolve more is something I'm interested with seeing." Smolder explained which made him a bit glad to hear too.
"Hey, we all have to grow over time right? We can't stay the same forever." Spike said as this was a well known fact to all of them.
"Yeah, that's true. Your kinda smart to understand this for you age little guy, I like that." Smolder said with a smirk which made Spike chuckle a bit.
"My mother knows how to raise me.. and she's got plenty to keep teaching me.. I'm sure of that.." Spike said as he knew his mom had a lot of plans to raise him probably.
"Sounds like a strong mother, what's she like?" Smolder asked wanting to know more about them both.
"Even I don't know much right now, she's still mysterious and that, but I'll explain what I can..." Spike replied as he began to explain what he knows about his mom, and Smolder listened on as they wondered what she's doing right now.

Skystar flew for quite a bit after leaving her son at the Hatching Grounds, while she was worried if something was gonna happen to him, she had her hopes he'll hold out, and hopefully make a friend there, she flew all the way over to a marketing area that was near the south side of the Dragon Lands, while it was mainly all rocks and stuff carefully carved to help sell stuff, it was a pretty lively marketing area, and Skystar often came here for her own supplies when she needed them.

Skystar landed on the ground that was just a bit away from the entrance of the place, Skystar could see tons of dragons going about they're day, and buying what they need, food, furniture, books, and some stuff from they're homes, it was pretty basic to say the least. Skystar sighed seeing this place and began walking through it, she did need some stuff for dinner and a few history books for Flamestar, since she was finally a mother again, she needed the proper stuff to raise him.

Skystar made sure she had enough gold on her since it's like they're currency here, and was looking around the place to find what she needs.
"What could help interest my son with learning?" Skystar asked herself while she looked around the place, there were some rivers nearby the place that had fish being pulled out by some sea themed dragons, and she saw some larger market houses that had some jewelry on display for fashion.
"My son may be interested in clothing..." Skystar said aloud while she made her way to the small shop, while she wanted to homeschool her son for a while to get to know him more, she had to start making plans on setting him up for school, the village has a lot to teach they're young ones, and Skystar has a few ideas on what he's gonna start learning once she properly sets things up.

But while she thought to herself as she was gathering the things she needs, a familiar voice caught her ears.
"Skystar! How are things going?" The voice asked which got her attention, she quickly turned around and looked a bit surprised with what she saw, but also smiled with it too. She saw a group of dragonesses walk up to her, they had smiles seeing her while they also had supplies of they're own, it was the same group Spike and Nathen encountered yesterday, and she was good friends with them for some time now.
"Hey girls, been a while, it's great seeing you." Skystar greeted while they all shook claws and chuckled a bit.
"Sure has been, we haven't seen you in a months, but glad to see your alright." The Cyan one said as they took this moment to catch up with eachother.

"I've been just fine Wave, glad to see you haven't changed either." Skystar said to her who laughed a bit.
"This is the first time I've seen you out here in a while, what's changed?" The white one asked as she hasn't been doing much exploring like they've known her to do.
"Something.. really special happened yesterday.. something that just.. made me feel so much joy in a long time.. It's hard to explain Pearl." Skystar said looking at her, and they were all interested to hear this.
"What happened Skystar?" The red one asked curiously as they walked through the markets to get they're stuff together.
"I.. finally found my son yesterday.. after so long.. I finally found him.. he came searching for me during the Migration.. and.. I've never felt so happy Ruby.." Skystar answered which made them gasp in surprise, but also joy too.
"You found your son?! That's such great news!" Wave said gleefully while they hugged her a bit, Skystar chuckled a bit as they did this, it was nice to know her friends were glad to hear she's found her son.

"Thanks girls, I've been doing what I can to reconnect with him, he's still really young, but he's getting along with me really well so far, and I can't tell you how glad I am to have him back.." Skystar said with relief while they all smiled hearing that.
"We're really happy to hear that Skystar, how did he find you? Did you bump into him during the Migration?" The white and purple one asked curious with how this happened.
"Not exactly Diamond, he came up to me with another kind drake, Nathen was his name, and they were looking for his mother, and I was just so lucky to have encountered them, I can't tell you how worried I was if I was never gonna find him, and thanks to that drake.. I finally have him back.." Skystar said while they looked surprised hearing that.
"Wait, is Nathen that cute blue dragon that had that little purple dragon with him?" Diamond asked recalling what they saw with them.
"Yes, that's him. Did you meet him there too?" Skystar asked as this sounded like the case.
"Of course! They came up to us asking where you were, while we didn't recognize he was your son, I had an idea it may be you, so I made sure to point them in your direction, and I'm so glad I was right." Diamond said as they were paying for some more books at this point.

"You really helped him find me? I don't know how to thank you girls enough for that, it means.. so.. so much to me." Skystar said as she was really surprised they encountered Spike yesterday.
"It was no problem Skystar, but perhaps you can repay it with us having to take care of him when he needs to be looked after? I'm sure my son and daughter would like to spend time with him? Smolder especially.." Ruby said as she knew she would be happy to have a new friend.
"He was a really cute child, I'd love to spend more time with him, I was this close to adopting him Skystar, and I would have never let him go if I did." Pearl said slyly while the others chuckled at that.
"We're just saying we'd like to spend more time with you two, with you two together again, I think us spending time as a group would help us get along more." Diamond said while they kept moving through the markets and other dragons just let them go along.
"I think that's a great idea, whenever you girls have the time, feel free to come to the village, you know where my cave is, and I'll be glad to have us spend time together." Skystar said which made them really happy hearing it.
"We'll be coming to your home often then, we look forward to it Skystar." Wave said with a gleeful look as they all had a lot of fun ideas to spend time with them.
"That sounds great girls." Skystar said as she was buying some fish and extra stuff for dinner tonight now.

"So Skystar, where is the little guy now? He's safe right?" Pearl asked a bit worried while they didn't see him with her.
"Don't worry girls, he's at the Hatching Grounds for a bit, once I'm done with this, I'll head back to bring him home, and I have to start planning out how to start properly raising him." Skystar assured which made them a bit relieved to know it.
"I think my daughter's there right now actually from what my son told me, would be pretty great if they became friends if that happened." Ruby said as she remembered her son telling her this before she left the cave for shopping too.
"That would be really fun to know, we could set up play dates if that's true." Skystar said chuckling a bit which made them all giggle hearing it.
"Your still the great dragon we know you as Skystar, I'm sure it will be a fun time." Pearl said while they were finishing up with the rest of the shopping finally.
"I'm sure it will.." Skystar said hopefully as she was preparing to leave, but Wave came in to ask her something before she did.

"Skystar, while we're glad you have your son back and everything.. how are you gonna handle it after what.. happened?" Wave asked recalling what happened after he was.. taken..
"It's a lot to think over.. but I'm gonna start with adjusting my cave to have him live there.. then I'm gonna see what I can do about setting up for him to go to school.." Skystar said as she herself didn't have everything planned out yet.
"That's a good start Skystar, but what if.. something happens again? What if he.. gets.. taken.. again?" Ruby asked worried for what happened, because the last time it happened.. it did not go well at all. Skystar got a bit upset after being asked that, and she noticed a large rock just a bit away from the markets, and decided to make an example of what's gonna happen.
"If someone try's to take my son again.. like those.. monsters.. did..." Skystar said clutching her fist while she went up to it, the others were concerned for her being.
"Skystar?" Diamond asked worried while they followed her, Skystar soon came upon the really large rock, it was about twice her own size, and she had a look of anger looking at it. Skystar soon brought her arm back and made a loud angry cry as she literally punched the boulder with ease, this punch was so strong, despite the boulders' size.. it completely shattered from the punch which sent rocks flying all over the place, they were all really shocked at her strength, they knew she was strong before, but this display let them know not to mess with her, even the other dragons near the markets were really shocked with her huge strength.

"Then they will pay for harming him, when a mother loses her child, it's like losing a part of them, and that mother won't stop until she has him back, I'm sure you girls know this by now." Skystar said clutching her claw as that didn't hurt her at all.
"Skystar.. don't you think that's a bit much? We all understand this feeling, but what if they don't harm him? And doing an action like this.. may cause you to be looked at.. in a bad way?" Pearl asked really worried for what could happen, Skystar tried calming down after being asked that, and knew it would be bad if she rushed to conclusions like that.
"I may go to far in areas, and I'm trying not to do that. I don't even know my own strength thanks to those spells I've learned, but I'm gonna try keeping control of myself, so I don't fall into a Primal Rage again, because if I do.. I could cause worse damage then the last time I did.." Skystar said as she formed more fire in her hands, and they were in awe of seeing her use fire like that.
"There's more ways to answer things then just violence Skystar, you know that. So if your son goes missing again.. try to keep your cool, and don't fall into a rage again.. please? It may make him afraid of you if that does happen." Diamond warned which was a true fact, Skystar took a deep breath and sighed in relief, and she began tightening the bags she had that held the stuff she got.

"I'll what I can girls, there's a lot I need to do now that I have him back, and I should get to them.. but know I'll do what I can girls, it was great talking with you all again, hopefully we can spend time at my home together when you can." Skystar said as she was about to leave.
"It was great talking with you too Skystar, just take things easy alright? Tell your son we said hi." Wave said as they all had to leave too.
"We'll be coming to visit when we can, it was great seeing you Skystar, we're glad to hear you've found your son again." Ruby said as they were all relieved to hear that, Skystar smiled at that and spread her wings again and began to take off.
"Thanks girls, see you later." Skystar said before she took off into the sky's back to the Hatching grounds, the girls were worried on what would happen if Spike goes missing again, but just hoped she doesn't go to far if it does..

Back with Spike and Smolder, they were still talking about a lot of stuff while in the Hatching Grounds, Spike got to know a good bit about Smolder with the time he's had, and found her pretty fun to hang around with.
"So your brother's into poetry? That's a pretty cool hobby." Spike said with a smile as she just told him what he's into.
"Yeah, he's been getting real into it recently, and he's had a fun time, and now that he doesn't have those jerks with him, he'll be able to find his passion." Smolder said chuckling a bit as they looked at the baron place together, the two stayed silent after that and tried to think of what else to say, but a loud thud shook the ground, and Spike turned around to see Skystar had finally made it back, and was looking around for him.
"Well, looks like I gotta get going now, it was nice meeting you Smolder, would you like to hang out again some day?" Spike asked turning to her before he left.
"Of course, your the first dragon I've talked too that's been interested in what I do, I'll be glad to spend more time with you, I'm glad I got to meet you Spike." Smolder said with a smile while they shook claws one more time.
"I look forward to it, it was great meeting you Smolder, see you later." Spike said as he began heading back to her.
"It was great meeting you too, see ya soon!" Smolder said waving goodbye while she went to her brother who had also just arrived.

Spike went up to Skystar who saw him come up to her, she looked relieved to see he's alright, and picked him up with one of her claws.
"Did everything go alright while I was gone son?" Skystar asked while she put him on her back.
"It went great actually mom, I made a friend while you were gone, she seems pretty cool, and I'm hoping to spend more time with her when I get the chance." Spike said as he pointed over to Smolder, Skystar recognized her as Ruby showed her before, and smiled knowing he made friends with her.
"Well, I'll be sure to take you here again when she's here, I have a good feeling you'll get along more in the future." Skystar said as she began to leave with him again.
"I do too, so are we heading back home now?" Spike asked as it was getting pretty late now.

"Of course, we've had a lot to see today, so it's best we go home and rest, I think we should see Nathen tomorrow, he said he was near the hotsprings, so I think it would be fun to see him again." Skystar suggested while she remembered where he was.
"That sounds really fun mom! I'll be glad to see him again! And I'm sure he'll be happy to see us too." Spike said agreeing to this plan.
"Sounds like a plan then, we'll head out early tomorrow, and try and bond with him. I'm just glad this day went so well.." Skystar said while she began taking off into the sky's again.
"Me too mom.. me too.." Spike said with a smile as they headed back home, while Spike was glad to have learned so much today, he still needed to find out how to break this news to Twilight, and since Skystar may have a bit of a grudge against them.. he's gonna have to think of something that could help.. but she may not take this news easily if she knows..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! I know this chapter was mainly just more talking and learning about dragons and stuff, but I also wanted to include more character stuff with Spike and his mom, while Skystar does care for her son, she's had experiences that may make her not take news like this well, and if you've red my original story, I'm sure you know how it goes, but don't worry, I'll make sure things are resolved in the end! Sorry the mane 6 hasn't appeared in the story yet, but hopefully with what this story's provided so far, it helps explain why, I just hope you can hold out for a bit longer until we see them again, thank you all so much for reading this and hope you look forward to more!