• Published 4th May 2024
  • 73 Views, 1 Comments

Brushstroke - WonderShy101

Toola Roola finds an old box filled with paint, but what else is it filled with?

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Shed

Pinkie Pie watches the chest of knick-knacks being pulled from a small shed in the middle of a forest, but not too far from Ponyville. Dropping the rope from the chest, Toola Roola breathes heavily at the accomplishment of taking out the heavy box.

Pinkie Pie scratches her head, "Are you sure you don't need any help, Tooly (that's her nickname now)?"

Tooly wipes the sweat from her forehead, and flashing Pinkie Pie a wide smile, "I'm glad you offered, but now that I got this heavy chest out the way, cleaning my grandpa's shed should be a piece of cake!"

"Are you sure about that?" Pinkie Pie chuckles, and points back to the shed. Tooly turns around and sighs at the sight of the it, which was still full.

"I guess I'm going to need all the help I can get..." Tooly shrugs, but her smile never wavers. Pinkie pats her on the shoulder in reassurance.

"That's the spirit, Tooly!" Pinkie Pie exclaims, "We don't want you to do something that's complicated alone, you have friends to help!"

"Plus, I can look forward to Sweetie Belle's delicious cookies." Tooly says, imagining the sugary treats that the young pony will prepare.

"I'll go on ahead and get the girls, but don't finish without us!" Pinkie Pie floats away with her one balloon strapped to her, towards the direction of where her friends could be hanging out at.

After that, Tooly continues to clean out the shed. It's been a while since she's ever been to the small little shack and wanted to help her grandfather out to take a load off of him, plus, he promised that she would find some cool and new interesting things. Wondering, Tooly hopes that it's more crafting stuff! Just thinking about it makes her pretty giddy, because so far, all she's been seeing is old antiques and boxes filled with old tools and some old furniture that's either broken or intact but unusable.

She did find some of her grandpa's old paintings that he painted in the past. Looking through them, Tooly gets a sense of nostalgia from the paintings, and wonders where he got his inspirations from. Doing a double take at one of the paintings, one with a beautiful waterfall, Tooly could've sworn that it moved, the water gently swaying down into the river below. Looking back, she shakes her head at her wild imagination. "The painting is beautiful, after all..." She mutters to herself.

After a few minutes of tirelessly taking out old antiques to put them in more boxes to either donate or get rid of, Tooly takes a break to wait for her friends. Within the shed, she sits on a box to catch her breath, her hair messy from working too hard as well. So far, she hasn't found her grandpa's super special surprise yet, and is wondering if he only said that just to get her to help him clean, even though she would help anyway...

"I wonder where grandpa got all these stuff from, it's so much..." She says to herself, looking around. She feels like she hasn't scratched the surface with the conundrum of things, but she knows that with her friends, they'll get it done, hopefully, by the end of the day.

Suddenly, something catches her eye, somehow. She didn't see it before, and she's wondering why she's seeing it now. Under a few books and old papers, is a shiny box made from wood. It has a small lock on it, but the key is nowhere to be found, or if it'll ever be found. Disappointed, Tooly puts the box down next to her as she continues waiting, but her mind can't help but stare at the box. 'What's in this box?' she thought to herself, the thrill of the unknown gnawing at her greatly. An idea pops into her head, 'Is this the surprise that grandpa wanted me to find?!' Feeling excited, Tooly makes sure to take the small box home after finishing, and to also make sure to find the lost key.

In an instant, the door to the shed swings open, causing Tooly to flinch and fall over in surprise. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo run towards her with glee, and helping her up.

"Let us help, Toola Roola! I wanna find some cool stuff too!" Scootaloo says while jumping around.

"And I made sure to pack some yummy cookies too! They're freshly made!" Sweetie Belle waves a bag of cookies in the air, while also eating a few in delight.

"Let's not spoil our appetite just yet though, Sweetie Belle. We have a lot to get done." Cheerilee says, already getting started.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it, they're so good!" Sweetie Belle takes a another bite of her cookies.

"Careful now, we might not have many to go around." Rainbow Dash adds flaunting her new stylish outfits. "Also, couldn't your grandfather keep this place more... Cleaner?"

"Rainbow!" Cheerilee yells.

"It's ok! She's right, he hasn't been to his old shed in years. I was hoping I would find the answer as to why he hasn't been back to this place, but so far, all I found is this old wooden box." Tooly shows the group the old wooden box.

Pinkie Pie stares over the small box with wonder and curiosity. She sniffs it and covers her nose. "It's smells pretty old, all right! I wonder if there's any surprise inside, like confetti!"

"Probably not confetti..." Tooly snickers, "But you see this lock? There's a small key somewhere, so once we start looking, please look out for any keys that you might see."

"Let's get to it then!" Cheerilee says. The girls pick a random spot to start at, and they get to it, pulling out a multitude of boxes from out the shed, and stacks of books that look like they go on for miles. One by one, the girls neatly place the items outside for Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to sort out, and by the time the evening sun is just about to go down, the shed is now clean and empty.

Tooly walks to the group, a confident look stretches across her face. "Good work everyone! The shed looks good as new. Now that we sorted out everything, we can now put some of the things back, and most of the stuff either in the trash, or donate."

"Are you sure we can just toss most of this stuff, Tooly?" Rainbow Dash asks. "Is you're grandfather completely ok with this?"

"Oh yea, he's fine with it." Tooly responds. "In fact, before he asked for my help, he was going to sell the entire shed with everything in it! I felt pretty bad that he wanted to make that decision, so I offered to help him at least arrange the stuff that he absolutely wanted, and since we did, we can throw out the rest!"

"Speaking of which..." Pinkie Pie holds up a small satchel towards Tooly. Looking inside, she gasps at the many keys that were found. "Look how many keys that we found! All the stuff in the shed besides that box you found don't have any locks to them, so we just have to pick and choose which key goes into the hole, which should be easy!"

"Since we are finished, can we figure that out back home? I ended up eating all the cookies, but I have more at home!" Sweetie Belle adds in, her face covered in cookie crumbs. Everyone laughs but understands.

"Sweetie Belle's right, and besides, I bet all of us are exhausted. Let's have some smoothies with our cookies as well, then we can figure out what's in the box." Tooly puts the small box in her own satchel that's wrapped around her waist.

"Last one there gets no cookies!" Scootaloo runs towards the direction of Sweetie Belle's home.

"Hey! No fair, I made those cookies!" Sweetie Belle runs after her.

By then, the rest of the girls all run as well, excited to know the secret that's in the box, and to also enjoy some sweet snacks after a hard days work...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

These chapters will be super short and sweet, but let me know if you guys wants them to be longer.