• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 38 minutes ago


I read-consume yes-yes! I maybe write yes-yes! I talk narrate! I-I draw paint! (You can find me as Zlagg1 on twitter)


This story is a sequel to The Start of a Royal Addiction

Luna has heard hushed whispers of the newest addition to Ponyville visiting her sister quite often.

Ponies talk about something called "scritches and pats." Luna isn't exactly sure what it is. But her sister and her dear friend Twilight have started acting weird. She intends to get to the bottom of this, and one way or another put an end to this apparent speading "addiction." Or perhaps be yet another victim of it?

(Cover art is credited now)

Featured 2 hours after posting. Huzzah!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

you must be stopped its getting out of control

The tales of the newest threat to Equestria continues, the Drug Hug Kingpin.

One of the best ways to take over a country is to get its people, especially its leaders, addicted to something new, making them dependent on you and your goodwill for their fix. Classic imperialistic subterfuge.

Opioid Epidemic cannot compared to this!

Thanks dude!

Ah shit, here we go again!

Another petting chapter and since now he has been hired to pamper Royalty no one is safe. Who would be next? Princess Ember would be a good start, Cadence its not a bad option neither, Rain Shine from the kirins, or maybe Queen Novo, Chrisalis infiltrating and getting pampered while guised as one of the previous one its an posible option too.

This needs to expand to Cadence, Chrysalis, Novo, the kirin queen, heck toss in the 63 version of Sombra for some comedy gold

If this ends up turning into a silly non-lethal infection-esque AU where ponies are addicted to the borderline of madness for scritches on the daily I'll laugh my butt off. Eventually too many are hooked on it for Anon to have any hope of keeping up with, and the citizens take matters into their own hoofs, tearing a hole in the fabric of reality to abduct more humans from Anon's world. But first they make the mistake of taking them from the EQ universe which only makes more ponies to get addicted and make the situation worse even as it makes them uncomfortable being treated like a pet.

Since you invited us to bring typos to your attention:

Luna's brow furrowed a bit, what were these scrithes and pats? And how does that correlate to the human?

You forgot a "c" here.

"Yes, well did you now that your sister sheds fur everywhere? I keep thinking that I get it all off in the wash but I always find a few strands here and there." He dusted his shoulder a bit, noticing a few strands of white hair floating off from his suit.

And there should be a "k" here.

Also, the line following that one is:

"Where to Princess? Did you have a place in mind where you wanted to relax?"

which makes me think there should've been a line from Luna requesting scritches and pats from Anon in-between, but it appears to be missing.

What if one of the princesses transforms into their alter ego from a lack of pats and scritches and then we can have Anon go up against Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, Midnight Sparkle, and Heart Breaker (or whatever you call Cadance's nightmare form)

Solo falta cadence y se le puede agregar un momento de tensión con shining armor

Or maybe one of them get loose by magic accident and Anon has to use his pampering to calm her down, and thus show everypony that his pamper technique is as powerful as the Elements.


Cadance or Flurry next?

"Then you're hired." Luna stated without missing a beat.

Task... successful?


I think my favorite fan name for it is "Decadence".

Author's Note:

Yet another chapter done!

*Also* I have to *apologise* for the slight delay in getting this chapter out. Life kind of got in *they* way. Also be sure to point out any misspellings that I might have missed! But anyway, enjoy!

'Also' needs a comma after it.
Spelled 'apologize'.
Spelled 'the'.

"What do you think they are doing in there?" A sudden shocked *ghasp* sounded from one of the *nozy* maids. "Could they be.....?" She left the sentence unfinished, but her question was obvious.

Spelled 'gasp'.
Spelled 'nosy'.

"Silver Guard said that Princess Celestia has been getting-" She lowered her voice, but this didn't stop the Princess of the night from hearing her. "Scritches and pats from the human." A deep *ghasp* sounded from the other maid and her coworker shushed her.

Spelled 'gasp'.

The fork in Celestia's magic seemed to falter before resuming *it's* trajectory towards the pancakes.

Spelled 'its'. The way you have it spelled is an abbreviation of 'it is'. The proper way is 'its', such as 'The dog belongs to its owner', as opposed to 'It's of no consequence'.

"Scritches and pats are something that only Anon has the ability to do well. Think of it as a massage but focused on *ones* head instead of their whole body." A small smile tugged at her lips as she spoke.

Spelled 'one's'.

"Wow, I can see the crystal mountains from here." True to his word, in the distance laid the multiple mountains that blocked the *crystal empire* from view, and the *ever blowing* blizzard that surrounded the crystal city.

Spelled 'Crystal Empire'. It is a proper noun, and thus should be capitalized.
Spelled 'ever-blowing'. The hyphen couples the words together as they both describe the state of the blizzard.

As *anon* tore his attention away from the amazing view, he could see that Luna seemed to radiate confidence, it also helped that the moonlight perfectly hit her features as if someone was taking a professional picture with excellent lighting.

Spelled 'Anon'. Proper noun, being someone's name.

He put some more effort in scratching the underside of her jaw. His left hand then fell from *it's* position behind her ear and went to pat and scritch at the back of her neck.

Spelled 'its'. See previous note about instance.

He then brought both of his hands underneath her chin and lightly pushed at her cheeks with his thumbs. Anon couldn't help but smile at the slightly confused look she was giving him. Which melted back to the smile as he went to scritch at the base of her jaw. He then slowly moved to the sides of her neck. As he did Luna *ghasped* and felt a shiver run down her spine.

Spelled 'gasp'.

He then continued to pat, *scrich* and rub the sides of her neck. He could see her tail swing from side to side as he continued. This went on for a good ten or so minutes.

Spelled 'scritch'.

Sorry that there is a lot, but you *did* ask. I nitpick about grammar and spelling almost all the time. Habit from my mother drilling it into me.

Whoops, I guess spontaneous writing just before going to sleep harms the grammar quite a bit.

I could see complications from a possessive husband or protective father with Shining Armor in the Mix. But seeing as he is a soldier rather than a pampered princess, I could see Anon adapting the technique to better suit an exhausted body vs an exhausted mind to win him over at some point. Perhaps a good knuckle rub for the muscles alongside a firm application to an undercoat brush under where his armor sits and gets sweaty all day. I could even see Shining saying "teach me what you can. I'll adapt my telekinesis as best I can, just teach me enough to let me take care of my wife while you're out of town."

Eh, might not be the direction the author is going for, but still kinda an odd/interesting tangent.

No sweat. Happens to everyone.

This is why we can't have nice things.

See this guy knows what's really going on. Lol, Anon will overthrow the whole goverment with his pets and bring in the industrial revolution!

We can just take the nice things by petting sentient horse creature on the head. They will be none the wiser. :3

Next time, all the way from the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor?

But isn't writing at 3am the best time to be writing?

Yes and no. It's easy to write but hard to see mistakes in spelling.

will cadence cheat on her husband with scritches?

this series is so cute oh my goddddddd

And now a sequel with Princess Cadance is needed, pretty please? :applecry:

Don't you worry, it'll happen.

Resu #31 · 3 weeks ago · · ·

"Yes, I heard he was giving them to you. What I'd like to know is what these scritches and pats are." Luna's eyebrow raised a bit. - Luna

"And what's with all the secrecy? I hope it's not something nefarious." - Luna

Both lines spoken by Luna, yet they are in separate paragraphs. I'd combine them into one.

"Yes I did. The maids keep finding white hairs in the weirdest of places." She giggled. - Luna

"Should we depart then?" A small smile remained on her face. - Luna?

"Where to Princess? Did you have a place in mind where you wanted to relax?" - Anon

Simmilar case to the first.

"Evening Princess." He adjusted the cuffs of his black formal suit. Luna could see a few strands of white hair that stuck out about his presentation.

!!! You did it! HAHAHAHAHA, YES!

Anyway, have a big cat purr

11897541 I'm loving the idea of incognito Chryssi getting a session of them hands. I wonder what this world's Lyra is up.

She is just standing there menacingly!!! Probably watching Anon from the shadows in Poniville maybe a chapter of its own and i am glad you liked the idea i gave at this point you could probably get a whole saga with every character

It will be very funny if as a result of such comedy beginning we will end up by one of the most epic adventure story that was ever created, were Anon's unique abilities will be the key to save the whole world.

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