• Published 7th May 2024
  • 408 Views, 4 Comments

Twilight's first F - Udahyas

A comedic one-shot about Twilight getting her first and last bad grade.

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But I need more questions!

It's very difficult to repeat the material with everyone running around and yelling.

A small exasperated sigh escaped my mouth as I tried to repeat the material before the math test. Which was very difficult with all the other mares and foals running around. Why are the recesses at our school so unbearably long!?

“Pull yourself together, Twilight. I need A's in every subject without exception. It wouldn't look good if there was a B amongst the A's. ” I reminded myself before I once again stared at the book and began to reread the same paragraph once more. Interesting fact: every time I reread a paragraph more than half of my time is spent turning pages. It is not convenient to do it with my hooves.

When will I finally be able to use magic on my own?

No sooner had I started whining about the subject than the bell rang, calling the children to class. For some reason, everyone but me was upset and walking very slowly to class. I even felt a little embarrassed at how fast I was walking to my desk. Oh, I get it! They're upset because it's their last class!

“Oh, I know how they feel. “ I whispered to myself as I sat down at my desk and propped my head up with my hoof. I really envy my big brother in that regard. When I go home, he'll have two more hours of fun learning! In fact, he said he's gonna have a lot of tests today. Almost every class is a test!

Ugh, I can't wait to grow up to have a day at school like my big brother.

Unfortunately, my thoughts were interrupted by a passing teacher. Luckily, she walked past all the kids to give us the tests! When the assignment sheet came down on my desk, I let out a happy squeak before picking up the pencil with my mouth. As soon as I leaned over the sheet to read the first question, the teacher said: “Since this is the last class, you can go home as soon as you finish writing. But take your time!”

I nodded quickly, almost dropping my pencil before looking at the worksheet. Okay, question one. Two plus two equals. . . . Four! That was easy. Moving on. Three plus three equals six! Oh, that's too easy! Okay, third question. Four plus three. Uh, seven? Yeah, seven. I guess I underestimated the difficulty of this test. . . .

Sighing, I shifted my gaze to the fourth question. Seven plus five equals twelve. Uhhh, the hardest part is writing it all out. Okay, last question on this side of the sheet. Ten plus ten. Uh, twenty? I don't know why that's the last question is the hardest. Maybe there's a sequel on the back?

Yeah, I guess so. Five questions is not enough for the teacher to know how well I understood the material!

I carefully set the pencil down on the table and slowly flipped to the other side. It was blank. Just a blank white sheet of paper. I frowned slightly and said with a raised hoof, “Teacher, teacher! I think I have the wrong version of the test. There are only five questions!”

The teacher slightly raised one eyebrow and replied with some tenderness in her voice: “That's the way it should be. I didn't want to, keep you late for your last class. “

My embarrassment only grew. Just five questions? So I don't have to be late for my last class? But I want it to last as long as possible! Unable to accept this situation, I asked cautiously, “Can I have an extra test, please? I want more assignments.”

The teacher only smiled sadly before shaking her head and saying, “Twilight, that's very sweet of course, but I can't. One student, one test.”

I. Need. More. Tasks!

For just a second, I trembled with indignation at the thought of such a short test. But then I had a solution. I can solve my classmates' tests! They would be happy, and I could solve more problems! Unable to contain myself, I smiled and whispered to the nearest colt, “Can I help you with your test?”

The foal almost jammed his face into the sheet, as if he couldn't see the assignments properly. And he didn't move at all in response to my request. I'm offended actually. Sighing sadly, I turned away from him and saw the filly sitting on the chair with her hooves behind her head. What's more, her lips were folded in a sort of soundless whistle. Which sounded almost. . . threatening?

Oh, she probably already took her test. That's a shame.

I swiveled around in my seat and finally found a suitable target. The colt, who sat behind me and just stared at the test sheet and scratched his temple with his hoof. Barely holding back a satisfied squeal, I asked: “Can I help you with your test?”

In response, he quickly shifted his gaze to me and froze. After a second of thought, he lifted up slightly to look at the teacher and finally answered cautiously, “Can I do that?”

I'm not sure. But what's the worst that could happen?

That's a good point. But how do I put it into words? And preferably quickly so the teacher doesn't notice I'm sitting with my back to her. But I need to say something absolutely precise, clever and persuasive. Okay, Twilight, you can do it.

“Please, please. . .” I whispered, reaching for my pencil in case I agreed. And, thank Celestia, he shrugged and lightly pushed his test towards me! Without wasting a second I took the pencil in my mouth and started looking at the questions in his version. Hmm, they're simpler than mine. Like, the first question is just elementary. Two plus two equals four!

Oh, wait. My test had the exact same question. Other people's tests always have easier questions, I guess.

Before I could write a single answer on someone else's test, I was called out by the teacher's indignant voice: “Twilight, what are you doing?”

I wrote four on the other person's version before whipping out my pencil and saying excitedly, “I'm solving someone else's test. At first I thought the questions were easier than mine, but they're actually the same!”

The teacher didn't seem to share my enthusiasm and said sternly, “Twilight, he has to solve his own test. Either turn in your work or I'll be forced to cancel your work and give you an F.”

Is that okay? That sounds weird and unfair.

But it still sounds really scary. But. I really want more questions! Taking a deep breath, I took the pencil in my mouth again and leaned into the test before writing another answer. The teacher raised her voice slightly and said even more sternly, “Twilight, I'm warning you!”

My heart began to beat faster at the sight of the next question. Part of me was telling me to stop and listen to the teacher. But I really want to tackle more questions. So, I wrote the answer on the third question of someone else's test. The teacher snorted loudly and said: “Twilight, I know you're a smart filly and realize you don't need a bad grade for such a small thing!”

I'm a smart filly, so I need more than five assignments!

I let out a short sigh, before gathering my strength and quickly answering the last two answers with a sharp swipe of my pencil. Then I dropped the pencil, but was stopped by the teacher's extremely menacing voice: “Twilight, one more assignment missing from someone else's test and I'll really give you a two!”

I gulped and replied awkwardly rubbing one hoof against the other, “Actually, I already solved his test completely.“

“Oh.” Mumbled the teacher pausing for a moment with a blank stare.

“Well, uh, am I forgiven?” I asked nervously, finally realizing the gravity of the situation. I had never gotten an F in school. What would happen if I did? The unknown is scary.

“No, not forgiven. I'll give you an F and the foal who let you solve the test for him too. “ Replied the teacher with a slow shake of her head.

I'm, I'm, I'm not sad, am I? That's weird. . .

I lowered my head and sadly picked up my saddlebag before carefully walking towards the exit of the classroom. Judging by the fact that the teacher didn't interrupt me, I was doing the right thing. Another problem solved correctly, well done Twilight.

After a few quiet minutes of walking, I made it to the special row of clothes hooks before exiting. After all, it's cold enough outside. Shakily standing up on my hind hooves, I grabbed and put on my scarf.

Well, I'm good to go. And on the way, I can think about this whole situation.

Nodding slightly to myself, I gently pushed the exit door open with my head and walked forward down the road. The house wasn't far. But that didn't stop me from sighing and muttering as I walked forward, “So, got my first F. I didn't think it would ever happen. “

“But I'm not really sad, for some reason. I didn't get a bad grade because I'm a bad filly, right? I helped someone else and I kind of got it right. I just didn't take the rules seriously? I guess so.“ I muttered to myself as I looked down.

Suddenly, my musings were interrupted by an extremely familiar sound. The scrape of a pencil against paper. I quickly perked up my ears and looked up to see a stallion sitting on the bench holding a white sheet of paper. After looking at it for a couple seconds, I whispered quietly: “Crossword.”

I won't get a second bad grade for helping with the crossword puzzle, right?

I hope so. I took a deep breath before coughing loudly to get the stallion's attention. Luckily, it worked, and he looked at me silently with a raised eyebrow. Squeezing out an embarrassed smile, I asked:

“Can I help you with your crossword puzzle?”

He's bound to answer. I'll get myself an interesting challenge, I won't be so frustrated, and. . .

No, young filly. Go home. “ The stallion replied calmly and almost coldly. It wasn't quite what I'd expected.

Sighing sadly I lowered my head again and muttered as I walked past him, “ Okay, I'll just find the crossword puzzle in my mom's then. By the time I solve it, big brother will be home and I can solve his homework.”

Sounds like a plan. But all items need to be written down on a list before execution!

Comments ( 4 )
LLEEWDER #1 · 3 weeks ago · · 1 ·

F, for FIRST!

The teacher should have pulled her aside and explained WHY she can't just do everyone's schoolwork for them, or perhaps see if Twilight would be one of the kids who enjoyed "running a quick errand" for the teacher like making copies or things like that. I'm willing to bet that she would love that.

I'm now imagining how much flak Shining would get from his peers if they learned he was having his baby sister do his homework for him.

Thats me!
(No seriously im failing in college:twilightoops:)

I'm not sure. But what's the worst that could happen?

You're about to learn why you DON'T ask questions like that. :facehoof:

I read in Asimov's autobiography (the out of print 2 volume one) that he only ever had one failing grade -Deportment. (He tended to be a Smart Alec Know It All without the common sense to know when to stifle it.)


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