• Member Since 1st Apr, 2023
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Oh, to see the land from high above, to feel the wind through my mane and feathers!


When Sam opened his eyes, ready to start his first morning as a college student, the last thing he expected was to find himself in an unfamiliar bedroom, in the equally unfamiliar form of Princess Celestia.

Now trapped in a body teeming with an enormous amount of power and an equally enormous set of responsibilities and worries, Sam needs to get to the bottom of things before Equestria's enemies realize Celestia is not herself and take the advantage.

Cover art is by Nauyaco

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 89 )

Oh, finally! A normal reaction to an abnormal situation!
To be honest, I have already managed to get tired of such stories, where the main character assumes his position in the very first seconds, and then just as successfully pretends to be someone he is not. But here... oh, the first reaction from awareness is perfectly described.
I hope there will be more of this kind of originality in the future.:twilightsmile:

Aww thank you! I resonate quite a bit with seeing such rapid adjustments, and I'm glad you were able to feel his genuine "what the heck" reaction!

I've seen several of these types of stories, but this one gives me a different vibe, I don't know, maybe I just stumbled upon a gem that hasn't been developed yet, you have to give it time.

I would love to see what types of situations unfold, I hope it doesn't end up being another incomplete story.

Oh an HIE where they don’t know Mlp. Interesting.

Hrmmm, intriguing! I look forward to seeing this develop!

Have to agree with this, I don't mind it for like one shots or stories that are only like 2 or 3 chapters long because short story some stuff gets handwaved for the story.

But longer fics have the time. It's why I avoided easy acceptance in my own fic as things should fallow panic, calm panic as this, this is crazy no matter how you slice it.

Off to an interesting start and I’d be lying if the guffaw from the cover image didn’t half sell me on this story.

love the pic used but who is the artist?

Nauyaco! Thanks for reminding me, I added their name and link to the description!

Ah, yes. He is not going to be able to hide his existence for very long. Already, a grave Solar mistake has been made.

Good stuff.

really good start, i like that he doesnt know mlp,
im looking forward to more :pinkiehappy:

I may always stand my ground that Luna is best princess, but Celestia is a close and I mean darn close second.
Take my like, fave, track, the whole shebang.
Heck, I'll even follow you.

This seems to be the beginning of something that will eventually have 1000+ likes, and I'm glad to be here at its impetus.

Ok, I'll give this a shot.

...why not? Ill bite!
...if 6d was here he'd nom

I am almost certain that the cover drawing is a reference to One Piece, more specifically the battle of the false god Enel against Luffy


Is possible, the original is of Celestia running away from chicken :3

A good start in terms of quality and interest. Also, in my opinion, the interesting cover of the fanfic deserves attention, which may attract some readers. The only thing I can now advise the author for the next chapters of the story is not to make the chapters and the story itself too short so that you don’t have to cut off some details or moments. I'll be waiting for the next chapters.

This will fizzle out after three chapters. Five at most, like every story of its ilk.

Alright there Captain Ego, slow your roll. Go whine to 4chan that your story isn't doing so hot and then not realize you acting like this is the number one reason as to why.

Very interesting! Well written and promising, I'll be sure to keep an eye on your story.

I want to be optimistic and hope that this story will get continuity updated. It has a very good start, better than most of its kind. It’s nice to see an Mc react in a realistic way to the absolute bull that is a situation like this. Like I said, I hope this story updates, because most promising fics feel like they stop after 2-5 chapters these days.

I said a general truth. If you don't believe me, look at this story in a year.
And now you may direct your followers to downvote this comment as well. Faggot.


I said a general truth. If you don't believe me, look at this story in a year.

Nobody asked for your generalization for one. And two, congratulations, way to make yourself look more like an ass. If only you were a bit nicer and not sounding so condescending, then you wouldn't look like such an ass!

And now you may direct your followers to downvote this comment as well. Faggot.

If you really think I sent a mass message to downvote your comment, you are delusional. Way to prove my point. Your name checks out! :rainbowlaugh:


Nobody asked for your generalization

Yet this guy 11900172 pretty much said the same thing as me, no one asked him either, but I don't see you going all vigilante over him.

If you really think I sent a mass message to downvote your comment

It was you who implied in your previous comment that Fimfic is being ran by some underground hugbox cabal, judging fics based on the author's niceness instead of individual artistic merit.
If you really wanted to tear into my work, you should have said it's shit, instead of saying I am the shit, and that's why thin-skinned brodles ignore it.

I'm sorry, but unlike that other person, you're being rude. Hence, you get called out for it. That, and your tone is overly negative when the story has barely been out for a few days. Give the author the benefit of the doubt for at least a month or so before starting with the doom-calling. This kind of attitude is half the reason why people get demotivated to write.

Great work so far! I look forward to more antics of this new Celestia :D

This. Thank you. I would've put my review of what was up so far, but most people in the comments here have said basically what I wanted to say (well written, hope it continues, etc.).

The difference between you and the person you referenced? Simple, they enjoyed the fic and wanted to tell the author that they hoped they continued it. You on the other hand? Came in like you were a know it all. Tone and intent. There's a difference. Not to mention I recognized your name in a 4chan thread not too long ago because you keep exposing yourself every time you post.

It was you who implied in your previous comment that Fimfic is being ran by some underground hugbox cabal, judging fics based on the author's niceness instead of individual artistic merit.

Gotta start wondering here if you're schizophrenic because I said none of that. You ignored all of what I actually said, which is me telling you that you're being an ass and that you just want to be a literary critic so bad, when in reality, you're just putting down an author because you can't achieve the relative same success nowadays and whine on 4chan about it. Get real dude. Stop neckbearding this comments section up and learn that you're not all that. Extremely weird behavior, but I can't expect much from a dude who thinks he's the best author on the site when you're not even remotely close.

Also, just some word of advice: touch grass for a year. You're sounding like someone who hasn't actually talked to people before.

If you really wanted to tear into my work, you should have said it's shit, instead of saying I am the shit, and that's why thin-skinned brodles ignore it.

I forgot to address this but I really should. You're not owed my criticism when you act like this. Also I didn't say you were the shit, I said you're acting like you are the shit, when you're clearly not.

This sounds like it's going to be a treat ! I like it ! Looking forward to the next chapters of this story ^v^

Spelling and grammar are spot on as far as I can tell. The flow of the story feels natural and the character's reactions are understandable and kinda hilarious. I look forward to future updates!

I love this type of story. Here's hoping for many future awkward moments

when i read stories of this ilk, i like to time just how long it takes between waking up and realizing this is not their beautiful house. In Metamorphoses, the guy realizes quite as soon as he's woken up, but nowadays protagonists love to say "Wow, I need some water, my voice sounds weird" or "Wow, I need to shave, I feel like I'm covered in fur". It's even more fun when they think they're dreaming.

I'm not gonna reply to all of that because I don't wanna escalate this any further. I just want to leave this as a message to the person who left a downvote on all my stories that if you have a problem with me, say it to my face.

If you want to escalate it further, just message me in dms instead of sperging out in this story's comments section like I said. As for the person who downvoted your fics, just know I did not do that. That's petty imo, but you kind of asked for it when you went full egotistical.

I don't want to say it but someone has to I'm sorry.

Your pfp is Ironic.

There! I said it! No one has to! For the greater goos!

I've also decided that, for now, updates will be weekly, give or take a day or two.

Super hyped to see this, although, don't stress if you don't make an update deadline. Best to let it flow naturally.

Super cool to see what you've done with this so far, and I'm hooked. Can't wait to see the next chapter! :twilightsmile:

I absolutely adore how... logical this character is, to the point of self-detriment.
He did not even entertain the idea that he could actually raise the sun, he immediately saw it as some sort of strange religious thing and glossed over it.

I love this story, and cannot wait for when Luna comes into the picture!

The ruse will be up as soon as Luna even talks to 'Celestia' and I can't wait to see it happen. There's no way they can fool her into believing that they are her sister. Love it, seldomly been this excited to see where a story might go.

Great to already see an update. I can't wait for either Luna to find out or Twilight panicking over the sun not rising and sending letter after letter to Celestia.

I’m curious as to whether or not Celestia also swapped bodies with the MC. If so, it would be interesting to see how she holds up trying to navigate the life of a random college student.

Nice to hear about weekly updates, a very promising start.
Curious that MC haven't had any problems with going out pretty much nude, despite even finding some dresses.

Well this seems like a fun read.

I jump slightly, my wings collapsing limply to my sides and draping onto the floor. Shit, I forgot about him! I turn to face him again. "Yes, uh, talking horse?"

Addressing the guard as "talking horse".

This is gold.:rainbowlaugh:
24 carat.

And the story is coming along nicely. Don't feel the need to rush yourself at all, as there's plenty of pony on here to sate my hunger for fics.
(And even if there wasn't, I would still say the same thing.)

"Princess Celestia!" The armored horse quickly rushes towards me, his deep.

That kind of trails off a bit there, but I know you're referring to the guard's voice.:rainbowhuh:
Was that an error, or is there some word convention being used that I'm not aware of?

Oops, yes, that was part of a descriptor that I abandoned but forgot to remove, thanks for the catch!

Thanks for the chapter

I wonder how long our guy will be able to keep this up! :rainbowlaugh:

Luna’s definitely going to be on the move soon. :twilightoops: “Look, Luna, if you’re going to get your socks in a twist, then why don’t you do it? Okay? I’ve got some more important things to do right now.” :rainbowwild:

I cannot wait for the next chapter, but please don't stress yourself trying to meet a deadline, because the only one with the power to decide when these come is you, i'm really liking this thus far:rainbowkiss:

…there seems to be a major consensus that these longer sort of stories that take place somewhere along the show time are marked as AU for obvious reasons…

I've given some thought to this, and my philosophy is that the AU tag should only be used for stories that are explicitly about alternate universes. I mean, if the story opens at a point that's somewhere within canon, and it contains no theme of travel between universes, then I don't like to label it AU. I understand that it's a complicated question, though. There are gray areas, it's debatable.

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