• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


A cartoon dog in a cartoon world



This story is a sequel to The Perfect Little Village of Ponyville

After Vinyl Scratch helps Twilight to escape from the deadly dreams the Elements of Harmony have all been trapped in, they decide to head back to save the others, and to start with the dream world of Pinkie Pie, since she surely would be the best guide to get them through the dreams of anypony.

In retrospect, two ponies treading alone into the mind of the pony with Pinkamena in her head might have been a less than wise decision...

Sequel to "The Perfect Little Village of Ponyville" (which the above description just spoiled utterly if you haven't read it yet). Additional tags may be added after the story spoils them.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 115 )

A few notes on the chapter:

1. The Equestrian Handbook is a document I have used in past fanfics. Like the Encyclopedia Galactica in Asimov's Foundation series, it's for conveying exposition or commonly-held beliefs.

2. The first section of the story retells the plot of "The Perfect Little Village of Ponyville" for those who didn't read it. I normally wouldn't do this, but that story was so exceptionally confusing that there's a good chance the people who read that story still still don't quite know what happened.

3. You absolutely don't have to read it, but if you're curious as to how Twilight and Pinkamena got to know one another, I just finished writing a fanfic called "The Masterpiece" that covers that subject.

4. The reason I wrote this chapter is because I was the only person in the world that thought that the Waltz from Masquerade was evil. Hopefully, that is no longer the case.

With the next chapter, we begin Pinkie Pie's dream. Based on Twilight's dream, we can expect the dream to follow these rules:

1. The dream will be about something that Pinkie would normally dream about, but with the danger level turned up to 11.

2. Vinyl Scratch will be taking Pinkie Pie's place in her dream.

3. Dream Pinkie Pie will be given another role in the dream.

4. It is likely that Twilight will play herself.

5. Only Vinyl and Twilight will know they are in a dream. Their goal will be to find Dream Pinkie Pie, and get her to wake up.

However, since this is Pinkie Pie's dream, we have to add one final rule:

6. Do not expect any of Rules 1 - 5 to be followed at all. :pinkiegasp:

So, are you ready for this?

My thoughts on the pony races' magics are surprisingly similar... The only big difference is that I explain the wider variation of unicorn magic as being a result of it stemming from their own energies rather than their outside environment, and thus, more heavily influenced by their personalities and talents.


...so you're saying that neither you nor "M.J.P." can explain Pinkie Pie? :pinkiehappy:

Actually, I treat her abilities as an extension of earth ponies' mastery of the physical. She's just... too good at it, compared to everyone else. I can't explain why, though...

A squeal to The Perfect Little Village of Ponyville? With Pinkie Pie's dream?


She had a handful of voices roaming around in her mind, stemming from events in her past that she never wanted to think about again. The leader of the head-voices was her performance alter-ego, DJ Pon-3, and it was thanks to her strength that the others were kept in check.

So she has multiple personality's:rainbowhuh:?

And I have the strongest feeling this is gonna be REALLY random. Great waltz BTW.

confushing, but still, fav.

The song finished just as I finished the chapter... epic.

That excerpt from The Equestrian Handbook got me thinking... if each pony breed possesses its own form of magic which they can't venture outside of, shouldn't there also in theory be spells that require the combination of magic from multiple breeds? Friendship being magic, it seems rather natural that it should go in that direction. That's not a concept I've seen many writers try to go in to, though the show itself has shown a couple examples, such as the Wendigo-defeating spell from the heart's warming eve story. Hm, food for thought.

A sequel to "The Perfect Little Village Of Ponyville?"
Please update often, I need daily mind-fuckery.

1484438 The writer of that handbook never dealt with Pinkie Pie, did he? :pinkiehappy:

*crack knuckles* Alright! Let the mind-fuckery BEGIN!!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

We, your faithful readers, eagerly await more.

And why is this not featured?

Edit: oh hey, lucky comment number 13. Score.

Dunn da dun dun... I like that song. It sounds... Peaceful. Like standing in the centre of a hurricane. No wind, bright sunlight, and a maelstrom just metres away that circles about, destroying the world but leaving you in peace to enjoy the destruction. A happy song.

We are all a little sane, after all. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy_invert.png

So, is everybody following along? The last thing I'd want is for some straggler to get stuck floating around in Pinkie Pie's head.

I'd start a contest to see who can count the most pop-culture references in this chapter, but somebody's head always ends up exploding whenever I do that...

This is insane.

Which makes sense, seeing this takes place in the subconscious. And Pinkie Pie's no less!

“I dunno. Maybe Vinyl Scratch was a puppeteer who got hired to be a file clerk in a creepy building with an extra half-floor, and in a corner of this half-floor she found a crawlspace that led her into Princess Celestia’s head, only she gets kicked out after a half-hour and dumped into a ditch under the New Jonzey Turnpike."

Rock on.

Now someone please explain what the difference is between They-1 and They-2. :derpyderp1:


Well for one thing, you are a member of They-1.


Rock on.

Oh, so somebody did get that joke. My editor did as well. Now let's see if I can get to three...

Seems fairly straightforward. McPoodle and the content creators are They-2, Unknownlight is They-1, and I'm They-3.

Perfect sense. I don't see how anyant would have problems with following such primitive mammalian logic. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/lolface_Celestia.png


You keep your giant mandibles and formic acid away from me! :pinkiecrazy:

I still say it's horribly suspicious that Dream Cecil would be in love with Vynil the same way the supposedly Real Cecil turned out after he met her for the first time! :trixieshiftright: Plus things just feel way too straightforward now. Obviously I expect that to change next.

Also Vynil talking about the waltz and going crazy halfway through? That was just incredible! It's just that that waltz has a very sinister undertone.

...Is the hammer a giant Warhammer of Zillyhoo?


I had a headache going into this. Does that count?

Raises hand.
Really, is it that underappreciated?
I loved that weird and awesome and weird ride and the fact that there were over 20 persons inside there at the end, sure that would be a tight space.

Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Story

:pinkiehappy: I like....

What? Oh, it’s going to be one of those kinds of stories, huh? The kind where even the narrator doesn’t know what’s going on and the brains of the readers starts dribbling out of their ears?

Why yes Pinkamena. It is one of those stories. I thought this was obvious.

Ahh, McPoodle, Thou truly are a master of the art of storytelling. Please, continue.

Ohh, and it would appear you have been following rule 6 above all.

Tia (Vinyl) squinted one eye as she concentrated. “Yeah, I think she’s just asleep. Looks like I have the complete run of the place while I’m in here though. She’s got a remarkable filing system for her memories.”
“I would think so,” said Steiny (Twilight) with uncertainty. “So how much do you know as Princess Celestia?”
Tia (Vinyl) shook her head in wonder. “I know everything, Twilight. How the Sun works. How Ponyville was founded. What happened to Winnychester. The recipe for the perfect pumpkin bread. Where the Griffon’s Goblet is resting. I now know everything, and everything makes sense! Finally, everything makes sense!”

... well I've got admit that surprised me more than I should. Didn't think that pinkie knew all of celestia's memories (or atleast enough for everything to make sense to vinyl).

- Then again, I guess if Pinkie is one of them-2 that would mean Vinyl actually knows more than Celestia does, since Pinkie expects Celestia to know everything even if she doesn't.

Oh and, as always, great story. Managed to surprise me with your approach - in a good way though. And makes me wonder just how they are going to wake her up if she already knows that it's a dream... or just -who- they have to convince to wake up.

oO I just noticed something disturbing:

Did you see a Romance tag on this fic? I didn’t think so.


Additional tags may be added after the story spoils them.



Great chapter! My brain is starting to feel like runny Brie, though. Who the hell thought making Pinkie narrator was a good idea?

I rather enjoyed the 'Being Princess Celestia' reference. :trollestia: One of my favourite films! :pinkiehappy:


Don't read MS Paint Adventures, sorry. I had to Google the term to find out what it was.

Pinkamena's narrating this chapter. If you're on Zoloft, you should probably take some before reading.

And in other news...this is the last chapter. Yup, definitely the last chapter. No need to tell any more of this story, right? I didn't change the story's status to Complete because...the radio button's stuck! Yup, Hugh Jelly was the last person to use it, and now nobody can change it until Maintenance gets a look at it.

:trixieshiftright: Stop looking at me like that.

Lay off the weed

I don't usually comment before reading, especially if the comment is about not reading but,
I'm too tired to subject myself to whatever nightmares this chapter will induce


Wow, somebody's actually taking me seriously for once, despite the fact that this story has a "Random" tag, but not "Dark".

OK, see you tomorrow, then.

That was a fast story sir, the less we are in that dream the better. I couldn't take any more of this dream, nope, it would be a catastrophe to prolong this dream, you are the best to end it like this. :derpytongue2:


It's the mandibles...they're a bit of a turn-off.

I... Please tell me that this story is going to be a short one, I'm not sure how much of this my brain can take... and I'm not sure you can afford the drugs for too much longer

*twitch* So.... I thought I understood some somethings... Now I know I have no idea what is going on.... :pinkiecrazy:
Please continue with this dream... Its fun.... :fluttershysad:
And I DO wonder where Pinkie and Vinyl went. Please, do inform us.

And lastly, what kind of products does the Dragon Emperor sell?

okay. I think I understood this story so far.

That only leaves one question: Does it qualify as author self-insert, when you create a character that has authored the story according to the story? (... I think that came out wrong)

Wow, this is really wacky. :pinkiehappy:

This makes total sense.


100%, complete understanding right now. Yep.

Me, not understand? pssssh! Where would you get such a ridiculous idea?

What... what do you mean, "suspiciously specific denial...?"

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