• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 31,543 Views, 1,837 Comments

About Last Night - Darth Link 22

A night of drinking turns into weeks of...interesting antics.

  • ...

A Most Forgettable Evening

Dinner at Sweet Apple Acres consisted of all four members of the family 90% of the time. A good deal of the time there was a fifth seat at the table for a guest, and tonight it was Pinkie Pie, who was currently entertaining Apple Bloom with a story her Granny Pie had taught her during her youth. The little filly was clapping excitedly as Pinkie explained how the Rainbow of Light destroyed Tirek.

Applejack was glad the rest of the family was distracted. It have her a chance to simply be quiet and think. Think about Twilight.

She looked at the ring on her forehoof. It was still there, still not coming off. Legally, Twilight was her wife for the next three weeks. And that made things uncomfortable. Now, she was constantly thinking about Twilight.

And what's worse, it meant that Twilight was currently thinking of her.

She felt herself squirming in her seat, hoping her family didn't see. Twilight was a naïve pony. If she started thinking about the whole thing, she might decide it was a good idea to start dating. Like it was really that simple.

She wouldn't think ahead, to the inevitable. When it was time for all of Celestia's training to come to fruition, Twilight would go back to Canterlot, or to an area of Equestria far away like the Crystal Empire, and Applejack wouldn't follow. She couldn't. She couldn't leave behind farm life, or her family, or Ponyville.

If Twilight suggested it, it would mean rejecting her. It would mean hurting Twilight, a friend she had already truly hurt once before. She couldn't allow that.


"Huh?" she said suddenly, coming to attention. The other four were staring at her.

"You seemed zoned out," Apple Bloom said.

"Uh... yeah. It's been a long day. If it's allright with y'all, I think I'm just gonna head on up to bed."

"Well, sure, if you're not feelin' good," Granny Smith said, though it was unnecessary, Applejack was already getting up and carrying her plate to the sink.

Rarity had to admit, the coach and carriage was nice, even with the present company. Blueblood hadn't been much for small talk, spending most of the ride admiring himself in a mirror. Sighing, the mare finally spoke. "Where are you taking me?"

"A nice, fancy restaurant. Good, moonlight view on the balcony... Auntie Luna just put up a new constellation, and I'd like to see it."

"Oh? You enjoy her work?"

"Of course... she is family." There was silence for a moment. "Well, technically there is no blood, but since Auntie Tia did help raise me, I consider her so."

Rarity actually raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I've heard of that. Everypony knows you as the Princess's nephew, but..."

"...My parents..." He said that not in a loving tone. In fact, it was more akin to the way Celestia talked about Discord. "...Nevermind. I don't know you well enough to get into that."

Rarity nodded, feeling somewhat surprised at getting a reaction out of Blueblood that didn't involve him sounding unjustifiably proud of himself. Slowly, she returned her gaze to the window. However, Blueblood still wanted to talk. "You say you know Twilight... does she ever talk about me?"

That surprised her. She turned and gaped at him. "Wh-what?"

"I asked a simple question. Come now, I know you were taught in public schools, but even so..."

"Oh, you..." she growled angrily, but reeled herself in when she remembered what her pardon was riding on. "No, she never talks about you."

Blueblood looked disappointed. Rarity reached. "Please do not tell me you have... romantic inclinations towards my friend."

"What? No," he said, looking out of his window regretfully. "I was merely asking because we grew up together in the palace. We didn't see each other often, mind... even when we were young, she always wanted to read or study over spending time with anypony."

"That sounds like her," she admitted. "She hardly talks about her life before Ponyville unless we directly ask her... we didn't even know she had a brother until a week before his wedding...'

He nodded. "We still spent some time together... Auntie Tia always took us both out to places... the three of us, and that dragon of hers... never got off her back if he could help it."

"Spike was clingy?" Rarity asked, intrigued.

"Very much so. I believe Twilight told me once that baby dragons in the wild don't leave their mother's sides. The poor thing thought Twilight was his mother."

Rarity chuckled. "Oh that's just adorable," she cooed. Then she sighed. "The poor thing..."

"Does he still chase after mares?"

Rarity jumped a bit at this. "Um, well... he has a crush on me... just a little puppy love... are you saying I'm not the first?"

He laughed that laugh that made Rarity want to hit him. "Far from it. He came to me wanting dating advice. He was trying to impress his foalsitter Moondancer."

Rarity's eye twitched. "What did you tell him?"

Blueblood blinked curiously. "I just told him to wait a while to see if his crush would last. I'm not going to make him think he had a chance with her... it was just one of those foalhood crushes everypony gets."

Rarity calmed. "Well, yes... I've been hoping his little crush me will end soon... I must say, you seem to like Spike. Twilight said the nobles were not fond of him."

Blueblood tapped the window of the carriage a moment. "I was... a bit skeptical when I heard there would be a dragon living in the palace. But Aunt Tia approved of it, and I trust her judgement."

"...I see," Rarity said, a bit stunned.

"Besides, Spike seems like an alright fellow... he could behave himself well enough, anyway. And I did enjoy the get togethers the three of us had with Auntie... ah, we're here."

The carriage indeed rolled to a halt at that moment. The side door opened, and Blueblood stept out. Then, he offered his hoof. "Let's let the evening commence."

"No... no..." Fluttershy whimpered as it came ever closer. "Please... please... no! No! No... wahahahaha!"

The laughter was due to hooves and feathers pressing against her. Rainbow Dash's wings and hooves gripped into her sides. "Then tell me, who's the most beautiful mare in Equestria?"

"Ah ha, ahha... you are!"

"Wrong," Rainbow Dash answered, tickling her partner faster.

"Ahha, ahha, I... I don't understand. What's the answer?"

"I think you can figure it out," she smirked, blowing a raspberry on her tummy. Lifting up and sighing at the long wail that came out, she continued, "Come on, I'll give you a hint: she lives in Ponyville."

Through the laughs, she spoke. "M-me?"

And the tickling stopped. "By Celestia's good graces, you are." She kissed her again. Fluttershy kissed back.

Rainbow Dash rolled over and pulled the covers over her both of them. "Today... has been a good day," she said contently.

Fluttershy giggled happily, snuggling up to her lover. "I can't believe we just spent the whole day inside..."

"Don't get used to it," Rainbow Dash mumbled. "I need to get back to work tomorrow, and practice..." she smirked. "... teasing Applejack and Twilight."

"You're staying here tonight?"

She nuzzled her partner. "Of course. In fact... I think I'd like to stay tomorrow too."

Fluttershy blushed. "Um, you don't think we're moving too fast?"

"...Not really. We're just cuddling. Are you uncomfortable?"

"No... I like having you around."

The cyan pegasus kissed her cheek. "And I like being here. I'll drop Tank off here tomorrow morning before I go to work. Then, when I get off, we'll go out on our first real date. Sound good?"

She blushed. "Um... yes. It sounds very good."

Dinner started up peacefully. When Rarity was offered the wine list, she first made sure she was allowed to drink on this date. When Blueblood nodded yes, she ordered the strongest they had, needing it after the day she had experienced.

"Don't drink too much," Blueblood hissed. "Loose lips and all that."

Rarity still gulped down a quarter of her glass. "I'm sorry, but being drafted into such a..."

Blueblood held up a hoof angrily. "Don't talk about it in public," he whispered harshly.

"Then what are we supposed to talk about?"

"Anything," Blueblood said, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. "As long as it's not about the mission or my family."

Rarity stayed silent a moment. "How well did you know Twilight?"

"Quite well," he said. "Our excursions with Aunt Tia were about once a month. We were a kind of family for a while..."

Rarity tilted her head in surprise. For once, the arrogance was out of Blueblood's voice. He seemed genuinely lost, remembering a better time. "Where were these... excursions?"

"Various places. Everywhere from Wonderbolt Derbies to operas to even local carnivals when she traveled. I must admit, there was a certain charm to commoner entertainment."

Rarity scowled.

"Oh, do smile. We're supposed to be dating."

Slowly, the most unconvincing smile crossed her features. "So. You. Spent. A. Good. Deal. Of. Time. With. Twilight?"

Blueblood smiled. "Of course... you know, I was her first kiss."

It took a great deal of restraint for Rarity not to blurt out a loud exclamation to that. Seeing her shock, Blueblood smiled and told the story. "We were sixteen then... Twilight was never really interested in dating. But one day, she knocked on my bedroom door and asked for some help. She was... finding her orientation, as it were. So she asked for a kiss to see if she enjoyed it."

Rarity's hoof hit her head. "She... argh... her first kiss... and she treated it like a science experiment?"

"That's Twilight, isn't it?"

Despite herself, Rarity couldn't help but grin. "I suppose so... so did she enjoy the kiss?"

"She did. But..." He paused, wondering if he should continue. Finally, he threw caution to the wind. "She enjoyed kissing Moondancer just as much."

Rarity's eyes widened. "Really? I never would have guessed. So... what happened after that?"

"I suggested we try dating, but Twilight wasn't interested. She just wanted to know her preference, and once that was done, it was back to books. Moondancer and I dated a bit, but nothing really came of it."

Rarity sighed. "That mare... what am I going to do with her?"

"So... how about you?"

She blinked. "Pardon?"

"I just told you Twilight's orientation. Forgive me, but I believe we passed the normal taboo."

Rarity blushed a bit, but to her own surprise, she wasn't angry. She answered. "I was always into stallions."

"And I was always into mares," he replied, out of obligation.

Rarity didn't answer, going deep into thought. "Twilight is attracted to mares... I wonder if she could have a crush on any of us?"

"You mean, any of the other Bearers?"

Rarity nodded. "I truly hope it doesn't come to that... romance is a good way to make a friendship awkward."

He nodded understandingly. "To be honest, I'm amazed she's made friends. From what I hear, she's happier than she's ever been. I must know, how did you do it?"

She shrugged sheepishly. "I suppose after you face a terrible villain together, it has a way of bonding you."

He smiled. "I suppose... tell me about your friends. Maybe Twilight would like one of them."

Dear Princess Celestia,

I'm so, so, sooo sorry about this. I might have brought shame upon you with my recent actions. As of last night, I have put myself in a bind and I need your help.

You see, last night, Applejack and I had a little too much cider. We somehow ended up in Las Pegasus and somepony there married us.

We were clearly intoxicated, yet the mare running the ceremony let it happen. As an addendum to that, the rings we were given cannot be removed, and it seems that somepony bribed the Mayor into keeping us together. This is a disturbing development, one that I have been looking into. I've made a list of possible suspects, but nopony seems very likely. Still, I plan to look into what I have.

I'm asking for your help, Princess. I've attached my list of suspects, as well as the wedding video, and I'm asking you to send any information you have that could help me.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Princess Celestia looked over the letter in disbelief. Her eyes shifted to the tape. Slowly, she lifted it with her magic, inserted it into her VCR, and hit play.

Several minutes later, the tape ended. Celestia double-checked her room, making sure the soundproof spells were still in place.

And then she burst out laughing.

“Hmm... honestly, this Applejack sounds like she would be the best match.”

“Applejack?” Rarity said, sounding scandalized. “But she’s completely uninterested in romance... or even looking formal.”

“Well then, the two of them would have something in common,” he grinned. She hated herself for thinking that was funny. “Honestly though, I can picture it. Twilight was always a pony of practicality... she’d likely appreciate a simple life, as long as she had her books. She did move to your backwater town, after all.”

Rarity was beginning to get deadened to the insults. “Yes, well... that’s assuming Twilight’s planning to stay there her whole life.”

“Likely not,” Blueblood muttered as he cut into his entree. “Auntie will likely stick her somewhere in the higher government.” He took a bite, thinking as he chewed. “I’m surprised you do business there.”

“I’ll have you know I’ve managed to get commissions from all over Equestria,” he said sternly, trying to keep her temper. She sighed. “Why do you not like the lower classes so much?”

Blueblood arched an eyebrow. “I have nothing against the lower class.”

Rarity snapped. “Then why treat me the way you did?”

“Because you were trying to bag yourself a trophy husband and live off my wealth,” he said sharply. “Face it, you didn’t know anything about me before this dinner. You just wanted somepony to sweep you off your hooves and carry you into the sunset, didn’t you?”

Rarity gritted her teeth at the truth of that, but still found herself acting ornery. “Then why not just say, ‘No thank you?’ Why torment me like that?”

“Okay, that I did because it was fun.”

Rarity glared at him. Then finished off her wine glass.

Twilight was feeling good. It took hours of research, but she had finally found a counterspell that would get the rings off. Now all she had to do was wait until Applejack was back in the morning to cast it.

Her research into her suspects, as unlikely as they were, had yielded results as well. She had kept tabs on Trixie since she had been corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet. She was currently headlining her own show in Manehattan, a reasonable success. After finding out that Flim & Flam had attempted to cheat Rarity's friends out of their land, she had kept tabs on them as well. They traveled a bit, though last she heard they were in Canterlot, a quick trip. Discord was currently on his mission, though it would have been child's play for him to have teleported here to play his games. Gilda was likely still in griffon territory, she could get an exact address from Rainbow Dash... hopefully.

She'd have to make travel plans to them tomorrow. She needed to question everypony.

That only left the changelings. Nopony had seen them since the wedding. It wasn't likely them motive-wise, but they had the resources. And a wedding was tied to love... maybe they did have something to do with it.

Her thoughts also drifted back to Applejack. She needed to have a talk with her sometime soon as well. Perhaps trying a relationship afterwards would not be so bad.

Spike cooked Twilight her favorite nachos for dinner. She ate hungrily, bathed, and brushed her teeth. Then, she climbed into bed, ready for a good night's sleep.

Applejack lay in bed, her mind still racing. What was going to happen? Would their friendship survive? Maybe if she got some sleep, things would be clearer.

However, any chance of sleep ended when a bright glow suddenly lit up the bedroom. Applejack sat up. "Ow. Hey! What in tarnation?"

She saw now, the ring. It was glowing. "What the hay?"

Suddenly, a beam of light shot from the ring. It struck Applejack's window, forcing it open.

"Wha-" she began, but suddenly her foreleg pulled her into the air, levitating her above the bed. "Huh?"

And then she shot out of the room, hoof first, heading across town at blinding speeds.

Twilight lay in bed, trying to get to sleep. She had a big day tomorrow, she couldn't be exhausted.

So imagine her surprise when she felt herself involuntary sitting up, and a bright flash of light blinding her vision. She was only able to give a cry of surprise before a beam of light shot out and struck her window forcing it open.

"Twilight?" Spike yelled leaping up. "What's wrong?"

Twilight didn't answer. She was too distracted by a small orange dot on the horizon that was steadily getting bigger. Her eyes widened when she realized who it was.


And with that, Applejack came in through the window, landing on Twilight's bed and in her forelegs, completely eye to eye with each other.

"...What the? Applejack, what happened?"

"I... I don't know. Somethin' pulled me here."

"Was there a bright flash of light?"

"Yeah, I..." she began, but cut off when she got a good look at Twilight. "Twi... yer ring is glowing."

"Yours too," she noted, looking at the band across her hoof, still shimmering. "I was right, these rings have other spells woven into them.

"...I... I think they're makin' us sleep in the same bed!"


"...HA HA HA HA!" Spike laughed, doubling over.

"It's not funny, Spike!" Applejack said angrily, blushing.

"Yes it is!" was his only reply between breaths.

Applejack lifted herself from her wife. "Twi... please tell me ya found a way ta get these rings off."

"Yes... but I'm too tired to cast it right now. Let's just get some sleep."

Applejack blinked. "Y...you want ta sleep in the same bed?"

Twilight blushed. "Not like that. You and Rarity slept in the same bed after all. We can do that and still stay platonic."

"I... I guess so," she said slowly. Carefully, as if taking her time, she eased her way under the covers.

"Comfy?" Twilight asked.

"Y-yeah... sorry, Twi, I'm a little shaken."

"It's okay. Let's just get some sleep." She thought a moment. "You think you'll able to get back to sleep, Spike?"

"Y-yeah," he laughed, still not over his amusement. "L-let's just get some sleep."

"Yeah," Applejack said slowly as Twilight lay her head down, just inches from Applejack's face. "...sleep."

Author's Note:

Well, here it is. Yes, the focus this chapter is on Rarity and Blueblood. I swear, their plot is going to tie back into the TwiJack plot. Next chapter will focus on them.

Oh, and the Flim & Flam bit is referencing IDW's Micro Series.