• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,094 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

  • ...

Launching into New Realizations

Journey of Saiyans Chapter 10 (Raze Version)

Raze was not having such a good day, the moment he tried that Carrot casserole, he knew that thing must have given him bad luck! There was no other explanation on why everything is suddenly going south. He gets turned into a kid, is stuck as a kid, suddenly told he has to go to school, and then Twilight can’t even fix his problem!

‘It just can’t get any worse!’ Raze thought while Discord flitted around him with a bright cheeky grin.

The day had went by considerably fast after all the crazy things that had happened, but now Raze was going to be subjected to an even worse torment.

Bon-Bon’s antics could never compared to this torture. Ken and Kira, who looked so much more innocent when he was looking down at them before, had brought them to the three screaming fillies that had nearly made him deaf the last time he saw them!

And not only that, but they want him, to play, with them! And not the good ole sparring kind either. They wanted him to help them earn cutie marks! Why? He had no clue, but it sounded horrible.

So he refused, “Nah, I don’t feel like it…” He then proceeded to walk away.

But apparently, refusing something from this particular group was a one way ticket to HFIL. They followed him along the path and persisted in trying to change his mind.

The amount of Puppy Dog Eyes from both the Twins and the Cutie Mark Crusaders was mind-boggling.

“Puh-lease! Help Us!” Applebloom asked with those evil little-no... Huge eyes.

“Come on Raze! It’ll be fun!” Kira said, pushing forward another Puppy Dog Eyes technique.

Raze was unusually a bit more adept at dealing with those eyes since his awkward transformation, “No, I will not be solicited for the use of children. I’m a dangerous fighting machine that happens to be small at the moment.”

“Well, you’re also a kid like us! So get used to it buster!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“I’m not getting used to anything, you’re just trying to make me acknowledge something that will probably not last long. So, the answer is no!” Raze said while continuing on his path to nowhere.

Ken then said quite audibly, “I guess he’s too weak to help us.”

Raze’s eyes narrowed, “You know, I can now hit other kids without fear of other ponies.”

Kira replied, “Yeah, but then you’ll be labeled as a bully. And Ponyville doesn’t like bullies.”

“You know what? You should respect other people when they say no.” Raze said while being as stubborn as a child should be.

Ken and Kira pouted, along with the CMC.

Raze smiled on the inside, ‘That got them good, now I can go make plans to escape the dreaded school!

“Why should we respect your choice, when you don’t respect Auntie Bon-Bon when she cooks something for you in the first place?” Ken said.

‘Curses, they talked again and actually got me at some part! Now I’ll be delayed! I must escape Lyra!’ Raze thought while turning around.

“But Bon-Bon said that she had been rude to me while not respecting my hatred for carrots!” Raze came back with at Ken.

Kira responded, “But you were even meaner, you kept calling carrots evil and disgusting, as well as tell that it brainwashed me. Wouldn’t that not only hurt her cause it would be hurting me, but also mock her cooking when she tried so hard to make it?”

Raze was stumped, ‘Not logic! It’s so cold and ruthless! Like getting stabbed in the chest repeatedly! Okay, how do I stop her from winning!?’

Raze tried to think himself out of the situation when another voice came into the conversation, ‘I’m confused, what in the world happened besides the whole kid thing? It sounds like I missed far too much!’

‘Discord, things happen, carrots, lots of Frost Tarts, witches, and kid transformations… It was a horrifying situation made worse by everything being piled one after another… Heck you’ll probably see my memories when I have my nightmare about it soon enough.’ Raze thought to Discord.

‘I feel like I’m getting a punishment from Chris or some sort of deity for something I did.’ Raze couldn’t help but think.

Discord shrugged, ‘Maybe a god got tired of you and is having fun with your misfortunes and it’s not just your thoughts.’

Raze frowned, ‘Do you have anything helpful to say?’

Discord smiled, ‘Nope.’

‘You aren’t reassuring in the slightest...’ Raze thought back.

‘Well, I’m Discord, so it’s expected.’ Discord finished as Raze groaned.

He noticed that the kids were now in a circle and appeared to be whispering about something. He heard small things and then a louder whisper, “Operation Raze Joins Us is a Go!”

‘Oh Celestia help me now… I said Celestia again didn’t I?’ Raze smacked his own face to try regain control of his thoughts.

“Prepare yourself, Raze!” Sweetie Bell started.

“For the most… “ Scootaloo continued.

“Persuasive technique… “ Applebloom added.

“Ever!” Ken yelled.

“Created!” Kira finished.

Suddenly, without warning, all five of the Cutie Mark Crusader members jumped right on Raze. Having no time to react as he felt himself begin to laugh while the CMC showed no mercy in their all out tickling technique.

“The Tickle Torture!” They all yelled.

Raze continued laughing while another voice laughed in the background.

‘Dammit Discord!’ Raze laughed until he started to cry.

“You give up, Raze?” Kira asked as she continued tickling.

“NEVER!” Raze began to heighten his power and the ponies alongside the Twins began to float a bit.

“Whoa, human magic?” Scootaloo said.

“It’s that Ki stuff!” Applebloom exclaimed.

“Come on girls, we can’t let him win yet! Increase the efforts!” Kira commanded.

They grasped hold of Raze’s clothing before they floated out of reach, and used their legs as anchors before continuing to tickle. Raze struggled with them as his strength increased. His laughing fit was reaching higher levels of insanity.

“Come on sensei! We just want you to play with us!” Ken said.

“I ha- have plans! I hav- have to escape! SCHOOL!” Raze yelled as his power increased mightily again.

This time, his power carried him a great bit farther into the air. About 2 foot off the ground, luckily the Cutie Mark Crusaders were more on his midsection. The Twins had let go of him at that point, but he had still not turned over completely.

‘I’ve escaped those two! Now I’ll just let these three off and it’ll all be over!’ Raze thought joyously.

“You don’t even have to worry about school till monday!” Ken shouted while flying up to try and catch him.

“I want to be prepared!” Raze said as the CMC looked at him with arched eyebrows.

“Yer just worried about school?” Applebloom asked him.

“Yes, I’ve already been to school! I don’t want nor shouldn’t have to go back!” Raze said with defiance.

The CMC actually stopped their tickling to think, when Sweetie Bell said. “Well, if your parents aren’t here, or guardian, who says you have to?”

“Lyra does! She thinks that she can make me go, but I don’t wanna!” Raze childishly whined at them.

“That sucks!” Scootaloo said.

“You’re right about that! There’s just no way for me, a person that can fly could possibly escape her! I’m going to be forced into learning! AGAIN!” Raze yelled to the sky.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders got off Raze, and huddled into a group with Ken and Kira, speaking so fast, and surprisingly very quiet, that Raze didn’t get a chance to even turn and run before he heard the infamous yelling of…

“Cutie Mark Crusaders School Ditchers! Go!” They all yelled at once which startled Raze out of his stupor.

“What? Wouldn’t that make you all get in trouble or something?” Raze asked them all.

“It ain’t gettin in trouble if nobody figures us out!” Applebloom stated.

Kira also said, “And if we convince Cheer-sensei with a good reason why we aren’t at school, we’ll be home free!” She finished, her tail wagging behind her.

“You know, I didn’t take any of you as being deceptive…” Raze thought as his mind whirled at the new possibilities of a different personality being inside them as well.

‘Did Fhaze make copies of himself and use Discord for that too?’ Raze thought aimlessly while Discord laughed in the background.

‘No, he didn’t do that… At least, I don’t think he did…’ Discord thought back quickly.

“Hey, we can so be deceptive!” Ken exclaimed.

Kira looked toward him, “When we’re not too busy being chased by Applejack-” She was interrupted by Ken placing his hand over her mouth.

“As I was saying, we’ll help you Raze-sensei!” Ken finished.

“You’re going to help me? Okay, let’s just say that you actually manage to look Lyra in the face once we get home from skipping monday, will you be able to lie about your day?” Raze asked the Twins.

Ken waved him off, “Don’t worry! Mommy usually only asks how our day was! We will just respond with, It was good!” Ken replied with complete confidence.

Raze was about to voice more objections when Discord flicked his shoulder with his claw, ‘Why do you question their help? Just accept it and say you’ll help them in return. After all, it’s only fair. Besides, this is a Saturday and you have another entire day of doing absolutely nothing.’

‘You make a fair point, darn it…’ Raze thought back quickly.

“Okay, I guess that I can help you on a scheme or whatever you needed.” Raze said to them all.

Sweetie Bell tilted her head, “You sure tend to zone out like Ken at times.” She voiced her thoughts.

“And you sure like to point out the obvious… I’ll call you a Dictionary.” Raze said to her.

Scootaloo burst out in laughter, “I called her the same thing!”

“Really? Small world… Alright, what was your cult’s plan for the day?” Raze asked them.

That got the group thinking, each making their own little thinking motion. Crossed arms, hooves on chin, wiggling tail, you name it, they were doing it.

After a small amount of time, they all came to the same conclusion.

“We don’t know.” They all said in unison.

Ken scratched his head, “We were too busy trying to get you to play with us that we totally forgot to make plans for the day!”

Raze rubbed his head, “How about the park or something, I never did get to go there and my curiosity seems to be affecting me a lot more than usual…”

‘I hate being a kid...’ Raze thought while Discord watched.

Sweetie Bell head shot up, “Didn’t we say yesterday that we were going to build a catapult?”

Scootaloo looked to her, “And launch us toward Rainbow Dash’s home?”

Raze looked up at the clouds, “Couldn’t you just ask us to fly you there? I’m pretty sure it’ll be safer.”

“Yeah, but asking ain’t gonna get us our Cutie Marks! It never works!” Applebloom said.

“Okay, Cutie Marks… What is that? Is it like the tattoos on everypony’s butt I see or something?” Raze asked them.

“You too? And we thought Ken and Kira were the only ones not knowing about Cutie Marks.” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Bell spoke up next, “It’s not a tattoo, it’s a symbol which tells you your special talent! Everypony gets one! Unless you're one of those crazy fictional characters that turn into a pony or something.”

“Hmmm… So it’s not a tattoo then? Awww… I was going to call Lyra, Harp-Butt…” Raze said while kicking a rock that was sent flying through the trees.

Kira giggled, “I don’t think mommy would like that name very much.” The little girl said.

“But it was going to be funny…” Raze trailed off with a small frown.

“Maybe you could’ve called Auntie Bon-Bon, Candy-rear.” Ken said.

“Actually, I would have called her, Candy A-” He felt something strike the back of his head and he fell over.

Discord frowned, ‘There are kids here Raze...’

Raze grumbled while pushing himself up and removing dirt from his mouth.

“That was strange, it looked like somepony hit you, yet nopony was there.” Sweetie Bell said.

“You okay Raze?” Kira asked in concern.

“Ummm… I’m alright.” Raze said while quickly thinking back at Discord.

‘Oh, this will be a fight for later...’ Raze thought while Discord smiled.

‘Bring it, Munchkin.’ He returned with.

Raze shook his head, “Well, I guess we can build a catapult, if you all feel like doing that.”

The CMC and the Twins grinned quite disturbingly, the grins of mischief, even if they didn’t know they were grinning like that. Raze backed up a little.

‘That’s kinda creepy...’ He thought with a small twisted smile.

“Wow Applebloom, you sure amaze me with how you even build all this!” Kira complimented.

“Oh thanks… “ Applebloom said in embarrassment.

A giant wooden catapult stood clear as day, wiring and wheels, and a long extension of rope leading all the way back to the group stood before them.

Raze arched an eyebrow, ‘It’s too late to say no...’

Discord nodded, ‘Yep, let the chaos happen!’

“Turn it toward Dash’s place!” Scootaloo commanded.

Ken turned the catapult clockwise, it’s aim pointing toward the cloud home in the sky. Raze could see that Rainbow Dash just happened to be there and was looking out one of the front windows, but she didn’t see them. At least not yet.

Raze looked at the group while twiddling his fingers, “Maybe we should reconsider this? Anyone or pony think so?”

“No game, no gain!” Scootaloo said to Raze who then turned away slightly.

“I thought that was, “No Pain, No Game”?” Raze said while turning back to her.

“No idea where you got that crazy version of it, it’s definitely no game, no gain!” Scootaloo replied.

“Who goes first?” Ken asked.

“Um… Maybe Raze is right?” Kira said with some concern written all over her face.

“No worries nee-chan, the landing spot is all clouds!” Ken replied.

Scootaloo smiled at Ken with tiny hearts in her eyes, “See? He get’s it! Who’s going first?”

Raze smiled, ‘If they’re going to ignore me, then I guess it won’t matter if I play along!’

Discord smiled at that, ‘This is perfect, time to see the chaotic potential with all of you together!’

“I thought Scootaloo was volunteering to go first, right? No game, no gain, right?” Raze asked Scootaloo..

Scootaloo slightly shifted, but regained her composure, “Yeah, no problem!”

Raze smirked, “I’ll launch you then, come on!”

Scootaloo hesitantly jumped on the launcher, “R-ready to go!” She yelled.

Raze ran up to the turning device, “Alright!” He then began to turning it back at a fast past until the holder was nearly against the platform it sat upon.

“Any last words?” Raze asked her.

“I-I t-think I’m h-having second thoughts!” Scootaloo said shakily as Raze could only continue his large smile.

He grabbed the rope that held the catapult down and then he brought his other hand forward. Summoning a small amount of Ki power he put it to the rope. It began to burn slightly as the rope snapped a small bit. He whittled away at it slowly and then it completely snapped apart.

Scootaloo blasted up while screaming as loudly as she possibly could through the sky. Raze watched with a hand over his head to block the sunlight. He watched Rainbow Dash seemed to get surprised and blasted toward her door.

She then flew out to see Scootaloo fly past her house. Rainbow opened her wings and flew off after the speeding flightless pegasus. Raze frowned knowing that they’d been a little off in their trajectory.

“We’re all dead…” Raze said while turning away from the catapult.

“You did it, Ken!” Raze said as he pointed at Ken.

“What?! No I didn’t it was… Sweetie Bell’s idea!” Ken said, pointing toward said filly.

“Huh! No! It was Applebloom’s!” Sweetie yelled.

“Nu uh! Kira! It was Kira’s!” Applebloom shouted.

“B-but! Uh… I’m sorry?” Kira apologized with complete confusion in her tone of voice, tail curling up.

While they had argued amongst themselves, Discord was busy wiping tears away from his eyes, ‘It’s so beautiful!’ He cried tears of joy while watching the ensuing chaos.

“Shouldn’t we be making sure she’s okay?” Sweetie Bell questioned.

“Oh, yeah! Almost forgot about that!” Ken said out loud.

Raze frowned, “She’s okay… Rainbow Dash is already here…”

Rainbow Dash had been there for the last three minutes while holding onto Scootaloo. A big frown planted on her face as well. She looked angry, Raze was accustomed with that from his own first meeting with her.

‘Great, repeating history…’ Raze thought to himself.

Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Ken all pointed to Kira. Self-explanatory that they were putting the blame on the little girl who actually agreed with Raze to reconsider.

Raze had also without the use of his mind, already knew to point at her on instinct. Raze finally realized that he had been raising his arm the whole time.

‘What in the world is this? Auto-pilot?’ Raze thought to himself while trying to make his arm go down.

“Sorry Scootaloo… “ Kira said in a defeated tone, her tail limp against her back legs.

Raze knew this was wrong, but his damn arm wouldn’t go down, ‘Come down you damn thing! Down I say!’

Discord calmed down from his tears of joy, ‘Someone can’t resist the child within them! Or should I say, child outside them!’

‘Oh, haha… ‘ Raze replied in his mind.

Rainbow Dash sighed audibly, “It was all of your faults, wasn’t it?” She said with a bit of irritation laced in her voice.

Raze looked up at the adult Rainbow and held his own. Nopony was stronger than his will, it was impossible to break someone who had gone through so many things to get to where he was today. But something was strange about this encounter, he was feeling new things.

‘What is this strange feeling?’ Raze asked himself.

Discord tapped him on the shoulder, ‘The feeling is like you’re about to cave in because of the look she’s giving you.’

“SHUT-UP!” Raze shouted all of a sudden.

He slapped his hands over his mouth quickly, ‘I’ll never get used to this higher voice!’

“Looks like I found the culprit leader.” Rainbow Dash said, looking right at Raze.

Raze’s eyes narrowed at her, “Whatever! You couldn’t catch me anyway!”

Discord frowned, ‘Wow, sometimes even you can slip up...’

‘Not in the mood, Discord!’ Raze thought back to him.

It was at this time Raze noticed the Twins and the other CMC start backing up away from him and Rainbow Dash. Discord noticed this and made his way over toward a tree to avoid being hit by any speedy saiyans or sonic rainbooming pegasi.

Rainbow smirked while putting down Scootaloo, “Oh, really? What makes you think that I can’t catch you?”

“Well, I already beat you once! So twice shouldn’t be that hard!” Raze said with smirk on his face too.

“You haven’t beaten me! I haven’t even met you before! In fact, how did you enter Ponyville without anypony knowing?! Are you a spy?!” Rainbow Dash asked while pointing accusingly at him with her hoof.

Raze frowned, “Huh… I didn’t think you were that smart… Oh well… See ya later!” He sped off in a burst of red light leaving Rainbow Dash in a cloud of dust.

She coughed and then blew away that dust with her wings, “Get back here you tyke!” She then sped off in hot pursuit of our little Saiyan hero.

Raze looked back with a smile, ‘Oh, she’s chasing me now, but she won’t for long!’ He looked over the tops of the trees and saw that he was heading in the direction of Ghastly Gorge.

‘Well, Deja vu...’ Raze thought while speeding toward the gorge.

What was different however, was one: A few mountains were missing, and two: the twins were flying just underneath them, watching the chase. Raze blasted through several looping rocks and found that he was in the very same race track that was crudely used by Rainbow Dash the first time he visited Equestria.

He also looked back to see Rainbow was gaining on him, ‘Huh, that’s nice…. WAIT! She’s gaining?!’

Indeed she was, “HA! You won’t get away from me that easily! They don’t call me Rainbow Dash for nothing!”

“CRAP!” Raze shouted while speeding up to try and gain distance.

But Rainbow Dash still continued to catch up to him, in fact she was on his tail now. Well, if he still had one, he heard Rainbow yell at him, “Face it kid, you’re mine!”

Raze knew that last time he had almost been beaten in the same race, but he hadn’t been able to control his super saiyan transformation at that time. Of course now, he had a chance to play with her a bit.

“So you think so?!” Raze blasted downward with precision and then changed direction and flew past a Rainbow charging in the opposite direction.

“HA! You missed me!” Raze shouted while laughing and pulling down his eye with one finger.

Rainbow Dash didn’t bother to stop and turn, instead she just did a one-eighty vertical roll, effectively turning herself around without losing any speed. Raze anticipated this and blasted forward with a kaio-ken x10 backing up his speed.

Once again, she flew in the opposite direction while Raze made fun of her.

“HA! Maybe you might be smarter here, but you’re definitely slower!” Raze said with a grin.

“Ugh, stop speaking like you know me!” Rainbow Dash yelled back, her speed increasing even more as she slowly ascended higher.

‘I’m getting bored...’ Raze thought as he turned to see Discord floating beside him at nearly the same speed.

‘I am too, finish her!’ Discord said to Raze with a devious look on his face.

‘Where did you come from?’ Raze thought to him.

‘Magic *snort*’ Discord transmitted from his brain.

‘Makes sense.’ Raze thought while turning his attention to Rainbow.

Who apparently was heading right toward him at a Sonic Rainboom speed. Raze noticed this and immediately transformed into his Super Saiyan state and quickly dodged the incoming pegasus.

She blasted past him and saw a rock coming up right in front of her. Instead of slowing down however, she continued to gain speed, a small blue aura, barely visible to the naked eye, enveloping her she pierced through the rock like a bullet through paper. And she continued to make her way into the sky and straight at Raze once again.

Raze saw this and flew directly at her, ‘This should be good!’

They closed in on each other, closer, and closer, and just as they were about to collide, Rainbow pulls herself up, causing Raze to flying right under her. Raze knew she would copy him and took the chance to escape.

He continued on his course and that’s when he sensed something different ahead of him.

“Raze slow down!” He heard the voice of a young girl yell.

“Oh, this is gonna hurt!” The voice of Ken yelled as Raze looked forward to see the Twins trying to get out the way.

Keyword: Trying.

Raze smashed into Kira first which she then smashed into Ken causing a big chain reaction ending with them all hitting the floor of the gorge. Rocks and dust were kicked into the air from the impact. Raze had received the softest landing thanks to both of the Twins.

‘Wow, that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been.’ Raze got up and padded himself off.

Dust brushed off his clothing and he looked at Ken and Kira, “Hey, you two alright?”

“Woooow… When did Equestria get dragon balls?” Ken muttered.

“So many Razeys…” Kira groaned, her tail limp on the ground.

“Yep, you’re both fine, now where is that annoying rainbow colored catastrophe?” Raze asked out loud.

Ken shook off his minor concussion, and stood back up. “What you say, Raze-sensei?” He asked, looking at the equal heightened Raze.

Raze frowned as concern began to rear it’s ugly head, “Okay, maybe you’re both not as good off as I thought… How many fingers am I holding up?” Raze held up three fingers.

“Your the one in goldie hair form… Uhh… three and two halfs?” Ken said.

Kira got up and looked to Raze, “Why does sensei have twelve fingers in one hand?”

Raze’s frown continued, “Well, if I survive Rainbow Dash, I can always die at the hooves of Lyra…”

“Who’s Aryl?” Kira questioned.

“Yep, definitely going to get that returned… So much wrath…” Raze said as a hoof was put on his shoulder.

“Alright Tyke, your caught, so just give up for… Uh, whatever you did.” Rainbow said with a proud stance.

Raze powered down, “I give…”

Discord frowned, ‘This is new...’

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

“So wait, you’re telling me… That not only has Raze catapulted Scootaloo across Ponyville, but also gave Kira a concussion?” Lyra asked Rainbow who currently was under fire, but Raze would get his soon enough.

Rainbow only nodded.

“Ugh, he’s more trouble than Ken’s antics… “ Lyra said, “Thanks Rainbow, I’ll take care of it from here.”

“He’s all yours!” Rainbow Dash yelled, before flying off into the distance.

Lyra glared at Raze, who suddenly had a shiver of cold running down his spine. But instead of painfully punishing Raze with great doom, she only sighed.

“From two to three saiyan children, why can’t Kira keep both of you in wraps from getting into trouble?” The mint green unicorn questioned no one.

Ken fiddled with his fingers, and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it when nothing came out.

“So… I’m free to go?” Raze asked with hope.

“Don’t even think about it, you’re all in trouble.” Lyra stated, bringing Raze, Ken, and Kira inside the house with her magic.

Lyra continued, facing Raze, “You and Ken will stand on your knees facing the wall for an hour, while I attend to Kira, the wall in the kitchen.”

Ken groaned and muttered, “I don’t like tile floors… “

Raze frowned, “I’ve been around tile floors and know how they taste, misery…” They went over to assume the position and they stood on their knees.

The first minute was great. The next five minutes would pass and Raze noticed a strange uncomfortable tingle. Twenty minutes passed and he would begin to feel as if his knees were going to start bruising. By thirty minutes, Raze could swear that his skin had weakened since he had lost his original height and age.

“Ken, you can get up now.” Lyra said.

“THANK YOU!” Ken collapsed, holding his knees. “It hurts… The stinging… Why daddy, why you no heal while punishment… “ He finished.

Raze still stood on his knees, “Lucky little… *Grumble*”

Ken started crawling away from the scene of the execution platform, groaning every few seconds in agonizing pain, while Raze was still being hanged. So forty minutes would pass. Raze felt his knees burning and he fought away the growing want to cry.

‘I’m a man! Stuck in this child’s body! I will not cry!’ Raze thought defiantly.

Discord watched from the ceiling with some concern, ‘You’ll make it through! She can’t be too cruel now!’

Fifty minutes and Raze had let his guard down. Tears were starting to slide down his cheeks. He could do nothing to stop the consistent pain in his knees, but he tried oh so hard not to feel it.

Sixty minutes passed…

“Okay Raze, your punishment is hereby over.” Lyra said, the smell of cooking had filled the air only a minute ago.

Raze fell over while still crying and he turned away from Lyra. He was intent on ignoring her by this point.

‘Stupid Scootaloo, stupid catapult, stupid Rainbow hair, and stupid Discord for not helping!’ His thoughts were filled with anger and contempt, but he kept them to himself at least he thought he did.

Discord shook his head, ‘It’s not my fault that you launched yourself into this mess, jeez...’

Raze ignored him pointedly.

Discord continued, ‘You could’ve just left. It’s not like she has much power over you...’

Raze ignored him again.

Discord was about to continue when Lyra spoke up, “I’ve been wondering, you could have left the entire time of the punishment. Yet you obeyed my order like Ken did with no protest, why is that?”

Raze stayed turned over and facing away from her, “I! I- I- I don’t know…” Raze finished with confusion heavy on his mind.

“Mmh… “ Lyra mumbled, as she telekinetically floated over a cold wet rag. “Place this over your knees, It’ll help. I’ve already gave Ken one earlier.”

Raze looked at the rag floating before his face and then he looked away, ‘Why did I stay?’ He couldn’t come up with an answer and found himself taking the rag out of the cyan magical field. He found himself getting into a sitting position and pulling up the legs of his pants to put the cold rag onto his bruised knees.

He found that his anger appeared to be dying away only to be replaced by another feeling, one he couldn’t recognize. He finally looked at Lyra and almost saw her in a different light.

‘What is wrong with me? Why do I get the feeling that this has happened before?’ Raze questioned himself more as the cold rag continued to soothe away the rage inside him.

Lyra turned her attention back to the food cooking, she stirred something in a big pot, silence in the air before she spoke, “If you’re wondering… We’re having a stew tonight, no carrots, but plenty of potatoes that’s for sure.” She giggled slightly.

Raze looked up at her and he was sure that something was happening, a change of some sort, ‘This is so-’

“Hey, hey, helloooo, Raze-sensei, you there?” Kira poked Raze’s arm, her legs bent down to Raze’s sitting height.

Raze snapped back to life, “Uh… Yeah! Sorry about earlier…” Raze said to her with sincerity.

“It’s okay, I’m sorry too… And so is Ken, so we um… Kinda made a sleeping mat for you in our room if you don’t wanna sleep in the living room anymore… “ Kira stated, tail wagging behind her slowly.

Raze looked at her and nodded, “That sounds just fine. Thanks!”

Kira smiled, “And we promised not to wake you up so loudly either.” She said.

“Wow, thanks for that too!” Raze said to her.

Discord smiled, ‘Even I can’t deny that I like a happy ending every once in a while. Though when it comes to the universe he comes from, it’s to be expected… Wow, I feel older than I know I am...’

Raze hadn't even heard Discord’s thoughts because he was being taken upstairs by Kira to go look at the sleeping mat they had made for him.

And honestly, it didn't look half bad.

~End of Chapter~

Author's Note:

Well, here's the Raze Version of this chapter! The Twin version will be out sometime soon! :D