• Published 18th Dec 2012
  • 6,114 Views, 38 Comments

Loss of Loyalty - TheFineBrony

The Crystal heart has not worked. And Sombra takes over the Crystal Empire. Their is only one mare standing in his way, and she will do anything to stop him and save her friends.

  • ...

The Crystal Heart

"Why is it not working?" Spike said worried as he looked on at the crystal heart

"I don't know" Princess Cadence said

The crystal heart had not charged and Sombra kept advancing on the city. With every inch the sky grew darker and darker.

"Try again!" Spike screamed

"Come on ponies of the crystal empire. Use the love and magic in your hearts to free this kingdom"

The ponies of the crystal empire tried their best and gave it their all.
Again the crystal had not charged and Sombra kept on charging through the city. Until he reached the mane six, except for Twilight, who was still stuck in Sombra's trap.

"You think I am that stupid? Put the crystal heart at the top of the tower for all of you to find. Ha. You all must really underestimate me, you will learn in time" Sombra said with a smile

"How could this be?" said Spike as he began to punch the crystal heart

"Crystal slaves take them!" Sombra screamed out as the crystal ponies started walking toward the 5 mares. The mane six start to slowly back up as the crowd started trotting towards them.

"Yes my slaves yes!" Sombra grinned. Fluttershy was the first to be taken. She was to shy and scared to move.

"Fluttershy!" Applejack screamed as she raced towards her friend. Applejack ran into the fray and tried desperately to get to her. Applejack was bucking ponies of the crystal empire right and left. Crystal ponies that had been bucked started to lay scattered all over the ground. But, there were to many. And before long a massive group of Crystal ponies had her. Twilight had now just teleported out of Sombra's trap and was down in the chaos with her friends.

"Whats going on, the crystal heart, did you charge it?" she asked

"It didn't work Twilight it was the wrong one” Spike said as he begun to run.

"But Princess Celestia said"

"The Princess was wrong" Sombra said "yet another reason for new leadership"

"No" Twilight said "Pinkie Pie now!" Pinkie got up and ran over to Twilight whose horn had already begun to charge. Pinkie Pie grabbed Taillight's tail and started firing lasers down into the crowds. Crystal ponies began to line the ground. Row after row fell. But, they just keep coming and coming. A couple of minutes later Twilight falls over in exhaustion and so does Pinkie Pie. Rarity and Rainbow Dash are standing behind them. Piles of crystal ponies were scattered about but more and more kept coming. Rarity and Rainbow Dash try to help Pinkie and Twilight to there feet but before long the crystal ponies grab Twilight and Pinkie. At first the two try to fight off their captors, but it was in vein. They eventually give in and the crystal ponies began to tie them up. Rarity and Rainbow Dash keep backing up until, Rarity tripped. Rainbow Dash ran over to try to save her but the crystal ponies were on her quickly when they saw her stumble.

"Ouch my mane, be careful! My beautiful mane!" Rarity screamed being taken away by the mob.

"One left, seize her" Sombra yelled

"Fly Rainbow fly," Twilight screamed before a couple of crystal ponies tied her mouth closed.
Rainbow Dash didn't know what to do. There was no way she could reach her friends and save them. She was the elements of loyalty she could not just leave them. Rainbow Dash keeps backing up trying to decide until a crystal pony lays a hoof on her. Rainbow Dash felt the cold hoof on her shoulder as the mob started to pull her in. Almost like instinct she took off into the sky. She turned and looked over at her friends who were now all tied up next to Sombra. Rainbow Dash can't help it but a tear comes to her eye at seeing all of her friends being helpless.

"After her Crystal pegasi" With this pegasi started to emerge from the crowd and started after Rainbow Dash. Rainbow catches one last glance from her friends and begins to fly away. At first slowly but the pegasi start to get closer and closer. This is until Rainbow Dash really starts trying. She quickly outpaces all the other pegasi being the best flier in Equestria and all. She heads directly out of the city and into the polar tundra that lye ahead. When she reached the outskirts of the city the crystal pegasi all stopped and watched her Rainbow colored beam zoom out into the tundra.

"Come back my crystal Pegasi, she will be back, trust me." Sombra said "And in the meantime we have some serious work to do." He said looking over at the mane six minus Rainbow Dash.

"Prepare my execution armor"

Sombra walks out on the balcony above the crystal empire. 5 mares are restrained near the edges of the balcony. The only sounds around are the crystal ponies bellow walking about into places. Sombra, the night before had declared a meeting a noon, and everyone pony must attend or death was to follow. His minions were sent out to check the town as Sombra emerges from the darkness. The glow of his horn burns bright red, as he walks toward the mares. He is not wearing his normal armor, but special armor. Ornate charcoal covered armor covers his whole body. The ornate designs are of ponies bowing down before Sombra. He has a sword of which no pony had ever seen him carry around before, it was a red long sword that Sombra saved for only special occasions. He came from the darkness with a smirk on his face. He slowly trots past each mare and stares each one directly in the eyes. First Fluttershy who lets out a small whimper as tears start to come from her eyes,

Sombra shows no mercy. "Flutter, a bit of advice. Don't cry in the face of Death!!!!" Sombra scremed with a smirk after he hit her. Fluttershy curls up into her restraints crying.

"Don't you hurt her" yelled Applejack at the top of her lungs

"Why not AJ, today is the day you die. And what a glorious day it is"

Sombra then trotted up next to Applejack and looked at her directly in her eyes. Applejack snorts angerly as Sombra strokes her mane and her face. "Its a pity you have to die" Sombra said with a grin. Applejack furious of her treatment spits right in Sombra's face. "How dare you, you son of a buck!" as he delivers a hoof to her stomach forcing the wind out of Applejack who falls face first onto the floor screaming for air.

"Anyone have anything else to say?" The other 3 mares stay quiet as Sombra slowly walks over to the mare next in line. Pinkie Pie stares at Sombra directly into his eyes. "Pinkie why so sad, one last party? Oh wait you can't throw your own funeral party can you?" He remarked as he kept walking down the line. Rarity is next in the line. She stands tall. "Oh Rarity, its a pity I have to kill you. Your fine white coat stained crimson red its a pity, it truly is." As Rarity tries her best to not break down. Sombra walks past her with a even greater grin on his face. He walks to the end of the balcony where Twilight Sparkle, faithful student of Celestia is restrained. Twilight stands tall as to not be intimidated by Sombra's presence. She tries one last attempt to squirm free as Sombra finally reaches her. Sombra slowly lifts his hoof as he began to slowly brush Twilight’s frayed mane. Twilight flinches away as to not be touched by the dark prince. "Its a shame Twilight you could have been my queen we could have gone far you and I. We could have made something beautiful you and I, with my superior skills in magic and your cunning mind. We could have had something great. And you leave it all behind for what? These losers?" Sombra said as he drew his sword and pointed it down to the other 4 mares."Last chance Twilight" Sombra said looking down at all the others. Fluttershy still crying, Applejack trying to stand up, Rarity trying to stay strong, Pinkie Pie with tears about to come to her eyes, and Twilight standing up tall.

"No, not with you, never. May Celestia have pity on your soul" said Twilight angered

"Oh well your first on the chopping block anyway."

Sombra gets up and slides Twilight over the edge of the Balcony where the whole world can see. Twilight still standing tall and not for a moment letting Sombra best her. Sombra walks up over to the edge of the balcony as he takes a deep breath.

"May this be a lesson to all you. Intolerance will not be tolerated in my empire. How can Celestia over power me without the Elements of Harmony? A couple of changelings can overtake her. She is weak and feeble unable to protect her empire, today is the dawn of a new day and with it comes a new empire. One with respect at the to pinnacle of its establishment. Today is the day we the people take back this weak and feeble empire from the hands of old news. Today a great force will step into power and force Equestria into a new age! Today is that day my fellow ponies, we will take this empire over by any means necessary. And today is the day we send a clear message to Celestia with these 5. Celestia you must turn the kingdom over to me or blood will surely flow on your empire. Today is a new day, a glorious day. Rejoice in its glory everyone! Today we start the beginning of a new age under Sombra. And it all begins with the death of a single mare. The one mare Princess Celestia believes in the most." Sombra points over to Twilight Sparkle as she still stands tall in front of the whole crystal empire.

"I die for Equestria and I will die with loyalty and faith in the power of friendship" Twilight screamed from her shackles

"Shut up you intolerable foal!" Sombra yelled as he delivered one swift punch to Twilight’s side. Almost knocking her completely over but her restraints make it so she can't fall over completely.

Sombra stares over to Twilght.

"you could have been my queen. Now look at you "

Sombra pulled around his sword and raised it up to Twilight. He places the blade of his sword right under her neck.

"I am sorry my queen"

Right before he is about to move Sombra heard a voice from behind. It is not one of the other 5 mares, its someone different. But it sounds familiar at the same time.

"Sombra you said something about a new day. And I am sorry to inform you today is not that day" The mare said as Sombra turns slowly to meet her

"Ah Rainbow Dash, I knew you would come back. Loyalty and all. But, I am sorry to say all of you will be dead by the end of the day. Sorry but that is final"

"You also said about Twilight dieing first, well that is also incorrect, you die first Sombra"

"Ha you and what army"

Rainbow Dash stood alone at the other end of the balcony. She raised her wings up into the air ready to take flight. Muscles all over her body tense up getting ready to attack. She breathes in and out calmly for a couple of seconds to prepare herself for what is to come.

"Come on Dash I don't have all day" He said while drawing his sword

Dash takes off towards him heading straight towards his front chest plate. She flies fast enough for a sonic barrier cone to form around her as she rockets toward him. Moments before impact Sombra used a teleport spell that moved him 2 feet to the right. Rainbow Dash unaware he moved, prepares a kick. Sombra thrusts his sword up into Rainbow’s wing from his new position. He buries the blade deep enough for it to hit bone. The moment the sword impacted Rainbow Dash fell toward the ground and slid to the edge. Blood is coming from her right wing as a large gash is now present. Rainbow Dash is slow to get up, but manages to get to her feet amongst the intense pain. Blood covers her right side as it seeps out a stains her cyan coat. Rainbow Dash is on the verge of tears as the pain is terrible. She holds them back not wanting Sombra to take pleasure in her pain.

"Oh are you alright Dashie?" Sombra said laughing

Rainbow Dash in to much pain to speak readies herself again for another attack. Sombra raised his sword again and taunts Rainbow Dash waving it side to side as Rainbow is preparing. This time she lowered her wings and held them tight to her body, for their was much pain in right wing to fly. Her muscles tense as she gets into her stance. She lowered her head and charged. Sombra charged another quick teleport spell and moved two feet to the left as she is about to tackle him. This time he lands a square punch on Rainbows side which forces her to the ground again. She slid over to the edge of the balcony again, this time the pain was much worse. Blood still pouring out form her wound on her wing as Rainbow laid out on the ground not wanting to get up.

"Is that it Rainbow? That all I get for a fight?"

Rainbow Dash after hearing this attempts to get to her feet. She stumbled around and fell over, but not willing to give up she tried to right herself again. On the second try she is able to get to her feet. Now the pain was unbearable, she started to feel light headed from blood lose which was still pouring from her wing. Her side severely bruised from Sombra's punch underwent intense pain as well. She stumbled around on her feet for a couple of moments, before she tried one more charge. Pulled her wings in close, breathed as steady as possible and gets ready to attack. Sombra still untouched looked back at Rainbow with a smile on his face. Rainbow knew their was only one way this was going to end. Her once glowing cyan coat was now stained the color red, her mane which was once a flowing rainbow was now frayed and stained crimson. Steam rising from her nostrils as she angerly stares back at Sombra. She makes her final prep and started another charge toward Sombra. Sombra, wanting to now finish off Rainbow Dash waited and does not charge his teleportation spell. He lowered his sword so that when Rainbow Dash nears he can thrust it up into Rainbow's upcoming body. 20 feet, 10 feet, 5 feet, 4 feet, 2 feet, 1 foot. Rainbow Dash meets Sombra head on and tried to tackle him. Sombra started to push his sword up, but is unable. Rainbow Dash stripped him of his sword as she tackled Sombra around the waist. Sombra is left in an utter confusion not knowing what just happened. How did this mare just strip me of my sword? What is she doing? Sombra thought to himself as Rainbow Dash
forced the pair off the balcony. They both start falling through the air down toward Earth. Sombra screamed and tried to pull the bloody mare off him as they are free falling. Sombra tried to start another
teleportation spell, but Rainbow Dash broke his concentration, as she is screaming too. Not only in pain but the fall as well. Sombra desperately tried to free himself from Rainbows grip but is unable to do so.
The blood from Rainbow Dash starts to flow over Sombra as they fall down toward the Earth as Rainbow Dash is tied firmly around Sombra's waist. Sombra still screaming yelled "I can't be killed by a mortal!!!!!!"

They speed off towards the ground every second getting closer and closer to impact. Every second becomes an hour as the pair fell toward Earth screaming. Sombra made one last attempt for a teleportation spell, but Rainbow Dash breaks his concentration by burying her hoof even deeper into Sombras back in a gap in his armor.

Impact. Sombra lands head first onto the ground. His horn being crushed by the immense weight of the two falling. His horn quickly lost its shade of red as the life started to leave his body. His eyes also lost
color as the rest of his body started to impact the ground. His armor landed with a loud thud against the concrete bellow them. Rainbow Dash is thrown off due to the force of the impact and is thrown 10 feet in the opposite direction. She tries to open her good wing in one last attempt to get up, but it is far to late. She skids across the ground and gains more cuts and bruises along her seemingly lifeless body. She opened her eyes quickly to make sure of Sombras dead. He was, Sombra had died upon the moment of impact. Blood started to leak out from under Sombra's armor, and he is left in a pool of his own blood. Blood now flowing even more from Rainbow Dash quickly fills herself in a blood pool of her own.

"Its done" Rainbow Dash said to herself so quietly no one else can hear

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes for the last time, as the pain starts to take her away. She is left in darkness as the pain seemed to become more and more distant. Her muscles all relax as she is now unable to move. Her once flowing rainbow mane now covered in blood along with her cyan coat. She laid their on the ground mouth half open as she begins to feel a warm sensation overcome her body. Before she loses all feeling she tastes blood in her mouth as her blood pool keeps increasing in size. She loses all feeling and is left only being able to hear the sound of her own heart beat.

Bump.......bump..........bump.......................bump.................bump.......................................bump................................bump ............................bump..........................................................bump...............................

Her heart beat stopped.

"Rainbow Dash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Twilight screams at the top of her lungs still in shock of what her friend hasd just done. Twilight kicked and struggled at her restraints trying to get free.

"You saw her fly away, right?" Fluttershy asked

"No" Rarity said back. She too was trying to escape her restraints

Spike then rushed up onto the balcony and fell over flat on his face in the middle of his run.

"I am here my ladies" Spike said in a wheeze

"Spike cut us loose now!!!!!!" Twilight yelled still in an utter disbelief

Spike sprints over and starts to cut each one of them loose with his razor sharp claws. He freed Twilight first who quickly ran over to the balcony looking for her friend. Spike quickly unlocked all their restraints as all of them ran over to the balcony to look for Rainbow Dash. They see Sombra in a heap in his own blood pool, and 10 feet farther away from that is their friend in a blood pool of her own. All 5 scream out when they see her.

"Is she moving?" Fluttershy asked

"No time lets go. Spike send a message to the Princess now, call for emergency medical assistance now!!!" Yelled Twilight as she charged a teleport spell of her own. Twilight appeared on the ground a couple of feet from Sombra. She got some of Sombras blood on her hoofs as she quickly runs over to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow, Rainbow!!!!!!!!"

No reply met her as Rainbow Dash's limp body was unresponsive to her touch. Twilight tries to find her heart beat by placing her hoof on her neck.
She waits for a heart beat to reply but none came. Rainbow Dash's heart had stopped only a couple of moments ago. Flutterhsy is the second to reach the pair. Fluttershy too is in tears by the time she reached the body of what used to be her best friend. Fluttershy could not even stomach to look at her friend, it only brought her to more tears.

"No, it was not suppose to happen like this!!!" screamed Twilight

"We need a doctor over her now!" Screamed Fluttershy in her best scream

Twilight began to stroke her friends mane softly as she began to cry. Rainbow Dash is covered in blood and now Twilight too is covered in Rainbow Dash's blood. A stallion comes racing out from the crowd carrying a bag with a cross on it.

"I am a doctor, can I help?"

"Please" Twilight said with tears streaking down her face

"Some one quick get me a defibrillator!" The doctor screamed as the crowds began to flood buildings looking for a defibrillator.

"I am going to have to ask you to move honey" The doctor said to Twilight "No one touch her she is fragile"

Twilight slowly got up as she looked back down toward her bloody friend. Twilight walks over to Fluttershy, and she wrapped her hoofs around Twilight.

"Its ok Twilight" Fluttershy said trying to calm her

"Where is that defibrillator?" The doctor screamed out. While he is yelling this a pony in the crowd sprints out holding this small red box with the words "DEFIBRILLATOR" spelled out on it. The others from the mane six arrive and see their friend in a bloody mess. They form a circle around Twilight and Fluttershy giving support to one another. The doctor pulled open the defibrillator and placed them on Rainbow Dash's body. They quickly charge and the green light appears on the box. The Doctor hit the button and electricity started to flow through her lifeless body. Her body bounces up and down with the force of the electricity vibrating through her veins. The Doctor reached down and checked for Rainbows heart beat, but none came.

"Negative, recharge and hit her again. Up the volts!" The doctor yelled and in a couple of moments it was up and ready for another shock. Again the doctor hit the green light and more volts ran through her veins. Her heart is forced to start beating again but it is quite faint.

"We need 3 ponies over here now. Keep pressure on those wounds we got to stop the bleeding"

3 ponies emerge from the crowd and hold Rainbow Dash down and keep pressure on her wounds. Very quickly they are drenched in blood pouring from her cuts. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Twilight are all standing off to the side only able to watch their friend.

"Wheres the med vac?" Rarity asked

"I don't know I already sent for it. It should be here soon" Spike replied

The ponies start to hear the low howl of a helicopter in the distance.

"Here its close. Clear the landing site." Fluttershy said

"CLEAR THE LANDING ZONE" Applejack screamed as she started to force ponies back from the area around Rainbow Dash. The helicopter slowly comes into sight, as Applejack continued to move the crowd farther and farther back. It is a large black helicopter with a red cross on the side doors. The words "CANTERLOT 1" are clearly seen on the side of the helicopters doors.

"KEEP MOVING EVERYPONY! MOVE BACK!" Applejack continued to scream as the helicopter soon drones out her voice all together. The sound of the blades overcame all other noises. The helicopter moved into position to land. It hovered above and slowly lowered itself toward the ground waiting bellow. Debris is scattered about from the power of the helicopters massive blades. Once the helicopter is a couple feet above the ground the doors open and 3 stallions in suits came rushing out toward Rainbow Dash. One of them carried a long board and started to motion over to Twilight for help. Twilight runs over and the stallion yells something into her ears, Twilight nodded as they ran over to Rainbow Dash. Twilight used her magic to pick up Rainbow Dash's limp body and moved her on top the board while 2 of the colts held up the board. She slowly lowered her on top of it as the 3rd stallion tied Rainbow into the board. They quickly rush back over into the helicopter. One of them jumped into the now grounded helicopter and prepared for the others to carry Rainbow over to him. They slowly move Rainbow Dash into the helicopter, once completed they jumped in along with Twilight. Twilight jumped on in and straps herself in her seat as she held one of Rainbow Dash’s hoofs. She looked back over to her friends whom are huddled around the helicopter. All of them looked worse for wear as more dust and debris started to get thrown about from the helicopter starting to take off. Twilight looked on to her friends as she began to cry along with her friends. She waved goodbye, and just like that one of the colts closed the helicopters door and started to work on Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow dash started to fade away and the pain started to leave. No more pain. NO more feeling. Just a sense a calm ran over Rainbow Dash. Suddenly her vision became clear. At first everything is foggy, but it slowly came into focus. She can see the outline of 3 stallions in suits waiting around a door. Then sound began to come back, she hears the deafening sound of an engine. She looked around to inspect the rest of her surroundings. She looked over and saw a sign clearly spelling out "CANTERLOT 1". She looke over and another mare is strapped in right next to her. Rainbow Dash had never seen her before in her life. She was an Alicorn much older than Celestia or Luna. Her body was a grey black color, her face and body were covered in wrinkles from many years of use. Her wings looked old and tired, as well as her horn. She was strapped in just like Rainbow Dash, looking forward at the stallions at the door. Rainbow Dash looked down at her body, everything was normal. No cuts or bruises or scars at all. Her mane was in perfect shape clean as a whistle. Her coat was especially bright for some reason.
She ran her hoof through her mane, their is not a single strand of hair out of place. She looked over back at her wing and expanded it, all of her feathers are in perfect order by rows. Each one was especially clean. A sense of confusion started to fall over the mare. Didn't I just fall off a building? Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

"T minus 30 seconds guys" The pilot said into his headset

"Roger that, medical team in place. Waiting on green" One of the stallions said

"Stand by for go" the co-pilot said

"Hey, whats going on?" Rainbow Dash screamed. No reply came from the other stallions "Hey Element of Loyalty here?" Rainbow screamed again. No response came.

"T minus 20 seconds stand by" the pilot called out

"Roger that standing by. Door team ready"

"Roger that"

"Hello!!!!!" Rainbow Dash this time desperate to get someponies attention

"Rainbow Dash they can't hear you. I am sorry." The black Alicorn next to Rainbow Dash said

"Guys!!!!!!!!!!" Rainbow Dash screamed one last time

"Rainbow" the mare next to her said

"Why can't they hear me. Are they deaf? Where am I?"

"Rainbow Dash you passed away a couple of moments ago, it is all right to be confused"

As she finishes her sentence Rainbow Dash feels electricity start to coarse through her veins. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Rainbow Dash screams form the unfamiliar feeling. "Passed away what do you mean?"

"T minus 15 seconds stand by" the pilot said

"Standing by" A stallion said near the door

"You did well Rainbow Dash, Sombra is dead. You saved your friends"

"Where am I?"

"Rainbow Dash it is alright, every things going to be fine" the mare said in an usual calming voice

"No, where are we?"

"I thought you might like to witness your last couple of moments on Earth"

"What?" Rainbow Dash said as another feeling of electricity began to coarse through her body as she let out another yelp.

"T minus 10 seconds boys, open door" said the co-pilot

"Door coming open" A stallion said as he began to slide the door open. Light immediately came streaming in from the outside blinding Rainbow Dash. She leaned over her straps to try to get a good look outside. She can see a large crowd of ponies, and the giant tower in the crystal empire.

"Are you ready Rainbow Dash?" the mare next to her said again

Rainbow Dash was to in shock to answer her, the mares words started to sink in. "Sombra is dead. You saved your friends" the mare had said to her. I am died, but I also gets to see the last couple of moments of my life? Rainbow Dash could not understand. The electricity going through me? None of this made sense to her.

"Doors open ready for insert"

"Hold on T minus 5 seconds ready up"

"It is ok Rainbow Dash it is alright" the Alicorn said

One the stallions at the door grabbed a large board with straps over it and held it under his hoof. Everything inside the cabin of the helicopter started to whirl around. The stallions manes' all whipped around as the helicopter neared the ground. "Go go go. Green light!" the pilot yelled as a green light appeared next to the door. The 3 quickly jump out of the helicopter onto the ground and rushed out of sight as the helicopter hit the ground with a large thud. Only the sounds of the powerful engine can be heard. Rainbow Dash desperate to see whats going on tried to unharness herself but is unable. She can't find the latch, she does not even know how she got their in the first place. She had not strapped herself in.

"Hurry up out there guys!" said the co-pilot

"strapping her down now, almost ready for x-file" Rainbow Dash heard over the intercom

One of the stallions jumped back into the helicopter and quickly turned back around to the door.

"Send her up" he said into his microphone. The board slowly came back into the confined space of the helicopter. A cyan and red body is strapped down onto the board. The stallion at the door pulled the rest of the board in and locks it into place in the middle of the cabin. The 2 other stallions quickly jump in and surround the board, they throw on a set of gloves and start to grab medical supplies from bags and drawers from all over the helicopter.

"Close the doors lets go" said the co-pilot just as one more passenger boarded the helicopter. It was Twilight. She was in tears as she climbed aboard and strapped in right next to the Alicorn. She is in tears as she holds onto one of the hoofs coming from the lifeless body.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash screamed "I am right here!"

"They can't see you either Rainbow Dash" the Alicorn said

Rainbow Dash not deterred by this tried to tap Twilight on the shoulder. Nothing happened Twilight did not look over. Rainbow Dash looked over to what must be her body. Her coat and mane once bright and shiny now stained crimson. Her once perfect figure now broken from fractured bones. She tried to take it all but she couldn't, she cried. Rainbow Dash had not cried like this in a while, possible since she was even a filly. These were tears of true sorrow. The Alicorn reacheed over and places a hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. She looked deep into Rainbow Dash's eyes trying to calm her.

"It is ok Rainbow Dash" she said

"Starting the iv now!" one colt said as he put a needle into the lifeless figure.

"Heart monitor going up!" another colt said attaching white patches to Rainbow Dash’s chest.

"Losing her. Somepony grab the crash cart!"

"Blood pressure dropping keep pressure on that wound"

By this time the helicopter had taken off and was heading full speed back to the Canterlot medical center. The helicopter engine was screaming as it gave out every once of horse power it had.

"Hurry it up we needed to get there yesterday!"

"Going as fast as she can go, the engine is at 100% it is over heating. But I think I can push it through" the pilot said

"Losing her!"

"Starting CPR!"

Through this whole frenzy Twilight was still holding onto her friends blood covered hoof. She had her head down as to not look at the body of her former friend. Rainbow Dash could see her saying something under her breath but could not tell what. But the tears were visible streaking down her face.

"Keep the pressure up! She is losing blood fast !"

"Starting blood transfusion"

"Come on we need to get there now, we don't have the supplies for what she needs" One of the stallions said.

"Canterlot 1 to Med center come in. Canterlot 1 to med center please come in over." The co pilot said

After a few moments there was a reply over the intercom. "Canterlot 1 this is med center, Whats your ETA?"

"a couple minutes out, over"

"What is the status on our high priority?"

"Critical, coming in hot"

"Canterlot 1 repeat?"

"Coming in hot, clear landing bay 1"

"Negative landing bay one full. Use landing zone 3" The pilot knew Landing bay one was the best chance of bringing Rainbow Dash into the ER the quickest. Landing zone 1 was right next to the emergency OR. While Landing 3 was almost on the other side of the building.

"Negative med center, high priority is critical. Repeat clear landing zone 1. Coming in hot over"

"Use landing zone 3 Canterlot 1 we can not give you landing zone 1. Repeat use zone 3"

"Negative med center" now screaming "We need landing zone 1. Repeat landing zone 1, coming in hot!"

"OK starting emergency extraction on landing zone 1. Landing zone will be available in 2 minutes" The pilot and the crew breathed a sign of relief as they continued to speed on toward Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash is now in a total state of shock. She is watching herself die. And no pony can hear or see her except this Alicorn mare next to her. Rainbow Dash buried her hoofs into her face as she began to sob. The tears continue to streak down her face as they make their final approach on the city.

"It will all be over soon Rainbow Dash, don't worry" The Alicorn said

"We need everything we can get on the ground now! Crash carts, nurses, surgeons, if they work in the hospital and are available we need them there now! We need supplies for blood type O negative, mare, and Pegasus. Lets get a move on ponies!" The pilot calls into his intercom.

They reach the landing site and began to hover above as the last things are cleared on landing zone 1.

"T minus 20 seconds, stand by door"

"Door standing by." One of the stallions in the back said as he walked over to the door while the other two were still working on Rainbow Dash

"Are you ready Rainbow Dash?" The Alicorn said again

"For what?"

"T minus 10 seconds, prepare for landing"

Then the green light came above the door, and the stallion threw open the door to a large crowd of doctors waiting outside. The two other stallions who were inside the helicopter quickly jump out and started to pull the board out of the helicopter. The board is quickly pulled out and is over ran with doctors trying to get a glance of what they have to work with. Twilight stayed beside her friends body through the whole thing and still held Rainbow's hoof. The doors were still open and Rainbow Dash and the Alicorn where still inside strapped into the helicopter. Rainbow Dash struggles against her restraints as she tried to free herself.

"OK lets go" The Alicorn said and just like that their restraints were taken off and the pair slowly dismounted off the helicopter. They look over and see a swarm of doctors rushing through the doors of the ER. Rainbow Dash can still feel Twilight’s hoof in her hoof. Even though Rainbow Dash is supposed to be dead. "This way" the Alicorn said while leading Rainbow Dash towards the ER room.

"Do I have to watch this? I really don't want to watch myself go through surgery."

"Your call" she said as they walk into a room outside the ER. "Well I can see that you have had enough, its time to go Rainbow Dash."

"Go where?"

"Heaven if you chose? You can make your own Reality, be your own queen, do what ever you want. You died a noble death Rainbow Dash, and for that you will be rewarded"

"But, what if I want to live? I was just rushed into the ER, was I not? Can't they save me?"

"Its not likely Rainbow Dash, you would not be here with me otherwise"

"I am going to take my chances"

"OK we are just going to have to wait and see then"

Off inside the emergency room all the doctors rushed around in a frenzy. Getting IV’s with pain killers and blood transfusions into her as fast as possible. Other doctors rushed around preparing the crash carts in case her heart decided to stop again. Others tried to stitch up Rainbow Dash's wounds and stop the bleeding. It is a all out panic inside the ER as they try to save Rainbow Dash’s fragile life. Outside the others of the mane six began to arrive. Twilight had been forced to let go of Rainbow Dash's body when they were entering the ER room. She had tried to fight her way in but some royal guards came over and stopped her. They all wait outside waiting for the news of their friend to surface. After an hour of pacing the halls with no word on Rainbows condition being given out. At this point all of her friends from down in Ponyville started to make their way into the hospital. Ponyville was a small town and word got around fast. Even members of the wonderbolts came. Soarin came with Spitfire and began to try to force information out of the desk clerk. Eventually the crowd was to large and had to moved farther away from the ER. More and more royal guards pour in to protect the order inside the ER. Princess Celestia also came down and shared her worries with the others. As the Princess knew the implications of losing one element from the Elements of Harmony. 4 hours in and their still was no word on Rainbows condition, only rumors emerged. Their was still an utter state of panic inside the ER as the doctors tried to stabilize Rainbow. The ER room was a mess with towels of blood and blood stained scrubs which were being thrown away in an already over flowing trash can. The doctors were giving it all they could, but they just could not stabilize her. They kept up the blood transfusions for the 4 hours she had been in the ER. She had bled so much that all of her blood that her body produced was gone. She was being supported completely off of blood donations given to the hospital. The crash carts were also a mess, in the 4 hours her heart had stopped beating twice but was forced back into operation. Most of her broken or fractured bones had been re set and casted. The ER room stunk with a strong scent of Pegasus blood. Rainbow Dash and the Alicorn were waiting in the room next to the ER the whole time. It took the doctors 8 hours before Rainbow Dash was finally stable enough to move to the intensive care unit. It was a whole 9 hours before her body was hauled out of the ER and into this intense care unit room. They watched as the doctors hooked up what seemed to be hundreds of machines to this completely cased up figure. They attached their monitors and started her body on life support, as well as add a feeding tube down her throat. Rainbow Dash can't help but cry through this whole experience, her body laid lifeless on the bed with tubes and wires going everywhere attached all over her body. Eventually friends and family were allowed in to see her. Most just came and dropped off some get well gifts and left. Twilight and Fluttershy refused to leave the room at all, they would not leave until Rainbow Dash was OK. Spitfire and Soarin both came and left a get well soon basket with some wonderbolts tickets and left it near Rainbows bed side. It was hard to get any information on her condition due to constant changing of doctors coming in and out. Twilight and Pinkie Pie had to stop a doctor while running some tests, and force him to give them information.

"Well I am not supposed to tell you yet"

"Why?" Twilight asked

"We are unsure where she is at right now. Just know its not looking good"

"Whats wrong with her" Pinkie Pie said

"Well girls . . ."


"She is in a deep coma. It was a medically induced coma that was needed to help stabilize her body. She is on life support now, it all depends on her"

"what depends on her? She is in a coma she can't really do much" said Pinkie Pie

"Well ... How do I put this. Their is a freak medical phenomenon when a patient is in a deep coma like this. She has a choice to make, so to speak"

"A choice?"

"Yes, it all depends on his or her will to live and strength to go through possibly years of painful rehabilitation. If she wants to live she will have to fight"

With that the remaining members of the mane 6 walked over and huddled around their Element of Loyalty. They all take up positions around the bed and placed their hooves on parts of Rainbow Dash all over her body.

"I miss you Dashie" Pinkie Pie said in tears "Come back"

"We love you Rainbow, whatever choice you make is yours" Applejack said in tears "And we, we, we, will just have to respect that. I hope you can hear deep down in there somewhere"

The truth is Rainbow Dash can hear them. She was still sitting across the room with the Alicorn. Rainbow Dash was struggling to take the whole picture in.

"So Rainbow Dash it seems your doctors have done a pretty good job at trying to save your life. I am amazed by the love and compassion your friends show towards you."

"Thanks I guess" Rainbow Dash said with her hooves buried on her head as she thought

"Well, Rainbow I think I might just give you a choice"


"Yes I will give you time to consider"

"What is it?"

"The kindness and compassion your friends have shown was incredible to me. They truly do love you and everything about you, from your best to your worst. This decision is up to you."

"What is it!"

"You may go back to your friends if you so choose. But listen to my warming, you will have the most painful 2 years of your life. You will go months without the ability to walk, and may or may not ever get the ability to fly again." With this Rainbow Dash started to cry "It will not be easy but if you have the will, so be it. Or you have the option I was giving you earlier, go to heaven. Make your own world, and be in peace. Take your time choose wisely."

With this Rainbow Dash stood up and walked over to her body which was fully covered in casts and stitches. She looked around and saw all of her friends talking and hoovering over her body. She took time and looked at each one of her friends faces as the kept going around in a circle talking to her body. She looked over and saw all the medical equipment hooked up to her. The blood iv bags, the pain killers, and life support. She walked over and sat in the corner of the room taking in all of her friends words. Rainbow Dash put her hooves on her head and started to think. She sat there like
this for hours. Eventually her friends had all left and moved into the hallway or slept on the couch across the room. It was around 2 in the mourning before something happened. Scootaloo had managed to make it to the hospital. How Rainbow Dash had no clue, her parents had passed away a couple of years back. And she was accompanied by no other ponies. She was all alone as she walked up to the bedside. She looked at her idols broken body and climbed up on the bed right next to Rainbow Dash. Their was not a lot of room on the bed but Scootaloo was still quiet small. At this, Rainbow stood up and walked over to the bed where Scootaloo was resting with her body. Scootaloo nuzzled as close as she could and before long she is right next to her idols body. She wrapped her hooves carefully around Rainbow Dash's body past all the wires and ivs. Scootaloo began to let out some tears.

"I heard it was getting worse so I had come up and see you. I don't know what to say I am not that good with words at all" she paused "I had to see you in case you know, you decided to leave. I had to say goodbye. I love you Rainbow Dash. I always have looked up to you, you are my idol. Everything I have ever done was an attempt to try to impress you, the scooter and everything. You are the closest thing to family I have. And I thought it respectful to come say goodbye"By now tears were on both Rainbow Dash's face and Scootaloo's "You have been everything to me and I came to say thank you. I know we are not really related at all, but I always thought of you as my mother and sister. You have always been there for me, even though you were distant. I love you Rainbow Dash" The small orange filly said with her arms still firmly around Rainbow Dash's body. Rainbow Dash knew Scootaloo had feelings for her, but nothing like this. Rainbow Dash had always loved Scootaloo and watched her from a far. With this Rainbow Dash walked over to the Alicorn who was still just sitting on the couch staring at Rainbow Dash.

"I have made my decision"

"Have you given it enough thought"


"What shall it be then Rainbow Dash?"

"I choose . . ."

10 minutes later great screams started to come from Rainbow Dash's room. Doctors came rushing in to the beat of medical equipment going off in alarm. Scootaloo and the others are thrown out in all the shock and confusion. More and more doctors spill in as the screams of doctors orders fill the room. Everyone outside of the room is crying and is trying to get in the room and get information. But 2 royal guards stopped anyone who was not a doctor from entering the room. It is an utter chaos inside Rainbow Dash’s ER room, doctors screaming out orders and nurses and other doctors performing those orders. Twilight Sparkle fought the guards as they hold her back away from the door. It takes Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie to calm Twilight down.

"Whats going on in there! I demand to know!" Twilight kept yelling trying to get information on her friend

It was in the early hours of this day that the mane six's lives were all changed forever.

Special thanks to thewagesofsin check his stuff out, he should be publishing soon!
Also a special thanks to my brony friend Mister Hooflin.

Author's Note:

This my first fanfic. I really enjoyed writing this, and I hope you had a similar experience reading it. I really do love to write. Sorry for any grammar errors I tried to get those out before hand. Thanks again for reading this, I hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment if you feel compelled to do so. Thanks again!

Comments ( 38 )

You HAVE to continue it now! Otherwise you've ruined the story right in the description! Anyway, good to see you posting! (also First!) :twilightsmile:

thanks for the story in the description :trollestia:

and get yourself a fucking proofreader
then you be in business, yo

Comment posted by TheFineBrony deleted Mar 28th, 2013

I am thinking about being a proofreader and from what i've learn and espearianced you need more than 1 proofreader for every mistake to be caught.

Y U NO WRITE MORE?:raritydespair:

It's so good more I say more

Comment posted by TheFineBrony deleted Mar 28th, 2013

I. Like it so much can't wait till the next chapter:raritystarry::ajsmug::rainbowlaugh::twilightsheepish::yay:

1869368 you're welcome. it is amazing. I cannot wait for the next chapter... Ok, so, I guess I can, but I really don't want to!

Before I start a main part, you need to know that I'm a Pole. My English is like shit, and my fics are known to have one of the worst grama construction ever seen. Without pre-reader, my stories are unable to read and almost all critique about them is always about dammit grama.

Heck, I found somebody whose grama is almost as bad as mine.

For the love of Celestia... seriously, men. So many mistakes, so many reapeters, so many commas mistakes, so many basic NOT-TO-DO things ( like putting more than three "!" or "writing number with "4" instead of "four"".

Idea was actually quite nice, but you seriously derped plot in the later part. It's just... "unreliable" in shortcut.

I highly suggest to find a pre-reader/proof-reader/editor/whatever who will help you with all dat problem.

MORE PLEASE!! :rainbowkiss:

This seems like a very good story. Wow, this is quite a story, actually. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this. It has very high potential, because I haven't seen a scenario like this. By the way, maybe you should add an "Alternate Universe" tag for this, since it's different from what happens in the show. Just a little tip. Other than that, story-wise, it's fantastic. I really enjoyed reading this, despite some glaring issues with grammar, and that cliffhanger really got me. I can't wait to see the outcome of this.

The writing itself, overall, is pretty good. If you clear up the errors, clean it up a bit, it could look very good and strong. But that said, this can be so much better once this gets edited. I can't really say anything about it except this: One main problem I have that no one has said quite yet is the constant change of pretense. One minute, it says, "She says," and the next, maybe, "He ran." Or something like that. It can be very distracting, so pick one pretense--past or present--and stick with it. Like I said, the idea is strong, but can be executed better once smoothed over. :)

First of all rainbowdash lives because it said MANE 6 and if dash died it would of been mane 5, but it said 6 so she lives you just gotta think :rainbowwild:

But won't all there lives be affected? I mean if Rainbow Dash dies, her life would be different, it would be gone, right? Any way, I will leave that up to your interpretation I hope you liked the story.

I'm not favoriting this for the grammar, but for the story and heartfelt feelings in here. Awesome how she may or may not be dead. While it's true you said the mane six's lives, we can't be sure Rainbow's dead or not because being in a coma is still being alive. So it can change the mane six's lives by the death of Rainbow Dash (death is a type of change to one's life) but it can also change their lives by Rainbow's awakening :rainbowderp: Oh so clever :twilightsmile: Also, thanks, you've inspired me to write my own near death fic. I shall mention you in the Author's Notes


Cool, can't wait to see it. Send me a link maybe when your done. And yes sorry about my grammar.

I shall! And grammar's not everything. As long as it can be understood :ajsmug: Applejack Approval

MOAR!:flutterrage: Do you think you can make a sequel? I love this so much!:heart:

I'm not going to like or dislike this story. It's a good story but there are a lot of things wrong with it word wise.
1. You go from present tense (ex. Applejack and Pinkie back away slowly) to past tense (ex. Twilight held on to Rainbow Dash's hoof)
2. Oh my Faust so many run on paragraphs! Dude, I saw at least three times where you just made one big ass paragraph instead of two regular paragraphs!
3. Just some basic spelling errors.

None of this was meant to be mean, I'm just trying to lend a hand.:fluttershyouch:


Yeah, I understand what you mean and thanks. This was my first take at a fanfic before I got an editor.

COME ON:twilightangry2:
i damand a sequel

All da FEELS! :fluttershbad:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DASHIE :fluttercry::flutterrage::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::pinkiegasp::raritycry::raritydespair::twilightangry2:
wait did dashie leave or did she chose life I don't know plz tell me I can not live not knowing if MY dashie lived or died....

Omg this was so sad! :applecry: But it was really well written! :twilightsmile: Sequel? :fluttercry:

Great :pinkiehappy: and sad :fluttercry: story, m8! *gives Cyber cookie*
I DEMAND A SEQUAL!!!:flutterrage::twilightangry2:


As do I!!

SEQUEL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

I request that you start the process of construction of a sequel for this story

Someone has probably made you aware of this already, but there is some inconsistency in wether the story is written in the past or present

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