• Published 18th Dec 2012
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My Little Dragon - Metal Pony Fan

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. A pony.

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My Arms are Broken

Questions. Questions define our existence. By asking questions we can determine what we view as important in the world around us. By answering questions, we shape a world within our perceptions. Our senses constantly ask simple questions for us. What is in front of me? What does it sound like? What does it feel like?

Right now, Spike was asking himself questions as he awoke from sleepless dark.

Where am I?

It was hard to answer that. The sense that would normally answer that the fastest, sight, was obscured by a curtain of pale green. There were blurry shapes beyond the green, but nothing he could identify.

What is this place?

Same question, pretty much. Spike took a deep breath, then released it with a heavy sigh. Wherever he was, it smelled like it was recently cleaned. Pungent cleaning chemicals, with the faintest hint of lemon, tickled his nose, causing him to scrunch it up in displeasure. Sometimes, he was convinced his sense of smell was more sensitive than the average dragon's.

Why do I feel like I got stepped on?

Harder question, but Occham's Razor suggested it was because he recently was stepped on. It was unpleasant. He was sore all over, especially around the torso. There weren't any sharp pains, and he was able to breath easily enough, so he probably didn't have any broken bones.

What was that noise?

There were actually a few noises. The one he was most curious about was a steady consistent beeping, but there were others as well. Concentrating for a moment, he could hear shuffling, squeaking, and breathing.

What was that weight on his leg?

It was warm, whatever it was. It was nice and warm. Something smooth was resting against him.

And, the most important question of all, as feeling returned to his body, was asked out loud. "What the hell is around my neck?"

"It talks?" Asked a voice, a drake, old and raspy. The shuffling noises stopped. He must have set down some papers. "Most interesting."

"Of course he talks." That was Rarity, she was close by. The weight shifted, lifting from his leg. Was that her? Her concern made the pony smile. "What kind of doctor are you?"

"A Vetrinarian, ma'am. I have never seen a pet that could talk. Unless it was a bird, of course. For a mammalian pet to have vocal chords capable of draconic speech is unheard of in my profession."

"He is most certaintly not a pet. He is a dear and important friend, and I will not have you speak ill of him."

"I meant nothing by it," the drake sighed. "The other doctors called me in to work on an unconscious mammal, so you can imagine my confusion. However, if he is an intelligent creature, I believe the cone might be unnecessary. Well, If you'll excuse me..." There was a shuffling noise as the vet gathered a few items and left.

Spike groaned. Is that what this green thing was? One of those cone things you put around a pet's neck to keep it from aggravating an injury? This would be humiliating if there was anyone other than the doctor and Rarity to see it. It was still embarassing, but he was pretty sure he could trust her to keep it a secret.

He brought his hooves to the cone, gasping in pain as he stretched a little too far. His whole side hurt. It felt like had gone through a landslide. No, he'd done that before, and it wasn't all that bad. This felt worse than if he had gone through a landslide. "I got stepped on, didn't I?"

"I'm afraid so, dear." A careful claw wrapped around his hoof and eased it back down. Two shadows appeared beyond the obscuring surface of the cone, then the latch on the collar was undone.

The curtain of green fell away and he offered Rarity the best smile he muster. He wanted to convince her that he was in considerably less pain than we actually was. He wanted to ease the concern on her face, on both faces. "Wait." He looked back and forth between the two Rarity's, or is that Rarities? And offered the other Rarity a look of confusion. "Huh?"

Both dragonesses looked up at each other. Moving in perfect time, they snarled, snorted, and crossed their claws. "I knew I shouldn't have let you stay," they echoed each other, "if I have to see to it myself, these games of yours will end."

Both pairs of violet eyes went wide. "How did you... You're using magic, aren't you? Cut it out, or I'll-"

"Calm down." Spike touched his hoof to the Rarity on the right's leg. "Let her play whatever games she wants, it doesn't matter."

With a scoff, left Rarity rolled her eyes. She flashed green, and white scales gave way to black leathery skin, and a bright pair of green eyes that hovered way too close. "What gave it away?" She demanded animatedly eyeing the dragoness and looking back at the pony. "I can duplicate ponies perfectly, so why should dragons be any different?"

"Easy." Spike lifted his head a little to let the real Rarity pull the cone out from under him, then settled back into the pillow with a groan. "She was leaning on my leg when I woke up, and she was the one who pulled my hoof back so I wouldn't hurt myself." He left out the part where he could see strands of his magic, wandering strings of different length, connecting him to both of them. The real Rarity's string was much shorter, and twined around her with her own flowing, amaranthine thread. It would be impossible not to recognize the magic they shared, the magic that built the temple around them that night.

But, why would he be connected to Chrysalis? The string was longer, meandering around the room before linking to her, but the magic it joined was much more similar to his. Sharp, angular, green, but with the faintest tint of blue, her magic called out to his in a different way from Rarity's.

He put it out of his mind as the swirling lines faded from sight. He would have time later to study and understand this new magic within him, and Rarity would be there to help him through it. He smiled up at her and extended his hoof.

She looked down when she saw him move. She didn't want to take her eyes off that trickster they somehow got saddled with, but it was reassuring that Spike could tell the difference between them. When she saw him smiling, she returned it immediately. "Don't worry, Spike," she reassured, knowing full well that he wasn't worried in the slightest. She took his hoof with one claw, letting herself stroke the fur with the other. "I'll take you home, and then you can focus on recovering. Twilight has been so worried about you, I know seeing you awake will make her happy."

"She has?" Spike closed his eyes. The hatchlings all stayed behind at the farm, didn't they? "How long have I been out?"

"No more than three days," Chrysalis said, sounding almost bored. "I was hoping for amnesia, then I could have convinced you that I was the only pony you could trust in this strange land of dragons."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Except you obviously aren't a pony."

"At the moment," the changeling pointed out, "I can be any pony any time I want."

"In that case, why was the pony you turned into earlier so small compared to Spike? Huh?"

"Hey, I just turned into an average-sized mare. It's not my fault Fangs here is a bigger hunk of stallion than the ones I'm used to."

"Fangs?" Spike brought a hoof to his mouth. His canines were good and sharp, but nowhere near what a dragon's should be. "I wouldn't exactly call them fangs."

"Look, Fangs." Chrysalis brought her own hoof to her mouth and lifted the side of her lip into an awful smile. Her rows of sharp teeth glinted harsh in the hospital light. "I have fangs. You have fangs. These dragons have fangs. Ponies are not supposed to have fangs, yet you have fangs, therefore, I will call you Fangs. It's a nickname, and it denotes affection."

"Just remember, any affection, you show Spike, will be putting you very squarely on my bad side, and that is a place you do not want to be."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "What are you going to do? Gut me again?" The changeling gestured to the barely visible marks in her midsection. "I will admit that was an unpleasant experience, but hardly life threatening for somepony of my constitution." She looked down, and her mouth twisted into a small frown. "That really should have healed by now."

Rarity turned her head away, slowly looking at the hospital wall instead of the injuries she caused. "I'm sorry, but you forced me to fight back. I wasn't going to let myself be used against those I care about."

"Then why the shame?" The changeling accused, raising her droning voice. "You should feel proud that you were strong enough to fight back. Take a good hard look at your handiwork!" Chrysalis grabbed at her wounds, squeezing hard, and breaking the poorly healed scars open. As green ichorous blood wetted her hooves, she hissed, "And be sure to smile."

"What is wrong with you?" Rarity asked in a whisper. She could see the anger in the changeling's eyes, but somehow, it didn't feel like it was directed at her. "I don't take pride in what I am forced to do."

Chrysalis slammed her hoof down, flinging the blood that was pooling in her hoof at the dragoness. "Well I do!" She stalked towards her. "I've drained the love and magic from hundreds of ponies, taken it for my own. Sometimes," she slipped around the dragon like a snake, leaning over her shoulder, "I slip in at night, whisking one lover away to replace them for a few days. Sometimes," she moved to the other shoulder, "I replace somepony who died, giving those left behind a few more days before facing the truth. I've even split lovers apart." She moved in front of the dragon. "Just so I can offer each of them the comfort of somepony new."

Rarity stood her ground. The changeling stood over her, teeth bared, hot breath washing over her snout with a faint smell of acid. But one look at the eyes above that maw made it impossible to feel any fear. The anger was still there, but there was something else. Need. She was trying to scare her. She desperately needed that fear. Why? "How can you be proud of any of that?"

"Because I survived! My hive survived." Raising her bloody hoof, she smiled. "More than that," she whispered, "we thrived. We became powerful. We didn't have to hide and cower like the others. Love is a tool. It's a way to get what you want. You say you love him, you better be ready to hurt him, because that's all love is good for!"

Rarity felt she was starting to understand. "You only say that because you've been hurt."

"No!" Chrysalis protested. "Never! I am not weak enough to need the same fragile companionship most creatures seek. I exploit those bonds, how could I ever be fool enough to seek them out?"

"You don't always seek out love," Rarity explained quietly. "Sometimes, those we find ourselves bound to come to us by chance. Love isn't something sought, but thrust upon us at the most unexpected moments. Sometimes, it's there all along."

Chrysalis shook her head. "What are you saying?"

Rarity looked the changeling in the eyes, feeling truly sorry for the creature for the first time. "You loved your hive."

Chrysalis looked around the buzzing stone tunnels of the hive. The buzz of work and new construction being carried out brought a soothing white noise to accompany the faint light of glowing fungus. Anywhere she walked, changelings would take a moment of their time to acknowledge her presence, no matter the task they were occupied with. She was more important than any of it, the leader that made it all possible, the one who brought them magic, and they loved her for it.

And she loved them.

She loved them enough to keep going out, time after time in search of love to bring back as magic. She would give anything, and had, to keep them safe and fed. They were like children to her, and even if they were not her own, she did her best to care for them. Just like her own mother before her.

Chrysalis closed her eyes as the sounds of her hive faded around her. The black cragstone walls gave way to the smooth white paint in the hospital as she came back to reality. Then, she choked out the two words that summed up her life right now, "I'm alone."

"You don't have to be," Rarity offered quietly. "Whoever you were before, whatever you did, it's gone now. You can start over, be honest about yourself instead of hiding your identity. You are much more dragonlike than Spike, but we all accept him. If you let us, we might be able accept you."

"Accept me how?!" Chrysalis demanded. "I have no identity! You cannot accept what doesn't exist! I am a changeling, we exist to become something else because we have nothing of our own. We turn into the thing best able to get what we want, then discard the useless baggage. We are spiders, spreading our venom and shedding useless skins that grow too tight. If I wanted your pity, I would take it!"

For the first time since the argument began, Spike spoke up. "Tell me about a changeling."

"What do you want to know," Chrysalis sneered. "How to beat us? How to pick one out of a crowd? What poisons affect us? I can tell you so much."

"No," Spike said firmly, "I'm not interested in changelings. Tell me about a changeling. Tell me about one changeling from your hive, the last one you interacted with. Tell me what you remember about that one particular."

"There is nothing," came the retort.

Spike lifted his head to look at her, ignoring the soreness in his neck. "Tell me."

Chrysalis shook her head. "Drones are all the same."

"Tell me!" He shouted, wincing at the pain it brought to his side.

"He said be careful!" She shouted back. "Happy?"

"Yes." He dropped his head back to the pillow with a groan. That short outburst took a lot out of him, letting him know just how badly he was injured. "And why would you even remember that? Didn't every changeling in your hive tell you that?"

"No, just him." Chrysalis looked down, then to the left, then pointed to a spot on the floor. "He would stand there,one of the two guards before the throne, whenever there was something official going on. The rest of the time, he guarded one of the hive entrances. One time, after a meeting with another hive, I got up to leave, and tripped over a rock. I stumbled, but caught myself, and he saw. He would tell me to be careful as a farewell from then on. I didn't plan it, but I ended up passing by his post before setting out for Canterlot."

Chrysalis sighed. "I never expected it would be the last time I would see him."

She and Rarity sat quietly for a moment, until a knock at the door interrupted anything else they were thinking of saying. "Excuse me," a nurse poked her head in, "visiting hours are almost over. Please sign out at the front desk before you leave." She left without another word, and without glancing up from her clipboard.

Rarity spoke quickly, trying to sweep away the awkward silence that settled on them like dust. "Well," she said with a clap of her claws, "that's that, I suppose." She loooked over at Spike and walked over so she could touch his hoof. "You relax, darling, I'll be back in the morning. And I'll bring the checklist Twilight made of all the things you need to help her with."

"I've doomed myself, haven't I?" the pony chuckled. He nodded towards the changeling. "What about Chrysalis? You two aren't going to be fighting anymore, are you?"

Rarity glanced over. "No promises, but I assure you it won't be anything too serious." She patted his hoof one more time and reluctantly walked to the door. As she passed the changeling, she sighed. "You don't have a place to stay, do you?"

The next morning, Spike stretched his hooves out in front of himself. He was a little sore, but the pain was minimal. He felt pretty good compared to yesterday. He stretched a tiny bit harder, grunting with effort. He felt the muscles across his shoulders pull taught sooner than they should have.

"Ugh." He slowly worked each leg through a series of rotations. His back felt weird, just below his shoulders, and he faintly wondered if they had been dislocated when he was stepped on. "Feels like something's in there."

He rolled onto his side, and contemplated his next action for a moment. He moved every extremity, and tensed various muscles to test himself. The pain didn't return, so he slid himself out of bed.

He hit the ground with a thump, lines of green magic radiating across the tile where his hooves fell. He hefted himself back up, supporting himself by the bars of the hospital bed.

Alone in a room slowly filling with morning light, he looked around. He didn't get a chance to pay much attention to the decor while Rarity and Chrysalis were here, and the lights were shut off shortly after they left.

All he could think was, yep. This was a vet's office. Portraits of different dragons with small cats, big cats, dogs, wolves, and various birds filled the far wall with simple frames. Anatomical diagrams, and posters detailing proper care for more exotic creatures filed another wall. The wall behind him now, where his visitors had been standing was completely blank.

And in the corner, was a large carrier kennel with clumps of dirt stuck to the bottom. It looked just large enough for him to fit into. He could only assume that he was carried from the site of the stomping in it.

With a sigh, he brought his hoof to his forehead, smacking himself in the face with the tile stuck to it. "Ow! Huh?" He stared at his hoof in confusion. At the end of it, as if glued there, was a stone floor tile. Twisting his hoof around and looking at the bottom of the tile, the pony could see the blob of sharp, angular, green lines nestled in the center, where his hoof met the other side.

A few lines of magic traced the veins of the stone, deviating from their angular shape to follow the cracks and colors of the dark streaks in the otherwise plain stone tile. Spike gave his hoof a little shake. The tile stuck.

For a moment Spike wasn't sure if he should be excited or worried. This was obviously his new magic manifesting itself, but it was doing so without his conscious control. He would need to speak with Rarity about it when she comes to visit.

A knock at the door made him turn his head, and the sudden movement caused a twinge of pain in his already tight shoulders. The tile slid from his hoof and shattered against the floor.

"Is everything all right in there?"

Spike's eyes went wide, and he tried his best to sweep the pieces back into the space the tile originally came from. "Yeah, um, I'm fine, just the,uh," he gave up and stared at the floor, cringing as he uttered, "the floor isn't."

"The floor?" The nurse opened the door, squinting at the tile floor in front of her. "I don't see," she checked the tiles in a sweeping search pattern, ending at under his hooves, "oh. Those hooves are harder than they look I guess." She shrugged and let herself in. "I take it you feel better, seeing as you are standing on your own. Do you feel up to meeting a visitor?"

Spike's ears perked up, and the nurse looked up at them. "Rarity?"

"I didn't ask her name," the nurse replied, chuckling as the ears moved back to their normal position. "She's too large to fit in here, so you'll need to head out to the waiting room."

"Oh." Spike's ears drooped slightly. Maybe it was Applejack? Here to apologize for her brother stepping on him? "Ok, I think I can make it out under my own power. Give me a moment."

The nurse nodded, still watching the movement of his ears. "Just tell her to quit swinging those swords around inside."

"Swords?" Spike looked over as the nurse walked out. He knew exactly who it was now.

With a sigh, Spike placed both hooves over the broken tile. He had all the pieces shoved back into place, more or less. Though, mostly less. And he closed his eyes and thought about water. Pouring water into a shallow dish, letting it spread out and settle, ripples disappearing as it settled, leaving a glass smooth surface behind.

He tried to imagine the feeling of placing his hooves over that water, still and smooth. Then, he started to channel his magic. His hope was to make the stone flow back together, to become fluid like he had seen Rarity command before.

And it worked.

Sort of.

His nose wrinkled at the smell of sulfur. Or was that brimstone? He opened his eyes, knowing what he would see if he happened to look down. He could feel the heat cooking up from beneath his hooves.

He ceased supplying magic power and sighed. "Seriously?"

Where a broken tile once sat, a puddle of lava was quickly cooling into obsidian. The surounding tiles were scorched, and the synthetic fibers of the hospital bed's sheets were slowly sagging towards the floor. He got up, rolled the bed away from the heat, and headed for the door, wondering who he should apologize to.

"Fellow Centurion!" Screwball snapped to attention and offered a clean, crisp salute. "It is good to see you up and about. After hearing of your injuries, many were beginning to fear the worst."

Spike stared up at her and blinked. "Are you feeling all right?"

She stared off at some point behind him, and her lips were pressed tightly together, moving slightly as if she was chewing something back. "Of course, thank you for your concern."

His lips curled slightly in confusion. "Now I know something's wrong."

She shook her head urgently, but with a movement so compact, Spike almost missed it. He tilted his head. "Don't you dare," she mouthed silently.

He held his hoof up, placed it to his horehead, jerked it away because it was still freaking hot from the lava tile incident, then just put it back down. "What is going on? Before I left for Dragartha, you told me in no uncertain terms, that you wanted me out of the picture by any means necessary. I half expected, no, fully expected you to be here for the sole purpose of collecting my pelt in case I up and died. But I don't believe for a moment that you were concerned about me."

Screwball's left claw fought itself halfway to the handle of one of her blades. Fingers twitched as the muscles tensed, and she bit down on her lower lip until blood started to from her fang. "I'm trying to be polite here."

Spike stared at her and took a step back. "And it's scaring me."

"Agh! Screw this!" Both claws jumped to the swords on her back, and she drew them in a smooth movement that fed straight into a vicious swing.

Spike raised his left hoof to his horn as it lit up with the magic of an ironscale spell. With a tap the energy was transferred, placing concentrated protection on only his hoof, and he swung his hoof out to deflect the balde. He knocked it away, and twisted to deflect the other blade in a similar manner.

His hoof was caught by another dragon's claw before it met steel, and the second blade was frozen mid-swing in a similar manner. "Young centurions," the small dragin sighed, "always so lively."

Spike smiled, eyes wide with pleasant surprise. "Mom!"

"Rares?" Applejack paced around the outside of the library, looking for an open window. "Rares? Ya in there, Sugarcube?" The front door was locked, and that was the only way in for a dragon as big as her. "Rares!"

"On my way, Darling!" Rarity's voice answered from inside.

"About time," Applejack muttered, "Ah don't see why ya-"

"Oh, don't get your scales in a bunch," an annoyed Rarity lamented.

Applack blinked. "Uh, 'scuse me?"

"Shut it you," Rarity hissed.

Applejack tamped a hoof, What was Rarity's problem? "Look, Ah'm sorry mah brother stepped on Spike, but in case ya missed it, he was kind of focused on the guy who murdered our parents."

"Oh, crud. Sorry." Answered a different voice. "I'll uh, just get the door. Hold on."

Wait, she knew that voice. "Yer that Change-thing from the mountain."

"Changeling," Chrysalis corrected, as she unlocked the door and opened the smallest of the nested entryways. She found herself snout to snout with Applejack for the first time. Having stayed away from the dragon that nearly squished her like a bug, she noticed something for the first time. "My, what big eyes you have."

"All the better to stare unamused at ya with, " the big dragon replied without missing a beat. "Where's Twi and Rares?"

"Lady Buzzkill is on her way to visit her coltfriend." She pointed a hoof over her shoulder. "The brat is still sleeping, recovering from an all night reorganization spree."

The orange dragon squinted at the changeling. "And Rares just left Twilight alone... with you? Unsupervised?"

Chrysalis shrugged. "The fact that I will literally starve to death if nobody likes me is a pretty good motivator to play nice right now."

Applejack lifted her head and looked in the general direction of the animal hospital where Spike was taken after Mac stepped on him. "Well, Ah gotta go find her. Spike ain't at the vet's no more."

Author's Note:

Chapter title
My Arms are Broken by Tim Hawkins (Parody of With Arms Wide Open by Creed)

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