• Published 22nd Jan 2013
  • 9,760 Views, 68 Comments

Chrysalis' Revenge - ladyanaconda

Chrysalis is out for revenge, and for that purpose she must gather pieces of an ancient artifact to bring Sombra back from the dead. Can the Elements of Harmony save the day?

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Prologue- The Kidnapping

It was a very dark night when everything began.
In one of the farthest corners of Equestria, was the territory of the Changelings, which was mostly composed of barren wastelands and a few withered trees there and there. In the middle of that seemingly-desert place, there was a chain of mountainous rocks where the Changelings had made their hive; inside, almost everything was covered in the green goo-like substance they produced. In the top of that cursed mountain, there was the Queen's chamber.
And in the Queen's chamber, something serious was happening.
Chrysalis was in the very top of the mountain, taking power from the lightings that were falling from the sky and into her horn, her eyes were glowing a mysterious pale green, and everything around her seemed to be trying to move away from her as quick s possible.
"Spirits of the darkness," she whispered in a tone that would send chills down the bravest ponies' spine, "Hear my call. In this fateful night I command the powers of evil to part the sands of time, and make my vision clear."
She stomped her front hooves in the stone, "Summon King Sombra from the darkest depths, and bring him here!"
As she finished the sentence, more lightings fell from the sky and hit all the rocks around, turning them into ashes. Suddenly, a mysterious black smoke started to emerge from the rocky ground, and it started to expand on all the floor, except for the place Chrysalis was standing. From the smoke, a figure started to rise, but it was still covered by the dark mist; when the mist around him started to dissipate, on the rock stood a black unicorn clad with armor and a red cape, as well as a metal crown, which was contrasting against a long, red horn; his mane and tail were of the darkest black that existed. His eyes, however, were of a fiery red tone, with a purple mist emanating from them. However, he was transparent, for he no longer had a body which tied him to the world of the living. When he saw who had summoned him, a twisted smile formed in his lips, showing two prominent fangs and sharp teeth.
"Ah, Chrysalis!" He spoke with a deep voice, "My love, I've been waiting in this dreadful place for far too long!" he growled, "Have you discovered what will bring me back to Equestria?"
Chrysalis let out a sinister laugh, "Indeed, I have, Sombra," she sneered, "According to an ancient legend, there's a spell of restoration that can bring precious life into a long-dead soul. Because of the spell's power, artifacts necessary to cast if were banished into the far reaches of Equestria! But once I recover the artifacts," she Queen of the changelings placed a hoof on the spirit's cheek, longing to feel its coldness, "You shall be able to live again, and Equestria shall be ours for the taking!"
Sombra narrowed his eyes, "Don't get to excited, Chrysalis," he spoke with a foreboding tone, "Beware of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and that little traitor of Discord! I underestimated them once, and I paid it dearly."
"Ha, don't be worried, Sombra. I have a plan that will rid us of Discord, and those blasted bearers of the Elements! And now that I'm on it, perhaps I could get my revenge on that little princess who ruined my plans so many years ago."
"Perhaps, but we should be wary. I shall give you a taste of my magic, and then you'll be more powerful even than those pretty little princesses," the purple smoke coming out of Sombra's eyes suddenly took life and started flowing into the Changeling Queen's eyes, which started to change color slowly. Finally, the transference stopped and Chrysalis fell to the ground; after a few seconds she regained the strength to go back to her feet, and opened her eyes... which were now red and green, like her lover's.
"Vengeance shall be OURS!"
Saying this, the Queen of the Changelings let out a malevolent laugh that could be heard all across the land, and was soon joined by the long-deceased Sombra, causing more lightings to unless their fury on the mountain.


It had been almost a year after Twilight and Cadence announced their pregnancies, and all that time, everyone was excited. Discord had insisted on making his baby's shoes, although he had a long way to go, and Screwball would often make drawing of her and her future little brother or sister. Cadence and Shining Armor had decided to return to Canterlot while her pregnancy last, they wanted everyone to meet the foal when it was born. Also, the Mane Six, Spike, Screwball and Discord decided to live in Canterlot during that time as well, Cadence and Twilight wanted their foals to be born in the same place. According to the doctors, they should enter in labor in a few more weeks, and Princess Celestia had already prepared a room for the foals in the palace. Twilight, Spike, Screwball and Discord lived separately in a house near the gates, but they always visited their friends in the palace, everyone just loved feeling the foals kicking inside their mothers' wombs.
However, none of them was aware of the danger that was coming, even Celestia and Luna were too excited about the babies to realize that changelings had already unfiltered Canterlot, and at night, they would often sneak into the palace and brainwash all guards they encountered, without no one seeing them, of course. Most ponies simply thought the brainwashed guards were simply tired.
However, the time soon arrived for the changelings to make their move.
That night, Cadence had been taking a walk through the corridors of the castle; her belly had grown considerably, due to the foal's presence inside her womb. The little fella would often move and kick, but she didn't mind, although she did had the feeling it would be as adventurous as its father. Shining Armor was already at home, and he had probably fallen asleep, so she decided to go back, but suddenly she felt a chill run down her spine; she felt she was being followed. However, as she turned around to see, there was nothing there, except for a few sets of armor and moonlight streaming from the windows.
She continued on her way, but the feeling would not go away, and fear started to form inside her; the unborn foal seemed to feel it, as suddenly he started moving around in his mother's tummy.
Suddenly, before Cadence could do something, a pair of hooves grabbed her abruptly from behind and covered her mouth when she attempted to scream. Other two figures ran next to her and the mysterious pony who was holding her, and they proceeded to bind her legs, wings and then gag her. Cadence struggled violently and let out muffled screams as she attempted to get free; her foal suddenly sensed what was happening and started moving even more than before.
"Hurry! Take her to the carriage!" one of the figures spoke with a raspy, male voice.
"And what about the others?" another inured, this time it was a feminine voice.
"The rest will take care of them, we have to take her away now!"
Cadence became worried when she heard 'the others'. Were they planning on capturing Twilight as well? When the two who were holding her started to take her away, she started struggling again, and attempted to take the gag off. She had to warn Shining Armor! Finally, one of the ponies who was carrying her lost his patience and, with a little magic from his horn, he lifted up a sword from a nearby armor set and pointed it at the princess's belly.
"If you don't behave, I'm afraid I'll have to make you a surgery," he sneered, and his eyes flashed green.
Cadence froze in fear, her ears flattened on her skull and she slowly nodded, fearing he might actually do something to her baby.
"Those eyes..." she thought, remembering where she had last seen them, "Changelings..."


Twilight Sparkle decided to take a shortcut to get home, through an alley, which seemed to be unusually dark and cold. She had passed through there various times in the past, but never had it been so... eerie. Since a few moments ago, she had thought somebody was watching her, and she just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. There were a few rats running around the alley, but right then she didn't mind. The lavender unicorn heard hoofsteps behind her, but she saw nothing behind; the hoofsteps were then heard in front of her, but again, there was no one there. Twilight decided to use her horn to lighten things up, but when her horn illuminated, she was horrified to see a changeling in front of her, with an evil grin in his face.
Suddenly, somepony else behind gagged her and started tying up her legs; unlike, Cadence's foal, her foal didn't move as much except when his father was around, but in this occasion, it started moving, wondering what was going on outside. Twilight struggled and let out muffled screams as she was taken away. Everything was dark, but she could see a black carriage in the entrance of Canterlot, and there were six pegasi awaiting to pull it away. There were also a few guards in post, but their eyes were completely empty of emotion.
Twilight muffled loudly to get their attention, but they paid her no heed; hadn't they recognized her, or were there accomplices in this atrocity? The changeling she had seen opened the carriage, and the stallion carrying her threw her inside, although luckily, nothing happened to her foal. However, before the doors of the carriage closed, she saw that all her friends were already in there, all bound and gagged. Even Cadence was in the carriage, in their same situation. Pinkie Pie was unconscious, Applejack and Rarity were attempting to undo their binds, and Fluttershy was sobbing; However, she noticed Rainbow Dash was no in there. Perhaps she had escaped and had gone to get help... or she had not been captured yet.
Just then, the doors were closed shut, but the mares inside could hear what was happening outside.
"What about the bearer of Loyalty?" they heard
"We don't need to worry about her, she's already been taken care of,"
The ponies are were frozen in shock and fear. Did they do something to Rainbow Dash? The pegasi started puling the carriage and took off into the air, disappearing into the darkness of the night.


Princess Celestia walked into the throne room, sensing a dark presence was inside. She didn't bother in waking Luna up, she could take care of this herself; in fact, she had a clue of who was the pony in there.
"Come out of your hiding place," she growled, "Chrysalis!"
The Changeling Queen landed a few meters from Celestia, and set her eyes on the Sun Princess, "Well, well, we meet again, Celestia," she sneered, "Remember the last time the both of us were in this room?"
"What do you want, Chrysalis?" Celestia's horn started to glow, to which the Changeling Queen simply started examining at her hoof
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Celestia."
"Why shouldn't I simply blast you away like last time?"
Chrysalis narrowed her eyes in malice, "You wouldn't want anything happening to your beloved student, do you?"
After hearing this, Celestia gasped in horror, "What have you done to Twilight Sparkle?!"
"Wait, I'm not done yet. There's also the bearers of the Elements, and that princes Mi Amore-whatever. I wouldn't want them to interfere in my most recent plan."
The Changeling Queen's gnarled horn started glowing green, "And now that you're here, I can't let you stop me neither!"
Celestia saw purple smoke coming out of Chrysalis's eyes, and she realized what was happening, but before she could react, the Changeling threw her green beam at her, and everything went black.
Luna was awakened by the ruckus that was king on the throne room, but when she walk inside, what she saw almost gave her a heart attack...
In the middle of the room, stood her older sister, but she was frozen, with a expression of horror upon her face; her mane and tail were not flowing anymore, and she had turned into a pale gray color.
Celestia had been turned into a statue.
Before the Moon Princess could alert the guards, the doors closed shut behind her, and the last thing she saw before everything went black for her as well was a pair of green eyes above her.