• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 1,314 Views, 44 Comments

Geometry - ADRNEL

Sometimes geometry can be complicated, especially when applied to relationships.

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Fourth Degree

Time Turner is busy putting the finishing touches to a small watch he has been working on for the last week, holding the tools in his mouth and wearing a loupe over his right eye to better see his progress. It is a delicate and time consuming procedure, but he is the best watch and clock maker in Ponyville, maybe Equestria.

"There, all finished!" happily sighed the stallion, putting his loupe and tools away. The owner of the watch will be happy to have it fixed. He takes the watch and puts it in the "returns" drawer in his workshop behind the main room of the clock store. After cleaning up, he walks to the main room only to see Rarity waiting for him with a box.

"Miss Rarity, what brings you here?" asked Time Turner, glad to see a familiar face.

"Just came over to personally deliver your new tuxedo, it took me a while because I hardly do men's fashions, but I think it will look marvelous!" explained Rarity, congratulating herself. Rarity uses her magic to hand the box over Time Turner.

"Thanks, I usualy don't wear tuxedos, but Twilight did insist that I should wear one for the anniversery party tomorrow, I don't know why she's making a big deal of it though, being with her is celebration enough." explained Time Turner, he doesn't really like the pomp and circumstance and prefers a simple date for the anniversery instead of a party.

"Well," said Rarity reluctantly. "I shouldn't be telling you this, but let's just say that Twilight is planning on giving you her...gift tomorrow night." said Rarity, using a euphemisim to not give away Twilight's surprise.

"Why does she need a party to give me a gift?" asked a confused Time Turner.

"Well...it's a special gift, a gift that she wanted give to you for ten months already." explained Rarity, trying her best not to tell him too much. Rarity panicks and makes up an excuse. "Well, I have to go to the spa and get myself ready for tomorrow, see you then, bye!" waved Rarity as she quickly trotts out before her big mouth says anything more.

"Okay...bye!" waved Time Turner back as Rarity steps out of the store. "Special gift...what could she mean by that?" asked a confused Time Turner to himself.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac is walking to the bathroom to take his evening bath. Along the way he passes by Applejack's room where he hears a strange refined voice coming from inside.

"Why of course I'll have this dance with you." said the refined voice. Big Mac is curious and slowly opens the door only to be met with an unexpected sight;

Applejack in standing in front of a full length mirror, wearing a dress, an almost exact copy of the one she wore at the gala, that Rarity gave her for the anniversery party tomorrow, her trademark stenson is gone and her mane is flowing freely. "Why you are so kind sugar." chuckled Applejack to the mirror, not speaking in her usual accent, but a high class refined one instead.

"Applejack?" said a smiling Big Mac.

Applejack quickly hears her brother's voice and turns to see Big Mac standing in the doorway, smiling. "GET OUT MY ROOM! HAVEN'T YO' HEARD OF KNOCKING!" yelled Applejack galloping to the door and slamming it shut in front of Big Mac's face.

Big Mac just stands there with a smile on his face. "Eeyup." he says with a big grin while rolling his eyes while making his way to the bathroom.

"Fluttershy! We need to talk!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash while pounding on the front door to Fluttershy's cottage. "This is important!" Rainbow Dash wants to get to the bottom of this situation with Fluttershy, not wanting a repeat of the events from five years ago.

The front door slowly opens as Fluttershy walks up to Dash. "What is it?" shyly asked the yellow pegasus to her friend.

"Are you in love with somepony?" demaned Dash. "And don't lie, because the safety of Ponyville and its stallions are at stake!" exclaimed the cyan pegasus.

"What are you talking about?" calmly asked Fluttershy.

"You've been acting really strange lately, and I'm your friend, I need to know what's going on! You can't bottle up your feelings! It's too dangerous and I don't want a repeat of five years ago!" yelled a desperate Dash.

"I thought we weren't legally allowed to talk about it." answered Fluttershy, Dash's behavior making her nervous.

"I know that!" Dash exclaims putting her hooves on Fluttershy's shoulders. "So tell me, are you in love with somepony?"

Fluttershy just looks into Dash's magenta eyes, one part of her brain wants to tell her, but another doesn't want to, not wanting Dash to be worried about her over a personal issue. Eventually, one part manages to earn dominance.

"No Dash, I am not in love with somepony, I think Rarity attempts at matching me up with Big Mac last year caused me to give up on romance for a while." explained Fluttershy, lying. She knows that the decision to lie could potentionally bring disaster to Ponyville and its stallions once estrus hits next month, if she fails to tell Big Mac how she feels before then, but she felt that she needed to handle this herself.

Dash just gives out a heavy sigh of relief, buying Fluttershy's lie. "Are you sure?" Dash asks one last time just to be sure.

Fluttershy just shakes her head "yes" and smiles. "Thank Celestia!" Dash exclaims to the sky. "Sorry about that, I've been your friend for a long time and it's my job to worry about you sometimes." she explains, thinking that the events of five years ago will not happen.

"That's okay," answered Fluttershy. "I have to go and make dinner for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow at the party right?" she asked looking for an excuse to be alone.

"I'll see you then!" responded Dash with a smile on her face. Dash then salutes Fluttershy and flies off to her cloud mansion, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Fluttershy happily waves goodbye and walks inside, closing the door. Her expression quickly changes from happy to sad. Angel hops in and quickly pantomimes to ask what's going on, worried about her. "Oh Angel, we have a problem!" said a concerned Fluttershy to her pet. "If I don't tell Big Mac that I love him by next month, all of Ponyville and its stallions will be in danger, just like in Cloudsdale five years ago!" Angel just looks at her. "But if I do tell him, I'll be going against mother, and she'll disown me and never talk to me again." Fluttershy begins to cry at the thought. "Oh Angel, my body craves a stallion yet my mind finds it wrong to have such thoughts and feelings." Fluttershy is completely confused, she quickly flies into her room and locks the door to cry. Leaving Angel byhimself in the living room confused.

Dear Princess Celestia,

This is not a friendship report but a request for some archival information.

If possible, I would like to have all the back issues of the Cloudsdale newspaper from five years ago in the spring and city government records from the same year and season, along with any records pertaining to Fluttershy and her family. Rainbow Dash told me of an incident that happend involving Fluttershy, but refuses to give me any details. Since the event took place during Cloudsdale's estrus it is important that I receive this information before Ponyville's estrus in less than four weeks time.

Sincerley, Your faithfull student
Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle finishes the letter, she rolls it up, seals it, and puts it in the "send" pile for Spike to send tomorrow when he wakes up. It is past 11 o'clock at night and she wants to go to bed early so she can be ready to handle the long day tomorrow. But she was held up a little bit because she couldn't stop thinking about what Rainbow Dash told her. She then tries to think about something else and begins to think about Time Turner and how in 24 hours time, she'll finally show her love for him physically. She blows out the candles lighting the library, goes up stairs and lays down on her bed, hoping that nothing will ruin that moment.

"Happy anniversery Turner." she whispers to herself before closing her eyes to sleep.

Author's Note:

Fourth chapter.

I think this story is getting better, expect the next chapter to be longer because it covers the long awaited Anniversity Party.

What would you think will happen? Will there by any drama? Will Fluttershy finally tell Big Mac? Will Twilight have her way with Time Turner? Will Rarity succeed in getting Fluttershy and Big Mac together? How will Applejack react when she finds out Rarity is trying to matchup her brother with one of her friends? What happend five years ago at Cloudsdale?

These questions will be answered soon. Thanks for the favorites and comments!