• Member Since 11th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a writer and reader on this site


My first one shot, in which there are only 500 humans left and humans and ponies have a tence relationship between the two races, Celestia interviews a human and former soldier named Marcus. The subject, human nature

I wanted to do a story in which the reason for war, human nature and lastly why humans fight are explained in depth and TCB seemed like a perfect setting to do it in.

(I'm horrible at grammar)
(Inspired by "Why do we fight" by -Twilight)
(written in Marcus's POV)
(Teen for heavy language)
(I do not claim anything related to MLP: Friendship is Magic)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )
Comment posted by Shadow-Dancer deleted Feb 5th, 2013

This brings up some things that I have pondered, man kind has been killing this world for almost as long as it has existed, but we must have faith that we will improve and learn, for if we don't then we wont.

good story i hope to read more if you make more

I rather liked how i did it as well i just wanted to make a story that explored the reasons of war,human nature and why us as humans will fight to keep our hopes and dreams alive. That further developed to what if this topic was shown as humans are an endangered race and now must work together to not go extinct. Than how would i discuss this topic to someone or (in this case somepony) that did not understand

Also i did not want a the last human thing going on


2075222if retained their technology would be difficult to extinguish.
genetic materials in a few pond can store enough to restore the entire human race several times.

One ? How come ponyland aint glass? Theres more then anof nukes the make it glass

That is for you to think about

I remember when one of my professors at college told the class that humans are prone to violence. It is in our nature, can't stop it, can't avoid it. Interesting take on that fact.

2411515 yea we humans can be violent but at the same time we try to improve our selves

and your professor is correct we can only delay our nature we have not found out how to overcome it fully

Also thanks everyone i never thought that this philosophical inspiration would get as many views as it has gotten and if you do dislike this tell me why i want to improve were i can

This is certainly interesting Shadow. A few mistakes with the quotation marks in the beginning but you straightened it out later. 5/5 feels.

Celestia... I'd damn your soul if I believed you still had one.

Good idea, but the story felt VERY rushed, the dialogue was somewhat boring, and there was multiple errors in grammar and spelling.

3788038 I will come around to that sometime then, it was only my second story and I was pretty new at the time thanks for bring it to my attention, feel free to post any thing you like or dislike.

Not bad, but it's got some work to do.

You may want to ease up on the overuse of " in conversations. One big block does not need to be divided up that heavily unless you stop for a breather to convey actions or expressions as the speaker continues.

Not a bad story. Quietly emphasizes the "so long as I am the one doing it is good" chain of thought.

Celestia was caught off guard by the question and after a few moments said, “I, we forced it to help you to make you all better to get rid of your ‘evil’ ways.”

And then people were like: "excuse me?!!"

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