• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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Transformers: Equestria's Darkest Hour - JDPrime22

Direct sequel to Transformers: Fall of Equestria. A new war is raging on between the Autobots and Decepticons on the peaceful land of the ponies. The Legend of the Transformers will fall in Equestria's darkest hour.

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I Am Alive


"Clarity of thought before rashness of action."


INTEL: Shockwave is emotionless and detached from others, which allows him to use pure logic in order to further his own plans. Experimenting with Spacebridge technology, Shockwave is able to open portals to other worlds and extract images of native life forms. He's known for using his scientific knowledge to reformat prisoners of war into hideous abominations.






“Shockwave’s log 7723B: After my exile of planet Equestria, it has been many mega-cycles while traversing space to find my home planet. But of course, Kaon wasn’t constructed in a day. I was patient and eventually arrived to the home planet of all Cybertronians; Cybertron. I hope Octane will be awaiting my arrival shortly….*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7723C: It turns out, that after my absence of planet Cybertron, Octane just wasn’t fit to rule the rest of the Decepticon army. He is now a wanted fugitive for abandoning the battle against the dreaded Autobots. The problems just seemed to keep growing…my precious Space Br*static* has been overtaken by the Autobots…I must take it back….at all costs.”

“Shockwave’s log 7724A: Reforming and rebuilding the Decepticon army took a lot of willpower…and Energon. I can still hear my precious soldiers begging for Energon cubes as I record this message. Thankfully, not all of the elite Decepticons had fallen. I had found the Terrorcons almost depleted at the very depths of the Space Bridge….I had saved them just in time. With the new Decepticon army growing with my leadership…we will succeed in taking the Space Bridge back…for the good of the Decepticon cause.”

“Shockwave’s log 7724B: Another day, another failure. It seems my tests have grown quite weak ever since Grimlo*static*testing. He is my most precious pet….and always will be. But I digress. We all must move on sometimes. And I will….get through this. The plan will succeed.”

“Shockwave’s log 7724C: The Decepticon army is growing…as is my impatience. I have received word from the primitive world formally known as Earth…that Trypticon….has awakened. I fear that Mega*static* will have my head as soon as he realizes….it was me who brought him back to life.”

“Shockwave’s log 7725A: Today was very promising. The army was completed but not powerful enough to take back the Space Bridge under Autobot rule. My recent discoveries have proven to be most useful…for I have found and reactivated several hundred Decepticon Leapers at my will. The Decepticon army is ready. It grows in the thousands each day. Funny, the Decepticons are calling me ‘Lord Shockwave’; apparently they believe that my master had abandoned them to our dying wasteland of a home. But it is not true. There is only one Decepticon leader….and his name is and will forever be…lord Mega*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7725B: As I see the several hundred starships lowering themselves to the devastated grounds of planet Cybertron, I could only imagine Megatr*static* being so proud of me. His anger would have subsided, due to the horrible fact that I was Trypticon’s awakening. His army would soon grow to a point that can even capture the strongest planets in the known galaxy. I only dream if Mega*static* will allow his massive army to lay waste to the planet known as Equestr*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7725C: Things keep getting better, but I keep growing impatient. We have found and awakened an entire squadron of at least 500 Decepticon Guardians. They have been abandoned in the Sea of Rust. I still feel the horrible memories forge through my circuitry when I remember my past deeds in that dreaded wasteland. The Sea of Rust will always be a dead land…along with the rest of Cybertron…*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7726A: The more I make these audio logs, the more insane I grow. Losing my left arm to my precious pet has rendered me physically disabled to do normal lab procedures. I hear the Decepticons ranting my name outside these doors….wanting the lust and power to take over the Autobots….how can I deny them fresh Energon when they see it?”

“Shockwave’s log 7726B: Today…was horrible. My scouts have captured a female Autobot spy. They brought her to me, in hopes of extracting information. Luckily, I didn’t lose any of my torturing abilities during my times with those dreaded pon*static*. I found out soon enough that her name was Chromia, a terrible name for a pitiful Autobot. We extracted enough information out of her and then….I killed her. I still know I am indeed emotionless…but when you take the life of another…especially a female Autobot…I do have a spark after all…and it hurts…*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7726C: It turns out, that the information extracted from the deceased Autobot had proven to be most resourceful to our cause. The Autobots have been hiding a dreaded secret all these mega-cycles…and now we know what it is. The ancient Autobot titan, Metroplex, had run out of Energon to fuel him. The Autobot’s most powerful weapon…was in stasis….it is time for the plan to unfold…and time….is what we truly need.”

“Shockwave’s log 7727A: The Decepticon army is ready at last. After many mega-cycles of planning and waiting…it is time to take the Space Bridge. The soldiers have been quite patient as have I. They do not need to wait anymore for our attack on MY Space Bridge is commencing soon enough. Wish me luck…for I am leading them to victory…*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7727B: I have returned beaten….and broken…but satisfied. The Space Bridge is ours once again. As I am recording this message, I watch in complete amazement from my observation deck how my Space Bridge acts…it is like a sparkling….so young with such potential. As of the news of the Autobots, they have retreated like the cowards they are. Without the aid of Metro*static* they couldn’t stop us.”

“Shockwave’s log 7727C: After the celebration from capturing the Space Bridge, I resided from the rest of the Decepticons to continue to work on our army strategies. I always like to be detached from others. During my time in the ancient Cybertronian Archives, I couldn’t believe what I found. Decepticon Heavy Soldiers, Decepticon War Machines, Decepticon Tanks, Decepticon Brutes, and an entire army of ancient Decepticon soldiers all in stasis. All it took was a little flip of the switch…and now…I have control of Cybertron’s ancient soldiers that rise to the hundreds of thousands…*static*.”

“*static*wave’s log 7728A: I have finally done it. I have constructed a Decepticon army that was even larger than Mega*static* during the end of days. The size of the army is approximately 1,694,739,422 Decepticons. During the end of days, Megatron’s forces only stood in the 100 millions. My massive armada is strong enough to attack and conquer three solar systems. But all we need to do now…is wait for orders.”

“Shockwave’s log 7728B: Time goes by. Now the only things that keep me company are my star charts….and my own thoughts. I took this long waited time to actually observer myself. I couldn’t hold back the fact that I was a cold, calculating, merciless, and deadly Decepticon scientist, nothing more…nothing less. Every cycle I stay in this accursed room, it only fuels my insanity. I feel an emotion building up inside of my spark…it is disgusting. As time continues to slip away from my cold grasp, with an entire Decepticon army to lead but with no plan from my true master, I feel….alone…*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7728C: No word from the Autobots, nor from lord Megatr*static*. I am beginning to regret awakening an entire ancient Decepticon legion. Energon is growing increasingly low with the Energon Mines depleting. They cry of hunger outside my door…but I cannot feed them….I grow hungry as well…*static*.”

“Shockwave’s log 7729A: My recent tests have shown that in different universes there are different times. Let’s take the planet of Equestr*static* as an example shall we? A mega-cycle on Cybertron would only mean a few minutes on the pony world. A year on Cybertron would only mean a day on the equine planet. These time zones are easy to track with my new and improved star charts. But on the downside…it requires a lot of Energon to track that retched planet. I must save as much Energon as possible before the horrible truth may reveal itself. We might have to abandon our home to find another…to allow the Cybertronian race to survive.”

“Shockwave’s log 7729B: The day of rapture has arrived at last. I have received a message...from lord Megatron. So it appears this will be my final log entry until another time. Long live the Decepticons…and long live Megatron…*static*.”

Sighing very deeply and backing away from his newest audio recording was the Decepticon second in command…Shockwave. It was indeed time. Time to stop watching the Decepticon army grow, time to stop tinkering in the lab all day, time to stop hearing the cries of dying Decepticons, it was time…to listen to his newest message received.

His observation deck was quiet as the Decepticon scientist trudged his way to the computer. It was so lonely in there….with only his thoughts to keep him company. But Shockwave would not have to worry anymore. He approached the computer and looked at the dark screen. He saw his own reflection for what felt like the first time.

He saw himself…like he REALLY saw himself.

Shockwave brought up his right hand and touched the side of his flat face. His glowing purple eye reflected across the smooth black glass of the computer. It felt as if he was staring at a stranger. His sight flickered downwards where he was met with a horrid sight.

That long barrel of a weapon replacing his left arm.

The pain he had suffered being repaired was unbearable. Grimlock had done a number on him that was for certain. His left arm being ripped off and eaten as if it was just tasty Energon to the hungry beast.

But enough of the nightmares, time to get down to business.

Shockwave touched the activation switch and watched the computer come to life. The screen reflected a blue light that filled the dark room with a little bit of life. After so many experiments and observations of primitive worlds, it was good to have some light.

After it was done loading, Shockwave began to search for his newest messages. It was extremely difficult to do it with only one arm. The other just swaying side to side like the deadly blaster it was. After several minutes of tinkering and locating, he had found it.

“Finally…the time has come.” Shockwave muttered and opened up the message.

It was a very long message, mostly about how things have gone for the Decepticons ever since they arrived on Earth. And it turns out; Shockwave began to get worried as the message explained Trypticon’s awakening. But it was strange; Megatron’s message didn’t even sound as if he was angry about it. Maybe he didn’t know it was him. So he continued to read.

As the message kept getting longer, so did Shockwave’s fury. His right fist clenched in anger as he read when the Decepticons and Autobots returned to Equestria, and how the Decepticons are allies with these creatures called “Changelings”. Shockwave shook his head while questioning the long awaited message.

“Lord Megatron would never form an alliance with an alien species. Something is not right here...” Shockwave growled and continued to read. His head moved back and forth until it stopped.

His anger was gone.

And something else was present.

He read the lines as if it was a dream come true.

“I have a plan that will grant life back to our home world. But I need you to rebuild the Decepticon army back on Cybertron and repair the Space Bridge. For when we are on this planet, we will suck the energy dry and reboot Cybertron. We need you to lead the Decepticon army for a planetary invasion of this pony world. Do this…and victory will be ours.”

Shockwave backed away from the computer in complete astonishment. His dreams have come true. Megatron had answered his pleads and prayers. He wanted to kneel right then and there and thank Megatron for everything…but he would have to save his excitement for the rest of the Decepticons.

An invasion of Equestria was Megatron’s master plan.


As Shockwave stood on his mighty platform, he watched in honor of lord Megatron as the several Decepticon starships lowered themselves to the tattered grounds of Kaon.

Decepticon starships. These massive air warriors dominated the skies during the war for Cybertron. Shockwave could easily remember during the final days that these ships were used to attack the Autobot’s home city of Iacon. They were merciless and devastating ships.

That’s why there were so many of them. If there was to be an invasion of the pony world, the Decepticons would need as much firepower as possible to wipe out all indigenous life.

It wasn’t just the starships that the Decepticons had, Shockwave lowered his gaze to see the several hundred Decepticon soldiers lining up to enter the starships. The Decepticons were all in square formations, each group having at least one hundred soldiers each. One by one, each large group of Decepticons entered the massive starships.

With the Decepticon Heavy Soldiers piling in, several tanks and dropships entered the starships. They were using all the essentials they needed for this assault.

Shockwave couldn’t believe it.

It was REALLY happening! The Decepticons would finally be heard throughout the galaxy as the first species to conquer an entire alien planet. Once the Space Bridge was ready, Shockwave would lead the Decepticon army through the portal to the equine planet waiting on the other side.

This would take many mega-cycles to complete.

Shockwave turned his gaze right to see the Space Bridge tower reacting to the last remnants of Energon being deposited from the mines to its power core. This was their last bit of Energon they had on Cybertron…it would be all worth it.

The Decepticons were going to get more to reboot Cybertron.

“Once Megatron’s gives the signal, I will unleash the true power of the Decepticons on those worthless ponies! They will fall before our might in mere seconds. Nothing can stop us now.”

Shockwave placed both hands behind his back. He gripped the tip of his blaster as he watched the Decepticon army enter to the starships below him. Equestria will face its darkest hour soon enough. The Decepticon second in command looked at his Space Bridge, his purple eye gleaming in the sunlight.

“Nothing can stop us now.”



I pushed open the broken scrap pile. I looked up to see that retched Space Bridge spinning uncontrollably. Sighing deeply, I backed away from the light and entered the dark concealment my team had been hiding under.

I looked forward to see the several blue optics and red lights turned my way.

One of them spoke in a deep cracking voice.

“Is it active?”

I sighed again and looked out the only opening I had made for me and my team. It was active. The Space Bridge was working with the last bit of Energon Cybertron ever had. I could feel my hand growing into a fist as my hatred towards the Decepticons grew larger.

The Autobots have lost the war.

They’re all dead…all of them. The only surviving Autobots…that I know of are Sky Lynx, Cosmos, the Protectobots, the Technobots, Alpha Trion, Elita One and her team, and us.

Not even we could stop the massive Decepticon invasion of the Space Bridge without Metroplex’s aid. His city form remains in the worn-torn grounds of Iacon…never to be awakened. We couldn’t do it…there is NO more Energon.

To make matters worse, there was ONE turning point after the loss of the Space Bridge. My team and I discovered one of our Autobot refinery transports. But what was most odd about it…was its ability to transform. It told us his name was Broadside.

Broadside…that brave, brave warrior…gave up all his remaining Energon for us Autobots to survive on. And although it was a mighty plentiful…one of the last Autobot titans in existence was put into stasis because of this sacrifice. It only brings back painful memories to see the powerful stare from Broadside…now I’ll see in my memories are those lifeless optics of his…

Beaten and broken, the last remaining Autobots found refugee on the outskirts of Kaon. Iacon could not support us anymore. Now we watch as the Decepticons are preparing the Space Bridge for some kind of invasion or something.

This is where my plan takes hold.

I looked back at my elite team of Autobots. There I saw Blurr, tossing and turning on the pile of debris he sat on. Arcee, rubbing her hands together and looking absolutely defeated. Hot Rod, his sleek armor dented and ripped apart from his several battles. The young kid could barely fight anymore. Springer, flipping a piece of scrap in the air and catching it with one hand. And my old friend…Kup.

I’ve never seen them look so down. Of course, these days anyone would be down to know that I was the one who lost the war for the Autobots. I had ordered the retreat of the Space Bridge. And now…thanks to my failure…the Decepticons were going to use it for something big.

I looked at Kup and nodded. He sighed with defeat and looked back at the ground.

Springer had looked up at me with hope in his optics. He asked, “When do we attack?”

I shook my head which was a clear sign that I obviously didn’t know. Springer caught the hint and slowly began to lose hope again. My team fell silent, not even Blurr could cheer us up this time.

I looked out one last time to see the Space Bridge reacting for the Decepticon cause; this was a permanent sign of my failure as the Autobot leader. But as long as we remain on Cybertron…the Autobot spark lives on proud and strong.

My name is Ultra Magnus…and I am alive.

Author's Note:

This is the moment they've been waiting for. Eons of warfare has destroyed Cybertron, sending the entire planet into a massive shutdown. The Decepticons, leaderless, seek hope to the next in command, Shockwave. The ultimate risk to save their home world and restore Cybertron to a second Golden Age...is to consume another's rich energy source.

Equestria is the prime target for the Decepticon planetary invasion.

But there is still hope.

The Autobots are alive. Ultra Magnus rises out of the ashes from his fallen comrades to take an elite group of Autobots with him to change this terrible course of events from happening. Everything had led up to this moment.