• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Hello!So people have bugged me about a FimFiction account for a while now and I've finally decided to get one. Anyways, I suck at these bio things so... yeah.


For as long as ponies can remember, it has always been winter. With limited resources and worsening weather, war is escalating, driving them closer to extinction with each passing day. Hidden away in the middle of all this is a single purple unicorn who braves the frozen wasteland, looking for a way to stop the weather and return the mythical sun to the sky. However, in a world without harmony, the task is far greater than she could ever know.

Edited by DoomManta

Chapters (25)
Comments ( 608 )

So here it is, my next big solo fic and I really hope it's as good as what I've done in the past. Anyways, we all know why you're here, for the super long ramblings that I call my author's notes.

To begin with, RD is seriously, seriously, seriously fun to write. I mean, racist RD? So much fun. But it's really hard to balance as well, I mean, in the original draft, I had the opening line being Dash kicking one of the slaves and y1 basically went "Too far, you'll turn people off with that as the start due to how OOC it is" so I had to tone it back. But still! So much fun. Just working in all those racist hints while keeping her loyalty there and everything was a major challenge and it's one I happily welcome. Oh yeah, Lightning Dust is also there as second in command and I really wanted to play up their dynamic with each other, making them act as sisters/lovers and deliberately leaving it ambiguous on purpose. There's a lot there and I'll be doing a lot with it, but not until later. As for Fluttershy, she's pretty normal thus far, so not much to comment on.

Then we get Twilight. This one was interesting to write because I had to tread the line between making her a survivor and her being a badass. Just for reference, I'm going more for survivor, but I can see how it slips over into the other side for some people. Not much to say at this point due to the limited screen time she got and the heavy influence of Dash over the narrative, but it sets up her character for future chapters as well the overarching plot.

Then we get AJ. Oh dear, AJ. You know how I said racist RD was fun to write? Slave AJ is probably even more amusing. I don't know why, but AJ and Rarity together with this strong power dynamic is probably the most interesting thing I've written in a very long time. Unfortunately, it's all y1 ever asks me about so meh. Take the good with the bad I suppose.

Finally, my goal for this fic is world building and subtle stuff so tell me what you thnk. And as always, critiques are much appreciated.

Y1 #2 · Mar 21st, 2013 · · 3 · Chapter 1 ·

This is awful. No one should read this. Everybody downvote this crud and and while you're at it punch Orphius in the face. Because he's stupid. And smells bad.:rainbowwild:

2296102 So mature. So very mature of you.

I love AUs, especially unique AUs.

Poor dirt ponies, always at the bottom of the pile. Also, Soarin' is the best part of this chapter.

Damn it! I knew I forgot to talk about something in the A/N. Yes, Soarin is awesome. So hard to write, but so fun to write with him jumping between serious and goofy.


Bah, you're rarely any better.

But in all seriousness, this is shaping up to be something pretty damn awesome.

Who knows? Who knows...
I certainly hope so. I want it to be epic.

Epic thus far. I expect great things from you.
(And terrible things whenever twilight's involved)

I think everyone expects terrible things from me now. I hope I live up to expectations

2296357 The pressure, the pressure :twilightoops:


No. This is one hundred percent genuine.:pinkiehappy:


You just had to bring it up now don't you? :twilightsmile:

2296446 Come on, it's me, don't tell me you actually expected me to play nice.

Looks interesting, unfortunately I have school in about 15 minutes and can't read.

BTW, the fuck is y1?


I expect a shocking change in your Twilight manipulations.

Top fucking notch.

It was gonna come up eventually. I figured I might as well get it out of the way before the mutilation starts.

2296772 A friend a fellow author who I've collaborated with and my prereader.
2296902 Heh, we'll see. You know me, I have no plan so even I don't know what I'll be doing.
2297363 Thanks!
2297629 I'm not that bad!... Who am I kidding?

2296772 The relationship Orphius and y1 have can best be summarised by the following comment I made on Temple of the Stars:

I'm not sure what I enjoy more about this, the actual story, or watching you two bicker like an old married couple...

I am going to be watching this its pretty good so far.

2302885 Wait what? That's news to me. At any rate, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much!

2302954 Ah, that would explain it. Any juicy details you can give me so I can use?

How much money we talking about here?

Hm.... tempting, tempting...

2303074 You're a very cheap information broker. Just sayin' but you could hold out for more (assuming Orphius doesn't know already that is).

2303532, 2303969
That is legit economics after all. How about I pay you in advance chapters of this fic?

Rebel leader Pinkie Pie. Heheheh.

What. WHAT. No, bad Doom, bad!

2307994>>2306614 Please. I wouldn't do that; it's unprofessional. Just remember, I know where you live and might just be a knife enthusiast. :pinkiecrazy:

2308187 You don't know I live though

2308224 That part wasn't directed at you.

2308264 He can hide out at my house! Payment for telling me all those dirty secrets you have

On one hand your avatar has nothing to do with your comment, but on the other...

Very Intrigued, looking forward to more.:twilightsmile:

Really awesome so far, i can't wait for the next chapter to be published :heart:

2326672 You're welcome.. now less thanking, more writing! :raritywink:

2326693 I've already written Chapter 6 and I update every Friday so don't worry, I won't be missing any updates any time soon.

2326723 Can you feel my love? Here it is! :heart::heart::heart: And there's even more in stock!
You - are - awesome <3
Take another one! :heart:

2326754 All for you, do with them as you please! You deserve every single heart :heart:

Help meeeeeee, I'm drowning in a sea of hearts

Here we go, Chapter 2! An hour late or so, but that's what happens when you oversleep. Anyways, onto my ramblings.

Dash is super fun to write. Have I mentioned that? I think I have. But damn, trying to balance her racism and her loyalty while keeping her entire personality close to what her canon personality is like is really challenging. More than once I had to tone Dash back slightly because she went too far into the cruel territory. Also, as I was writing this, I kept commenting on the lesbian undertones between Dash and Lightning as well as Fluttershy. It's not super in your face, but it's there and truth be told, I have aboslutely no idea where it came from. I probably could have editted it out, but I felt as though it adds something to their respective characters regardless of their sexual orientation. If they're just friends they're really close friends and if they do have feelings it's a nice subtle build up. Or at least, I think it's subtle.

Spike! Oh yes, how many people saw this one coming? I decided to make Spike into a small dragon that sits on the shoulder/back simply because why not? I've always enjoyed some dragons like those in stories and it makes Spike seem more mature than his canon appearance. We also get to see how little Spike and Dash actually like each other, which was a lot of fun to write. Twilight is also there in the scene, but let's admit it, she wasn't nearly as interesting as Spike.

And then we get onto AJ and Rarity. I swear, the more I write these two, the more y1 yells at me to write them. But yes, the dynamic here is just so interesting and fun to write. With these two, I never know what they'll say or do and they keep me on my feet. More than once they've just done something totally random that made me go "What? Where did that come from? Fine, if you insist" but so worth it. Slave AJ is probably even harder than RD when it comes to actually writing simply because AJ is not good slave material. I'm sorry, but she just isn't and so trying to keep her meek enough so that she won't get killed off, while keeping that stubborn streak is really challenging. So worth it though.

Anyways, see you next week! Unless you comment of course in which case I'll probably reply.

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